A quick Repug Larry Craig recap


Harry Hope

Let's begin at the beginning.

1998: Sen. Craig goes on television to denounce Bill Clinton's affair
with Monica Lewinsky. He calls Clinton "a bad boy, a naughty boy ... a
nasty, bad, naughty boy." This is what's known in the literary world
as "foreshadowing." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_Vs5570pKw

2002: Sen. Craig votes to prevent the federal definition of hate
crimes from including sexual orientation.

2004 and 2006: Larry Craig votes in support of amending the
Constitution to discriminate against gays. Can you see where this is

May 2007: During an interview with the Idaho Statesman, Craig is asked
about an accusation that he engaged in oral sex with man in a bathroom
at Union Station in Washington DC. He responds, "I am not gay and I
have never been in a restroom in Union Station having sex with
anybody." Craig is also asked about the time he allegedly hit on a guy
at an REI store in Boise. He responds: "I'm not gay, and I don't
cruise, and I don't hit on men. ... I don't go around anywhere hitting
on men, and by God, if I did, I wouldn't do it in Boise, Idaho!
Jiminy!" http://www.idahostatesman.com/eyepiece/story/143801.html

May-August 2007: After receiving complaints of public sexual activity,
a police sting in a Minneapolis airport bathroom results in the
arrests of 41 men over a four-month period. Common behavior in the
arrests: staring into occupied stalls; tapping one's feet in a
particular fashion; attempting to touch the foot of the man in the
stall next door; waving one's hands under the divider.

June 2007: Larry Craig is arrested in the very same Minneapolis
airport bathroom after staring into occupied stalls, tapping his feet
in a particular fashion, attempting to touch the foot of the man in
the stall next door, and waving his hands under the divider.

August 2007: Two months after his arrest, Craig pleads guilty to
misdemeanor disorderly conduct and pays a $500 fine. Craig decides
it's probably a good idea not to mention his arrest and conviction to
anyone, including his wife and the GOP Senate leadership.

August 2007: Craig's arrest becomes public. He holds a press
conference to announce that "I am not gay. I never have been gay ... I
did nothing wrong at the Minneapolis airport."
http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2007/08/28/craig/ He
doesn't say if he'll run for re-election or not, but he does resign as
co-chairman of Mitt Romney's Idaho Leadership Team.

September 2007: It is revealed that Craig had already decided not to
seek re-election before the scandal broke. How convenient!

September 2007: Craig announces that he will resign from the U.S.
Senate. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20467347/

September 2007: Not so fast! Craig announces that he might not resign
after all!

September 2007: Craig pulls out all the stops and decides to try to
reverse his guilty plea, saying that the plea was entered "under
stress," that he was in a state of "intense anxiety" and that he
"panicked." (Despite the fact that he pleaded guilty two months after
he was arrested.) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17152243/

So what's next for Sen. Craig?

I would humbly suggest that as law-breaking hypocrite and an
incorrigible flip-flopper who has lost any shred of integrity or
credibility he may have once had, his next role should be:


By EarlG
Democratic Underground
