Advice please....


Well-Known Member my mom wasnt treating me exactly **** to be exact...and I got fed up...then she told me I had to quit hanging out with my BFF of 14 years cuz my sister told my mom something about jer that wasnt I was given the ultimadum....Move out or stop hanging out with Tami...I chose Tami....Do y'all think I did the right thing?.....any advice is much appreciated.
I would have choosen the girl....I mean...I never would let someone down, because my mum tells me to...
Penguinscanfly_88 said:
I did...but my mom doesnt believe me cuz my sister is her fav and anything Jasmin says goes in that hell hole....I told her Tami's mom is a freaking pastor....Tami doesnt do that ****...but my mom has her head to far up my sisters I moved out....Do you think I made a mistake?
I think what you did was 100% the right thing...I would have done the same...
I think you did the right thing too... And congratulations because you are a loyal friend and you stand up for those you believe in! You're very brave... Well done! :thumbsup:
lol i woulda done the same thing... or maybe not
But still your mom loves you and eventually she'll forgive you (even though it wasn't your fault)
But damn, i'd beat my sister up before i leave
smack her

smack her ass to the grass

what a bitch seriously
good on you for moving on, anyone with the guts to move away from opression should be congratulated. you know what would make ur move out easier? dont regret, dont look back.

and seriously, give that lil bitch a smack for us! and giv ur mum a good gobful while ur at it. anyone whos stupid enough to believe such a bitch deserves as good as the bitch
I would of most deffinatly stood my ground it s a shame that it has actually seen u move out but other then that it seems to be the right thing.
hahahaha. I know how you feel.
My best friend of 13 years told me that her mom didn't think I as in ME was going down the right path. I smoke cigarretes & THAT'S ALL! She on the other hand, parties drinks sleeps with a million guys.... and I'm going down the right path. So her mom supposedly said that so now we jsut aren't friends any more. 13 years down the drain.

Do yourself a favor, sweetie... tell your sister to **** off. She might actually be jealous of you. Tell her to just shove it... STICK WITH YOUR FRIEND. Dont listen to what other people say. It's not right. & it'll make Tami feel like crap... and trust me... you'll feel it to.
Normally, I would tell you to stop being a teenager...the whole mess is really cliche. But one thing caught my attention - your mom told you to leave your friend....or move out?!
Thats ridiculious. Any parent who is nuts enough to kick her daughter out of the house doesn't deserve one.
You did the right thing, because obviously your mom has alot of issues or something. I would stay away from that house altogether. Good on you for having enough self-respect to recognize that you had to leave.
I agree u did the right thing. Give it some time and maybe your mom will cool down. If not, hopefully u have a place to stay? That really is ****ed up. I think your mother is really going to regret it. As a mother myself I can't imagine throwing my own child out. If you stand your ground than she might realize you are not to blame. Hang in there.