Airlines In Big Trouble



Airlines In Big Trouble

It's time for:
Reinventing America's railroads
By William C. Vantuono, Editor

It may still be asked whether this perfected transportation tool will
have a role to play in future economic development," said Louis Armand
of the railway industry in 1964. "There still persist people who
believe that the economy of modern nations can get along without
railways and that, as a consequence, railways ought to consider that
their job is to shrink, with the goal of disappearing entirely one of
these days."

Armand himself was not among the doubters. A wartime resistance hero
who went on to become director general of the French National
Railways, secretary general of the International Union of Railways
(UIC), and a member of the French Academy, Armand wrote 37 years ago
of the "railway use of cybernetics" (today, computerization) and the
role other modern technology would have to play in "plunging the
industry ahead toward audacious accomplishments."

But some of the basic questions posed by the world's best-known
railroader nearly half a century ago are still being asked in the
United States today: Where does the railway industry fit in,
economically, socially, politically? What does it need to do to
compete effectively as a transportation provider with those modes,
primarily highway and air, that garner the lion's share of public and
legislative attention?

Economically, times right now are tough. Business is down in just
about every sector. Growth capital is short or non-existent. But
despite all this, the industry is beginning to position itself to
claim a much larger share of the transportation marketplace than it
has had in many years. Gradually coming into focus is a fundamental
shift in public policy and perception toward rail transportation that
could pump billions of public dollars into the system. Equally as
important as new capital is a rethinking of business practices, a
reconsideration of traditional industry values and concepts, a change
in railroad culture-indeed, a "reinvention" of the industry.

A new source of capital

A key word, says Ike Evans, is "partnership." Partnerships will
certainly unlock many opportunities for the railroads. Union Pacific's
chief describes the rapid growth of interline alliances, and speaks of
the need for more partnering with highway carriers. Indeed, Evans
describes a railroad industry that may not need to "reinvent" itself
so much as it needs to more aggressively capitalize on its strengths.

Other railroad leaders are beginning to say that partnering in a
broader sense, and in ways that many in the industry may find
disagreeable, could unlock many more opportunities in the future. What
they're talking about is federal subsidies to freight railroads-
subsidies that will create, in the words of Association of American
Railroads President and CEO Ed Hamberger, "the railroad equivalent of
the Interstate Highway System," a system that will support sustained
growth in both freight and passenger traffic. For example, the
infrastructure for operating higher speed short- and medium-haul
intercity passenger trains: It's owned, operated, and maintained by
freight railroads. Investing federal and state dollars to increase the
frequency and speed of passenger trains without compromising the
integrity of freight service or safety-adding track, improving
signaling and train control systems, closing or improving highway/rail
grade crossings-would cost a fraction of expanding an airport or
highway, and would certainly be environmentally wise.

Federal aid-two words that would have given some railroaders a heart
attack just a few years ago-may very well be the only way a capital-
intensive railroad industry that often doesn't earn its cost of
capital can remain alive and well. Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
President and CEO Matt Rose speaks for a growing number of railroaders
when he says that "we're singing a different tune from the one we have
sung in the past," and that "this is today's reality."

Rose has called attention to "breakthrough proposals" now moving
through Congress that would help railroads strengthen and expand their
infrastructure. Legislation known as RIDE-21 in the House and RAIL-21
in the Senate would make $35 billion in low-interest loans available
to Class I's, regionals, and short lines. These bills would also
provide billions of dollars of funding for rail passenger projects,
many of which would benefit freight carriers by adding much-needed
capacity to existing rights-of-way. The Senate bill includes
authorization for $350 million per year for three years to upgrade
small railroads to handle 286,000-pound cars.

"These proposals recognize the need for more public/private
partnership initiatives to improve the nation's rail infrastructure
and to be responsive to concerns about traffic congestion, safety,
transportation flexibility, and economic development," says Rose. "The
rail industry needs ongoing help with its infrastructure investments
to remain strong and competitive. Public policy dictates a sound rail
infrastructure for America so we can continue to be a strong economic
force globally."

