A Topic About the 'Linkin ****' topic


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
Sorry, I spent alot of time writing this and it may be inappropriate

If your going to crticise something you should at least back it up & not sound like your hating on certain music because its the fashionable thing to do, I get lots of backlash for what I say but I believe I am at least fair and do fairly examine the content a band provides.

It was a very pointless and out of context topic placed in a very inconvinient spot. Most of you guys are doing rubbish counter points, seriously deffend the band if you think they are good, your sort of letting him win without one valid point braught up.

I would like to back up his points in a more mature manner :)

Linkin Park do rely heavily on the powerchord structure, many of the song structures are identical to each other and they do rely heavily on feedback to mask any lack of variety or skill. For what they do, which is being a mainstream introduction band for people curious of rock and alternative music or casual listeners of music that don't want to listen to something with deeper meaning, relevance or intelligance amongst it or don't have the time to seek out genuinley good Mosh or Pop music.

At the end of the day LP are pretty much your bog standard mainstream rock band, techniqually they are rubbish and they are about as deep as a pot of fromage frais and are just light entertainment, of course people proclaiming them as the best band in the world are wrong and people proclaiming them the worst band in the world are wrong.

They have a couple of semi-interesting songs & Hybrid Theory was quite well recieved until the inevitable Nu-Metal backlash arrived where people now avoid it like the plauge. They do have moments where they do show some potential of growing or evolving, or they used to, their last album was such a forced stab at maturity that they pretty much are becomming a parody of them selves.

Also I think the topic maybe should of stayed open a bit longer, the forums do need a lively debate & I know you shouldnt have to deffend a band on a forum dedicated to a band but sometimes it's this sort of time where your appriciation of a band can grow when you realised what makes them special, saying what makes them special can open a whole new level of appriciation of what they do.
Stenners said:
Linkin Park do rely heavily on the powerchord structure, many of the song structures are identical to each other and they do rely heavily on feedback to mask any lack of variety or skill.
I don't think that, really. A couple of songs may sound like other ones, but I think that most of the songs that Linkin Park has created are unique. I didn't particularly care for how much some of the Minutes to Midnight songs sounded like some previously released songs, but I still enjoy listening to them.

Stenners said:
At the end of the day LP are pretty much your bog standard mainstream rock band, techniqually they are rubbish and they are about as deep as a pot of fromage frais and are just light entertainment, of course people proclaiming them as the best band in the world are wrong and people proclaiming them the worst band in the world are wrong.
So what if they're standard? Rubbish, not exactly. As for deep, if you mean emotionally deep, I think that many of the songs written by Linkin Park are deep to some extent, you just have to listen to it, even if you have to think about it.
So what if they're standard? Rubbish, not exactly. As for deep, if you mean emotionally deep, I think that many of the songs written by Linkin Park are deep to some extent, you just have to listen to it, even if you have to think about it.

They aren't really deep as they use the 'you' and 'I' forumla for all of their song writing mean they can literally relate to anyone and anything. It doesn't take time to get the general gist and meaning of the song, musically everything is pretty much at the surface & they isnt much more to discover after 3 or 4 listens.

Anyone with musical knowledge know LP arent a techinqual band

LPs old style was unique at least in the mainstream demographic, now its not even that and is pretty much a clone of any other sub standard pop rock/pop punk/faux metal band.
I gotta agree with some of those stuff Stenners is saying.
Lyric-wise, one can argue that their music is deep, but being able to relate their stuff to practically anything makes it shallow in reality. I don't know, but their old stuff seems a little more technical than what they do now. Maybe it's something that happens once bands get mainstream, since they have to appeal to all of society. I have to admit, their simplicity was something that attracted me to their music in the beginning, but I've grown a bit bored of it now. The favoritism I kept for them is slowly dying with bands, such as dredg, that have more intricacies to their music. Nonetheless, I still appreciate the band for everything they did for me or whatever.
Linkin Park do rely heavily on the powerchord structure, many of the song structures are identical to each other and they do rely heavily on feedback to mask any lack of variety or skill. For what they do, which is being a mainstream introduction band for people curious of rock and alternative music or casual listeners of music that don't want to listen to something with deeper meaning, relevance or intelligance amongst it or don't have the time to seek out genuinley good Mosh or Pop music.

