Activists protest ex-UN climate chief's suit against harassment case lawyer


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Feb 18, 2015
By Suchitra Mohanty NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Activists in India have protested against a civil suit launched by the former head of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) against a lawyer representing two women who have accused him of sexual harassment. Rajendra K. Pachauri filed a civil suit last week against lawyer Vrinda Grover, seeking an injunction and 10 million rupees ($150,000) in damages on the ground that she was trying to prejudice the case against him. "The very public attack on Ms. Grover is a matter of concern for all those who, like the signatories to this letter, are struggling to deliver substantive justice under the laws on sexual harassment in the workplace in India today," said a letter released late on Monday, signed by 188 activists, academics, writers and journalists.

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