African sub-humans unfit to run their own countries

  • Thread starter It's Americans OR Democrats
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It's Americans OR Democrats

Bring back benign colonialism.

Annan hits out at Kenya 'abuses'
The town of Nakuru has seen some of the worst violence
Kofi Annan
Former UN head Kofi Annan has condemned "gross and systematic abuses
of human rights" in Kenya, after a visit to violence-hit parts of the

Mr Annan said conflict may have been triggered by disputed elections,
but it had evolved into "something else".

The facts had to be established and those responsible held to account,
Mr Annan said on his return to Nairobi.

Dozens more deaths were reported on Saturday, with corpses bearing the
marks of brutal violence.

Police brought 16 badly burnt bodies to the mortuary in Nakuru, the
capital of Rift Valley province. Nine other bodies had been recovered
the previous evening, reports said.

Some 15 bodies - covered in arrow wounds - were reported to have been
recovered following fighting between rival communities in the district
of Molo.

Mr Annan - in Kenya to mediate attempts for a political solution - was
flown over Nakuru on Saturday as part of a tour that also included
visits to Eldoret and Molo.

Hospital staff in Nakuru said they had received the bodies of nine
more people, hacked by machetes or killed by arrows.

Earlier the authorities had imposed an overnight curfew across the
city in the wake of renewed inter-ethnic conflict.

Rival gangs of young men battled with machetes, metal bars, bows and
arrows, while thick smoke billowed up from burning buildings.

The violence came despite hopes of progress after President Mwai
Kibaki met opposition leader Raila Odinga for the first time on
Thursday since December's disputed polls.

Burnt forests

Mr Annan set off from Nairobi shortly after first light on Saturday to
see for himself some of the destruction and human misery caused by
more than three weeks of violence.

He visited some of the thousands of people in Eldoret whose homes have
been destroyed or who moved to the town to try to find shelter.

The former UN chief also boarded a helicopter to fly to Molo district
where many have been killed.

Speaking in the capital, Nairobi, Mr Annan said: "What we saw was
rather tragic. We visited several IDP [internally displaced persons]
camps, we saw people pushed from their homes, from their farms,
grandmothers, children, families uprooted.

"And I think it is important that all Kenyans respond with sympathy
and understanding, and not try to revenge."

He also said there needed to be fundamental changes to Kenya's
institutions to prevent a repetition.

"We cannot accept that periodically, every five years or so, this sort
of incident takes place and no-one is held to account. Impunity cannot
be allowed to stand," Mr Annan added.

Tanzania's former President, Benjamin Mkapa, travelling with Mr Annan,
said: "The political crisis in the country [has caused] a state of
agony and despair. We console the people."


There has been sporadic gunfire in Nakuru on Saturday.

The BBC's Adam Mynott says that some protesters erected a barricade
across the main road and many homes have been burnt in the town.

Hundreds of people have sought refuge in churches or friends' homes.

There are also reports of truckloads of many young men being moved
overnight to a village on the outskirts of the town.

The unrest triggered by the election on 27 December has driven 250,000
people from their homes. Mr Odinga says he was robbed of the

