Aids Walk


New member
Hey you guys. I am walking in the aids walk, here in san francisco on july 17th. I am trying to raise as much money as possible every cent counts. is my personal fund raising webpage, i just signed up today so i havent got any donations, but i sent out e mails through the webpage and i am printing out donation forms to bring to work and to my moms work so they can donate with cash or checks, they will all be mailed in at once.

If you would like to donate please do so. My goal is $500. $25 is not much and its for a great cause. If you dont have $25, i wont mind even a $1 bill or a $1 check. Rasing money is all i want to do. I will be walking the 10 kilometer (6 mile) Walk hopefully with friends if not i will be by myself.

All cash donations mailed / given to me will be put into an account and i will write a check and mail it in. You will also be listed on my donation Report, unless you choose to be annomous.

Thanks for helping if you choose to donate, and if not then thanks for taking the time to read this.

(If you need my address to mail donations just let me know at

Paypal will also be accepted. Just let me know okay.


P.S. Im trying to do something good here so if you have something negative to say please just click out and dont say it.

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