Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights ...what would you expect froma black city with a black city



Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights

Nov 20 04:04 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer 6 Comments

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - In a terrible year for flight delays nationwide,
this city's outdated airport has become a hub of the East Coast
Holiday travelers from Maine to Florida shouldn't hold their breath,
either. It could be decades before passengers see significant
improvements at Philadelphia International Airport, routinely one of
the nation's most delayed.

Federal Aviation Administration officials, airlines, air traffic
controllers and others say Philadelphia plays a major role in delays
up and down the coast thanks to poor airport design, bad weather,
heavy traffic and close proximity to New York.

"If you wanted to show an airport that shows the opposite of what
efficient is, Philly would be the poster child," said Don Chapman,
local president of the National Air Traffic Controllers union.

Through September, 68 percent of departures were on time in
Philadelphia, better only than New York's JFK International, Chicago's
O'Hare International and Liberty International in Newark, N.J. Fewer
than two-thirds of arrivals were on time in Philadelphia during that

Nationwide, the airline industry suffered its worst on-time
performance in 13 years through September. Over that period, the
nation's 20 largest carriers reported that nearly a quarter of all
flights arrived late, the most since the industry started keeping
track in 1995.

The FAA has deemed Philadelphia a "pacing" airport that, because it
sits in the middle of the busy East Coast air corridor, causes delays
nationwide. It is debating how to improve the airport, which last year
ranked 16th in the nation by passenger volume, but is consistently
near the bottom of the 32 largest airports in on-time performance.

"It seems like if somebody sneezes in Harrisburg, we've got delays in
Philadelphia," said Morgan Durrant, a spokesman for US Airways, the
airport's dominant carrier.

There is little hope of major relief for this year's holiday
travelers. Rain and fog on Monday and Tuesday caused delays leading up
to the Thanksgiving rush.

Airport officials are working on extending one runway to accommodate
bigger planes. That project, slated for completion by the end of next
year, is expected to help ease delays somewhat.

The FAA is considering three options for a major airport redesign
aimed at realigning runways to allow more planes to take off at once.
Construction would take 10 to 15 years and would not start until 2010
at the earliest, at an estimated cost of between $5 billion to $6

Meanwhile, the search for more immediate solutions has created an

Neighbors in the Philadelphia suburbs, and other areas along the East
Coast, are angry over an airspace redesign meant to give planes more
room. They say the change, which could go into effect next month, will
force more flights over their homes and reduce property values.

The FAA also is moving toward alleviating congestion with new
navigational technology that would get more planes in the sky at once
by allowing them to fly closer together. But air traffic controllers
say that would only make the problems worse.

"The cause of delays is not in the air," Chapman said. "The cause of
delays is on the ground."

Poor runway arrangement limits the number of planes that can take off
from the airport at once, especially during bad weather, Chapman said.
Although a small runway was added in 1999, most of the layout dates
back to the 1970s or earlier.

But FAA officials call the changes a must for improving the region's
clogged system.

"What you have to do is look to use technology and airspace design,"
FAA spokesman Jim Peters said. "How we improve things in New York and
Philadelphia ultimately improves things in the rest of the country."

Meanwhile, on the ground, baggage handling remains a major struggle
three years after a Christmas 2004 disaster. That year, US Airways had
to cancel hundreds of flights and thousands of pieces of luggage were
stranded in Philadelphia after scores of flight attendants and baggage
handlers called in sick.

The airline has since allocated $20 million toward improving baggage
handling facilities, but it's still trying to streamline the
operation. Eventually, Durrant said, a new system will be able to
process up to 1,200 bags an hour, up from the current 700.

In the meantime, Philadelphia's mayor-elect urged travelers to be
patient and beseeched them not to allow delays at the city-owned
airport to tarnish Philadelphia's image.

"None of these challenges are insurmountable," Michael Nutter said the
morning after he was elected Nov. 6. "I'd like to remind many of you
that the city of Philadelphia does not handle baggage, nor do we fly

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?

Look at African countries...cant feed
themselves....crime ....murder....

Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....

Facts are not racist.