Are you in Kenya? Are you affected by the curfew? Send us your comments
"It's Americans OR Democrats" <> wrote in message
> Bring back benign colonialism.
> Annan hits out at Kenya 'abuses'
> The town of Nakuru has seen some of the worst violence
> Kofi Annan
> Former UN head Kofi Annan has condemned "gross and systematic abuses
> of human rights" in Kenya, after a visit to violence-hit parts of the
> country.
> Mr Annan said conflict may have been triggered by disputed elections,
> but it had evolved into "something else".
> The facts had to be established and those responsible held to account,
> Mr Annan said on his return to Nairobi.
> Dozens more deaths were reported on Saturday, with corpses bearing the
> marks of brutal violence.
> Police brought 16 badly burnt bodies to the mortuary in Nakuru, the
> capital of Rift Valley province. Nine other bodies had been recovered
> the previous evening, reports said.
> Some 15 bodies - covered in arrow wounds - were reported to have been
> recovered following fighting between rival communities in the district
> of Molo.
> Mr Annan - in Kenya to mediate attempts for a political solution - was
> flown over Nakuru on Saturday as part of a tour that also included
> visits to Eldoret and Molo.
> Hospital staff in Nakuru said they had received the bodies of nine
> more people, hacked by machetes or killed by arrows.
> Earlier the authorities had imposed an overnight curfew across the
> city in the wake of renewed inter-ethnic conflict.
> Rival gangs of young men battled with machetes, metal bars, bows and
> arrows, while thick smoke billowed up from burning buildings.
> The violence came despite hopes of progress after President Mwai
> Kibaki met opposition leader Raila Odinga for the first time on
> Thursday since December's disputed polls.
> Burnt forests
> Mr Annan set off from Nairobi shortly after first light on Saturday to
> see for himself some of the destruction and human misery caused by
> more than three weeks of violence.
> He visited some of the thousands of people in Eldoret whose homes have
> been destroyed or who moved to the town to try to find shelter.
> The former UN chief also boarded a helicopter to fly to Molo district
> where many have been killed.
> Speaking in the capital, Nairobi, Mr Annan said: "What we saw was
> rather tragic. We visited several IDP [internally displaced persons]
> camps, we saw people pushed from their homes, from their farms,
> grandmothers, children, families uprooted.
> "And I think it is important that all Kenyans respond with sympathy
> and understanding, and not try to revenge."
> He also said there needed to be fundamental changes to Kenya's
> institutions to prevent a repetition.
> "We cannot accept that periodically, every five years or so, this sort
> of incident takes place and no-one is held to account. Impunity cannot
> be allowed to stand," Mr Annan added.
> Tanzania's former President, Benjamin Mkapa, travelling with Mr Annan,
> said: "The political crisis in the country [has caused] a state of
> agony and despair. We console the people."
> Barricade
> There has been sporadic gunfire in Nakuru on Saturday.
> The BBC's Adam Mynott says that some protesters erected a barricade
> across the main road and many homes have been burnt in the town.
> Hundreds of people have sought refuge in churches or friends' homes.
> There are also reports of truckloads of many young men being moved
> overnight to a village on the outskirts of the town.
> The unrest triggered by the election on 27 December has driven 250,000
> people from their homes. Mr Odinga says he was robbed of the
> presidency.
> Are you in Kenya? Are you affected by the curfew? Send us your comments

Yep, the Communists are deliberately stirring up the RRRs! It is all part of
causing confusion so that they can overthrow the USA from within! RRRs= Race
Religious Riots, like they ones that they deliberately stirred up when I was
outed as a CID Informant, and was stoned with a big rock in the RRRs that
broke out, and all of our Medics were taken out, so after I got some of my
sight back, they asked me to OJT as a Medic! Get ready to OJT as Medics too!

Someone set the charts up to sucker people into trying to invest for a long
run that will not happen. The Sock Market is a Trojan Horse controlled by
our Enemies! If you invest in the Stock Market, you are investing in our
enemies that are taking control and are trying to destroy us from within.
Pull your money from all Global Corporations and start hiring Americans here
at home, we have no Jobs! With the deflation of the Dollar, the charts that
they set up are completely misleading, you are losing your shirts, pants,
and underwear too, by supporting people that are deliberatly outsourcing our
Jobs to destroy America!

The Homeland Security Buildup is part of the Supply and Demand on resources
that deflated the Dollar, and is driving up inflation. That is why the
Soviets and Communist China used the State of Israel, and helped them draw
us into the Iraq War, so that they could destroy our economy, and force us
to borrow from their Banks, and or have to go onto Welfare just to survive,
because of all the regulations that they used the Banks and Corporations to
help set up and take control of all Local Governments, and State and Federal
Levels too.

Both Political Parties are controlled by the Communist Soviets and Communist
China, by using the Zionists to take control of the US from within!

It is the Clinton Camp that built the big Police Forces, it is Hillarie's
pet accusation against Putin, saying that Putin does not have a Police
Structure for controlling the Population like we have! But the thing here
is, Putin and the Clinton Camp are on the side of Putin, they are just
playing Good Cop vs Bad Cop to deceive the Public. The Communists control
the Environmental movement so that they can motive environmental nuts to
target our Top Scientists whom are telling the truth, because the Soviets
set them up, and want them dead because the US needs them for National
Security against the Communist Takeover from within!