Viewpoints on such legislation run the gamut of emotions-from strong
support to skeptical acceptance to outright indignation. But
regardless of whatever visceral reaction one experiences, the fact
remains that something needs to be done, and soon, to solve the
problem of revenue inadequacy. The indicators that support such
dramatic steps are clear. Matt Rose identifies them as such: "Over the
past couple of years, railroad industry tonnage growth has outstripped
revenue growth, and that trend is continuing. Similarly, until this
year, most real rail rates have steadily been declining. In 2001, the
industry has been able to take some prices up in the 2-3% range.
However, operating costs have risen at a faster rate due to
inflationary increases in wages and benefits, fuel prices, and the
cost of materials. We no longer can find big cost savings initiatives
to overcome these operating expense increases. We are not getting
sufficient dollars for what we are providing and we are no longer able
to take costs out of the business at a faster rate than inflation."

Some of the industry's largest potential cost savings and growth
opportunities are already tied to legislative issues. One is the 4.3-
cent deficit reduction tax on each gallon of diesel fuel purchased.
Railroads and barge companies are the only transportation modes still
paying this tax. Repeal of it could save the railroads around $150
million a year. "We have come close to having this tax repealed," says
Rose, "but it hasn't happened for various reasons."

The greatest story never told

One reason behind the railroad industry's less-than-stellar track
record on Capitol Hill may be its "stealth" status with the general
taxpaying public and, by extension, those who represent its interests.
"Railroads have been more successful over the years at blocking
harmful legislation than in getting favorable legislation approved,"
says Railway Age Contributing Editor Larry Kaufman. Adds long-time
supplier Craig Duchossois, CEO of Duchossois Industries, Inc., "With
rare exception, our industry and its leaders are unknown on Capitol
Hill, in contrast to truckers. It's time to speak up and get our act
together in a unified, meaningful manner. We've been out-lobbied for
years, and can no longer afford this tremendous competitive

Many in the industry are beginning to realize that negative or
nonexistent public perception of railroads is a real hindrance to
progress, whether it be getting an important piece of legislation
passed or obtaining local support for an expansion project that will
bring more trains through town. After years of virtually ignoring
public relations, the Association of American Railroads is putting
together the first elements of what could become a large-scale public
awareness campaign. But getting the Class I's to commit to an
ambitious and potentially expensive media program will be a hard sell,
especially since the direct benefits are hard to quantify.

Short-term, a one-minute television commercial extolling, say, the
environmental benefits of moving truck trailers and containers by rail
won't add to the bottom line. Long-term, the public's repeated
exposure to positive messages about rail transportation could work to
the industry's benefit. As Matt Rose said recently, "we are examining
every part of our business and are beginning to take steps that are
not designed to make the next quarter look good to Wall Street, but to
make the future successful for each member of our community, including
all of our shareholders."

Reaching out to the public-the customers of the railroad's customers-
should be part of that.

Whose track is it, anyway?

Drinking from the deep federal transportation trough won't come
without at least a few strings attached. The biggest string-a noose,
really, to opponents of federal aid-is the "O word": open access
(defined by some as the "F word": forced access), but more accurately
termed "competitive access." Then there's the "R word": reregulation.
Will competitive access and reregulation scenarios come to pass? Will
railroads be forced to open their rights-of-way to anyone who wants to
run trains in exchange for government dollars? Will they lose some of
the freedoms of the Staggers Act? Probably not, at least not in as
ominous terms as some are portraying.

"The question of open access will always be with us," says Ray
Chambers, the railroad lobbyist leading the short line charge up
Capitol Hill. "But with only four major carriers, it's easier for them
to work together to improve service, through alliances and other
means, to the point where open access is not an issue. Call it the
'private interstate highway approach,' where the target is getting
freight off the highways, not off other railroads."

"The railroads are lucky that the customer world isn't united," says
Larry Kaufman. "If the shippers ever agree on what they want, then all
bets are off. Remember, companies like UPS are bigger than the entire
industry. Competitive access is not like abortion rights or gun
control. It's not one of those issues that Congress votes for on
principle, and Congress doesn't like to referee battles between
competing interests, particularly when both sides are PAC
contributors. It's really a commercial dispute, and the standard
Congressional response is, 'you people negotiate a deal and bring it
to us to codify.' That's why there were so many negotiations between
railroads and shippers, back when 4R and Staggers were on the table."

"Creativity before capital"

The most capital-intensive part of railroading is infrastructure. If
the railroads are to grow, they will have to move beyond merely
maintaining their track and structures to a state of good repair, and
add capacity. But even if federal and state dollars begin to flow,
railroad engineering departments will still need to exercise prudence
with their resources.

