A song for the person above you


New member
Hey ppl,

works exaclty like hte person above you game, the only difference being that you have to mention a song that you think best describes the user above you that has posted. Trymentioning different songs that ppl can try out so please dont overdo LP songs.

For example:

^ reminds me of hte song "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns n Roses

etc ou kno sumthing along those lines



New member
Okay i'll give it a try...

You remind me of Charades off of the Axis of Justice CD...

(mostly because of your sig XD)...beautiful song.^_^



New member
Everlast-Blinded by the Sun, because when that thing happened in the "how you feelin thread", I was listening to that and that was when we officially met


New member
^Ya remind me of an indina song but since you dont listen to it, i think the song that best descries you isSomewhere only we know by Keane


New member
Brokenangel: You totally remind me of "Take It Away" by The Used... :)

immortal89: you remind me of "Totalimmortal" by AFI, because of your name. :)



New member
brkng th hbt you remind me of "closer"-NIN.

*licks you very slowly while starts to enjoy it* basicly cause of that.lol

"hold on me" - grinspoon. That song is so rocking always gets me hyped up. Kind of like you. In the cob thread your always getting things going so yeah.


New member
How awesome is that,i remind Fi of Violent *********** by SoaD!

I'm totally happy with that! :p

For some reason Feel Good-Gorillaz...i dunno why it just does,^_^



New member
uhhhhhh.......... well i love in the end and i love my papie! sooo

In the End

edit: pink bunnies never scream-common loss *my friends band*

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