"Rightwinghank" <> wrote in message
> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights

Couldn't be any worse than Reagan Retarded International Airport in D.C.
On Nov 20, 5:38 pm, Rightwinghank <> wrote:
> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights
> Nov 20 04:04 PM US/Eastern
> Associated Press Writer 6 Comments
> PHILADELPHIA (AP) - In a terrible year for flight delays nationwide,
> this city's outdated airport has become a hub of the East Coast
> maelstrom.
> Holiday travelers from Maine to Florida shouldn't hold their breath,
> either. It could be decades before passengers see significant
> improvements at Philadelphia International Airport, routinely one of
> the nation's most delayed.
> Federal Aviation Administration officials, airlines, air traffic
> controllers and others say Philadelphia plays a major role in delays
> up and down the coast thanks to poor airport design, bad weather,
> heavy traffic and close proximity to New York.
> "If you wanted to show an airport that shows the opposite of what
> efficient is, Philly would be the poster child," said Don Chapman,
> local president of the National Air Traffic Controllers union.
> Through September, 68 percent of departures were on time in
> Philadelphia, better only than New York's JFK International, Chicago's
> O'Hare International and Liberty International in Newark, N.J. Fewer
> than two-thirds of arrivals were on time in Philadelphia during that
> period.
> Nationwide, the airline industry suffered its worst on-time
> performance in 13 years through September. Over that period, the
> nation's 20 largest carriers reported that nearly a quarter of all
> flights arrived late, the most since the industry started keeping
> track in 1995.
> The FAA has deemed Philadelphia a "pacing" airport that, because it
> sits in the middle of the busy East Coast air corridor, causes delays
> nationwide. It is debating how to improve the airport, which last year
> ranked 16th in the nation by passenger volume, but is consistently
> near the bottom of the 32 largest airports in on-time performance.
> "It seems like if somebody sneezes in Harrisburg, we've got delays in
> Philadelphia," said Morgan Durrant, a spokesman for US Airways, the
> airport's dominant carrier.
> There is little hope of major relief for this year's holiday
> travelers. Rain and fog on Monday and Tuesday caused delays leading up
> to the Thanksgiving rush.
> Airport officials are working on extending one runway to accommodate
> bigger planes. That project, slated for completion by the end of next
> year, is expected to help ease delays somewhat.
> The FAA is considering three options for a major airport redesign
> aimed at realigning runways to allow more planes to take off at once.
> Construction would take 10 to 15 years and would not start until 2010
> at the earliest, at an estimated cost of between $5 billion to $6
> billion.
> Meanwhile, the search for more immediate solutions has created an
> uproar.
> Neighbors in the Philadelphia suburbs, and other areas along the East
> Coast, are angry over an airspace redesign meant to give planes more
> room. They say the change, which could go into effect next month, will
> force more flights over their homes and reduce property values.
> The FAA also is moving toward alleviating congestion with new
> navigational technology that would get more planes in the sky at once
> by allowing them to fly closer together. But air traffic controllers
> say that would only make the problems worse.
> "The cause of delays is not in the air," Chapman said. "The cause of
> delays is on the ground."
> Poor runway arrangement limits the number of planes that can take off
> from the airport at once, especially during bad weather, Chapman said.
> Although a small runway was added in 1999, most of the layout dates
> back to the 1970s or earlier.
> But FAA officials call the changes a must for improving the region's
> clogged system.
> "What you have to do is look to use technology and airspace design,"
> FAA spokesman Jim Peters said. "How we improve things in New York and
> Philadelphia ultimately improves things in the rest of the country."

Philadelphia and New York are morons, though.
Since they being saying that since 1700 ,
And which is why it wasn't either New York
or Philadelphia that invented computers, internet,
robots, lunar rockets, space shuttles, GPS, CD, DVD,
and baggage that says:
"Been to the moron Phili Airport:
But since Washington D.C. Voting Booth morons
runs the idiot place, ain't going back".

