A Wedge Too Far: The Border-Bigots' Xenophobic Frenzy Falls Flat.



Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants is
losing steam:



A Wedge Too Far

The immigration issue didn't work.
by Tamar Jacoby
11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10

TURN ON A TELEVISION anywhere in America last month, and you were sure to
come across a campaign ad talking tough about immigration. Democrats and
Republicans, in border states and deep in the heartland: Everybody was doing
it, and the spots were among the harshest of the campaign season. The
A-word--amnesty--was a staple. So were calls for cracking down on the
border. And there could be no mistaking the mood, or rather the two parties'
shared assumption about the public's mood. The only question was whether
Republicans would succeed in riding that anger to victory on Election
Day--whether immigration would indeed be the wedge issue of the 2006

No one knows how much money was spent on these ads or the websites and
mailers that went with them. But the candidates might as well have poured
their dollars down a drain. Long before the votes were counted, tracking
polls showed that the issue wasn't "working"--wasn't energizing voters or
closing the gap between Democratic frontrunners and their GOP opponents. The
worse things grew in closely contested races, the more desperately many
failing Republicans tried to play the "illegal" card: Rep. Bob Beauprez
running for governor in Colorado, Sen. Rick Santorum in Pennsylvania, and
some dozen struggling Republican congressional candidates in the Midwest and
Southwest were among the shrillest. But the gambit didn't work. In race
after race, even Democrats under attack managed to maintain or increase
their leads. And by Election Night, the conventional wisdom of October lay
in shambles.

Immigration was the dog that didn't bark. It did not prove an effective
wedge issue. And as far as could be determined, it decided few if any
contests. No congressional or gubernatorial candidate otherwise poised to
win was defeated primarily because of his or her views on immigration. No
more than one or two, if that many, struggling to catch up managed to ride
it to victory. And the most stridently restrictionist candidate in the
country, Arizona congressional hopeful Randy Graf, who ran a campaign based
almost entirely on immigrant-bashing, went down in flaming defeat.

This wasn't for lack of trying by immigration naysayers--activists,
candidates, or the Republican party establishment. The GOP leadership,
particularly in the House, started planning their wedge campaign over a year
ago. The party's cooler heads--in this case, the president, Sen. Bill Frist,
Sen. John McCain, and the 21 other Republicans who voted for the Senate's
bipartisan reform bill--argued strongly against a polarizing approach.
Better to grapple with the problem, they urged--what the public wants is a
solution. But the wedge players were more interested in political advantage.
So instead of working with the Senate to enact law, they spent the spring
and summer teeing up the issue for the fall campaign, casting a problem that
in fact divides both parties as a contest between monolithic blocs: tough
Republican enforcers and soft Democrat reformers.

Struggling candidates and activist PACs were only too happy to play into
this scenario, generating some of the nastiest ads in recent campaign
memory. The 600-plus page Senate bill was reduced to a single sound bite:
More than two dozen spots misleadingly claimed that it would pay Social
Security benefits to illegal aliens. Democratic candidates who had not been
anywhere near the Senate vote or even endorsed the bill were pilloried for
its contents. On one particularly unsavory website, Michigan Democrat Debbie
Stabenow was pictured in a sombrero, bobbing back and forth to Mexican
music, over a text that thanked her in Spanish for what it implied was an
un-American vote for the package.

Still other ads aimed directly at immigrants, calling them, among other
things, "sneaky" intruders, "stealing" American jobs and taxpayer dollars.
More than one Republican flyer mixed photos of Latino workers and Middle
Eastern terrorists; several spots dwelt ominously on mug shots of convicted
felons. Perhaps the ugliest commercial, out of North Carolina, showed a
Latino man clutching his crotch, followed by an image of the American flag
in flames: "They take our jobs and our government handouts," the voice-over
ran, "then spit in our face and burn our flag." Far-right restrictionist
groups--the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the Minuteman PAC,
Bay Buchanan's Team America PAC--were responsible for some of this
demagoguery. But the national Republican Senatorial and Congressional
committees were not ashamed to put their names on far too much of it.

Meanwhile, even as Republicans painted themselves into a xenophobic corner,
they inadvertently cast the Democrats as the party of pragmatism and
problem-solving. Few Democratic candidates sought this role. Few if any,
given the climate, wanted to run on the Senate bill's guest worker or earned
legalization provisions. And some, particularly in the South and
Midwest--Tennessee Senate hopeful Rep. Harold Ford Jr. and Nebraska senator
Ben Nelson were among the more prominent--tried instead to out-tough their
Republican opponents. But once pinned with the label "pro-reform," most
Democrats had little choice, and many rose to the occasion. Incumbent
senator Maria Cantwell made a persuasive case in Washington state; Jim Webb
took a similar line in Virginia. And if anything, the harder the job and
higher the stakes, the better these sometimes reluctant reformers
performed--nowhere more surprisingly or impressively than at the epicenter
of the immigration debate, in Arizona.

It would be hard to imagine a tougher test. More illegal immigrants enter
the United States by way of Arizona each year than come through California,
Texas, and New Mexico combined. Human smugglers and their accomplices have
driven state crime rates to the top of the national rankings. And unlike
almost everywhere else in the nation, a majority--6 out of 10
Arizonans--told pollsters that immigration was one of the top issues
determining how they would vote in the midterms. Still, or maybe because of
this, Arizona became the place where candidates--all of them Democrats,
unfortunately--showed Americans how to talk effectively about immigration

Gov. Janet Napolitano set the tone. She didn't denounce the fence or other
border enforcement--in fact, she led the way, over a year ago, in calling
for deployment of the National Guard on the border. She talked tough about
smugglers; she repudiated amnesty. But she also insisted relentlessly that
border enforcement was only a first step toward the solution: comprehensive
reform of the kind proposed by the Senate. The more firmly she held to this
tough but pragmatic line, the more frenzied her opponent grew--and as he
promised more and more draconian enforcement, her lead only widened.

Other Democrats around the state were soon borrowing from the governor's
playbook: Incumbent senator Jon Kyl's opponent Jim Pederson, Rep. J.D.
Hayworth's challenger Harry Mitchell, and little-known state senator
Gabrielle Giffords, running against the self-described Minuteman candidate,
Randy Graf, in the eighth congressional district, which runs along the
Mexican border. As Election Day approached, the contrast between these
Democrats and Republicans wasn't soft versus hard, as the House leadership
had hoped. It was tough versus ugly--and polls showed voters, especially
Hispanic voters, very clear about which approach they liked better.

The results, in Arizona and elsewhere, speak for themselves. Janet
Napolitano won handily with 63 percent of the vote. Randy Graf lost, 42
percent to 54 percent, and so did J.D. Hayworth, 46 percent to 51 percent.
Another leading House hawk, John Hostettler, chairman of the House Judiciary
subcommittee on immigration, was drummed out of his Indiana district. Jon
Kyl squeaked by, but his margin of victory was not what he had hoped it
would be in September. And not even the crassest anti-immigrant
grandstanding could save Rick Santorum or the Colorado state house. Worst of
all, looking to the future, the share of Hispanics voting for Republicans
dropped to about 27 percent from about 38 percent in 2002.

A survey conducted the weekend before the vote by the Republican polling
firm the Tarrance Group helps explain this surprising tilt. (Full
disclosure: The poll was commissioned by the Manhattan Institute and the
National Immigration Forum.) According to Tarrance, there was little if any
immigration wedge effect: Only 11 percent of the public said they were going
to vote on the basis of their views about immigration. One in four conceded
that their feelings about the illegal influx were driving them to the polls,
but an astonishingly large percentage of this group eschewed an
enforcement-only policy: Thirty-eight percent said they preferred a
comprehensive solution along the lines of the Senate bill. As for the larger
electorate, asked to choose between two candidates, one for enforcement
alone and one in favor of a comprehensive package, 57 percent of likely
voters preferred the broader, more realistic solution.

Will Republicans learn from this? Will the country? The results of the 2006
midterms are not a mandate for comprehensive reform--far from it. Still,
they point the way toward change, opening the political space for better,
more pragmatic policy by proving that it can be defended on Election Day.
Randy Graf once boasted foolishly that if he couldn't win in Arizona, he
couldn't win anywhere. And by the same token, if immigration pragmatists can
triumph in Phoenix and Tucson, they should be able to win in any state.

It will still take a bipartisan majority to pass immigration reform.
Democrats and Republicans will still have to compromise to get it done. And
this may or may not happen in the 110th Congress. But one thing is clear and
must be fixed: The Republican party has maneuvered itself onto the wrong
side of the immigration issue. What it--and the country--needs is for
reformers like President Bush and Sen. McCain to take up the issue again and
rescue the GOP from the restrictionist corner it has backed itself into.

Tamar Jacoby is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
On Mon, 10 Sep 2007 10:23:44 -0700, "Jim C." <delta1@itlnet.net>

