a story me and darkness ravyn started in Principles of animal science

"Ravvy?" Mike called in to his apatrment "ravyn?!"

"You're back!" Came a squeal, ravyn ran to mike and clung onto him

"****, touring sucks when you're not there..." He sighed, he hugged her and stroked her hair gently

"Aw...an ickle tender moment..." Chester grinned, he walked into the apartment shutting the door behind him

"Mikey...Aw...I love you mikey..." Ravyn kissed all over mikes face

Chester smiled sadly "Too bad Kels is still on tour, huh?"

"Aw....chaz...we're sorry..." Ravyn mumbled

"It's okay...she's gettin' back tonight..." Chester sighed "I miss her like crazy..."

"Okay!" Mike chirped, and he and ravyn started making out

"I'm gettin' a beer..." Chester rolled his eyes, mike nor ravyn looked up or took any notice of his word, chester sighed, thinking of kelly notte, "Why does she have to be on tour instead of here with me?" Chester whined, he glanced towards mike and ravyn "Learn how to breathe!" he complained

Mike pulled away eventually

"Ravyn is sometimes on tour when i get back" He explained "And Kels just likes the music, I'm in love with Ravvy...." Mike murmured

"Get a room..." Chester grumbled

A grin came over mike and ravyns faces

"Okay!" They chroused

Mike grabbed Ravyns hand and they ran into their bedroom

"You two are disgraceful! Chester shouted after them, chester rolled his eyes...then he sighed heavily, he wished had the opportunity to get a room...he wished kelly was here to get a room with...a smirk tilted at Chester's face...aw just wait until she got back...he give her a reason never to leave again!

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