> Meanwhile, on the ground, baggage handling remains a major struggle
> three years after a Christmas 2004 disaster. That year, US Airways had
> to cancel hundreds of flights and thousands of pieces of luggage were
> stranded in Philadelphia after scores of flight attendants and baggage
> handlers called in sick.
> The airline has since allocated $20 million toward improving baggage
> handling facilities, but it's still trying to streamline the
> operation. Eventually, Durrant said, a new system will be able to
> process up to 1,200 bags an hour, up from the current 700.
> In the meantime, Philadelphia's mayor-elect urged travelers to be
> patient and beseeched them not to allow delays at the city-owned
> airport to tarnish Philadelphia's image.
> "None of these challenges are insurmountable," Michael Nutter said the
> morning after he was elected Nov. 6. "I'd like to remind many of you
> that the city of Philadelphia does not handle baggage, nor do we fly
> airplanes."
> Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
> material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
> .......................................................
> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
> Look at African countries...cant feed
> themselves....crime ....murder....
> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
> Facts are not racist.
> love
> hanka
Do you live in Philly?


"Rightwinghank" <> wrote in message
> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights
> Nov 20 04:04 PM US/Eastern
> Associated Press Writer 6 Comments
> PHILADELPHIA (AP) - In a terrible year for flight delays nationwide,
> this city's outdated airport has become a hub of the East Coast
> maelstrom.
> Holiday travelers from Maine to Florida shouldn't hold their breath,
> either. It could be decades before passengers see significant
> improvements at Philadelphia International Airport, routinely one of
> the nation's most delayed.
> Federal Aviation Administration officials, airlines, air traffic
> controllers and others say Philadelphia plays a major role in delays
> up and down the coast thanks to poor airport design, bad weather,
> heavy traffic and close proximity to New York.
> "If you wanted to show an airport that shows the opposite of what
> efficient is, Philly would be the poster child," said Don Chapman,
> local president of the National Air Traffic Controllers union.
> Through September, 68 percent of departures were on time in
> Philadelphia, better only than New York's JFK International, Chicago's
> O'Hare International and Liberty International in Newark, N.J. Fewer
> than two-thirds of arrivals were on time in Philadelphia during that
> period.
> Nationwide, the airline industry suffered its worst on-time
> performance in 13 years through September. Over that period, the
> nation's 20 largest carriers reported that nearly a quarter of all
> flights arrived late, the most since the industry started keeping
> track in 1995.
> The FAA has deemed Philadelphia a "pacing" airport that, because it
> sits in the middle of the busy East Coast air corridor, causes delays
> nationwide. It is debating how to improve the airport, which last year
> ranked 16th in the nation by passenger volume, but is consistently
> near the bottom of the 32 largest airports in on-time performance.
> "It seems like if somebody sneezes in Harrisburg, we've got delays in
> Philadelphia," said Morgan Durrant, a spokesman for US Airways, the
> airport's dominant carrier.
> There is little hope of major relief for this year's holiday
> travelers. Rain and fog on Monday and Tuesday caused delays leading up
> to the Thanksgiving rush.
> Airport officials are working on extending one runway to accommodate
> bigger planes. That project, slated for completion by the end of next
> year, is expected to help ease delays somewhat.
> The FAA is considering three options for a major airport redesign
> aimed at realigning runways to allow more planes to take off at once.
> Construction would take 10 to 15 years and would not start until 2010
> at the earliest, at an estimated cost of between $5 billion to $6
> billion.
> Meanwhile, the search for more immediate solutions has created an
> uproar.
> Neighbors in the Philadelphia suburbs, and other areas along the East
> Coast, are angry over an airspace redesign meant to give planes more
> room. They say the change, which could go into effect next month, will
> force more flights over their homes and reduce property values.
> The FAA also is moving toward alleviating congestion with new
> navigational technology that would get more planes in the sky at once
> by allowing them to fly closer together. But air traffic controllers
> say that would only make the problems worse.
> "The cause of delays is not in the air," Chapman said. "The cause of
> delays is on the ground."
> Poor runway arrangement limits the number of planes that can take off
> from the airport at once, especially during bad weather, Chapman said.
> Although a small runway was added in 1999, most of the layout dates
> back to the 1970s or earlier.
> But FAA officials call the changes a must for improving the region's
> clogged system.
> "What you have to do is look to use technology and airspace design,"
> FAA spokesman Jim Peters said. "How we improve things in New York and
> Philadelphia ultimately improves things in the rest of the country."
> Meanwhile, on the ground, baggage handling remains a major struggle
> three years after a Christmas 2004 disaster. That year, US Airways had
> to cancel hundreds of flights and thousands of pieces of luggage were
> stranded in Philadelphia after scores of flight attendants and baggage
> handlers called in sick.
> The airline has since allocated $20 million toward improving baggage
> handling facilities, but it's still trying to streamline the
> operation. Eventually, Durrant said, a new system will be able to
> process up to 1,200 bags an hour, up from the current 700.
> In the meantime, Philadelphia's mayor-elect urged travelers to be
> patient and beseeched them not to allow delays at the city-owned
> airport to tarnish Philadelphia's image.
> "None of these challenges are insurmountable," Michael Nutter said the
> morning after he was elected Nov. 6. "I'd like to remind many of you
> that the city of Philadelphia does not handle baggage, nor do we fly
> airplanes."
> Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
> material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
> .......................................................
> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
> Look at African countries...cant feed
> themselves....crime ....murder....
> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
> Facts are not racist.
> love
> hanka
Rightwinghank wrote:
> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights


> .......................................................
> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
> Look at African countries...cant feed
> themselves....crime ....murder....
> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
> Facts are not racist.
> love
> hanka

Since you are as much of a racist as Larry Craig is gay (NOT!) please
explain how Detroit (the Blackest city in America) has an airport rated
in the top three in North America?
On Nov 21, 11:14 am, SgtMinor <Sa...@the.old.folks.home.invalid>
> Rightwinghank wrote:
> > Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights

> <snip>
> > .......................................................

> > Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?

> > Look at African countries...cant feed
> > themselves....crime ....murder....

> > Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....

> > Facts are not racist.

> > love
> > hanka

> Since you are as much of a racist as Larry Craig is gay (NOT!) please
> explain how Detroit (the Blackest city in America) has an airport rated
> in the top three in North America?

Blacks run Philly owned AIrport and philly government....

Detroit run by whites...and is the airport OWNED by the city like

Spect not.

Argure with the facts....

but all black cities are in decline...crime...murder...drugs...with NO
tax base

because they are all on welfare or in jail.

Look up the most dangerous cities in America....

see how many have huge black populations.

Facts dont make racism.....only jews throw out that card.
Rightwinghank wrote:

> On Nov 21, 11:14 am, SgtMinor <Sa...@the.old.folks.home.invalid>
> wrote:
>>Rightwinghank wrote:
>>>Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights


>>>Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?

>>>Look at African countries...cant feed
>>>themselves....crime ....murder....

>>>Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....

>>>Facts are not racist.


>>Since you are as much of a racist as Larry Craig is gay (NOT!) please
>>explain how Detroit (the Blackest city in America) has an airport rated
>>in the top three in North America?

> Blacks run Philly owned AIrport and philly government....
> Detroit run by whites...and is the airport OWNED by the city like
> philly?
> Spect not.
> Argure with the facts....
> but all black cities are in decline...crime...murder...drugs...with NO
> tax base
> because they are all on welfare or in jail.
> Look up the most dangerous cities in America....
> see how many have huge black populations.
> Facts dont make racism.....only jews throw out that card.

It's interesting to see how you pick your "facts." You could have
picked lower tax base, crime, lower education and income levels, people
subject to racism, and a number of other variables correlated with poor
airport performance, but somehow "race" jumped out at you.

At least you're not a racist.
Bring it to Philly you gutless ****.

Otherwise, shut up.

"Rightwinghank" <> wrote in message
> On Nov 21, 11:14 am, SgtMinor <Sa...@the.old.folks.home.invalid>
> wrote:
> > Rightwinghank wrote:
> > > Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights

> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > > .......................................................

> >
> > > Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?

> >
> > > Look at African countries...cant feed
> > > themselves....crime ....murder....

