Accused murderer Robert Durst deemed 'suicidal'


Yahoo! News

By Jonathan Kaminsky NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Robert Durst, the real estate scion charged with first-degree murder, is suicidal, according statements by Louisiana authorities released on Wednesday after they moved him to a facility for inmates suffering from acute mental illness. Awaiting extradition to California, the 71-year-old Durst was charged this week in Los Angeles County with killing longtime friend Susan Berman in 2000. Three of Durst's condominiums in Houston were searched on Tuesday, and there have also been investigations in northern California, where the disappearances of two teenagers in 1997 raised questions about his whereabouts at the time. The heir to a New York real estate dynasty was arrested in New Orleans on Saturday with a handgun, marijuana, a fake ID and over $42,000 in cash, records show, one day before the airing of the final installment of an HBO documentary, "The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst." In it, Durst was presented with evidence of similar handwriting on two envelopes, one from himself and another that likely originated from Berman's killer.

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