"We need to be constantly thinking of ways to solve issues without
always throwing capital dollars at the problem-in other words,
'creativity before capital,'" says American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance-of-way Association Senior Vice President Mike Armstrong.
"The goal is to avoid expenditures that do not add sufficient value to
the operation of the railroad. As an industry we can help lower our
costs through standardization of material and equipment.

"This is easier said than done. We all take pride in our own standards
that have served us well for many years. Fact is, however, we need to
move beyond the pride issue and consider development of common

Here, Armstrong, BNSF assistant vice president and chief engineer-
Southeast Operations, is talking things like a standard #20 turnout
design, standard concrete road crossing panels, a standard insulated
joint design, and standard concrete ballast deck bridge spans. "These
are but a few examples," he says. "There are also opportunities to
standardize pieces of production equipment. As an industry, we need to
work with our suppliers and manufacturers and press to achieve longer
asset lives and reduce our overall life cycle costs."

Armstrong says that "there are ways to deal proactively with
maintenance issues and minimize capital expenditures." As examples, he
cites selective replacement of turnout components that extends overall
turnout life, drainage and subgrade repair work to prolong ballast and
tie life, and scheduled rail defect testing to extend rail life. "The
ongoing challenge is to achieve a balance between the required service
needs of the transportation department and the necessary level of
physical plant maintenance to meet those service needs," he says.

A new electronic world

Perhaps the most fundamental shift in how railroads conduct business
is their entry into the still-developing arena of electronic commerce.
In the not-too-distant future, it may be possible for railroads, their
customers, and their suppliers to conduct many types of transactions
on the Internet.

"The move into e-commerce is going to be tremendous for the rail
freight and rail transit industries," says Mike Monteferrante, senior
vice president of "On both the supplier and buyer sides,
there is going to be increasing pressure for all of us to be more
efficient, and to continue garnishing cost-saving concepts and ideas.
A prominent source for that will be the efficiencies of e-commerce. In
addition to that, suppliers and transit authorities and railroads need
to improve relationships and communication tools. E-commerce will
assist in that endeavor, bringing suppliers and buyers closer together
in terms of their ability to work together to accomplish their
efficiency goals."

The objective of railroad/supplier e-commerce interfaces like and, which involves UP, BNSF, Canadian
National, Canadian Pacific, and CSX Transportation, "is to enable
buyers and sellers of railroad parts, materials, and services to
reduce their costs and streamline administrative processes around
sourcing, procurement, demand planning, and inventory management,"
says CP Vice President-Purchasing Luigi Armano. "These benefits will
also accrue to suppliers, who will have access to a larger customer

Will there be a limit as to the types of products and services that
can be procured online? Will e-commerce extend to complex transactions
like locomotive and railcar leases? UP Executive Vice President Brad
King, referring to, says "it will be possible to
source and procure any product and service. This is not to say,
however, that the railroads will replace all of their existing
sourcing and procurement processes immediately."

The same concept could apply to how a shipper selects a transportation
product. That's one reason why UP, CSXT, CP, and Norfolk Southern have
invested $1 billion in Arzoon, an Internet-based system that allows
transportation sourcing and logistics to be handled on a single
software platform.

"Shippers spend up to 20% of their revenues on logistics," says Arzoon
CEO Farid Dibachi. "For large shippers, this can amount to millions of
dollars. Shippers spend $35 billion annually using railroad services.
By comparison, they spend $95 billion on trucking services. A small
amount of that business moving from truck to rail will increase
railroad business by a significant percentage. The time has arrived to
give shippers the means to compare rail transportation on an even
playing field with truckers." Using a system like Arzoon, which
"allows shippers to make an intelligent decision about what carrier to
use," could bring more business back to the rails.

Another new age?

"Railwaymen love their occupation, but many have doubts about their
future," said Louis Armand in 1964. "These feelings are fortified
by . . . the often difficult financial performance of their
enterprise, exposing them to criticism by the poorly informed." But,
he said, "in well-informed quarters, an about-face is occurring in
favor of railways. . . . Is this enterprise-the most important in the
present-day world-condemned to extinction? Must it be looked upon as
something which played a big role in a certain period of history, but
which it will no longer play in the year 2000?"

The answer to Armand's questions, in Railway Age's opinion, is no. "It
is the good fortune of railways to have little competition among
themselves," Armand said. "Thus they have every incentive to join
together in common effort in all areas."