> >
> > > Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....

> >
> > > Facts are not racist.

> >
> > > love
> > > hanka

> >
> > Since you are as much of a racist as Larry Craig is gay (NOT!) please
> > explain how Detroit (the Blackest city in America) has an airport rated
> > in the top three in North America?
> >
> >

> Blacks run Philly owned AIrport and philly government....
> Detroit run by whites...and is the airport OWNED by the city like
> philly?
> Spect not.
> Argure with the facts....
> but all black cities are in decline...crime...murder...drugs...with NO
> tax base
> because they are all on welfare or in jail.
> Look up the most dangerous cities in America....
> see how many have huge black populations.
> Facts dont make racism.....only jews throw out that card.
"SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
> Rightwinghank wrote:
>> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights

> <snip>
>> .......................................................
>> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
>> Look at African countries...cant feed
>> themselves....crime ....murder....
>> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
>> Facts are not racist.

> Since you are as much of a racist as Larry Craig is gay (NOT!) please
> explain how Detroit (the Blackest city in America) has an airport rated in
> the top three in North America?

Are you retarded?

Read your own cite. Detroit is THE WORST airport!
Patriot Games wrote:
> "SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
>> Rightwinghank wrote:
>>> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights

>> <snip>
>>> .......................................................
>>> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
>>> Look at African countries...cant feed
>>> themselves....crime ....murder....
>>> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
>>> Facts are not racist.

>> Since you are as much of a racist as Larry Craig is gay (NOT!) please
>> explain how Detroit (the Blackest city in America) has an airport
>> rated in the top three in North America?

> Are you retarded?
> Read your own cite. Detroit is THE WORST airport!

Retarded maybe, confused certainly. Based on the link I provided
Detroit looks horrible. But in a recent J D Power survey, the airport
managed to come in second in the US in customer satisfaction:
"Dallas/Fort Worth International (DFW) ranks highest in overall customer
satisfaction among large airports, followed closely by Detroit
Metropolitan Wayne County (DTW) and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta (ATL)."

Thanks for keeping me on my toes.
"SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:
>> "SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
>>> Rightwinghank wrote:
>>>> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights
>>> <snip>
>>>> .......................................................
>>>> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
>>>> Look at African countries...cant feed
>>>> themselves....crime ....murder....
>>>> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
>>>> Facts are not racist.
>>> Since you are as much of a racist as Larry Craig is gay (NOT!) please
>>> explain how Detroit (the Blackest city in America) has an airport rated
>>> in the top three in North America?

>> Are you retarded?
>> Read your own cite. Detroit is THE WORST airport!

> Retarded maybe, confused certainly. Based on the link I provided Detroit
> looks horrible. But in a recent J D Power survey, the airport managed to
> come in second in the US in customer satisfaction: "Dallas/Fort Worth
> International (DFW) ranks highest in overall customer satisfaction among
> large airports, followed closely by Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County
> (DTW) and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta (ATL)."
> Thanks for keeping me on my toes.

JD Power accepts money from the targets of its surveys. SAT was high on the
ratings, but the place absolutely sucks. Last time I visited, lighted
signage was inop in the parking garage, my flight was delayed, and there
were few places to eat beyond security. The only place to eat in the
concourse was Fuddruckers, and it was overpriced and understocked.
"SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:
>> "SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
>>> Rightwinghank wrote:
>>>> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights
>>> <snip>
>>>> .......................................................
>>>> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
>>>> Look at African countries...cant feed
>>>> themselves....crime ....murder....
>>>> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
>>>> Facts are not racist.
>>> Since you are as much of a racist as Larry Craig is gay (NOT!) please
>>> explain how Detroit (the Blackest city in America) has an airport rated
>>> in the top three in North America?

>> Are you retarded?
>> Read your own cite. Detroit is THE WORST airport!

> Retarded maybe, confused certainly. Based on the link I provided Detroit
> looks horrible. But in a recent J D Power survey, the airport managed to
> come in second in the US in customer satisfaction: "Dallas/Fort Worth
> International (DFW) ranks highest in overall customer satisfaction among
> large airports, followed closely by Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County
> (DTW) and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta (ATL)."
> Thanks for keeping me on my toes.

