About darkness lover

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New member
ever since i said anything against him he tried to steal my mysapce, thats why im doing this

that & he brags bout beating people up xx



New member
That wasn't me actually, my IM is not that one, my friend thought it'd be funny. Was not my intention whatsoever, so how about you just shut up Stenners, seriously, if you're trying to prevoke me, you fail. I don't really care it's the freaking INTERNET. How about instead of complaining about someone finally saying something back about your opinion, you just took the time, to do as I said and show us better metal bands, seriously. There is no reason to go off on this rant. Just chill.


New member
^^ his friend tried to steal my mysapce, a personal account when its private and personal and he still thinks its acceptable, the only reason im doing this **** is because of this


New member
Um yeah, cool it guys. I dont know what the deal is exactly between you two, and frankly Id rather not. If youre gonna argue about something that happened off the forums... do so off the forums. If you have a problem with something that happened here... report the post or notify one of the mods. This is a warning, further disruption will not be without its consequences.
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