Reinvention won't occur overnight. As many veterans in this industry
will tell you, change comes slowly, and not without a lot of
agonizing. But if the railway industry can work together to embrace
change, the 21st Century can certainly live up to its promise as
another new railway age.
I'm top posting, rather than snip the article which has much of value in it.

Airlines are presently destroying themselves with their surly flight
crews, lack of service, and ever-escalating costs. They also dumped
security on to the TSA, a fedgov workfare program for the otherwise
unemployable. So all in all, the American traveling public is right
royally pissed off at the airlines.

The railroads have a golden opportunity here, should they play it right.
They could be taking biz away from both the trucking industry and from
the airlines industry literally by the billions of dollars. And, if the
railroads played their cards right, they could absorb an amazing amount
of passenger traffic, especially if they started up long haul passenger
express runs.

But until the fedgov stops feeding the trucking industry with
superhighways kept in condition with taxpayer dollars, and stops feeding
the airlines with on-going bailouts, the rail industry will probably
stay where it is today. And the rail passenger service will stay awful,
as it actually takes longer to ride a train transcontinental than it
does to drive.

Still, it's a wonderful opportunity to build decent long haul freight
and passenger services that are fuel efficient.


Bama Brian

Raymond wrote:
> Airlines In Big Trouble
> It's time for:
> Reinventing America's railroads
> By William C. Vantuono, Editor
> It may still be asked whether this perfected transportation tool will
> have a role to play in future economic development," said Louis Armand
> of the railway industry in 1964. "There still persist people who
> believe that the economy of modern nations can get along without
> railways and that, as a consequence, railways ought to consider that
> their job is to shrink, with the goal of disappearing entirely one of
> these days."
> Armand himself was not among the doubters. A wartime resistance hero
> who went on to become director general of the French National
> Railways, secretary general of the International Union of Railways
> (UIC), and a member of the French Academy, Armand wrote 37 years ago
> of the "railway use of cybernetics" (today, computerization) and the
> role other modern technology would have to play in "plunging the
> industry ahead toward audacious accomplishments."
> But some of the basic questions posed by the world's best-known
> railroader nearly half a century ago are still being asked in the
> United States today: Where does the railway industry fit in,
> economically, socially, politically? What does it need to do to
> compete effectively as a transportation provider with those modes,
> primarily highway and air, that garner the lion's share of public and
> legislative attention?
> Economically, times right now are tough. Business is down in just
> about every sector. Growth capital is short or non-existent. But
> despite all this, the industry is beginning to position itself to
> claim a much larger share of the transportation marketplace than it
> has had in many years. Gradually coming into focus is a fundamental
> shift in public policy and perception toward rail transportation that
> could pump billions of public dollars into the system. Equally as
> important as new capital is a rethinking of business practices, a
> reconsideration of traditional industry values and concepts, a change
> in railroad culture-indeed, a "reinvention" of the industry.
> A new source of capital
> A key word, says Ike Evans, is "partnership." Partnerships will
> certainly unlock many opportunities for the railroads. Union Pacific's
> chief describes the rapid growth of interline alliances, and speaks of
> the need for more partnering with highway carriers. Indeed, Evans
> describes a railroad industry that may not need to "reinvent" itself
> so much as it needs to more aggressively capitalize on its strengths.
> Other railroad leaders are beginning to say that partnering in a
> broader sense, and in ways that many in the industry may find
> disagreeable, could unlock many more opportunities in the future. What
> they're talking about is federal subsidies to freight railroads-
> subsidies that will create, in the words of Association of American
> Railroads President and CEO Ed Hamberger, "the railroad equivalent of
> the Interstate Highway System," a system that will support sustained
> growth in both freight and passenger traffic. For example, the
> infrastructure for operating higher speed short- and medium-haul
> intercity passenger trains: It's owned, operated, and maintained by
> freight railroads. Investing federal and state dollars to increase the
> frequency and speed of passenger trains without compromising the
> integrity of freight service or safety-adding track, improving
> signaling and train control systems, closing or improving highway/rail
> grade crossings-would cost a fraction of expanding an airport or
> highway, and would certainly be environmentally wise.
> Federal aid-two words that would have given some railroaders a heart
> attack just a few years ago-may very well be the only way a capital-
> intensive railroad industry that often doesn't earn its cost of
> capital can remain alive and well. Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
> President and CEO Matt Rose speaks for a growing number of railroaders
> when he says that "we're singing a different tune from the one we have
> sung in the past," and that "this is today's reality."
> Rose has called attention to "breakthrough proposals" now moving
> through Congress that would help railroads strengthen and expand their
> infrastructure. Legislation known as RIDE-21 in the House and RAIL-21
> in the Senate would make $35 billion in low-interest loans available
> to Class I's, regionals, and short lines. These bills would also
> provide billions of dollars of funding for rail passenger projects,
> many of which would benefit freight carriers by adding much-needed
> capacity to existing rights-of-way. The Senate bill includes
> authorization for $350 million per year for three years to upgrade