>"ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
>wrote in message news:5taFi.5514$331.1658@newsfe12.lga...
>> Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants is
>> losing steam:
>> http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/953bsxvs.asp
>> quote
>> A Wedge Too Far
>> The immigration issue didn't work.
>> by Tamar Jacoby
>> 11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10
>> TURN ON A TELEVISION anywhere in America last month, and you were sure to
>> come across a campaign ad talking tough about immigration. Democrats and
>> Republicans, in border states and deep in the heartland: Everybody was
>> doing it, and the spots were among the harshest of the campaign season.
>> The A-word--amnesty--was a staple. So were calls for cracking down on the
>> border. And there could be no mistaking the mood, or rather the two
>> parties' shared assumption about the public's mood. The only question was
>> whether Republicans would succeed in riding that anger to victory on
>> Election Day--whether immigration would indeed be the wedge issue of the
>> 2006 midterms.
>> No one knows how much money was spent on these ads or the websites and
>> mailers that went with them. But the candidates might as well have poured
>> their dollars down a drain. Long before the votes were counted, tracking
>> polls showed that the issue wasn't "working"--wasn't energizing voters or
>> closing the gap between Democratic frontrunners and their GOP opponents.
>> The worse things grew in closely contested races, the more desperately
>> many failing Republicans tried to play the "illegal" card: Rep. Bob
>> Beauprez running for governor in Colorado, Sen. Rick Santorum in
>> Pennsylvania, and some dozen struggling Republican congressional
>> candidates in the Midwest and Southwest were among the shrillest. But the
>> gambit didn't work. In race after race, even Democrats under attack
>> managed to maintain or increase their leads. And by Election Night, the
>> conventional wisdom of October lay in shambles.
>> Immigration was the dog that didn't bark. It did not prove an effective
>> wedge issue. And as far as could be determined, it decided few if any
>> contests. No congressional or gubernatorial candidate otherwise poised to
>> win was defeated primarily because of his or her views on immigration. No
>> more than one or two, if that many, struggling to catch up managed to ride
>> it to victory. And the most stridently restrictionist candidate in the
>> country, Arizona congressional hopeful Randy Graf, who ran a campaign
>> based almost entirely on immigrant-bashing, went down in flaming defeat.
>> This wasn't for lack of trying by immigration naysayers--activists,
>> candidates, or the Republican party establishment. The GOP leadership,
>> particularly in the House, started planning their wedge campaign over a
>> year ago. The party's cooler heads--in this case, the president, Sen. Bill
>> Frist, Sen. John McCain, and the 21 other Republicans who voted for the
>> Senate's bipartisan reform bill--argued strongly against a polarizing
>> approach. Better to grapple with the problem, they urged--what the public
>> wants is a solution. But the wedge players were more interested in
>> political advantage. So instead of working with the Senate to enact law,
>> they spent the spring and summer teeing up the issue for the fall
>> campaign, casting a problem that in fact divides both parties as a contest
>> between monolithic blocs: tough Republican enforcers and soft Democrat
>> reformers.
>> Struggling candidates and activist PACs were only too happy to play into
>> this scenario, generating some of the nastiest ads in recent campaign
>> memory. The 600-plus page Senate bill was reduced to a single sound bite:
>> More than two dozen spots misleadingly claimed that it would pay Social
>> Security benefits to illegal aliens. Democratic candidates who had not
>> been anywhere near the Senate vote or even endorsed the bill were
>> pilloried for its contents. On one particularly unsavory website, Michigan
>> Democrat Debbie Stabenow was pictured in a sombrero, bobbing back and
>> forth to Mexican music, over a text that thanked her in Spanish for what
>> it implied was an un-American vote for the package.
>> Still other ads aimed directly at immigrants, calling them, among other
>> things, "sneaky" intruders, "stealing" American jobs and taxpayer dollars.
>> More than one Republican flyer mixed photos of Latino workers and Middle
>> Eastern terrorists; several spots dwelt ominously on mug shots of
>> convicted felons. Perhaps the ugliest commercial, out of North Carolina,
>> showed a Latino man clutching his crotch, followed by an image of the
>> American flag in flames: "They take our jobs and our government handouts,"
>> the voice-over ran, "then spit in our face and burn our flag." Far-right
>> restrictionist groups--the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the
>> Minuteman PAC, Bay Buchanan's Team America PAC--were responsible for some
>> of this demagoguery. But the national Republican Senatorial and
>> Congressional committees were not ashamed to put their names on far too
>> much of it.
>> Meanwhile, even as Republicans painted themselves into a xenophobic
>> corner, they inadvertently cast the Democrats as the party of pragmatism
>> and problem-solving. Few Democratic candidates sought this role. Few if
>> any, given the climate, wanted to run on the Senate bill's guest worker or
>> earned legalization provisions. And some, particularly in the South and
>> Midwest--Tennessee Senate hopeful Rep. Harold Ford Jr. and Nebraska
>> senator Ben Nelson were among the more prominent--tried instead to
>> out-tough their Republican opponents. But once pinned with the label
>> "pro-reform," most Democrats had little choice, and many rose to the
>> occasion. Incumbent senator Maria Cantwell made a persuasive case in
>> Washington state; Jim Webb took a similar line in Virginia. And if
>> anything, the harder the job and higher the stakes, the better these
>> sometimes reluctant reformers performed--nowhere more surprisingly or
>> impressively than at the epicenter of the immigration debate, in Arizona.
>> It would be hard to imagine a tougher test. More illegal immigrants enter
>> the United States by way of Arizona each year than come through
>> California, Texas, and New Mexico combined. Human smugglers and their
>> accomplices have driven state crime rates to the top of the national
>> rankings. And unlike almost everywhere else in the nation, a majority--6
>> out of 10 Arizonans--told pollsters that immigration was one of the top
>> issues determining how they would vote in the midterms. Still, or maybe
>> because of this, Arizona became the place where candidates--all of them
>> Democrats, unfortunately--showed Americans how to talk effectively about
>> immigration reform.
>> Gov. Janet Napolitano set the tone. She didn't denounce the fence or other
>> border enforcement--in fact, she led the way, over a year ago, in calling
>> for deployment of the National Guard on the border. She talked tough about
>> smugglers; she repudiated amnesty. But she also insisted relentlessly that
>> border enforcement was only a first step toward the solution:
>> comprehensive reform of the kind proposed by the Senate. The more firmly
>> she held to this tough but pragmatic line, the more frenzied her opponent
>> grew--and as he promised more and more draconian enforcement, her lead
>> only widened.
>> Other Democrats around the state were soon borrowing from the governor's
>> playbook: Incumbent senator Jon Kyl's opponent Jim Pederson, Rep. J.D.
>> Hayworth's challenger Harry Mitchell, and little-known state senator
>> Gabrielle Giffords, running against the self-described Minuteman
>> candidate, Randy Graf, in the eighth congressional district, which runs
>> along the Mexican border. As Election Day approached, the contrast between
>> these Democrats and Republicans wasn't soft versus hard, as the House
>> leadership had hoped. It was tough versus ugly--and polls showed voters,
>> especially Hispanic voters, very clear about which approach they liked
>> better.
>> The results, in Arizona and elsewhere, speak for themselves. Janet
>> Napolitano won handily with 63 percent of the vote. Randy Graf lost, 42
>> percent to 54 percent, and so did J.D. Hayworth, 46 percent to 51 percent.
>> Another leading House hawk, John Hostettler, chairman of the House
>> Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, was drummed out of his Indiana
>> district. Jon Kyl squeaked by, but his margin of victory was not what he
>> had hoped it would be in September. And not even the crassest
>> anti-immigrant grandstanding could save Rick Santorum or the Colorado
>> state house. Worst of all, looking to the future, the share of Hispanics
>> voting for Republicans dropped to about 27 percent from about 38 percent
>> in 2002.
>> A survey conducted the weekend before the vote by the Republican polling
>> firm the Tarrance Group helps explain this surprising tilt. (Full
>> disclosure: The poll was commissioned by the Manhattan Institute and the
>> National Immigration Forum.) According to Tarrance, there was little if
>> any immigration wedge effect: Only 11 percent of the public said they were
>> going to vote on the basis of their views about immigration. One in four
>> conceded that their feelings about the illegal influx were driving them to
>> the polls, but an astonishingly large percentage of this group eschewed an
>> enforcement-only policy: Thirty-eight percent said they preferred a
>> comprehensive solution along the lines of the Senate bill. As for the
>> larger electorate, asked to choose between two candidates, one for
>> enforcement alone and one in favor of a comprehensive package, 57 percent
>> of likely voters preferred the broader, more realistic solution.
>> Will Republicans learn from this? Will the country? The results of the
>> 2006 midterms are not a mandate for comprehensive reform--far from it.
>> Still, they point the way toward change, opening the political space for
>> better, more pragmatic policy by proving that it can be defended on
>> Election Day. Randy Graf once boasted foolishly that if he couldn't win in
>> Arizona, he couldn't win anywhere. And by the same token, if immigration
>> pragmatists can triumph in Phoenix and Tucson, they should be able to win
>> in any state.
>> It will still take a bipartisan majority to pass immigration reform.
>> Democrats and Republicans will still have to compromise to get it done.
>> And this may or may not happen in the 110th Congress. But one thing is
>> clear and must be fixed: The Republican party has maneuvered itself onto
>> the wrong side of the immigration issue. What it--and the country--needs
>> is for reformers like President Bush and Sen. McCain to take up the issue
>> again and rescue the GOP from the restrictionist corner it has backed
>> itself into.
>> Tamar Jacoby is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
"Jim C." <delta1@itlnet.net> wrote in message
> "ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
> wrote in message news:5taFi.5514$331.1658@newsfe12.lga...
>> Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants is
>> losing steam:
>> http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/953bsxvs.asp
>> quote
>> A Wedge Too Far
>> The immigration issue didn't work.
>> by Tamar Jacoby
>> 11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10
>> TURN ON A TELEVISION anywhere in America last month, and you were sure to
>> come across a campaign ad talking tough about immigration. Democrats and
>> Republicans, in border states and deep in the heartland: Everybody was
>> doing it, and the spots were among the harshest of the campaign season.
>> The A-word--amnesty--was a staple. So were calls for cracking down on the
>> border. And there could be no mistaking the mood, or rather the two
>> parties' shared assumption about the public's mood. The only question was
>> whether Republicans would succeed in riding that anger to victory on
>> Election Day--whether immigration would indeed be the wedge issue of the
>> 2006 midterms.
>> No one knows how much money was spent on these ads or the websites and
>> mailers that went with them. But the candidates might as well have poured
>> their dollars down a drain. Long before the votes were counted, tracking
>> polls showed that the issue wasn't "working"--wasn't energizing voters or
>> closing the gap between Democratic frontrunners and their GOP opponents.
>> The worse things grew in closely contested races, the more desperately
>> many failing Republicans tried to play the "illegal" card: Rep. Bob
>> Beauprez running for governor in Colorado, Sen. Rick Santorum in
>> Pennsylvania, and some dozen struggling Republican congressional
>> candidates in the Midwest and Southwest were among the shrillest. But the
>> gambit didn't work. In race after race, even Democrats under attack
>> managed to maintain or increase their leads. And by Election Night, the
>> conventional wisdom of October lay in shambles.
>> Immigration was the dog that didn't bark. It did not prove an effective
>> wedge issue. And as far as could be determined, it decided few if any
>> contests. No congressional or gubernatorial candidate otherwise poised to
>> win was defeated primarily because of his or her views on immigration. No
>> more than one or two, if that many, struggling to catch up managed to
>> ride it to victory. And the most stridently restrictionist candidate in
>> the country, Arizona congressional hopeful Randy Graf, who ran a campaign
>> based almost entirely on immigrant-bashing, went down in flaming defeat.
>> This wasn't for lack of trying by immigration naysayers--activists,
>> candidates, or the Republican party establishment. The GOP leadership,
>> particularly in the House, started planning their wedge campaign over a
>> year ago. The party's cooler heads--in this case, the president, Sen.
>> Bill Frist, Sen. John McCain, and the 21 other Republicans who voted for
>> the Senate's bipartisan reform bill--argued strongly against a polarizing
>> approach. Better to grapple with the problem, they urged--what the public
>> wants is a solution. But the wedge players were more interested in