Hate to burst your bubble but J.D. Power and Associates is FAKE.

J.D. Power and Associates has ALWAYS been fake.

You want your product or service highly rated? Send them a check. They
conduct a survey and as if by magic your product or service is highly rated.
(Doesn't matter if its brand new, or if its never been highly rated...)
On Nov 24, 6:31 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> "SgtMinor" <Sa...@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
> > Patriot Games wrote:
> >> "SgtMinor" <Sa...@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> Rightwinghank wrote:
> >>>> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights
> >>> <snip>
> >>>> .......................................................
> >>>> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
> >>>> Look at African countries...cant feed
> >>>> themselves....crime ....murder....
> >>>> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
> >>>> Facts are not racist.
> >>> Since you are as much of a racist as Larry Craig is gay (NOT!) please
> >>> explain how Detroit (the Blackest city in America) has an airport rated
> >>> in the top three in North America?
> >>>
> >> Are you retarded?
> >> Read your own cite. Detroit is THE WORST airport!

> > Retarded maybe, confused certainly. Based on the link I provided Detroit
> > looks horrible. But in a recent J D Power survey, the airport managed to
> > come in second in the US in customer satisfaction: "Dallas/Fort Worth
> > International (DFW) ranks highest in overall customer satisfaction among
> > large airports, followed closely by Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County
> > (DTW) and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta (ATL)."
> >
> > Thanks for keeping me on my toes.

> Hate to burst your bubble but J.D. Power and Associates is FAKE.
> J.D. Power and Associates has ALWAYS been fake.
> You want your product or service highly rated? Send them a check. They
> conduct a survey and as if by magic your product or service is highly rated.
> (Doesn't matter if its brand new, or if its never been highly rated...)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

How would you know???
On Nov 20, 5:38 pm, Rightwinghank <> wrote:
> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights
> Nov 20 04:04 PM US/Eastern
> Associated Press Writer 6 Comments
> PHILADELPHIA (AP) - In a terrible year for flight delays nationwide,
> this city's outdated airport has become a hub of the East Coast
> maelstrom.
> Holiday travelers from Maine to Florida shouldn't hold their breath,
> either. It could be decades before passengers see significant
> improvements at Philadelphia International Airport, routinely one of
> the nation's most delayed.
> Federal Aviation Administration officials, airlines, air traffic
> controllers and others say Philadelphia plays a major role in delays
> up and down the coast thanks to poor airport design, bad weather,
> heavy traffic and close proximity to New York.
> "If you wanted to show an airport that shows the opposite of what
> efficient is, Philly would be the poster child," said Don Chapman,
> local president of the National Air Traffic Controllers union.
> Through September, 68 percent of departures were on time in
> Philadelphia, better only than New York's JFK International, Chicago's
> O'Hare International and Liberty International in Newark, N.J. Fewer
> than two-thirds of arrivals were on time in Philadelphia during that
> period.
> Nationwide, the airline industry suffered its worst on-time
> performance in 13 years through September. Over that period, the
> nation's 20 largest carriers reported that nearly a quarter of all
> flights arrived late, the most since the industry started keeping
> track in 1995.
> The FAA has deemed Philadelphia a "pacing" airport that, because it
> sits in the middle of the busy East Coast air corridor, causes delays
> nationwide. It is debating how to improve the airport, which last year
> ranked 16th in the nation by passenger volume, but is consistently
> near the bottom of the 32 largest airports in on-time performance.
> "It seems like if somebody sneezes in Harrisburg, we've got delays in
> Philadelphia," said Morgan Durrant, a spokesman for US Airways, the
> airport's dominant carrier.
> There is little hope of major relief for this year's holiday
> travelers. Rain and fog on Monday and Tuesday caused delays leading up
> to the Thanksgiving rush.
> Airport officials are working on extending one runway to accommodate
> bigger planes. That project, slated for completion by the end of next
> year, is expected to help ease delays somewhat.
> The FAA is considering three options for a major airport redesign
> aimed at realigning runways to allow more planes to take off at once.
> Construction would take 10 to 15 years and would not start until 2010
> at the earliest, at an estimated cost of between $5 billion to $6
> billion.
> Meanwhile, the search for more immediate solutions has created an
> uproar.
> Neighbors in the Philadelphia suburbs, and other areas along the East
> Coast, are angry over an airspace redesign meant to give planes more
> room. They say the change, which could go into effect next month, will
> force more flights over their homes and reduce property values.
> The FAA also is moving toward alleviating congestion with new
> navigational technology that would get more planes in the sky at once
> by allowing them to fly closer together. But air traffic controllers
> say that would only make the problems worse.
> "The cause of delays is not in the air," Chapman said. "The cause of
> delays is on the ground."
> Poor runway arrangement limits the number of planes that can take off
> from the airport at once, especially during bad weather, Chapman said.
> Although a small runway was added in 1999, most of the layout dates
> back to the 1970s or earlier.
> But FAA officials call the changes a must for improving the region's
> clogged system.
> "What you have to do is look to use technology and airspace design,"
> FAA spokesman Jim Peters said. "How we improve things in New York and
> Philadelphia ultimately improves things in the rest of the country."
> Meanwhile, on the ground, baggage handling remains a major struggle
> three years after a Christmas 2004 disaster. That year, US Airways had
> to cancel hundreds of flights and thousands of pieces of luggage were
> stranded in Philadelphia after scores of flight attendants and baggage
> handlers called in sick.
> The airline has since allocated $20 million toward improving baggage
> handling facilities, but it's still trying to streamline the
> operation. Eventually, Durrant said, a new system will be able to
> process up to 1,200 bags an hour, up from the current 700.
> In the meantime, Philadelphia's mayor-elect urged travelers to be
> patient and beseeched them not to allow delays at the city-owned
> airport to tarnish Philadelphia's image.
> "None of these challenges are insurmountable," Michael Nutter said the
> morning after he was elected Nov. 6. "I'd like to remind many of you
> that the city of Philadelphia does not handle baggage, nor do we fly
> airplanes."
> Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
> material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
> .......................................................
> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
> Look at African countries...cant feed
> themselves....crime ....murder....
> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
> Facts are not racist.
> love
> hanka

And the fact is that since Ronnie Raygun fired the air traffic
controllers, things have gone downhill steadily and without letup.
"Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote in message
> On Nov 20, 5:38 pm, Rightwinghank <> wrote:
>> Aging Philly Airport Bogs Down Flights
>> Nov 20 04:04 PM US/Eastern
>> Associated Press Writer 6 Comments
>> PHILADELPHIA (AP) - In a terrible year for flight delays nationwide,
>> this city's outdated airport has become a hub of the East Coast
>> maelstrom.
>> Holiday travelers from Maine to Florida shouldn't hold their breath,
>> either. It could be decades before passengers see significant
>> improvements at Philadelphia International Airport, routinely one of
>> the nation's most delayed.
>> Federal Aviation Administration officials, airlines, air traffic
>> controllers and others say Philadelphia plays a major role in delays
>> up and down the coast thanks to poor airport design, bad weather,
>> heavy traffic and close proximity to New York.
>> "If you wanted to show an airport that shows the opposite of what
>> efficient is, Philly would be the poster child," said Don Chapman,
>> local president of the National Air Traffic Controllers union.
>> Through September, 68 percent of departures were on time in
>> Philadelphia, better only than New York's JFK International, Chicago's
>> O'Hare International and Liberty International in Newark, N.J. Fewer
>> than two-thirds of arrivals were on time in Philadelphia during that
>> period.
>> Nationwide, the airline industry suffered its worst on-time
>> performance in 13 years through September. Over that period, the
>> nation's 20 largest carriers reported that nearly a quarter of all
>> flights arrived late, the most since the industry started keeping
>> track in 1995.
>> The FAA has deemed Philadelphia a "pacing" airport that, because it
>> sits in the middle of the busy East Coast air corridor, causes delays
>> nationwide. It is debating how to improve the airport, which last year
>> ranked 16th in the nation by passenger volume, but is consistently
>> near the bottom of the 32 largest airports in on-time performance.
>> "It seems like if somebody sneezes in Harrisburg, we've got delays in
>> Philadelphia," said Morgan Durrant, a spokesman for US Airways, the
>> airport's dominant carrier.
>> There is little hope of major relief for this year's holiday
>> travelers. Rain and fog on Monday and Tuesday caused delays leading up
>> to the Thanksgiving rush.
>> Airport officials are working on extending one runway to accommodate
>> bigger planes. That project, slated for completion by the end of next
>> year, is expected to help ease delays somewhat.
>> The FAA is considering three options for a major airport redesign
>> aimed at realigning runways to allow more planes to take off at once.
>> Construction would take 10 to 15 years and would not start until 2010
>> at the earliest, at an estimated cost of between $5 billion to $6
>> billion.
>> Meanwhile, the search for more immediate solutions has created an
>> uproar.
>> Neighbors in the Philadelphia suburbs, and other areas along the East
>> Coast, are angry over an airspace redesign meant to give planes more
>> room. They say the change, which could go into effect next month, will
>> force more flights over their homes and reduce property values.
>> The FAA also is moving toward alleviating congestion with new
>> navigational technology that would get more planes in the sky at once
>> by allowing them to fly closer together. But air traffic controllers
>> say that would only make the problems worse.
>> "The cause of delays is not in the air," Chapman said. "The cause of
>> delays is on the ground."
>> Poor runway arrangement limits the number of planes that can take off
>> from the airport at once, especially during bad weather, Chapman said.
>> Although a small runway was added in 1999, most of the layout dates
>> back to the 1970s or earlier.
>> But FAA officials call the changes a must for improving the region's
>> clogged system.
>> "What you have to do is look to use technology and airspace design,"
>> FAA spokesman Jim Peters said. "How we improve things in New York and
>> Philadelphia ultimately improves things in the rest of the country."
>> Meanwhile, on the ground, baggage handling remains a major struggle
>> three years after a Christmas 2004 disaster. That year, US Airways had
>> to cancel hundreds of flights and thousands of pieces of luggage were
>> stranded in Philadelphia after scores of flight attendants and baggage
>> handlers called in sick.
>> The airline has since allocated $20 million toward improving baggage
>> handling facilities, but it's still trying to streamline the
>> operation. Eventually, Durrant said, a new system will be able to
>> process up to 1,200 bags an hour, up from the current 700.
>> In the meantime, Philadelphia's mayor-elect urged travelers to be
>> patient and beseeched them not to allow delays at the city-owned
>> airport to tarnish Philadelphia's image.
>> "None of these challenges are insurmountable," Michael Nutter said the
>> morning after he was elected Nov. 6. "I'd like to remind many of you
>> that the city of Philadelphia does not handle baggage, nor do we fly
>> airplanes."
>> Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
>> material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
>> .......................................................
>> Have the blacks EVER run anything correctly?
>> Look at African countries...cant feed
>> themselves....crime ....murder....
>> Look at American black cities....Crime...drugs....murder....
>> Facts are not racist.
>> love
>> hanka

> And the fact is that since Ronnie Raygun fired the air traffic
> controllers, things have gone downhill steadily and without letup.

Actually, Ronnie's FAA administrator, J Lynn Helms, a noted crook who was
forced to resign, fired the air traffic controllers.
>> And the fact is that since Ronnie Raygun fired the air traffic
>> controllers, things have gone downhill steadily and without letup.

> Actually, Ronnie's FAA administrator, J Lynn Helms, a noted crook who was
> forced to resign, fired the air traffic controllers.

That's how it works - you appoint a fall-guy, load him up with extra
baggage, order him to do your dirty work for you, then force him to resign.
You get your dirty work done, and then you get credit for "cleaning house".

Note that, while Alberto Gonzales was going down, the spinners tried to
implicate him in that Texas teen-boy sex scandal, so when he resigned he'd
take that with him too...