> small railroads to handle 286,000-pound cars.
> "These proposals recognize the need for more public/private
> partnership initiatives to improve the nation's rail infrastructure
> and to be responsive to concerns about traffic congestion, safety,
> transportation flexibility, and economic development," says Rose. "The
> rail industry needs ongoing help with its infrastructure investments
> to remain strong and competitive. Public policy dictates a sound rail
> infrastructure for America so we can continue to be a strong economic
> force globally."
> Viewpoints on such legislation run the gamut of emotions-from strong
> support to skeptical acceptance to outright indignation. But
> regardless of whatever visceral reaction one experiences, the fact
> remains that something needs to be done, and soon, to solve the
> problem of revenue inadequacy. The indicators that support such
> dramatic steps are clear. Matt Rose identifies them as such: "Over the
> past couple of years, railroad industry tonnage growth has outstripped
> revenue growth, and that trend is continuing. Similarly, until this
> year, most real rail rates have steadily been declining. In 2001, the
> industry has been able to take some prices up in the 2-3% range.
> However, operating costs have risen at a faster rate due to
> inflationary increases in wages and benefits, fuel prices, and the
> cost of materials. We no longer can find big cost savings initiatives
> to overcome these operating expense increases. We are not getting
> sufficient dollars for what we are providing and we are no longer able
> to take costs out of the business at a faster rate than inflation."
> Some of the industry's largest potential cost savings and growth
> opportunities are already tied to legislative issues. One is the 4.3-
> cent deficit reduction tax on each gallon of diesel fuel purchased.
> Railroads and barge companies are the only transportation modes still
> paying this tax. Repeal of it could save the railroads around $150
> million a year. "We have come close to having this tax repealed," says
> Rose, "but it hasn't happened for various reasons."
> The greatest story never told
> One reason behind the railroad industry's less-than-stellar track
> record on Capitol Hill may be its "stealth" status with the general
> taxpaying public and, by extension, those who represent its interests.
> "Railroads have been more successful over the years at blocking
> harmful legislation than in getting favorable legislation approved,"
> says Railway Age Contributing Editor Larry Kaufman. Adds long-time
> supplier Craig Duchossois, CEO of Duchossois Industries, Inc., "With
> rare exception, our industry and its leaders are unknown on Capitol
> Hill, in contrast to truckers. It's time to speak up and get our act
> together in a unified, meaningful manner. We've been out-lobbied for
> years, and can no longer afford this tremendous competitive
> disadvantage."
> Many in the industry are beginning to realize that negative or
> nonexistent public perception of railroads is a real hindrance to
> progress, whether it be getting an important piece of legislation
> passed or obtaining local support for an expansion project that will
> bring more trains through town. After years of virtually ignoring
> public relations, the Association of American Railroads is putting
> together the first elements of what could become a large-scale public
> awareness campaign. But getting the Class I's to commit to an
> ambitious and potentially expensive media program will be a hard sell,
> especially since the direct benefits are hard to quantify.
> Short-term, a one-minute television commercial extolling, say, the
> environmental benefits of moving truck trailers and containers by rail
> won't add to the bottom line. Long-term, the public's repeated
> exposure to positive messages about rail transportation could work to
> the industry's benefit. As Matt Rose said recently, "we are examining
> every part of our business and are beginning to take steps that are
> not designed to make the next quarter look good to Wall Street, but to
> make the future successful for each member of our community, including
> all of our shareholders."
> Reaching out to the public-the customers of the railroad's customers-
> should be part of that.
> Whose track is it, anyway?
> Drinking from the deep federal transportation trough won't come
> without at least a few strings attached. The biggest string-a noose,
> really, to opponents of federal aid-is the "O word": open access
> (defined by some as the "F word": forced access), but more accurately
> termed "competitive access." Then there's the "R word": reregulation.
> Will competitive access and reregulation scenarios come to pass? Will
> railroads be forced to open their rights-of-way to anyone who wants to
> run trains in exchange for government dollars? Will they lose some of
> the freedoms of the Staggers Act? Probably not, at least not in as
> ominous terms as some are portraying.
> "The question of open access will always be with us," says Ray
> Chambers, the railroad lobbyist leading the short line charge up
> Capitol Hill. "But with only four major carriers, it's easier for them
> to work together to improve service, through alliances and other
> means, to the point where open access is not an issue. Call it the
> 'private interstate highway approach,' where the target is getting
> freight off the highways, not off other railroads."
> "The railroads are lucky that the customer world isn't united," says
> Larry Kaufman. "If the shippers ever agree on what they want, then all
> bets are off. Remember, companies like UPS are bigger than the entire
> industry. Competitive access is not like abortion rights or gun
> control. It's not one of those issues that Congress votes for on
> principle, and Congress doesn't like to referee battles between
> competing interests, particularly when both sides are PAC
> contributors. It's really a commercial dispute, and the standard
> Congressional response is, 'you people negotiate a deal and bring it
> to us to codify.' That's why there were so many negotiations between
> railroads and shippers, back when 4R and Staggers were on the table."
> "Creativity before capital"
> The most capital-intensive part of railroading is infrastructure. If