>> political advantage. So instead of working with the Senate to enact law,
>> they spent the spring and summer teeing up the issue for the fall
>> campaign, casting a problem that in fact divides both parties as a
>> contest between monolithic blocs: tough Republican enforcers and soft
>> Democrat reformers.
>> Struggling candidates and activist PACs were only too happy to play into
>> this scenario, generating some of the nastiest ads in recent campaign
>> memory. The 600-plus page Senate bill was reduced to a single sound bite:
>> More than two dozen spots misleadingly claimed that it would pay Social
>> Security benefits to illegal aliens. Democratic candidates who had not
>> been anywhere near the Senate vote or even endorsed the bill were
>> pilloried for its contents. On one particularly unsavory website,
>> Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow was pictured in a sombrero, bobbing
>> back and forth to Mexican music, over a text that thanked her in Spanish
>> for what it implied was an un-American vote for the package.
>> Still other ads aimed directly at immigrants, calling them, among other
>> things, "sneaky" intruders, "stealing" American jobs and taxpayer
>> dollars. More than one Republican flyer mixed photos of Latino workers
>> and Middle Eastern terrorists; several spots dwelt ominously on mug shots
>> of convicted felons. Perhaps the ugliest commercial, out of North
>> Carolina, showed a Latino man clutching his crotch, followed by an image
>> of the American flag in flames: "They take our jobs and our government
>> handouts," the voice-over ran, "then spit in our face and burn our flag."
>> Far-right restrictionist groups--the Federation for American Immigration
>> Reform, the Minuteman PAC, Bay Buchanan's Team America PAC--were
>> responsible for some of this demagoguery. But the national Republican
>> Senatorial and Congressional committees were not ashamed to put their
>> names on far too much of it.
>> Meanwhile, even as Republicans painted themselves into a xenophobic
>> corner, they inadvertently cast the Democrats as the party of pragmatism
>> and problem-solving. Few Democratic candidates sought this role. Few if
>> any, given the climate, wanted to run on the Senate bill's guest worker
>> or earned legalization provisions. And some, particularly in the South
>> and Midwest--Tennessee Senate hopeful Rep. Harold Ford Jr. and Nebraska
>> senator Ben Nelson were among the more prominent--tried instead to
>> out-tough their Republican opponents. But once pinned with the label
>> "pro-reform," most Democrats had little choice, and many rose to the
>> occasion. Incumbent senator Maria Cantwell made a persuasive case in
>> Washington state; Jim Webb took a similar line in Virginia. And if
>> anything, the harder the job and higher the stakes, the better these
>> sometimes reluctant reformers performed--nowhere more surprisingly or
>> impressively than at the epicenter of the immigration debate, in Arizona.
>> It would be hard to imagine a tougher test. More illegal immigrants enter
>> the United States by way of Arizona each year than come through
>> California, Texas, and New Mexico combined. Human smugglers and their
>> accomplices have driven state crime rates to the top of the national
>> rankings. And unlike almost everywhere else in the nation, a majority--6
>> out of 10 Arizonans--told pollsters that immigration was one of the top
>> issues determining how they would vote in the midterms. Still, or maybe
>> because of this, Arizona became the place where candidates--all of them
>> Democrats, unfortunately--showed Americans how to talk effectively about
>> immigration reform.
>> Gov. Janet Napolitano set the tone. She didn't denounce the fence or
>> other border enforcement--in fact, she led the way, over a year ago, in
>> calling for deployment of the National Guard on the border. She talked
>> tough about smugglers; she repudiated amnesty. But she also insisted
>> relentlessly that border enforcement was only a first step toward the
>> solution: comprehensive reform of the kind proposed by the Senate. The
>> more firmly she held to this tough but pragmatic line, the more frenzied
>> her opponent grew--and as he promised more and more draconian
>> enforcement, her lead only widened.
>> Other Democrats around the state were soon borrowing from the governor's
>> playbook: Incumbent senator Jon Kyl's opponent Jim Pederson, Rep. J.D.
>> Hayworth's challenger Harry Mitchell, and little-known state senator
>> Gabrielle Giffords, running against the self-described Minuteman
>> candidate, Randy Graf, in the eighth congressional district, which runs
>> along the Mexican border. As Election Day approached, the contrast
>> between these Democrats and Republicans wasn't soft versus hard, as the
>> House leadership had hoped. It was tough versus ugly--and polls showed
>> voters, especially Hispanic voters, very clear about which approach they
>> liked better.
>> The results, in Arizona and elsewhere, speak for themselves. Janet
>> Napolitano won handily with 63 percent of the vote. Randy Graf lost, 42
>> percent to 54 percent, and so did J.D. Hayworth, 46 percent to 51
>> percent. Another leading House hawk, John Hostettler, chairman of the
>> House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, was drummed out of his
>> Indiana district. Jon Kyl squeaked by, but his margin of victory was not
>> what he had hoped it would be in September. And not even the crassest
>> anti-immigrant grandstanding could save Rick Santorum or the Colorado
>> state house. Worst of all, looking to the future, the share of Hispanics
>> voting for Republicans dropped to about 27 percent from about 38 percent
>> in 2002.
>> A survey conducted the weekend before the vote by the Republican polling
>> firm the Tarrance Group helps explain this surprising tilt. (Full
>> disclosure: The poll was commissioned by the Manhattan Institute and the
>> National Immigration Forum.) According to Tarrance, there was little if
>> any immigration wedge effect: Only 11 percent of the public said they
>> were going to vote on the basis of their views about immigration. One in
>> four conceded that their feelings about the illegal influx were driving
>> them to the polls, but an astonishingly large percentage of this group
>> eschewed an enforcement-only policy: Thirty-eight percent said they
>> preferred a comprehensive solution along the lines of the Senate bill. As
>> for the larger electorate, asked to choose between two candidates, one
>> for enforcement alone and one in favor of a comprehensive package, 57
>> percent of likely voters preferred the broader, more realistic solution.
>> Will Republicans learn from this? Will the country? The results of the
>> 2006 midterms are not a mandate for comprehensive reform--far from it.
>> Still, they point the way toward change, opening the political space for
>> better, more pragmatic policy by proving that it can be defended on
>> Election Day. Randy Graf once boasted foolishly that if he couldn't win
>> in Arizona, he couldn't win anywhere. And by the same token, if
>> immigration pragmatists can triumph in Phoenix and Tucson, they should be
>> able to win in any state.
>> It will still take a bipartisan majority to pass immigration reform.
>> Democrats and Republicans will still have to compromise to get it done.
>> And this may or may not happen in the 110th Congress. But one thing is
>> clear and must be fixed: The Republican party has maneuvered itself onto
>> the wrong side of the immigration issue. What it--and the country--needs
>> is for reformers like President Bush and Sen. McCain to take up the issue
>> again and rescue the GOP from the restrictionist corner it has backed
>> itself into.
>> Tamar Jacoby is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
"Bjorn" <was-walmart-greeter@postamerica.net> wrote in message
> On Mon, 10 Sep 2007 10:23:44 -0700, "Jim C." <delta1@itlnet.net>
> wrote:
>>"ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
>>wrote in message news:5taFi.5514$331.1658@newsfe12.lga...
>>> Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants is
>>> losing steam:
>>> http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/953bsxvs.asp
>>> quote
>>> A Wedge Too Far
>>> The immigration issue didn't work.
>>> by Tamar Jacoby
>>> 11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10
>>> TURN ON A TELEVISION anywhere in America last month, and you were sure
>>> to
>>> come across a campaign ad talking tough about immigration. Democrats and
>>> Republicans, in border states and deep in the heartland: Everybody was
>>> doing it, and the spots were among the harshest of the campaign season.
>>> The A-word--amnesty--was a staple. So were calls for cracking down on
>>> the
>>> border. And there could be no mistaking the mood, or rather the two
>>> parties' shared assumption about the public's mood. The only question
>>> was
>>> whether Republicans would succeed in riding that anger to victory on
>>> Election Day--whether immigration would indeed be the wedge issue of the
>>> 2006 midterms.
>>> No one knows how much money was spent on these ads or the websites and
>>> mailers that went with them. But the candidates might as well have
>>> poured
>>> their dollars down a drain. Long before the votes were counted, tracking
>>> polls showed that the issue wasn't "working"--wasn't energizing voters
>>> or
>>> closing the gap between Democratic frontrunners and their GOP opponents.
>>> The worse things grew in closely contested races, the more desperately
>>> many failing Republicans tried to play the "illegal" card: Rep. Bob
>>> Beauprez running for governor in Colorado, Sen. Rick Santorum in
>>> Pennsylvania, and some dozen struggling Republican congressional
>>> candidates in the Midwest and Southwest were among the shrillest. But
>>> the
>>> gambit didn't work. In race after race, even Democrats under attack
>>> managed to maintain or increase their leads. And by Election Night, the
>>> conventional wisdom of October lay in shambles.
>>> Immigration was the dog that didn't bark. It did not prove an effective
>>> wedge issue. And as far as could be determined, it decided few if any
>>> contests. No congressional or gubernatorial candidate otherwise poised
>>> to
>>> win was defeated primarily because of his or her views on immigration.
>>> No
>>> more than one or two, if that many, struggling to catch up managed to
>>> ride
>>> it to victory. And the most stridently restrictionist candidate in the
>>> country, Arizona congressional hopeful Randy Graf, who ran a campaign
>>> based almost entirely on immigrant-bashing, went down in flaming defeat.
>>> This wasn't for lack of trying by immigration naysayers--activists,
>>> candidates, or the Republican party establishment. The GOP leadership,
>>> particularly in the House, started planning their wedge campaign over a
>>> year ago. The party's cooler heads--in this case, the president, Sen.
>>> Bill
>>> Frist, Sen. John McCain, and the 21 other Republicans who voted for the
>>> Senate's bipartisan reform bill--argued strongly against a polarizing
>>> approach. Better to grapple with the problem, they urged--what the
>>> public
>>> wants is a solution. But the wedge players were more interested in
>>> political advantage. So instead of working with the Senate to enact law,
>>> they spent the spring and summer teeing up the issue for the fall
>>> campaign, casting a problem that in fact divides both parties as a
>>> contest
>>> between monolithic blocs: tough Republican enforcers and soft Democrat
>>> reformers.
>>> Struggling candidates and activist PACs were only too happy to play into
>>> this scenario, generating some of the nastiest ads in recent campaign
>>> memory. The 600-plus page Senate bill was reduced to a single sound
>>> bite:
>>> More than two dozen spots misleadingly claimed that it would pay Social
>>> Security benefits to illegal aliens. Democratic candidates who had not
>>> been anywhere near the Senate vote or even endorsed the bill were
>>> pilloried for its contents. On one particularly unsavory website,
>>> Michigan
>>> Democrat Debbie Stabenow was pictured in a sombrero, bobbing back and
>>> forth to Mexican music, over a text that thanked her in Spanish for what
>>> it implied was an un-American vote for the package.
>>> Still other ads aimed directly at immigrants, calling them, among other
>>> things, "sneaky" intruders, "stealing" American jobs and taxpayer
>>> dollars.
>>> More than one Republican flyer mixed photos of Latino workers and Middle
>>> Eastern terrorists; several spots dwelt ominously on mug shots of
>>> convicted felons. Perhaps the ugliest commercial, out of North Carolina,
>>> showed a Latino man clutching his crotch, followed by an image of the
>>> American flag in flames: "They take our jobs and our government
>>> handouts,"
>>> the voice-over ran, "then spit in our face and burn our flag." Far-right
>>> restrictionist groups--the Federation for American Immigration Reform,
>>> the
>>> Minuteman PAC, Bay Buchanan's Team America PAC--were responsible for
>>> some
>>> of this demagoguery. But the national Republican Senatorial and
>>> Congressional committees were not ashamed to put their names on far too
>>> much of it.
>>> Meanwhile, even as Republicans painted themselves into a xenophobic
>>> corner, they inadvertently cast the Democrats as the party of pragmatism
>>> and problem-solving. Few Democratic candidates sought this role. Few if
>>> any, given the climate, wanted to run on the Senate bill's guest worker
>>> or
>>> earned legalization provisions. And some, particularly in the South and
>>> Midwest--Tennessee Senate hopeful Rep. Harold Ford Jr. and Nebraska
>>> senator Ben Nelson were among the more prominent--tried instead to
>>> out-tough their Republican opponents. But once pinned with the label
>>> "pro-reform," most Democrats had little choice, and many rose to the
>>> occasion. Incumbent senator Maria Cantwell made a persuasive case in
>>> Washington state; Jim Webb took a similar line in Virginia. And if
>>> anything, the harder the job and higher the stakes, the better these
>>> sometimes reluctant reformers performed--nowhere more surprisingly or