Actually they hide under heavy distortion. The guitar amp head is EQed with high bass and distortion. Everything else is right though :D

I still like them for some reason though lol LP :D
Thank you for that critical analysis, stenman. I looked hard, very hard, and I could see from almost every single one of your posts since Minutes to Midnight came out that you've been just bursting to give us your opinion on Linkin Park. It was a little more than obvious friend. And somewhat rude.
Okay this is my conclusion. You can either dismiss it or accept it.

Sorry my dear LPFers, but Linkin Park has turned into Stinkin' Park. It was painful for me to watch their new filmclips because they are so, what's the term? Ah yes, conformative to the needs of today's "emo" culture. This has been examplified by the bands new look. Chester with his tight leather clothes and mohawk...it's been done before.

Everything that they are singing, is the same drum beats, same three keyed paino tune, same two chords on guitar (and I thought it was painful finding out that One Step Closer was only three notes!), it's so generic now it's so painful to watch.

I'm gonna have to stick to Hybrid Theory in my playlist, can't bear to be torn apart into shreds listening to Minutes to The End of My Career.
to be honest, i really dont care, i listen to music that i think is good, not what other people think is good, sten, u make perfectly valid points, but hey, thats not going to change the fact i enjoy listening to LP, sure, there are better bands, there always is, but they just dont do it for me, you know?
Thank you for that critical analysis, stenman. I looked hard, very hard, and I could see from almost every single one of your posts since Minutes to Midnight came out that you've been just bursting to give us your opinion on Linkin Park. It was a little more than obvious friend. And somewhat rude.

I wasn't going to post this topic if it werent for the one that proceeded it 'Linkin ****', it got closed before I could post it.

If you saw his opinion on it, you wouldnt ever consider mine rude :)
what person and what thread are you talking about matt? I clearly don't pay enough attention these days...

anyway I agree. I used to be of the same opinion as many are in here, I used to love LP and everything they'd do. as people they're nice guys who can have fun, but musically I'm not their biggest fan anymore. out of the mainstream they do look like a decent enough band, and admittedly they have their moments (although all too rarely), but it so happens that the mainstream is just crap enough to make LP look that good.

sure it's true, LP has helped a lot of people, there's no denying that, but I feel it's time to move on.
as for me I started listening to a wider range of bands and styles and once I started looking deeper for music I realized that there's so much stuff out there that is so much better than LP.
and that doesn't mean I don't respect that you listen to LP.
Recently my music list of bands grew alot.
But I still like listening to LP, and to be honestly I don´t really care about the same chords or anything.
As long it sounds good and fun to listen to I will listen to it, I still enjoy listening to them
i still enjoy listening to lp like i always did, i do listen to alot more other bands than in the beginning and i know there are many bands who are considered better by people here but that doesn't make me like them less.

what person and what thread are you talking about matt? I clearly don't pay enough attention these days...
someone posted a topic about how much he hated lp etc, it got closed pretty fast
Stenners brought his points out nicely, and he does have a point. And I appreciate the way he put it. Even though it may not change the way I like LP, it doesn't aggravate me at all. It's one thing to say "They're talentless and they suck ass" and another to point out their repetition and less complexity of their music. But to me, it doesn't matter how simple their music structure is, it sounds nice and it makes me happy, so that's all there is to it. I'm not claiming they're the "best band in the world", I just love them.
I wasn't going to post this topic if it werent for the one that proceeded it 'Linkin ****', it got closed before I could post it.

If you saw his opinion on it, you wouldnt ever consider mine rude :)

sorry, i guess you're right. I didn't see what he put.
least he put it in a much more mature and understandable nature lol

i think how you see LP comes down to the individual really, some of us are diehards, some of us casuals, some of us are still a tad embarrased about opening our own LP fansite a few years back xP

music is all about trends really, look at the bands now, the whole pseudo-emo thing, fall out boy and anything related is cool, and the whole,rebel against these things is cool too, music is to be enjoyed, and yer there are gonna be things about a band people dont like, like MTM,that was...well a good try at the very least...but hey, if someone enjoys a band, why are we trying to knock em down for their liking a band? or in such things, why they hate a band? for every moron we got bagging LP, we got big fans like Gradon, its not a total loss is it?

and no i odnt want another HT,deep down yes, i really wany another Meteora/HT type of album-prolly more Meteora than HT-but in a way, i want to see where LP go with this trend of music theyre trying to get to, sure it wont be perfect, and sure its gonna alienate a few of us like crazy,but hey, you know your gonna listen to it anyways =P