> the railroads are to grow, they will have to move beyond merely
> maintaining their track and structures to a state of good repair, and
> add capacity. But even if federal and state dollars begin to flow,
> railroad engineering departments will still need to exercise prudence
> with their resources.
> "We need to be constantly thinking of ways to solve issues without
> always throwing capital dollars at the problem-in other words,
> 'creativity before capital,'" says American Railway Engineering and
> Maintenance-of-way Association Senior Vice President Mike Armstrong.
> "The goal is to avoid expenditures that do not add sufficient value to
> the operation of the railroad. As an industry we can help lower our
> costs through standardization of material and equipment.
> "This is easier said than done. We all take pride in our own standards
> that have served us well for many years. Fact is, however, we need to
> move beyond the pride issue and consider development of common
> standards."
> Here, Armstrong, BNSF assistant vice president and chief engineer-
> Southeast Operations, is talking things like a standard #20 turnout
> design, standard concrete road crossing panels, a standard insulated
> joint design, and standard concrete ballast deck bridge spans. "These
> are but a few examples," he says. "There are also opportunities to
> standardize pieces of production equipment. As an industry, we need to
> work with our suppliers and manufacturers and press to achieve longer
> asset lives and reduce our overall life cycle costs."
> Armstrong says that "there are ways to deal proactively with
> maintenance issues and minimize capital expenditures." As examples, he
> cites selective replacement of turnout components that extends overall
> turnout life, drainage and subgrade repair work to prolong ballast and
> tie life, and scheduled rail defect testing to extend rail life. "The
> ongoing challenge is to achieve a balance between the required service
> needs of the transportation department and the necessary level of
> physical plant maintenance to meet those service needs," he says.
> A new electronic world
> Perhaps the most fundamental shift in how railroads conduct business
> is their entry into the still-developing arena of electronic commerce.
> In the not-too-distant future, it may be possible for railroads, their
> customers, and their suppliers to conduct many types of transactions
> on the Internet.
> "The move into e-commerce is going to be tremendous for the rail
> freight and rail transit industries," says Mike Monteferrante, senior
> vice president of "On both the supplier and buyer sides,
> there is going to be increasing pressure for all of us to be more
> efficient, and to continue garnishing cost-saving concepts and ideas.
> A prominent source for that will be the efficiencies of e-commerce. In
> addition to that, suppliers and transit authorities and railroads need
> to improve relationships and communication tools. E-commerce will
> assist in that endeavor, bringing suppliers and buyers closer together
> in terms of their ability to work together to accomplish their
> efficiency goals."
> The objective of railroad/supplier e-commerce interfaces like
> and, which involves UP, BNSF, Canadian
> National, Canadian Pacific, and CSX Transportation, "is to enable
> buyers and sellers of railroad parts, materials, and services to
> reduce their costs and streamline administrative processes around
> sourcing, procurement, demand planning, and inventory management,"
> says CP Vice President-Purchasing Luigi Armano. "These benefits will
> also accrue to suppliers, who will have access to a larger customer
> base."
> Will there be a limit as to the types of products and services that
> can be procured online? Will e-commerce extend to complex transactions
> like locomotive and railcar leases? UP Executive Vice President Brad
> King, referring to, says "it will be possible to
> source and procure any product and service. This is not to say,
> however, that the railroads will replace all of their existing
> sourcing and procurement processes immediately."
> The same concept could apply to how a shipper selects a transportation
> product. That's one reason why UP, CSXT, CP, and Norfolk Southern have
> invested $1 billion in Arzoon, an Internet-based system that allows
> transportation sourcing and logistics to be handled on a single
> software platform.
> "Shippers spend up to 20% of their revenues on logistics," says Arzoon
> CEO Farid Dibachi. "For large shippers, this can amount to millions of
> dollars. Shippers spend $35 billion annually using railroad services.
> By comparison, they spend $95 billion on trucking services. A small
> amount of that business moving from truck to rail will increase
> railroad business by a significant percentage. The time has arrived to
> give shippers the means to compare rail transportation on an even
> playing field with truckers." Using a system like Arzoon, which
> "allows shippers to make an intelligent decision about what carrier to
> use," could bring more business back to the rails.
> Another new age?
> "Railwaymen love their occupation, but many have doubts about their
> future," said Louis Armand in 1964. "These feelings are fortified
> by . . . the often difficult financial performance of their
> enterprise, exposing them to criticism by the poorly informed." But,
> he said, "in well-informed quarters, an about-face is occurring in
> favor of railways. . . . Is this enterprise-the most important in the
> present-day world-condemned to extinction? Must it be looked upon as
> something which played a big role in a certain period of history, but
> which it will no longer play in the year 2000?"
> The answer to Armand's questions, in Railway Age's opinion, is no. "It
> is the good fortune of railways to have little competition among
> themselves," Armand said. "Thus they have every incentive to join
> together in common effort in all areas."
> Reinvention won't occur overnight. As many veterans in this industry
> will tell you, change comes slowly, and not without a lot of
> agonizing. But if the railway industry can work together to embrace
> change, the 21st Century can certainly live up to its promise as
> another new railway age.
In article
solon fox <> wrote:

