"A Study Of Christian Sexuality," Featured At Internet Daily Chapel,March 26, 2008


Rev. Bill McGinnis

Internet Daily Chapel
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Online Christian Worship Service Daily

By Rev. Bill McGinnis, Pastor - InternetChurchOfChrist.org
Director - LoveAllPeople.org

Google "Rev. Bill McGinnis" at => http://www.google.com/search?q="Rev.+Bill+McGinnis"&btnG=Google+Search

Featuring . . .

"A Study Of Christian Sexuality," Located at
Separate HTML page at=> http://www.internetchurchofchrist.org/pearl-christiansexuality.html

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Welcome to you, in Jesus Christ our Lord.


Lord, Please bless the readers of this page.

For today . . .

Please put the right thoughts in their mind;
Please put the right words in their mouth;
Please put the right actions in their hands and

So that they may be pleasing to You,
And filled with the joy of Your Love.

In Jesus' holy name I pray, Amen.

by Rev. Bill McGinnis,
Public Domain


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Opening Song - "In The Garden (I Come To The Garden Alone)"
More songs like this at => http://www.internetchurchofchrist.org/christmusic.html

The Lord's Prayer - with MP3 reading

Declaration Of Faith: The Apostles' Creed - with MP3 reading

Prayer 4 You
"Go Ahead And Give Yourself To Christ"
More prayers like this at => http://www.internetchurchofchrist.org/prayerindex.html
Original Prayers And Blessings For All People, Placed in the Public
Domain By Rev. Bill McGinnis

Today's Featured Segment . . .
Scriptures And Teachings
"A Study Of Christian Sexuality"
More like this at => http://www.internetchurchofchrist.org/pearlindx.html.

Christ In The World Today
A Song For America: "Yes We Can"
The video, the poem, the MP3

Daily Light On The Daily Path - Mar. 26, 2008
"[The kingdom of heaven] will be like a man going on a journey, who
called his servants and entrusted to them his property . . . to each
according to his ability."

A Ceremony For Holy Communion
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Invitation To Accept Jesus Christ As Your Personal Lord And Saviour
Please also see "The Four Spiritual Laws" at => http://www.godlovestheworld.com.

Closing Song
"Are Ye Able?"
Lyrics, MIDI music - Free, Public Domain
More songs like this at => http://www.internetchurchofchrist.org/christmusic.html



"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times
all ways. The Lord be with you all." (2 Thessalonians 3:16


Blessings to you in Jesus Christ our Lord.

This chapel service is now complete.

Rev. Bill McGinnis

Pastor - http://InternetChurchOfChrist.org
Director - http://LoveAllPeople.org

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american christians need sex education.
this ignorance about sex among christians is great.
we need honest dicussion here about sexuality and
we could use a discussion of safer sex and gender identification.
and all we get is superstitious spaming for other sites
where no can participate and must only follow the course.

this post is not taking responsibility for any personal actions.
this is spaming the world...... with nothing to say
and then taking people places where you have designed it so that no
one can respond.
you have set it up so no one can talk back to you, or ask you
questions, you control these sites.....
do any of them allow discussion as we do here?

not one word about the topic in this entire post.
just these spaming websites.
there is a corruption in christianity and it starts at the top.....
right here in this digital ministers witness for jesus.
ministers are taking short cuts with jesus life, dominating discussion
and not saying a single thing.

where is the content?
where is the thoroughly thought out approach to the human condition?
nothing put spams.

christians are begging for the truth,
christians are wishing the world would change.
and then share nothing about themselves while criticizing the world.

On Mar 26, 5:56
dear viritual Rev. Bill McGinnis

no discussion allowed is your answer?
you are not free to discuss safer sex even?
you don't feel a need to discuss sexual identity
when many christians are confused about their sexual identity and feel
threatened by their sexuality in america? so much so many christians
are trying to change the constitution to force christian definition of
christian sexuality that no one wants to discuss openly or honestly?

who are you serving when you can't talk about sexuality in a religious
who are you serving when you make your sexuality such a secret?
who are you serving with not being open about sex or sexual identity

in love with the living gay jesus,

no willingness to discuss an issue you began?
no willingness to finish the discussion you began?

no wonder sexually transmitted std's are the major problem among
teenagers today.

in love with the living gay jesus,
who would talk on this topic if only the authors of the bible had
