#Abortion parental-notice law repealed


Amanda Williams


Abortion parental-notice law repealed

CONCORD, New Hampshire (AP) -- Gov. John Lynch signed legislation Friday
that made New Hampshire the first state to repeal a law requiring that a
parent be notified before a minor receives an abortion.

The 2003 law never took effect because of a court challenge, and the
repeal took effect immediately.

"I strongly believe parents should be involved in these decisions,
providing important support and guidance. Unfortunately that is not
possible in every case," Lynch said.

Lynch cited the law's lack of a provision regarding the pregnant minor's
health, agreeing with the judge who ruled the law unconstitutional in

New Hampshire is the first state to repeal a parental notice law, said
Dawn Touzin of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. Washington
state removed a parental consent law in 1991.

Forty-four states have laws requiring parental notification or consent
for a minor seeking an abortion. Nine laws, including New Hampshire's,
were unenforceable, according to NARAL Pro-Choice America, which filed a
brief supporting the lawsuit brought by Planned Parenthood.

Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen said Lynch took a radical
approach to a moderate law that could have been fixed.

"One can be pro-choice and still believe that parents have a right to
know whether their minor daughter became pregnant," said Cullen. "Gov.
Lynch is saying that parents don't have a right to know their minor
children became pregnant."

State Rep. Fran Wendelboe, who fought to keep the law on the books, said
its supporters have not decided whether to introduce a new law in
January or wait until after the 2008 elections.

Previously, the Legislature consistently voted for abortion rights
before passing the law under then-Gov. Craig Benson, a Republican, and a
Republican-controlled Legislature.

Democrats took control of the statehouse in December, and abortion-
rights activists moved quickly to strip the law from the books.


Freedom is on the march.. and the nazis are on the run...

Gonzo Funeral Watch: 110 days 10 hours 15 minutes and counting


<small but dangerous>
> CONCORD, New Hampshire (AP) -- Gov. John Lynch signed legislation Friday
> that made New Hampshire the first state to repeal a law requiring that a
> parent be notified before a minor receives an abortion.
> The 2003 law never took effect because of a court challenge, and the
> repeal took effect immediately.
> "I strongly believe parents should be involved in these decisions,
> providing important support and guidance. Unfortunately that is not
> possible in every case," Lynch said.

I remember reviewing a ballot with my (naive Catholic) wife on this. No,
honey, restricting abortion won't reduce the _need_ to abort, and it will
narrow the range of decisions for girls, in trouble, whose parents will
_beat_ them. The decision to tell the parents belongs to the girl, and _she_
is the only one who can decide if she trusts them.

> "One can be pro-choice and still believe that parents have a right to
> know whether their minor daughter became pregnant," said Cullen. "Gov.
> Lynch is saying that parents don't have a right to know their minor
> children became pregnant."

If they didn't do a good job _preventing_ the event, why do they have any
kind of right to know about it afterwards?

On 30 Jun 2007 14:16:13 GMT, Amanda Williams <pms@fu.com> wrote:

>Abortion parental-notice law repealed
>CONCORD, New Hampshire (AP) -- Gov. John Lynch signed legislation Friday
>that made New Hampshire the first state to repeal a law requiring that a
>parent be notified before a minor receives an abortion.
>The 2003 law never took effect because of a court challenge, and the
>repeal took effect immediately.
>"I strongly believe parents should be involved in these decisions,
>providing important support and guidance. Unfortunately that is not
>possible in every case," Lynch said.
>Lynch cited the law's lack of a provision regarding the pregnant minor's
>health, agreeing with the judge who ruled the law unconstitutional in
>New Hampshire is the first state to repeal a parental notice law, said
>Dawn Touzin of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. Washington
>state removed a parental consent law in 1991.
>Forty-four states have laws requiring parental notification or consent
>for a minor seeking an abortion. Nine laws, including New Hampshire's,
>were unenforceable, according to NARAL Pro-Choice America, which filed a
>brief supporting the lawsuit brought by Planned Parenthood.
>Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen said Lynch took a radical
>approach to a moderate law that could have been fixed.
>"One can be pro-choice and still believe that parents have a right to
>know whether their minor daughter became pregnant," said Cullen. "Gov.
>Lynch is saying that parents don't have a right to know their minor
>children became pregnant."
>State Rep. Fran Wendelboe, who fought to keep the law on the books, said
>its supporters have not decided whether to introduce a new law in
>January or wait until after the 2008 elections.
>Previously, the Legislature consistently voted for abortion rights
>before passing the law under then-Gov. Craig Benson, a Republican, and a
>Republican-controlled Legislature.
>Democrats took control of the statehouse in December, and abortion-
>rights activists moved quickly to strip the law from the books.
>Freedom is on the march.. and the nazis are on the run...
>Gonzo Funeral Watch: 110 days 10 hours 15 minutes and counting

How convenient for you feminists. You can continue to murder, in cold
blood, millions of more "inconvenient" human beings without any silly
rules like notifying parents to distract you.

No doubt the most horrendous parts of hell are reserved especially for
you. Enjoy!

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