> <<snipped original due to brevity and top post>>
> As a frequent flyer, I can attest to the decline in service, cramped
> spaces, overloaded planes, general mustiness and lack of cleanliness,
> lost luggage, flight delays and cancellations. Yes, in general flyers
> are not happy with the airlines.
> However, the probability of a "golden opportunity" for rail travel is
> approximately zero. Passenger rail simply isn't up to the task. They
> don't have the stations where people want to go.

Neither do the airlines, in most cities. There are airports, but the
airport location for large cities is often a 40 minute drive or more
from most locations it serves.

> They don't have car
> rental services surrounding their stations

True, but easily remedied.
> and passenger cars are in
> short supply and disrepair.


> As aged and unclean as the airlines are,
> passenger rail is worse. There are only a few metropolitan areas where
> passenger rail is even possible and in my experience, these aren't
> pleasant rides either.

They may not be all wonderful, but for medium-haul passenger service,
they're efficient and can be quicker than a plane, because the airports
have become so overloaded and slow. You have to arrive at least an hour
before flight time at any major airport. That means IN the terminal.
Two hours is what they advise. Then it takes you typically 30 minutes
to debark and get out of the airport. That's in the lucky case that
there's no flight delays, which are increasingly common. So if you are
going to a destination that's less than 200 miles away or so, it's
faster to drive. A bus or a train can also beat the plane at that

A bus or a train can make several stops along the way, unlike a plane,
with minimal delay. A train can stay on schedule better than either,
because it always has the right of way.
solon fox <> used a stick in the sand to babble
>> The railroads have a golden opportunity here, should they play it right.
Hugh Gibbons <> used a stick in the
sand to babble
>> As aged and unclean as the airlines are,
>> passenger rail is worse. There are only a few metropolitan areas where
>> passenger rail is even possible and in my experience, these aren't
>> pleasant rides either.