Sold out to our enemies by Zionists that took control of both Political

I mean Corporations Controlled by Communist Atheist Zionists that are
Pretending to be Jews and Christians, so that they can use the News Media to
Brainwash the Public into helping them destroy the Arabs for the Communist
Soviets and Communist Chinese, hey fools, the Arabs are our source of Oil
for National Security. You are a big bunch of suckers, the Communists own
you and control you everywhere you turn, and when someone realizes that,
they scream he is crazy, lock him up and drug him with mind control drugs
that destroy your ability to think, and eventually drive you to committing
suicide or murder suicide!

Betty Crocker Recipes, Balloon Fish.

We have had Members of the C.A.L.M. helping others to post emergency
procedures for surviving a Nuclear attack on US Soil.

Just Google these and start getting ready, the balloon is being filled, to
go up for Nuclear War.

Nuclear Attack Survival

Nuclear Decontamination

Also check the Internet Detective Sites to see what our enemies have on you,
even if you have no criminal record. Check to see what Credit Information
they have on you, it was all setup by our enemies so that they could use it
to control you, and or to destroy you one way or another. Among the Sites
giving our records to our Enemies are these Family Tree organizations the
trace your ancestry, like the Nazis and Soviets did to the Jews.

CNN tricked the Government into giving our enemies all of our Government's
Criminal Records!

It is Private Corporate Sites and Computers sending our Personal Information
overseas to our enemies. I have personally done and experiment to find out
just how much they are sending. These dating Sites that have you fill out a
bunch of things about yourself to try to match you with a mate, everything
you enter ends up in our enemies hands. The same with business Sites that
ask for your likes and dislikes, and that ask what products that you prefer
to use.

It will all come back to haunt you, as our enemies try to take the US over
from within. They have enough data on everyone that has a computer, they can
use the system to set you up to look criminal, even if you have never broken
a law. That is what they intend to do with it, by using Criminals to help
them set people up, like they used the Mob organizations to do so in the

That is why they want all of our Criminal Records Public, even if it is just
traffic tickets, because they can use these to blackmail and intimidate
these people into helping them. The US gave the enemies of the People of
these United States, a very powerful and deadly tool, making criminal
records public. They like using the Criminal Records and giving them to
Religious Fundamentalists too, to show others that if they do not cooperate,
they will get the same brutal treatment.

An outed CID Informant, or any other outed Agent, and even those that have
not yet been Publicly outed, has to live on guard at all times, because the
secret files that were recorded only in the White House and in the Pentagon,
for our personal security, have fallen into the wrong hands. So the
Communists use Domestic Criminals via the Internet to set us up much faster
now, than the ways that they did it before. Our lives and are Liberty are at
risk every moment, because some among the Tax and Spend Democrats, and some
among the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans, have betrayed us, and
because of their personal dislikes, the Communists use them, and use
personal attacks to set us up, and get rid of us for our common enemies!

Who would know better about this, than an outed CID Informant whom was outed
and kidnapped by Legal Foreign Exchanged Students from Africa, armed with
stolen US Weapons on American soil, in the 1980s?

Putin knows better than to mess with me straight up, he has my personal
History, my Military, my Criminal, my Religious, and my Medical Records on
his Computers, and so does Communist China, compliments of our Zionist
friends that use US Corporations to send all of our personal information to
our enemies!

I wonder if your on our enemies good guy list, or bad guy list? Well, the
next time that I get a date, and sneak into Moscow, or Tehran, or Shanghai,
or Jerusalem, I will check, because they are all against real Americans!

As I view the Presidential candidates in this race, I must stand and become
truly American on this.

It is time to get the two parties of Traitors out of our Government. The
Traitors of the Tax and Spend Democrats, and the Traitors of the Borrow
until Economic Collapse Republicans. Because if we Vote for either one, it
will be Politics as usual, and we all know that their philosophy of saving a
Nation, it is to destroy it, so if destruction is that what you really want
America, vote either Right or Left!

Proverbs 4:27 "Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot
from evil."

In service of God and Country