>>> impressively than at the epicenter of the immigration debate, in
>>> Arizona.
>>> It would be hard to imagine a tougher test. More illegal immigrants
>>> enter
>>> the United States by way of Arizona each year than come through
>>> California, Texas, and New Mexico combined. Human smugglers and their
>>> accomplices have driven state crime rates to the top of the national
>>> rankings. And unlike almost everywhere else in the nation, a majority--6
>>> out of 10 Arizonans--told pollsters that immigration was one of the top
>>> issues determining how they would vote in the midterms. Still, or maybe
>>> because of this, Arizona became the place where candidates--all of them
>>> Democrats, unfortunately--showed Americans how to talk effectively about
>>> immigration reform.
>>> Gov. Janet Napolitano set the tone. She didn't denounce the fence or
>>> other
>>> border enforcement--in fact, she led the way, over a year ago, in
>>> calling
>>> for deployment of the National Guard on the border. She talked tough
>>> about
>>> smugglers; she repudiated amnesty. But she also insisted relentlessly
>>> that
>>> border enforcement was only a first step toward the solution:
>>> comprehensive reform of the kind proposed by the Senate. The more firmly
>>> she held to this tough but pragmatic line, the more frenzied her
>>> opponent
>>> grew--and as he promised more and more draconian enforcement, her lead
>>> only widened.
>>> Other Democrats around the state were soon borrowing from the governor's
>>> playbook: Incumbent senator Jon Kyl's opponent Jim Pederson, Rep. J.D.
>>> Hayworth's challenger Harry Mitchell, and little-known state senator
>>> Gabrielle Giffords, running against the self-described Minuteman
>>> candidate, Randy Graf, in the eighth congressional district, which runs
>>> along the Mexican border. As Election Day approached, the contrast
>>> between
>>> these Democrats and Republicans wasn't soft versus hard, as the House
>>> leadership had hoped. It was tough versus ugly--and polls showed voters,
>>> especially Hispanic voters, very clear about which approach they liked
>>> better.
>>> The results, in Arizona and elsewhere, speak for themselves. Janet
>>> Napolitano won handily with 63 percent of the vote. Randy Graf lost, 42
>>> percent to 54 percent, and so did J.D. Hayworth, 46 percent to 51
>>> percent.
>>> Another leading House hawk, John Hostettler, chairman of the House
>>> Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, was drummed out of his Indiana
>>> district. Jon Kyl squeaked by, but his margin of victory was not what he
>>> had hoped it would be in September. And not even the crassest
>>> anti-immigrant grandstanding could save Rick Santorum or the Colorado
>>> state house. Worst of all, looking to the future, the share of Hispanics
>>> voting for Republicans dropped to about 27 percent from about 38 percent
>>> in 2002.
>>> A survey conducted the weekend before the vote by the Republican polling
>>> firm the Tarrance Group helps explain this surprising tilt. (Full
>>> disclosure: The poll was commissioned by the Manhattan Institute and the
>>> National Immigration Forum.) According to Tarrance, there was little if
>>> any immigration wedge effect: Only 11 percent of the public said they
>>> were
>>> going to vote on the basis of their views about immigration. One in four
>>> conceded that their feelings about the illegal influx were driving them
>>> to
>>> the polls, but an astonishingly large percentage of this group eschewed
>>> an
>>> enforcement-only policy: Thirty-eight percent said they preferred a
>>> comprehensive solution along the lines of the Senate bill. As for the
>>> larger electorate, asked to choose between two candidates, one for
>>> enforcement alone and one in favor of a comprehensive package, 57
>>> percent
>>> of likely voters preferred the broader, more realistic solution.
>>> Will Republicans learn from this? Will the country? The results of the
>>> 2006 midterms are not a mandate for comprehensive reform--far from it.
>>> Still, they point the way toward change, opening the political space for
>>> better, more pragmatic policy by proving that it can be defended on
>>> Election Day. Randy Graf once boasted foolishly that if he couldn't win
>>> in
>>> Arizona, he couldn't win anywhere. And by the same token, if immigration
>>> pragmatists can triumph in Phoenix and Tucson, they should be able to
>>> win
>>> in any state.
>>> It will still take a bipartisan majority to pass immigration reform.
>>> Democrats and Republicans will still have to compromise to get it done.
>>> And this may or may not happen in the 110th Congress. But one thing is
>>> clear and must be fixed: The Republican party has maneuvered itself onto
>>> the wrong side of the immigration issue. What it--and the country--needs
>>> is for reformers like President Bush and Sen. McCain to take up the
>>> issue
>>> again and rescue the GOP from the restrictionist corner it has backed
>>> itself into.
>>> Tamar Jacoby is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
"ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
wrote in message news:GVdFi.16$bY2.3@newsfe05.lga...
> "Jim C." <delta1@itlnet.net> wrote in message
> news:1189437634_2995@sp6iad.superfeed.net...
>> "ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
>> wrote in message news:5taFi.5514$331.1658@newsfe12.lga...
>>> Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants is
>>> losing steam:
>>> http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/953bsxvs.asp
>>> quote
>>> A Wedge Too Far
>>> The immigration issue didn't work.
>>> by Tamar Jacoby
>>> 11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10
>>> TURN ON A TELEVISION anywhere in America last month, and you were sure
>>> to come across a campaign ad talking tough about immigration. Democrats
>>> and Republicans, in border states and deep in the heartland: Everybody
>>> was doing it, and the spots were among the harshest of the campaign
>>> season. The A-word--amnesty--was a staple. So were calls for cracking
>>> down on the border. And there could be no mistaking the mood, or rather
>>> the two parties' shared assumption about the public's mood. The only
>>> question was whether Republicans would succeed in riding that anger to
>>> victory on Election Day--whether immigration would indeed be the wedge
>>> issue of the 2006 midterms.
>>> No one knows how much money was spent on these ads or the websites and
>>> mailers that went with them. But the candidates might as well have
>>> poured their dollars down a drain. Long before the votes were counted,
>>> tracking polls showed that the issue wasn't "working"--wasn't energizing
>>> voters or closing the gap between Democratic frontrunners and their GOP
>>> opponents. The worse things grew in closely contested races, the more
>>> desperately many failing Republicans tried to play the "illegal" card:
>>> Rep. Bob Beauprez running for governor in Colorado, Sen. Rick Santorum
>>> in Pennsylvania, and some dozen struggling Republican congressional
>>> candidates in the Midwest and Southwest were among the shrillest. But
>>> the gambit didn't work. In race after race, even Democrats under attack
>>> managed to maintain or increase their leads. And by Election Night, the
>>> conventional wisdom of October lay in shambles.
>>> Immigration was the dog that didn't bark. It did not prove an effective
>>> wedge issue. And as far as could be determined, it decided few if any
>>> contests. No congressional or gubernatorial candidate otherwise poised
>>> to win was defeated primarily because of his or her views on
>>> immigration. No more than one or two, if that many, struggling to catch
>>> up managed to ride it to victory. And the most stridently restrictionist
>>> candidate in the country, Arizona congressional hopeful Randy Graf, who
>>> ran a campaign based almost entirely on immigrant-bashing, went down in
>>> flaming defeat.
>>> This wasn't for lack of trying by immigration naysayers--activists,
>>> candidates, or the Republican party establishment. The GOP leadership,
>>> particularly in the House, started planning their wedge campaign over a
>>> year ago. The party's cooler heads--in this case, the president, Sen.
>>> Bill Frist, Sen. John McCain, and the 21 other Republicans who voted for
>>> the Senate's bipartisan reform bill--argued strongly against a
>>> polarizing approach. Better to grapple with the problem, they
>>> urged--what the public wants is a solution. But the wedge players were
>>> more interested in political advantage. So instead of working with the
>>> Senate to enact law, they spent the spring and summer teeing up the
>>> issue for the fall campaign, casting a problem that in fact divides both
>>> parties as a contest between monolithic blocs: tough Republican
>>> enforcers and soft Democrat reformers.
>>> Struggling candidates and activist PACs were only too happy to play into
>>> this scenario, generating some of the nastiest ads in recent campaign
>>> memory. The 600-plus page Senate bill was reduced to a single sound
>>> bite: More than two dozen spots misleadingly claimed that it would pay
>>> Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. Democratic candidates who
>>> had not been anywhere near the Senate vote or even endorsed the bill
>>> were pilloried for its contents. On one particularly unsavory website,
>>> Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow was pictured in a sombrero, bobbing
>>> back and forth to Mexican music, over a text that thanked her in Spanish
>>> for what it implied was an un-American vote for the package.
>>> Still other ads aimed directly at immigrants, calling them, among other
>>> things, "sneaky" intruders, "stealing" American jobs and taxpayer
>>> dollars. More than one Republican flyer mixed photos of Latino workers
>>> and Middle Eastern terrorists; several spots dwelt ominously on mug
>>> shots of convicted felons. Perhaps the ugliest commercial, out of North
>>> Carolina, showed a Latino man clutching his crotch, followed by an image
>>> of the American flag in flames: "They take our jobs and our government
>>> handouts," the voice-over ran, "then spit in our face and burn our
>>> flag." Far-right restrictionist groups--the Federation for American
>>> Immigration Reform, the Minuteman PAC, Bay Buchanan's Team America
>>> PAC--were responsible for some of this demagoguery. But the national
>>> Republican Senatorial and Congressional committees were not ashamed to
>>> put their names on far too much of it.
>>> Meanwhile, even as Republicans painted themselves into a xenophobic
>>> corner, they inadvertently cast the Democrats as the party of pragmatism
>>> and problem-solving. Few Democratic candidates sought this role. Few if
>>> any, given the climate, wanted to run on the Senate bill's guest worker
>>> or earned legalization provisions. And some, particularly in the South
>>> and Midwest--Tennessee Senate hopeful Rep. Harold Ford Jr. and Nebraska
>>> senator Ben Nelson were among the more prominent--tried instead to
>>> out-tough their Republican opponents. But once pinned with the label
>>> "pro-reform," most Democrats had little choice, and many rose to the
>>> occasion. Incumbent senator Maria Cantwell made a persuasive case in
>>> Washington state; Jim Webb took a similar line in Virginia. And if
>>> anything, the harder the job and higher the stakes, the better these
>>> sometimes reluctant reformers performed--nowhere more surprisingly or
>>> impressively than at the epicenter of the immigration debate, in
>>> Arizona.
>>> It would be hard to imagine a tougher test. More illegal immigrants
>>> enter the United States by way of Arizona each year than come through
>>> California, Texas, and New Mexico combined. Human smugglers and their
>>> accomplices have driven state crime rates to the top of the national
>>> rankings. And unlike almost everywhere else in the nation, a majority--6
>>> out of 10 Arizonans--told pollsters that immigration was one of the top
>>> issues determining how they would vote in the midterms. Still, or maybe
>>> because of this, Arizona became the place where candidates--all of them
>>> Democrats, unfortunately--showed Americans how to talk effectively about
>>> immigration reform.
>>> Gov. Janet Napolitano set the tone. She didn't denounce the fence or
>>> other border enforcement--in fact, she led the way, over a year ago, in
>>> calling for deployment of the National Guard on the border. She talked
>>> tough about smugglers; she repudiated amnesty. But she also insisted
>>> relentlessly that border enforcement was only a first step toward the
>>> solution: comprehensive reform of the kind proposed by the Senate. The
>>> more firmly she held to this tough but pragmatic line, the more frenzied
>>> her opponent grew--and as he promised more and more draconian
>>> enforcement, her lead only widened.
>>> Other Democrats around the state were soon borrowing from the governor's
>>> playbook: Incumbent senator Jon Kyl's opponent Jim Pederson, Rep. J.D.
>>> Hayworth's challenger Harry Mitchell, and little-known state senator
>>> Gabrielle Giffords, running against the self-described Minuteman
>>> candidate, Randy Graf, in the eighth congressional district, which runs
>>> along the Mexican border. As Election Day approached, the contrast
>>> between these Democrats and Republicans wasn't soft versus hard, as the
>>> House leadership had hoped. It was tough versus ugly--and polls showed
>>> voters, especially Hispanic voters, very clear about which approach they
>>> liked better.
>>> The results, in Arizona and elsewhere, speak for themselves. Janet
>>> Napolitano won handily with 63 percent of the vote. Randy Graf lost, 42
>>> percent to 54 percent, and so did J.D. Hayworth, 46 percent to 51
>>> percent. Another leading House hawk, John Hostettler, chairman of the
>>> House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, was drummed out of his
>>> Indiana district. Jon Kyl squeaked by, but his margin of victory was not
>>> what he had hoped it would be in September. And not even the crassest
>>> anti-immigrant grandstanding could save Rick Santorum or the Colorado
>>> state house. Worst of all, looking to the future, the share of Hispanics
>>> voting for Republicans dropped to about 27 percent from about 38 percent