>They may not be all wonderful, but for medium-haul passenger service,
>they're efficient and can be quicker than a plane, because the airports
>have become so overloaded and slow. You have to arrive at least an hour
>before flight time at any major airport. That means IN the terminal.
>Two hours is what they advise. Then it takes you typically 30 minutes
>to debark and get out of the airport. That's in the lucky case that
>there's no flight delays, which are increasingly common. So if you are
>going to a destination that's less than 200 miles away or so, it's
>faster to drive. A bus or a train can also beat the plane at that
>A bus or a train can make several stops along the way, unlike a plane,
>with minimal delay. A train can stay on schedule better than either,
>because it always has the right of way.

Not over freight trains. The US train system is in no way suited for
any sort of large scale public transport. It would cost hundreds of
billions of dollars to build even a rudimentary system that might be
capable of replacing any significant amount of airline traffic and no
matter what, it's going to take a lot longer to get to your

Daily thought: Some people are like a Slinky, not really
good for anything, but they bring a smile to your lips
when pushed down the stairs.
Picture of the day:
In article <>,
Governor Swill <> wrote:

> Hugh Gibbons <> used a stick in the
> sand to babble
> >> As aged and unclean as the airlines are,
> >> passenger rail is worse. There are only a few metropolitan areas where
> >> passenger rail is even possible and in my experience, these aren't
> >> pleasant rides either.

> >
> >They may not be all wonderful, but for medium-haul passenger service,
> >they're efficient and can be quicker than a plane, because the airports
> >have become so overloaded and slow. You have to arrive at least an hour
> >before flight time at any major airport. That means IN the terminal.
> >Two hours is what they advise. Then it takes you typically 30 minutes
> >to debark and get out of the airport. That's in the lucky case that
> >there's no flight delays, which are increasingly common. So if you are
> >going to a destination that's less than 200 miles away or so, it's
> >faster to drive. A bus or a train can also beat the plane at that
> >distance.
> >
> >A bus or a train can make several stops along the way, unlike a plane,
> >with minimal delay. A train can stay on schedule better than either,
> >because it always has the right of way.

> Not over freight trains.

It's a matter of scheduling priority, for one train vs. another train.

> The US train system is in no way suited for
> any sort of large scale public transport.

They could take hundreds to thousands of people on a single train. But
you're right that they are not built out to the degree that passenger
trains are in Europe or Japan, for instance. It would take a massive
infrastructure investment. But I believe it will happen, because people
aren't going to stop travelling and the price of fuel is going to get so
expensive that mass transport is going to be the only option for most
people. Trains are many times more fuel efficient than planes -- once
you pay for the rails of course, which is not an insignificant energy
investment. Buses, however, will probably be the main mode for
short-haul service. Planes will be for long-haul only, I expect.

> It would cost hundreds of
> billions of dollars to build even a rudimentary system that might be
> capable of replacing any significant amount of airline traffic and no
> matter what, it's going to take a lot longer to get to your
> destination.

No, there's a distance niche where trains are faster. The minimum time
for any plane flight is two to three hours counting check in, security
screening, flight time and debarking. More if you've got luggage. That
means that for destinations that can be reached in under three hours by
alternative modes, airlines are barely competitive on speed, let alone
price. If you could hop on a bus and get point to point in three hours,
why would you choose to fly? The bus probably picks you up and drops
you off at more convenient points. The same goes for trains, although
as you point out, presently the train infrastructure is totally
inadequate. Nevertheless, the possibility of building 200-mph train
links between major cities, particularly in the East and Midwest is
real. That extends the preferable range for trains to something like
400-600 miles. Using more conventional trains that travel 100 mph, your
preferable range is 200-300 miles. And as I said, a few stops are
tolerable on a train line, because each one causes just a short delay.

Perhaps in the future, train lines will serve as the collectors for
airlines, which will only fly between major hubs.
In article <>,
Governor Swill <> wrote:

> solon fox <> used a stick in the sand to babble
> >> The railroads have a golden opportunity here, should they play it right.
> >>
Hugh Gibbons <> used a stick in the
sand to babble
>> I disagree. There's insufficient passenger train infrastructure
>> available to put a dent in airline traffic, especially since it takes
>> so long to get anywhere by train. There is no high speed bullet train

>> between Washington and New York and certainly it's not possible to get
>> from Boston to LA in eight hours on any train.

>It would have to travel over 370 miles per hour. Probably doable, but
>far from practical. Going that fast you don't want to be near the

If you're going that fast it's much better to be a mile up in the air
.. . . ;-)

Daily thought: Some people are like a Slinky, not really
good for anything, but they bring a smile to your lips
when pushed down the stairs.
Picture of the day: