A philosophical question


New member
I think the simple fact that it exists is purpose enough.. I don't need to understand it.. all I know is I'm here for a relatively short time at minimum.. I exist.. good enough for me.


New member
What gives me comfort.. is knowing for a 100% fact that whatever is the cause of the existence of the universe, thus life.... is the same cause for every life that has ever existed or will ever exist. Don't need to know any more than that.. I'm good.


New member
I don't know about the Universe, but I have recently been considering an awful lot, what MY purpose is. I used to have a very nihilistic point of view, but as of late, I feel really disturbed by that possibility. I believe in connectivity. We are all connected for some reason or other. I'm not sure why, but I hope there is a reason for it all. Perhaps the Universe is just a playground for which we find our personal purpose in life.

Perhaps the fact we possess a soul and self-consciousness, provides us with the answer. The universe is a means to find and have relationships...and nothing more. I don't know...this question is a classic mind ***....and makes me sad on many levels.

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