>>> in 2002.
>>> A survey conducted the weekend before the vote by the Republican polling
>>> firm the Tarrance Group helps explain this surprising tilt. (Full
>>> disclosure: The poll was commissioned by the Manhattan Institute and the
>>> National Immigration Forum.) According to Tarrance, there was little if
>>> any immigration wedge effect: Only 11 percent of the public said they
>>> were going to vote on the basis of their views about immigration. One in
>>> four conceded that their feelings about the illegal influx were driving
>>> them to the polls, but an astonishingly large percentage of this group
>>> eschewed an enforcement-only policy: Thirty-eight percent said they
>>> preferred a comprehensive solution along the lines of the Senate bill.
>>> As for the larger electorate, asked to choose between two candidates,
>>> one for enforcement alone and one in favor of a comprehensive package,
>>> 57 percent of likely voters preferred the broader, more realistic
>>> solution.
>>> Will Republicans learn from this? Will the country? The results of the
>>> 2006 midterms are not a mandate for comprehensive reform--far from it.
>>> Still, they point the way toward change, opening the political space for
>>> better, more pragmatic policy by proving that it can be defended on
>>> Election Day. Randy Graf once boasted foolishly that if he couldn't win
>>> in Arizona, he couldn't win anywhere. And by the same token, if
>>> immigration pragmatists can triumph in Phoenix and Tucson, they should
>>> be able to win in any state.
>>> It will still take a bipartisan majority to pass immigration reform.
>>> Democrats and Republicans will still have to compromise to get it done.
>>> And this may or may not happen in the 110th Congress. But one thing is
>>> clear and must be fixed: The Republican party has maneuvered itself onto
>>> the wrong side of the immigration issue. What it--and the country--needs
>>> is for reformers like President Bush and Sen. McCain to take up the
>>> issue again and rescue the GOP from the restrictionist corner it has
>>> backed itself into.
>>> Tamar Jacoby is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
"Doug" <noone@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> "ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
> wrote in message news:GVdFi.16$bY2.3@newsfe05.lga...
>> "Jim C." <delta1@itlnet.net> wrote in message
>> news:1189437634_2995@sp6iad.superfeed.net...
>>> "ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
>>> wrote in message news:5taFi.5514$331.1658@newsfe12.lga...
>>>> Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants is
>>>> losing steam:
>>>> http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/953bsxvs.asp
>>>> quote
>>>> A Wedge Too Far
>>>> The immigration issue didn't work.
>>>> by Tamar Jacoby
>>>> 11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10
>>>> TURN ON A TELEVISION anywhere in America last month, and you were sure
>>>> to come across a campaign ad talking tough about immigration. Democrats
>>>> and Republicans, in border states and deep in the heartland: Everybody
>>>> was doing it, and the spots were among the harshest of the campaign
>>>> season. The A-word--amnesty--was a staple. So were calls for cracking
>>>> down on the border. And there could be no mistaking the mood, or rather
>>>> the two parties' shared assumption about the public's mood. The only
>>>> question was whether Republicans would succeed in riding that anger to
>>>> victory on Election Day--whether immigration would indeed be the wedge
>>>> issue of the 2006 midterms.
>>>> No one knows how much money was spent on these ads or the websites and
>>>> mailers that went with them. But the candidates might as well have
>>>> poured their dollars down a drain. Long before the votes were counted,
>>>> tracking polls showed that the issue wasn't "working"--wasn't
>>>> energizing voters or closing the gap between Democratic frontrunners
>>>> and their GOP opponents. The worse things grew in closely contested
>>>> races, the more desperately many failing Republicans tried to play the
>>>> "illegal" card: Rep. Bob Beauprez running for governor in Colorado,
>>>> Sen. Rick Santorum in Pennsylvania, and some dozen struggling
>>>> Republican congressional candidates in the Midwest and Southwest were
>>>> among the shrillest. But the gambit didn't work. In race after race,
>>>> even Democrats under attack managed to maintain or increase their
>>>> leads. And by Election Night, the conventional wisdom of October lay in
>>>> shambles.
>>>> Immigration was the dog that didn't bark. It did not prove an effective
>>>> wedge issue. And as far as could be determined, it decided few if any
>>>> contests. No congressional or gubernatorial candidate otherwise poised
>>>> to win was defeated primarily because of his or her views on
>>>> immigration. No more than one or two, if that many, struggling to catch
>>>> up managed to ride it to victory. And the most stridently
>>>> restrictionist candidate in the country, Arizona congressional hopeful
>>>> Randy Graf, who ran a campaign based almost entirely on
>>>> immigrant-bashing, went down in flaming defeat.
>>>> This wasn't for lack of trying by immigration naysayers--activists,
>>>> candidates, or the Republican party establishment. The GOP leadership,
>>>> particularly in the House, started planning their wedge campaign over a
>>>> year ago. The party's cooler heads--in this case, the president, Sen.
>>>> Bill Frist, Sen. John McCain, and the 21 other Republicans who voted
>>>> for the Senate's bipartisan reform bill--argued strongly against a
>>>> polarizing approach. Better to grapple with the problem, they
>>>> urged--what the public wants is a solution. But the wedge players were
>>>> more interested in political advantage. So instead of working with the
>>>> Senate to enact law, they spent the spring and summer teeing up the
>>>> issue for the fall campaign, casting a problem that in fact divides
>>>> both parties as a contest between monolithic blocs: tough Republican
>>>> enforcers and soft Democrat reformers.
>>>> Struggling candidates and activist PACs were only too happy to play
>>>> into this scenario, generating some of the nastiest ads in recent
>>>> campaign memory. The 600-plus page Senate bill was reduced to a single
>>>> sound bite: More than two dozen spots misleadingly claimed that it
>>>> would pay Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. Democratic
>>>> candidates who had not been anywhere near the Senate vote or even
>>>> endorsed the bill were pilloried for its contents. On one particularly
>>>> unsavory website, Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow was pictured in a
>>>> sombrero, bobbing back and forth to Mexican music, over a text that
>>>> thanked her in Spanish for what it implied was an un-American vote for
>>>> the package.
>>>> Still other ads aimed directly at immigrants, calling them, among other
>>>> things, "sneaky" intruders, "stealing" American jobs and taxpayer
>>>> dollars. More than one Republican flyer mixed photos of Latino workers
>>>> and Middle Eastern terrorists; several spots dwelt ominously on mug
>>>> shots of convicted felons. Perhaps the ugliest commercial, out of North
>>>> Carolina, showed a Latino man clutching his crotch, followed by an
>>>> image of the American flag in flames: "They take our jobs and our
>>>> government handouts," the voice-over ran, "then spit in our face and
>>>> burn our flag." Far-right restrictionist groups--the Federation for
>>>> American Immigration Reform, the Minuteman PAC, Bay Buchanan's Team
>>>> America PAC--were responsible for some of this demagoguery. But the
>>>> national Republican Senatorial and Congressional committees were not
>>>> ashamed to put their names on far too much of it.
>>>> Meanwhile, even as Republicans painted themselves into a xenophobic
>>>> corner, they inadvertently cast the Democrats as the party of
>>>> pragmatism and problem-solving. Few Democratic candidates sought this
>>>> role. Few if any, given the climate, wanted to run on the Senate bill's
>>>> guest worker or earned legalization provisions. And some, particularly
>>>> in the South and Midwest--Tennessee Senate hopeful Rep. Harold Ford Jr.
>>>> and Nebraska senator Ben Nelson were among the more prominent--tried
>>>> instead to out-tough their Republican opponents. But once pinned with
>>>> the label "pro-reform," most Democrats had little choice, and many rose
>>>> to the occasion. Incumbent senator Maria Cantwell made a persuasive
>>>> case in Washington state; Jim Webb took a similar line in Virginia. And
>>>> if anything, the harder the job and higher the stakes, the better these
>>>> sometimes reluctant reformers performed--nowhere more surprisingly or
>>>> impressively than at the epicenter of the immigration debate, in
>>>> Arizona.
>>>> It would be hard to imagine a tougher test. More illegal immigrants
>>>> enter the United States by way of Arizona each year than come through
>>>> California, Texas, and New Mexico combined. Human smugglers and their
>>>> accomplices have driven state crime rates to the top of the national
>>>> rankings. And unlike almost everywhere else in the nation, a
>>>> majority--6 out of 10 Arizonans--told pollsters that immigration was
>>>> one of the top issues determining how they would vote in the midterms.
>>>> Still, or maybe because of this, Arizona became the place where
>>>> candidates--all of them Democrats, unfortunately--showed Americans how
>>>> to talk effectively about immigration reform.
>>>> Gov. Janet Napolitano set the tone. She didn't denounce the fence or
>>>> other border enforcement--in fact, she led the way, over a year ago, in
>>>> calling for deployment of the National Guard on the border. She talked
>>>> tough about smugglers; she repudiated amnesty. But she also insisted
>>>> relentlessly that border enforcement was only a first step toward the
>>>> solution: comprehensive reform of the kind proposed by the Senate. The
>>>> more firmly she held to this tough but pragmatic line, the more
>>>> frenzied her opponent grew--and as he promised more and more draconian
>>>> enforcement, her lead only widened.
>>>> Other Democrats around the state were soon borrowing from the
>>>> governor's playbook: Incumbent senator Jon Kyl's opponent Jim Pederson,
>>>> Rep. J.D. Hayworth's challenger Harry Mitchell, and little-known state
>>>> senator Gabrielle Giffords, running against the self-described
>>>> Minuteman candidate, Randy Graf, in the eighth congressional district,
>>>> which runs along the Mexican border. As Election Day approached, the
>>>> contrast between these Democrats and Republicans wasn't soft versus
>>>> hard, as the House leadership had hoped. It was tough versus ugly--and
>>>> polls showed voters, especially Hispanic voters, very clear about which
>>>> approach they liked better.
>>>> The results, in Arizona and elsewhere, speak for themselves. Janet
>>>> Napolitano won handily with 63 percent of the vote. Randy Graf lost, 42
>>>> percent to 54 percent, and so did J.D. Hayworth, 46 percent to 51
>>>> percent. Another leading House hawk, John Hostettler, chairman of the
>>>> House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, was drummed out of his
>>>> Indiana district. Jon Kyl squeaked by, but his margin of victory was
>>>> not what he had hoped it would be in September. And not even the
>>>> crassest anti-immigrant grandstanding could save Rick Santorum or the
>>>> Colorado state house. Worst of all, looking to the future, the share of
>>>> Hispanics voting for Republicans dropped to about 27 percent from about
>>>> 38 percent in 2002.
>>>> A survey conducted the weekend before the vote by the Republican
>>>> polling firm the Tarrance Group helps explain this surprising tilt.
>>>> (Full disclosure: The poll was commissioned by the Manhattan Institute
>>>> and the National Immigration Forum.) According to Tarrance, there was
>>>> little if any immigration wedge effect: Only 11 percent of the public
>>>> said they were going to vote on the basis of their views about
>>>> immigration. One in four conceded that their feelings about the illegal
>>>> influx were driving them to the polls, but an astonishingly large
>>>> percentage of this group eschewed an enforcement-only policy:
>>>> Thirty-eight percent said they preferred a comprehensive solution along
>>>> the lines of the Senate bill. As for the larger electorate, asked to
>>>> choose between two candidates, one for enforcement alone and one in
>>>> favor of a comprehensive package, 57 percent of likely voters preferred
>>>> the broader, more realistic solution.
>>>> Will Republicans learn from this? Will the country? The results of the
>>>> 2006 midterms are not a mandate for comprehensive reform--far from it.
>>>> Still, they point the way toward change, opening the political space
>>>> for better, more pragmatic policy by proving that it can be defended on
>>>> Election Day. Randy Graf once boasted foolishly that if he couldn't win
>>>> in Arizona, he couldn't win anywhere. And by the same token, if
>>>> immigration pragmatists can triumph in Phoenix and Tucson, they should
>>>> be able to win in any state.
>>>> It will still take a bipartisan majority to pass immigration reform.
>>>> Democrats and Republicans will still have to compromise to get it done.
>>>> And this may or may not happen in the 110th Congress. But one thing is
>>>> clear and must be fixed: The Republican party has maneuvered itself
>>>> onto the wrong side of the immigration issue. What it--and the
>>>> country--needs is for reformers like President Bush and Sen. McCain to
>>>> take up the issue again and rescue the GOP from the restrictionist
>>>> corner it has backed itself into.
>>>> Tamar Jacoby is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
On Sep 10, 9:23 am, "ClassWarz"
<NoComplianceSki...@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills> wrote:
> "Doug" <no...@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> news:t4eFi.2247$ZA5.262@nlpi068.nbdc.sbc.com...
> > "ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSki...@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
> > wrote in messagenews:GVdFi.16$bY2.3@newsfe05.lga...

> >> "Jim C." <del...@itlnet.net> wrote in message
> >>news:1189437634_2995@sp6iad.superfeed.net...

> >>> "ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSki...@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
> >>> wrote in messagenews:5taFi.5514$331.1658@newsfe12.lga...
> >>>> Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants is
> >>>> losing steam:

> >>>>http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/953....

> >>>> quote

> >>>> A Wedge Too Far

> >>>> The immigration issue didn't work.
> >>>> by Tamar Jacoby
> >>>> 11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10

> >>>> TURN ON A TELEVISION anywhere in America last month, and you were sure
> >>>> to come across a campaign ad talking tough about immigration. Democrats
> >>>> and Republicans, in border states and deep in the heartland: Everybody
> >>>> was doing it, and the spots were among the harshest of the campaign
> >>>> season. The A-word--amnesty--was a staple. So were calls for cracking
> >>>> down on the border. And there could be no mistaking the mood, or rather
> >>>> the two parties' shared assumption about the public's mood. The only
> >>>> question was whether Republicans would succeed in riding that anger to
> >>>> victory on Election Day--whether immigration would indeed be the wedge
> >>>> issue of the 2006 midterms.

> >>>> No one knows how much money was spent on these ads or the websites and
> >>>> mailers that went with them. But the candidates might as well have
> >>>> poured their dollars down a drain. Long before the votes were counted,
> >>>> tracking polls showed that the issue wasn't "working"--wasn't
> >>>> energizing voters or closing the gap between Democratic frontrunners
> >>>> and their GOP opponents. The worse things grew in closely contested
> >>>> races, the more desperately many failing Republicans tried to play the
> >>>> "illegal" card: Rep. Bob Beauprez running for governor in Colorado,
> >>>> Sen. Rick Santorum in Pennsylvania, and some dozen struggling
> >>>> Republican congressional candidates in the Midwest and Southwest were
> >>>> among the shrillest. But the gambit didn't work. In race after race,
> >>>> even Democrats under attack managed to maintain or increase their
> >>>> leads. And by Election Night, the conventional wisdom of October lay in
> >>>> shambles.

> >>>> Immigration was the dog that didn't bark. It did not prove an effective
> >>>> wedge issue. And as far as could be determined, it decided few if any
> >>>> contests. No congressional or gubernatorial candidate otherwise poised
> >>>> to win was defeated primarily because of his or her views on
> >>>> immigration. No more than one or two, if that many, struggling to catch
> >>>> up managed to ride it to victory. And the most stridently
> >>>> restrictionist candidate in the country, Arizona congressional hopeful
> >>>> Randy Graf, who ran a campaign based almost entirely on
> >>>> immigrant-bashing, went down in flaming defeat.

> >>>> This wasn't for lack of trying by immigration naysayers--activists,
> >>>> candidates, or the Republican party establishment. The GOP leadership,
> >>>> particularly in the House, started planning their wedge campaign over a
> >>>> year ago. The party's cooler heads--in this case, the president, Sen.
> >>>> Bill Frist, Sen. John McCain, and the 21 other Republicans who voted
> >>>> for the Senate's bipartisan reform bill--argued strongly against a
> >>>> polarizing approach. Better to grapple with the problem, they
> >>>> urged--what the public wants is a solution. But the wedge players were
> >>>> more interested in political advantage. So instead of working with the
> >>>> Senate to enact law, they spent the spring and summer teeing up the
> >>>> issue for the fall campaign, casting a problem that in fact divides
> >>>> both parties as a contest between monolithic blocs: tough Republican
> >>>> enforcers and soft Democrat reformers.

> >>>> Struggling candidates and activist PACs were only too happy to play
> >>>> into this scenario, generating some of the nastiest ads in recent
> >>>> campaign memory. The 600-plus page Senate bill was reduced to a single
> >>>> sound bite: More than two dozen spots misleadingly claimed that it
> >>>> would pay Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. Democratic
> >>>> candidates who had not been anywhere near the Senate vote or even
> >>>> endorsed the bill were pilloried for its contents. On one particularly
> >>>> unsavory website, Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow was pictured in a
> >>>> sombrero, bobbing back and forth to Mexican music, over a text that
> >>>> thanked her in Spanish for what it implied was an un-American vote for
> >>>> the package.

> >>>> Still other ads aimed directly at immigrants, calling them, among other
> >>>> things, "sneaky" intruders, "stealing" American jobs and taxpayer
> >>>> dollars. More than one Republican flyer mixed photos of Latino workers
> >>>> and Middle Eastern terrorists; several spots dwelt ominously on mug
> >>>> shots of convicted felons. Perhaps the ugliest commercial, out of North
> >>>> Carolina, showed a Latino man clutching his crotch, followed by an
> >>>> image of the American flag in flames: "They take our jobs and our
> >>>> government handouts," the voice-over ran, "then spit in our face and
> >>>> burn our flag." Far-right restrictionist groups--the Federation for
> >>>> American Immigration Reform, the Minuteman PAC, Bay Buchanan's Team
> >>>> America PAC--were responsible for some of this demagoguery. But the
> >>>> national Republican Senatorial and Congressional committees were not
> >>>> ashamed to put their names on far too much of it.

> >>>> Meanwhile, even as Republicans painted themselves into a xenophobic
> >>>> corner, they inadvertently cast the Democrats as the party of
> >>>> pragmatism and problem-solving. Few Democratic candidates sought this
> >>>> role. Few if any, given the climate, wanted to run on the Senate bill's
> >>>> guest worker or earned legalization provisions. And some, particularly
> >>>> in the South and Midwest--Tennessee Senate hopeful Rep. Harold Ford Jr.
> >>>> and Nebraska senator Ben Nelson were among the more prominent--tried
> >>>> instead to out-tough their Republican opponents. But once pinned with
> >>>> the label "pro-reform," most Democrats had little choice, and many rose
> >>>> to the occasion. Incumbent senator Maria Cantwell made a persuasive
> >>>> case in Washington state; Jim Webb took a similar line in Virginia. And
> >>>> if anything, the harder the job and higher the stakes, the better these
> >>>> sometimes reluctant reformers performed--nowhere more surprisingly or
> >>>> impressively than at the epicenter of the immigration debate, in
> >>>> Arizona.

> >>>> It would be hard to imagine a tougher test. More illegal immigrants
> >>>> enter the United States by way of Arizona each year than come through
> >>>> California, Texas, and New Mexico combined. Human smugglers and their
> >>>> accomplices have driven state crime rates to the top of the national
> >>>> rankings. And unlike almost everywhere else in the nation, a
> >>>> majority--6 out of 10 Arizonans--told pollsters that immigration was
> >>>> one of the top issues determining how they would vote in the midterms.
> >>>> Still, or maybe because of this, Arizona became the place where
> >>>> candidates--all of them Democrats, unfortunately--showed Americans how
> >>>> to talk effectively about immigration reform.

> >>>> Gov. Janet Napolitano set the tone. She didn't denounce the fence or
> >>>> other border enforcement--in fact, she led the way, over a year ago, in
> >>>> calling for deployment of the National Guard on the border. She talked
> >>>> tough about smugglers; she repudiated amnesty. But she also insisted
> >>>> relentlessly that border enforcement was only a first step toward the
> >>>> solution: comprehensive reform of the kind proposed by the Senate. The
> >>>> more firmly she held to this tough but pragmatic line, the more
> >>>> frenzied her opponent grew--and as he promised more and more draconian
> >>>> enforcement, her lead only widened.

> >>>> Other Democrats around the state were soon borrowing from the
> >>>> governor's playbook: Incumbent senator Jon Kyl's opponent Jim Pederson,
> >>>> Rep. J.D. Hayworth's challenger Harry Mitchell, and little-known state
> >>>> senator Gabrielle Giffords, running against the self-described
> >>>> Minuteman candidate, Randy Graf, in the eighth congressional district,
> >>>> which runs along the Mexican border. As Election Day approached, the
> >>>> contrast between these Democrats and Republicans wasn't soft versus
> >>>> hard, as the House leadership had hoped. It was tough versus ugly--and
> >>>> polls showed voters, especially Hispanic voters, very clear about which
> >>>> approach they liked better.

> >>>> The results, in Arizona and elsewhere, speak for themselves. Janet
> >>>> Napolitano won handily with 63 percent of the vote. Randy Graf lost, 42
> >>>> percent to 54 percent, and so did J.D. Hayworth, 46 percent to 51
> >>>> percent. Another leading House hawk, John Hostettler, chairman of the
> >>>> House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, was drummed out of his
> >>>> Indiana district. Jon Kyl squeaked by, but his margin of victory was
> >>>> not what he had hoped it would be in September. And not even the
> >>>> crassest anti-immigrant grandstanding could save Rick Santorum or the
> >>>> Colorado state house. Worst of all, looking to the future, the share of
> >>>> Hispanics voting for Republicans dropped to about 27 percent from about
> >>>> 38 percent in 2002.

