a non muslim question

smutt butt

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
i'm sure some of you have seen the anti-drug commercial where it says just because you did drugs dont mean you cant talk to your kids about it.

well if you are like me you you tried evrrything except the needle( i had the tourniquet on, but chickened out) well how do you all plan on talking to your kids?

i have told mine(12 & 6 yo girls) that i do not want them to do them and i will know if they come home high. but i have also told the 12 yo that i would rather her smoke a little pot than to start smoking cigarettes. i only smoke cigs. when i drink but i know how incredible the addiction it is.
I'll probably teach my kids by letting them see what losers other people have turned out to be by using them, and how much better FORMER users have turned out by not doing them anymore, I also plan to emphasize the cigarettes KILL YOIU, plain and simple.

I really think the best way is TOTAL honesty... Kids have this ability to see right through bullshit... Many adults lose this ability because they watched to much TV... But kids know when your hiding something... Tell them straight up..

One method I'm going to use when my 2 year old gets older is to actually bring him around when my adult friends are smoking pot! Sound crazy I know, But when he sees me refuse politely and continue to be friendly without smoking, he will realize that you don't have to smoke or condone it to be cool... Also, I really believe that your child SEEING you refuse it goes along way to fill them up with confidence when they come across the same situation...

A childs major fear is that they will be an outcast with there friends that they work so hard to maintain with... You have to SHOW them that it's ok not to take part in it, and that it also doesn't mean you can't be firends with them...

When it comes to harder drugs, they will see the marked difference in thier friends with and without certain drugs and being sober around a bunch of REALLY ****ed up people will usually scare the urge right out of them... But, like I said, first you have to get them to have enough confidence to refuse it, then thier sobriety will show them the problem with hard drugs...
That is a tough question. I am four months pregnant with my first child, and that question has crossed my mind already.
Smutt Butt, I've done the same as you. All but the needle. I suppose honesty will be the best policy, since I have done it all, I can tell my children how I almost ruined my life and lost all my friends because I was getting high on cocaine. It's ugly ****. REAL ugly. But I know how teens think, I was there just a few years ago, and I am pretty sure I will get the "That's bull **** " attitude and "It won't happen to me". Well, that's what I said, and I hope my kids are smarter than I was. Been clean for three years and there is NO way I would ever go back. I've got too much going for me. I hope they learn from my mistakes.
If we just stop having kids we wouldn't have this problem now would we? As I said before, putting more people who ruin the world in an already doomed world is just ridiculous. Besides, most kids don't want to listen anyways.

On the other hand there are some who will probably make a minute difference in this world but the crappy stupid kids make up for more than most of the child population anyways. The bad will always outweigh the good. I don't plan on expending any energy for this generation. Mine was a big enough failure as it is.
fullauto said:
I'm gonna crop dust the inner cities with birth control... that should fix it!:D

Mind ever doing that under supervision of my secret world domination/repair comittee? You can be vice-leader of the luftwaffe and everything. XD
Asmodai said:
Mind ever doing that under supervision of my secret world domination/repair comittee? You can be vice-leader of the luftwaffe and everything. XD

Ich w
smutt butt said:
well if you are like me you you tried evrrything except the needle( i had the tourniquet on, but chickened out) well how do you all plan on talking to your kids?

I would say kids you better not swing in that direction coz it is a sin and Allah will be very displeased with you.
plus i'll break your legs

oops my bad,did you say non muslim question? slowly backin' out
I would say kids you better not swing in that direction coz it is a sin and Allah will be very displeased with you.
plus i'll break your legs

oops my bad,did you say non muslim question? slowly backin' out

damn... AIG don't play... Even I would just cause massive bruising!