ACLU Outrages as told by Edwin Meese, III and the Rest of the CLOWNSat the ACRU...

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ACRU: alt.politics.republicans,

In the above link on your website, under "ACLU Outrages, Columbia
Professor and ACLU Claim Blacks Are Jailed for No Reason," Dr.
Marable claims: "What he entirely misses is that most criminals are
repeat offenders in their specialties, and that larger prison
populations means less crime on
the streets. He also misses the point that some nations are
amounting to outdoor prisons, and that some other nations simply
people they deem troublesome. Prison is a more humane choice than
either of those."

The point you and Dr. Marable miss is that prison CREATES criminals,
unable to live under the rules of society, because they are forced to
live in an environment without rules or civil rights for long periods
of time, and then are bombarded with Draconian rules when out on
parole and probation, which virtually guarantees that they will
again, and be encarcerated again. He mentions "specialties," like
those arrested, without exception, are career criminals, not just
souls, bent on nothing but honing their "specialty" to perfection.

And what, exactly, is the definition of "criminal"? Because,
according to the police and the courts, a criminal is anyone who has
ever been arrested, whether or not the officer deliberately framed
him, the case is dismissed, or there is mistaken identity, or he
isn't given an attorney, or the attorney he is given makes things
worse than they already were. Is that fair? Hell no! Why do they
it? Because it means POWER. It's politically motivated. Those in
law enforcement and prosecution who demonize the poorer races and
communities are largely conservative, and their victims vote against
their candidates. Putting them in prison, ensuring that their
communities are constantly struggling with drugs, and to survive,
undermines democracy and gives Neo-Cons more voting power. They
benefit from an illiterate, non-political electorate, because they
rely on factors other than the system we're supposed to have, where
the people rule (democracy), and actually winning by having MERIT
to perpetuate their power.

He also says that blacks just choose to commit more crimes than
or other races, and says nothing of racism, classism, inferior
schools, discrimination, police and prosecutorial corruption amd
incompetence, including a failure to win the "war" on drugs, which
devastates poor communities and a myriad of other ways that the deck
is stacked against them. He also discredits other countries' lower
prison population statistics, claiming that many of them are just
border to border "outdoor prisons" because of lack of law
or they are regimes that "simply slaughter" those citizens that are
troublesome, making the dubious case that the only alternative to the
police state in America is total lawlessness or the slaughtering of
troublesome citizens. That is laughable.

One suggestion would be to make law enforcement accountable, working
both from within and outside of it, so that comtempt for the law bred
from a law breaking government body is removed, and the truth
becomes the pinacle of justice for the first time in WORLD HISTORY.
Why is it that virtually the ONLY organizations that are attempting
police the police are non-profits, as opposed to a strong, non-
partisan government agency
which would simply be upholding the Constitution that binds this
country together--a very AMERICAN cause, no doubt? Also, it would
help if
prisons actually TRIED to rehabilitate prisoners, as opposed to
fostering breeding grounds for the worst criminals that are
bureaucratically possible. Crime may or may not go down, and even
then slightly, by violating civil rights, by not ensuring that the
punishment fits the crime, but countless lives are fed into the belly
of the beast, with the clear intention of condemnation, and that is
soley God's providence, and NOT the government's. And what
happens to the pot smoker who ends up in prison, living with
(real criminals), and in order to survive, learns how to live in an
environment with no rules, and then is finally set free, only to be
absolutely unable to live by rules any longer? I'll tell you what
happens: MORE CRIME! Unless this country starts putting anyone
sentenced to prison in prison for life, you're going to have
broken, angry people continuously pouring out onto the streets with
skills to make it, and destined to offend again. The system never
has, and probably never will take responsibility for it's part in
this, but they WILL make the offender pay. What hypocrisy!

I don't expect a reply from you because it's much easier to just
disseminate through the mail the lies you've already printed (like
something to the effect that the ACLU is destroying the
to vulnerable people like my elderly mother, than to attempt to
convince me that your lies and deception, your downright TREASONOUS
essence, is somehow true an right.

What I WILL do, is distribute this email ALL OVER THE INTERNET, where
Edwin Meese Jr., and all the rest of you CLOWNS have thus far
little execration.

P.S. You know, since Reagan was senile even before he was used as a
conservative hand puppet in Washington, it would seem that Meese is
overdue. It's a laugh that the right wing elects these idiots to the
presidency, and then somehow escapes blame for it, instead allowing
the individual's own incompetence to be the sole culprit. That would
certainly explain Meese's involvement in the most ludicrous
organization in history.