Air Training Corps.


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Is anyone else a member of the Air Training Corps.? More commonly known as Air Cadets?


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I joined, went there for one day, they told me to get my hair cut, i screamed **** off in their face :)


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Yeah, I thought it was fun. But they tried to make me get a haircut, for something I pay for and something that I offer to do in my free time, if I give up free time for something I don't expect them to tell me to get a hair cut! :')


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Yes, but they have certain etiquette. If you're willing to give up your free time for them, you have to be willing to follow the etiquette. It's only hair anyway.


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I spent time and effort growing my hair! I used energy to grow this hair, I shall not loose my hair :')

The corporal was a ****** anyway so no loss for me :p

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