> >>>> A survey conducted the weekend before the vote by the Republican
> >>>> polling firm the Tarrance Group helps explain this surprising tilt.
> >>>> (Full disclosure:

> ...
> read more
"ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
wrote in message news:7ceFi.23$bY2.6@newsfe05.lga...

>> No you're trying to delude everyone by posting yellow journalism written
>> by
>> a hag w/an agenda, who's a senior fellow at an institute of nothing.

> Ad hominem, weak, very weak...about what I'd expect from you. You can't
> look at anything directly, for fear that your illusions might be
> challenged...you're not brave enough to look at a thing with an honest
> eye. You're afraid.
> ClassWarz

I'm so afraid I'm still waitin' on that email you're supposed to be
sending me Ramon. What's takin' so long?

I wasn't attacking you, the ad-hominem attack, if any, was aimed
at your yellow journalist. I question your source and still do. What
makes her an authority on anything? All she writes are op-ed pieces --
which any dog can do.
OK, I read it AGAIN. It's nothing but an op-ed piece, none of her
assertions have any proof whatsoever. There are plenty of La
Raza shills that can write just as well. Furthermore, why should I
be impressed that she's a senior fellow of the Manhattan Institute?

"American Patriot" <kcajyer_x@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Sep 10, 9:23 am, "ClassWarz"
<NoComplianceSki...@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills> wrote:
> "Doug" <no...@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> news:t4eFi.2247$ZA5.262@nlpi068.nbdc.sbc.com...
> > "ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSki...@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
> > wrote in messagenews:GVdFi.16$bY2.3@newsfe05.lga...

> >> "Jim C." <del...@itlnet.net> wrote in message
> >>news:1189437634_2995@sp6iad.superfeed.net...

> >>> "ClassWarz"
> >>> <NoComplianceSki...@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
> >>> wrote in messagenews:5taFi.5514$331.1658@newsfe12.lga...
> >>>> Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants
> >>>> is
> >>>> losing steam:

> >>>>http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/953...

> >>>> quote

> >>>> A Wedge Too Far

> >>>> The immigration issue didn't work.
> >>>> by Tamar Jacoby
> >>>> 11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10

> >>>> TURN ON A TELEVISION anywhere in America last month, and you were
> >>>> sure
> >>>> to come across a campaign ad talking tough about immigration.
> >>>> Democrats
> >>>> and Republicans, in border states and deep in the heartland:
> >>>> Everybody
> >>>> was doing it, and the spots were among the harshest of the campaign
> >>>> season. The A-word--amnesty--was a staple. So were calls for cracking
> >>>> down on the border. And there could be no mistaking the mood, or
> >>>> rather
> >>>> the two parties' shared assumption about the public's mood. The only
> >>>> question was whether Republicans would succeed in riding that anger
> >>>> to
> >>>> victory on Election Day--whether immigration would indeed be the
> >>>> wedge
> >>>> issue of the 2006 midterms.

> >>>> No one knows how much money was spent on these ads or the websites
> >>>> and
> >>>> mailers that went with them. But the candidates might as well have
> >>>> poured their dollars down a drain. Long before the votes were
> >>>> counted,
> >>>> tracking polls showed that the issue wasn't "working"--wasn't
> >>>> energizing voters or closing the gap between Democratic frontrunners
> >>>> and their GOP opponents. The worse things grew in closely contested
> >>>> races, the more desperately many failing Republicans tried to play
> >>>> the
> >>>> "illegal" card: Rep. Bob Beauprez running for governor in Colorado,
> >>>> Sen. Rick Santorum in Pennsylvania, and some dozen struggling
> >>>> Republican congressional candidates in the Midwest and Southwest were
> >>>> among the shrillest. But the gambit didn't work. In race after race,
> >>>> even Democrats under attack managed to maintain or increase their
> >>>> leads. And by Election Night, the conventional wisdom of October lay
> >>>> in
> >>>> shambles.

> >>>> Immigration was the dog that didn't bark. It did not prove an
> >>>> effective
> >>>> wedge issue. And as far as could be determined, it decided few if any
> >>>> contests. No congressional or gubernatorial candidate otherwise
> >>>> poised
> >>>> to win was defeated primarily because of his or her views on
> >>>> immigration. No more than one or two, if that many, struggling to
> >>>> catch
> >>>> up managed to ride it to victory. And the most stridently
> >>>> restrictionist candidate in the country, Arizona congressional
> >>>> hopeful
> >>>> Randy Graf, who ran a campaign based almost entirely on
> >>>> immigrant-bashing, went down in flaming defeat.

> >>>> This wasn't for lack of trying by immigration naysayers--activists,
> >>>> candidates, or the Republican party establishment. The GOP
> >>>> leadership,
> >>>> particularly in the House, started planning their wedge campaign over
> >>>> a
> >>>> year ago. The party's cooler heads--in this case, the president, Sen.
> >>>> Bill Frist, Sen. John McCain, and the 21 other Republicans who voted
> >>>> for the Senate's bipartisan reform bill--argued strongly against a
> >>>> polarizing approach. Better to grapple with the problem, they
> >>>> urged--what the public wants is a solution. But the wedge players
> >>>> were
> >>>> more interested in political advantage. So instead of working with
> >>>> the
> >>>> Senate to enact law, they spent the spring and summer teeing up the
> >>>> issue for the fall campaign, casting a problem that in fact divides
> >>>> both parties as a contest between monolithic blocs: tough Republican
> >>>> enforcers and soft Democrat reformers.

> >>>> Struggling candidates and activist PACs were only too happy to play
> >>>> into this scenario, generating some of the nastiest ads in recent
> >>>> campaign memory. The 600-plus page Senate bill was reduced to a
> >>>> single
> >>>> sound bite: More than two dozen spots misleadingly claimed that it
> >>>> would pay Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. Democratic
> >>>> candidates who had not been anywhere near the Senate vote or even
> >>>> endorsed the bill were pilloried for its contents. On one
> >>>> particularly
> >>>> unsavory website, Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow was pictured in a
> >>>> sombrero, bobbing back and forth to Mexican music, over a text that
> >>>> thanked her in Spanish for what it implied was an un-American vote
> >>>> for
> >>>> the package.

> >>>> Still other ads aimed directly at immigrants, calling them, among
> >>>> other
> >>>> things, "sneaky" intruders, "stealing" American jobs and taxpayer
> >>>> dollars. More than one Republican flyer mixed photos of Latino
> >>>> workers
> >>>> and Middle Eastern terrorists; several spots dwelt ominously on mug
> >>>> shots of convicted felons. Perhaps the ugliest commercial, out of
> >>>> North
> >>>> Carolina, showed a Latino man clutching his crotch, followed by an
> >>>> image of the American flag in flames: "They take our jobs and our
> >>>> government handouts," the voice-over ran, "then spit in our face and
> >>>> burn our flag." Far-right restrictionist groups--the Federation for
> >>>> American Immigration Reform, the Minuteman PAC, Bay Buchanan's Team
> >>>> America PAC--were responsible for some of this demagoguery. But the
> >>>> national Republican Senatorial and Congressional committees were not
> >>>> ashamed to put their names on far too much of it.

> >>>> Meanwhile, even as Republicans painted themselves into a xenophobic
> >>>> corner, they inadvertently cast the Democrats as the party of
> >>>> pragmatism and problem-solving. Few Democratic candidates sought this
> >>>> role. Few if any, given the climate, wanted to run on the Senate
> >>>> bill's
> >>>> guest worker or earned legalization provisions. And some,
> >>>> particularly
> >>>> in the South and Midwest--Tennessee Senate hopeful Rep. Harold Ford
> >>>> Jr.
> >>>> and Nebraska senator Ben Nelson were among the more prominent--tried
> >>>> instead to out-tough their Republican opponents. But once pinned with
> >>>> the label "pro-reform," most Democrats had little choice, and many
> >>>> rose
> >>>> to the occasion. Incumbent senator Maria Cantwell made a persuasive
> >>>> case in Washington state; Jim Webb took a similar line in Virginia.
> >>>> And
> >>>> if anything, the harder the job and higher the stakes, the better
> >>>> these
> >>>> sometimes reluctant reformers performed--nowhere more surprisingly or
> >>>> impressively than at the epicenter of the immigration debate, in
> >>>> Arizona.

> >>>> It would be hard to imagine a tougher test. More illegal immigrants
> >>>> enter the United States by way of Arizona each year than come through
> >>>> California, Texas, and New Mexico combined. Human smugglers and their
> >>>> accomplices have driven state crime rates to the top of the national
> >>>> rankings. And unlike almost everywhere else in the nation, a
> >>>> majority--6 out of 10 Arizonans--told pollsters that immigration was
> >>>> one of the top issues determining how they would vote in the
> >>>> midterms.
> >>>> Still, or maybe because of this, Arizona became the place where
> >>>> candidates--all of them Democrats, unfortunately--showed Americans
> >>>> how
> >>>> to talk effectively about immigration reform.

> >>>> Gov. Janet Napolitano set the tone. She didn't denounce the fence or
> >>>> other border enforcement--in fact, she led the way, over a year ago,
> >>>> in
> >>>> calling for deployment of the National Guard on the border. She
> >>>> talked
> >>>> tough about smugglers; she repudiated amnesty. But she also insisted
> >>>> relentlessly that border enforcement was only a first step toward the
> >>>> solution: comprehensive reform of the kind proposed by the Senate.
> >>>> The
> >>>> more firmly she held to this tough but pragmatic line, the more
> >>>> frenzied her opponent grew--and as he promised more and more
> >>>> draconian
> >>>> enforcement, her lead only widened.

> >>>> Other Democrats around the state were soon borrowing from the
> >>>> governor's playbook: Incumbent senator Jon Kyl's opponent Jim
> >>>> Pederson,
> >>>> Rep. J.D. Hayworth's challenger Harry Mitchell, and little-known
> >>>> state
> >>>> senator Gabrielle Giffords, running against the self-described
> >>>> Minuteman candidate, Randy Graf, in the eighth congressional
> >>>> district,
> >>>> which runs along the Mexican border. As Election Day approached, the
> >>>> contrast between these Democrats and Republicans wasn't soft versus
> >>>> hard, as the House leadership had hoped. It was tough versus
> >>>> ugly--and
> >>>> polls showed voters, especially Hispanic voters, very clear about
> >>>> which
> >>>> approach they liked better.

> >>>> The results, in Arizona and elsewhere, speak for themselves. Janet
> >>>> Napolitano won handily with 63 percent of the vote. Randy Graf lost,
> >>>> 42
> >>>> percent to 54 percent, and so did J.D. Hayworth, 46 percent to 51
> >>>> percent. Another leading House hawk, John Hostettler, chairman of the
> >>>> House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, was drummed out of his
> >>>> Indiana district. Jon Kyl squeaked by, but his margin of victory was
> >>>> not what he had hoped it would be in September. And not even the
> >>>> crassest anti-immigrant grandstanding could save Rick Santorum or the
> >>>> Colorado state house. Worst of all, looking to the future, the share
> >>>> of
> >>>> Hispanics voting for Republicans dropped to about 27 percent from
> >>>> about
> >>>> 38 percent in 2002.

