ADL Battles Internet



ADL Battles Internet
Free Speech
By Rev. Ted Pike

Canadian hate laws are now hitting their intended target:

On Oct. 26 a 21-year-old Canadian woman, Jessica Beaumont, was
fined $1500 for posting online two Bible verses critical of homosexuality.
She was also required to pay $3000 to professional complainer Richard Warman
who brought charges against her. Her crime? She derisively called him "a

Jessica posted these verses, which, of course, could be found on
any Bible website: "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is
detestable." (Lev.18:22) "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman,
both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their
blood will be on their heads." (Lev. 20:13)

The court ruled:

"Ms. Beaumont claimed, during her testimony, that she based this
comment on her interpretation of a passage in the Bible, adding that she did
not care if Jews would be offended by her ideas. However, irrespective of
whether she 'cares' or not, s.13 of the Act dictates that the repeated
communication via the internet of matter that is likely to expose targeted
groups to hatred or contempt constitutes a discriminatory practice. Whether
the person communicating the matter was in fact its author is immaterial.
The mere act of communicating the material or causing its communication
attracts liability under this Act." 1

Beaumont was ordered to never again post Scripture critical of
homosexuals or any other specially protected group, including Jews. She
faces prison if she disobeys.

Jessica claims Nazi sympathies. Yet that should not distract us
from the fact that Bible verses caused her conviction. As the world moves
toward hate crimes persecution, hate law enforcers usually select victims
with extremist views. They know society will not help these people but will
probably rejoice at their conviction! But the free speech rights of every
person are diminished by the legal precedents meted against extremists.

Persecution of Biblically based "hate" (i.e., Christianity) is the
ultimate goal of B'nai B'rith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress,
creators of Canada's federal hate crime law in 1971. In Canada, these
extensions of ADL possess a powerful tool: federal law banning internet
criticism of Jews and homosexuals. Section 13.1 outlaws communications
"likely" to incite hatred or contempt of members of a federally protected
group. ADL possesses similar statutory tools banning "cyberhate" in most
European countries.

Strategies to End Internet Freedom

But in the U.S., ADL faces stiff First Amendment opposition to
censorship. Here they try other strategies to end free speech in America:

1. ADL puts pressure on search engines like Google to filter out
websites which criticize Zionism or homosexuality. So far, it has not
succeeded. Recently, Google's Israeli representative,
Brand, flatly repulsed ADL requests to ban internet criticism of Zionism.
(link to article) ADL has been similarly rebuffed in the United States. This
means scores of videos critical of Zionism and homosexuality, including my
four, still bring light via the internet into encroaching darkness.

2. Many teens using the internet are victims of online bullies. ADL
wants to create a false mental link between "cyber-bullying" and hate
speech. Through its <>new
program against online bullying, ADL feigns compassion for these young
people. What ADL really wants is to link cyber-bullying with cyberhate and
gain power to advise government on "protecting" vulnerable teens from
criticism of Israel, Jewish control of media or the accuracy of the
six-million figure of Holocaust dead.

3. Through privatizing the internet, cable and phone companies
sympathetic to ADL may be able to discriminate against, and ultimately help
eliminate, "hate sites." These companies include Verizon and Comcast, headed
respectively by ADL/Zionist sympathizers Ivan Seidenburg and Brian Roberts.
Jewish recipients of ADL/Wiesenthal "tolerance" awards, they could provide a
form of censorship without legislation. (See,
<>Threats to a
Free Internet).