> >>>> A survey conducted the weekend before the vote by the Republican
> >>>> polling firm the Tarrance Group helps explain this surprising tilt.
> >>>> (Full disclosure:

> ...
> read more
"ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
wrote in message news:5taFi.5514$331.1658@newsfe12.lga...
> Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants is
> losing steam:
> http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/953bsxvs.asp
> quote
> A Wedge Too Far
> The immigration issue didn't work.
> by Tamar Jacoby
> 11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10
> TURN ON A TELEVISION anywhere in America last month, and you were sure to
> come across a campaign ad talking tough about immigration. Democrats and
> Republicans, in border states and deep in the heartland: Everybody was
> doing it, and the spots were among the harshest of the campaign season.
> The A-word--amnesty--was a staple. So were calls for cracking down on the
> border. And there could be no mistaking the mood, or rather the two
> parties' shared assumption about the public's mood. The only question was
> whether Republicans would succeed in riding that anger to victory on
> Election Day--whether immigration would indeed be the wedge issue of the
> 2006 midterms.
> No one knows how much money was spent on these ads or the websites and
> mailers that went with them. But the candidates might as well have poured
> their dollars down a drain. Long before the votes were counted, tracking
> polls showed that the issue wasn't "working"--wasn't energizing voters or
> closing the gap between Democratic frontrunners and their GOP opponents.
> The worse things grew in closely contested races, the more desperately
> many failing Republicans tried to play the "illegal" card: Rep. Bob
> Beauprez running for governor in Colorado, Sen. Rick Santorum in
> Pennsylvania, and some dozen struggling Republican congressional
> candidates in the Midwest and Southwest were among the shrillest. But the
> gambit didn't work. In race after race, even Democrats under attack
> managed to maintain or increase their leads. And by Election Night, the
> conventional wisdom of October lay in shambles.
> Immigration was the dog that didn't bark. It did not prove an effective
> wedge issue. And as far as could be determined, it decided few if any
> contests. No congressional or gubernatorial candidate otherwise poised to
> win was defeated primarily because of his or her views on immigration. No
> more than one or two, if that many, struggling to catch up managed to ride
> it to victory. And the most stridently restrictionist candidate in the
> country, Arizona congressional hopeful Randy Graf, who ran a campaign
> based almost entirely on immigrant-bashing, went down in flaming defeat.
> This wasn't for lack of trying by immigration naysayers--activists,
> candidates, or the Republican party establishment. The GOP leadership,
> particularly in the House, started planning their wedge campaign over a
> year ago. The party's cooler heads--in this case, the president, Sen. Bill
> Frist, Sen. John McCain, and the 21 other Republicans who voted for the
> Senate's bipartisan reform bill--argued strongly against a polarizing
> approach. Better to grapple with the problem, they urged--what the public
> wants is a solution. But the wedge players were more interested in
> political advantage. So instead of working with the Senate to enact law,
> they spent the spring and summer teeing up the issue for the fall
> campaign, casting a problem that in fact divides both parties as a contest
> between monolithic blocs: tough Republican enforcers and soft Democrat
> reformers.
> Struggling candidates and activist PACs were only too happy to play into
> this scenario, generating some of the nastiest ads in recent campaign
> memory. The 600-plus page Senate bill was reduced to a single sound bite:
> More than two dozen spots misleadingly claimed that it would pay Social
> Security benefits to illegal aliens. Democratic candidates who had not
> been anywhere near the Senate vote or even endorsed the bill were
> pilloried for its contents. On one particularly unsavory website, Michigan
> Democrat Debbie Stabenow was pictured in a sombrero, bobbing back and
> forth to Mexican music, over a text that thanked her in Spanish for what
> it implied was an un-American vote for the package.
> Still other ads aimed directly at immigrants, calling them, among other
> things, "sneaky" intruders, "stealing" American jobs and taxpayer dollars.
> More than one Republican flyer mixed photos of Latino workers and Middle
> Eastern terrorists; several spots dwelt ominously on mug shots of
> convicted felons. Perhaps the ugliest commercial, out of North Carolina,
> showed a Latino man clutching his crotch, followed by an image of the
> American flag in flames: "They take our jobs and our government handouts,"
> the voice-over ran, "then spit in our face and burn our flag." Far-right
> restrictionist groups--the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the
> Minuteman PAC, Bay Buchanan's Team America PAC--were responsible for some
> of this demagoguery. But the national Republican Senatorial and
> Congressional committees were not ashamed to put their names on far too
> much of it.
> Meanwhile, even as Republicans painted themselves into a xenophobic
> corner, they inadvertently cast the Democrats as the party of pragmatism
> and problem-solving. Few Democratic candidates sought this role. Few if
> any, given the climate, wanted to run on the Senate bill's guest worker or
> earned legalization provisions. And some, particularly in the South and
> Midwest--Tennessee Senate hopeful Rep. Harold Ford Jr. and Nebraska
> senator Ben Nelson were among the more prominent--tried instead to
> out-tough their Republican opponents. But once pinned with the label
> "pro-reform," most Democrats had little choice, and many rose to the
> occasion. Incumbent senator Maria Cantwell made a persuasive case in
> Washington state; Jim Webb took a similar line in Virginia. And if
> anything, the harder the job and higher the stakes, the better these
> sometimes reluctant reformers performed--nowhere more surprisingly or
> impressively than at the epicenter of the immigration debate, in Arizona.
> It would be hard to imagine a tougher test. More illegal immigrants enter
> the United States by way of Arizona each year than come through
> California, Texas, and New Mexico combined. Human smugglers and their
> accomplices have driven state crime rates to the top of the national
> rankings. And unlike almost everywhere else in the nation, a majority--6
> out of 10 Arizonans--told pollsters that immigration was one of the top
> issues determining how they would vote in the midterms. Still, or maybe
> because of this, Arizona became the place where candidates--all of them
> Democrats, unfortunately--showed Americans how to talk effectively about
> immigration reform.
> Gov. Janet Napolitano set the tone. She didn't denounce the fence or other
> border enforcement--in fact, she led the way, over a year ago, in calling
> for deployment of the National Guard on the border. She talked tough about
> smugglers; she repudiated amnesty. But she also insisted relentlessly that
> border enforcement was only a first step toward the solution:
> comprehensive reform of the kind proposed by the Senate. The more firmly
> she held to this tough but pragmatic line, the more frenzied her opponent
> grew--and as he promised more and more draconian enforcement, her lead
> only widened.
> Other Democrats around the state were soon borrowing from the governor's
> playbook: Incumbent senator Jon Kyl's opponent Jim Pederson, Rep. J.D.
> Hayworth's challenger Harry Mitchell, and little-known state senator
> Gabrielle Giffords, running against the self-described Minuteman
> candidate, Randy Graf, in the eighth congressional district, which runs
> along the Mexican border. As Election Day approached, the contrast between
> these Democrats and Republicans wasn't soft versus hard, as the House
> leadership had hoped. It was tough versus ugly--and polls showed voters,
> especially Hispanic voters, very clear about which approach they liked
> better.
> The results, in Arizona and elsewhere, speak for themselves. Janet
> Napolitano won handily with 63 percent of the vote. Randy Graf lost, 42
> percent to 54 percent, and so did J.D. Hayworth, 46 percent to 51 percent.
> Another leading House hawk, John Hostettler, chairman of the House
> Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, was drummed out of his Indiana
> district. Jon Kyl squeaked by, but his margin of victory was not what he
> had hoped it would be in September. And not even the crassest
> anti-immigrant grandstanding could save Rick Santorum or the Colorado
> state house. Worst of all, looking to the future, the share of Hispanics
> voting for Republicans dropped to about 27 percent from about 38 percent
> in 2002.
> A survey conducted the weekend before the vote by the Republican polling
> firm the Tarrance Group helps explain this surprising tilt. (Full
> disclosure: The poll was commissioned by the Manhattan Institute and the
> National Immigration Forum.) According to Tarrance, there was little if
> any immigration wedge effect: Only 11 percent of the public said they were
> going to vote on the basis of their views about immigration. One in four
> conceded that their feelings about the illegal influx were driving them to
> the polls, but an astonishingly large percentage of this group eschewed an
> enforcement-only policy: Thirty-eight percent said they preferred a
> comprehensive solution along the lines of the Senate bill. As for the
> larger electorate, asked to choose between two candidates, one for
> enforcement alone and one in favor of a comprehensive package, 57 percent
> of likely voters preferred the broader, more realistic solution.
> Will Republicans learn from this? Will the country? The results of the
> 2006 midterms are not a mandate for comprehensive reform--far from it.
> Still, they point the way toward change, opening the political space for
> better, more pragmatic policy by proving that it can be defended on
> Election Day. Randy Graf once boasted foolishly that if he couldn't win in
> Arizona, he couldn't win anywhere. And by the same token, if immigration
> pragmatists can triumph in Phoenix and Tucson, they should be able to win
> in any state.
> It will still take a bipartisan majority to pass immigration reform.
> Democrats and Republicans will still have to compromise to get it done.
> And this may or may not happen in the 110th Congress. But one thing is
> clear and must be fixed: The Republican party has maneuvered itself onto
> the wrong side of the immigration issue. What it--and the country--needs
> is for reformers like President Bush and Sen. McCain to take up the issue
> again and rescue the GOP from the restrictionist corner it has backed
> itself into.
> Tamar Jacoby is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
"Doug" <noone@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> "ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
> wrote in message news:7ceFi.23$bY2.6@newsfe05.lga...
>>> No you're trying to delude everyone by posting yellow journalism written
>>> by
>>> a hag w/an agenda, who's a senior fellow at an institute of nothing.

>> Ad hominem, weak, very weak...about what I'd expect from you. You can't
>> look at anything directly, for fear that your illusions might be
>> challenged...you're not brave enough to look at a thing with an honest
>> eye. You're afraid.
>> ClassWarz

> I'm so afraid I'm still waitin' on that email you're supposed to be
> sending me Ramon. What's takin' so long?

You're as phony as that email address was...you're a fake.

> I wasn't attacking you, the ad-hominem attack, if any, was aimed
> at your yellow journalist. I question your source and still do. What
> makes her an authority on anything? All she writes are op-ed pieces --
> which any dog can do.

Ad hominem....you're an artful dodger...you can't take on her points
directly at all because you're not smart enough.


"ClassWarz" <NoComplianceSkills@NoObedienceSkills.NoSubservienceSkills>
wrote in message news:_LoFi.228$bY2.83@newsfe05.lga...
>> I wasn't attacking you, the ad-hominem attack, if any, was aimed
>> at your yellow journalist. I question your source and still do. What
>> makes her an authority on anything? All she writes are op-ed pieces --
>> which any dog can do.

> Ad hominem....you're an artful dodger...you can't take on her points
> directly at all because you're not smart enough.
> ClassWarz

Her points were nothing but opinion...unsupported by any facts.
Garbage in...garbage out.
> wrote in messagenews:5taFi.5514$331.1658@newsfe12.lga...
> > Looks like the Border-Bigots' attempt to scapegoat Mexican migrants is
> > losing steam:

> >http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/953...

> > quote

> > A Wedge Too Far

> > The immigration issue didn't work.
> > by Tamar Jacoby
> > 11/20/2006, Volume 012, Issue 10


You do realize that this article is almost a year old right?
Immigration was not the biggest hot button issue during that election
because it was totally dominated by issues over George Bush and the
Iraq War.

If you think that the immigration issue is irrelevant, just look at
John McCain's Presidential campaign. He was once the front-runner, now
he's running behind other Republicans, mostly due to his pushing so
hard for Pres Bush's amnesty bill.