4. ADL wants to re-define internet free speech as "home-grown
terrorism." Already, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.1955,
designed to set up a federal commission to "eradicate" the "cyber-terrorism"
which this bill alleges "streams" from the internet. This primarily alludes
to anti-Zionist alternative internet talk radio. The federal commission, if
approved by the Senate and the President, will construe politically
incorrect speech on the internet as words that hurt, i.e., "verbal
violence." H.R. 1955 says this speech incites extremists to
"radicalization," i.e., acts of violence. Ultimately, as in Canada, such
expression, in order to be prosecuted, need only be thought "likely" to
cause intimidation of members of federally protected groups. (See,
Search of 'Homegrown Terrorists')

5. ADL also considers massive propaganda against critics of Israel
or homosexuality as a weapon against "cyberhate." Some ADL cyber-experts,
such as Christopher Wolf, head of INACH (ADL's worldwide "Institute against
Cyberhate"), believe education against homophobia and anti-Semitism is the
best solution. We should remember that, as we are seeing in Canada, it is
not skinheads and Nazis whom the ADL really deplores; it is evangelical
Christians. ADL has already smeared Traditional Values Coalition as hateful
and <>implies that other new
right websites, such as Focus on the Family and Family Research Council,
which "portray gays and lesbians as subhuman in the guise of promoting
so-called 'family values' " should be removed from the internet.

By far, ADL's greatest hope for ending free speech on the Internet
is the federal hate crimes bill, now passed by both houses of Congress and
awaiting approval or veto by Pres. Bush.

In Canada, ADL/B'nai B'rith persuaded Parliament to pass their hate
bill in 1971. It was a small matter a few years later, with arrival of the
internet, to also pass Section 13.1, extending it to internet control. The
same will happen here if the hate bill becomes law.

Ray of Hope

With both Republicans and Democrats dissatisfied with the National
Defense Appropriations Act, H.R. 1585, to which the hate bill is attached,
there is a growing inclination within Congress to reject this arms bill and
create a new one after the first of the year. (See,
by Lou Chibbaro Jr.) Then the hate bill, either as an amendment or on its
own, would probably have to be approved again by Congress.

Such approval is certain if new right leaders and the American
people remain confident of a Presidential veto and do as little as they did
to protest hate bill passage by the Senate on Sept. 27. (Watch Pike's Video
How New Right Leaders Helped Pass the Hate Bill) Yet if we learn from our
mistake and demand the arms and hate bill be voted down, we may yet redeem
this second chance to save freedom.

It is unbelievable how close we are to losing liberty! The hate
bill, as no other legislation in American history, will accomplish that.
Since the arms bill may be overdue five months or longer, primarily through
Democratic opposition, this will almost certainly require Pres. Bush,
desperate to supply funds for the military, to cancel his promise to veto
the hate bill. This means that right now we have no real hope of a
Presidential veto.

It is up to you and me, not the President, to save freedom. Call
your members of the Senate and House immediately saying: Please reject the
National Defense Appropriations Act, HR 1585, with hate bill attached. Don't
vote for any hate crimes legislation.

And, of course, call to God. We face sinister and devious political
maneuvers from Democratic leaders which could yet make possible hate bill
passage. But God is ready and willing to help save America. That is, if
enough Americans are ready and willing to turn from sin and trust in His


1. CRHT Decision: Warman vs. Beaumont, October 26, 2007, Para.68,
cited in "Free Speech Monitor" from Canadian Association for Free Expression
Inc., <http://caf
On Nov 28, 1:36 pm, "JS" <> wrote:
> ADL Battles Internet
> Free Speech
> By Rev. Ted Pike
> 11-28-7
> Canadian hate laws are now hitting their intended target:
> Christianity.
> On Oct. 26 a 21-year-old Canadian woman, Jessica Beaumont, was
> fined $1500 for posting online two Bible verses critical of homosexuality.

No. She was fined for a history of posting hate speech against
blacks, Jews, Hispanics, and anyone with an IQ higher than hers:

The two Bible verses were almost lost in the noise.

The Jew statement I can say is Hate Speech, in fact I think that as of
now, it should be against the law to say Jew world wide. Instead
Israeli would be best, or a follower of Judaism if referring to their

However quoting the bible, the most published book in the ENTIRE
WORLD, should not be a crime, under ANY circumstance.

Canada has gone to far, and will continue to be a censorship nation
until such a point as the people see that anything/everything the hard
left wants censored is censored, but they wont stop there of course.
The people will rise up with elections that displace the hard left,
and then the left will cry for mercy for what will happen to their
"laws". Total reversal, and then some extra for good measure.