Al 'Chicken Little' Gore Laughing at Greenies and Dems All The Way to The Bank


Patriot Games


Gore Cashing in on $6T Energy Business

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Former vice president and environmental activist Al Gore is joining forces
with a venture capital company that's seeking to profit from the move toward
"clean technology" in the $6 trillion global energy business.

Gore is becoming a hands-on partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a
major Silicon Valley venture capital firm where an old friend, John Doerr,
is a partner.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner's move comes as the company "makes a risky move
beyond information technology and healthcare investing into the fast-growing
and increasingly competitive arena of 'clean energy,'" Fortune magazine

Within several years more than a third of Kleiner's latest fund, which
totals $600 million, will reportedly be invested in technologies that seek
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Among the companies the fund has already invested in are firms that make
microbes to scrub old oil wells, build large-scale solar-power farms,
develop solid-oxide fuel cells, and design equipment for use in electric car

Doerr, meanwhile, will join the advisory board of Generation Investment
Management, the $1 billion investment company Gore began three years ago
with David Blood, former head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, to invest
in environmentally friendly companies.

Gore, along with Doerr and Blood, insist that halting global warming will
require "a makeover of the $6 trillion global energy business," according to

"Coal plants, gas stations, the internal-combustion engine, petrochemicals,
plastic bags, even bottled water will have to give way to clean, green,
sustainable technologies."

Asked why he is combining his environmental advocacy work with a profit
motives, Gore - who is already an advisor to Google and a director at Apple
Inc. - told Fortune: "We all believe the market must play a central role."
So once again Al is a success and you're a redneck troll with a fat assed

You must be soooooo proud.

"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> Gore Cashing in on $6T Energy Business
> Wednesday, November 21, 2007
> Former vice president and environmental activist Al Gore is joining forces
> with a venture capital company that's seeking to profit from the move

> "clean technology" in the $6 trillion global energy business.
> Gore is becoming a hands-on partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a
> major Silicon Valley venture capital firm where an old friend, John Doerr,
> is a partner.
> The Nobel Peace Prize winner's move comes as the company "makes a risky

> beyond information technology and healthcare investing into the

> and increasingly competitive arena of 'clean energy,'" Fortune magazine
> reports.
> Within several years more than a third of Kleiner's latest fund, which
> totals $600 million, will reportedly be invested in technologies that seek
> to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
> Among the companies the fund has already invested in are firms that make
> microbes to scrub old oil wells, build large-scale solar-power farms,
> develop solid-oxide fuel cells, and design equipment for use in electric

> batteries.
> Doerr, meanwhile, will join the advisory board of Generation Investment
> Management, the $1 billion investment company Gore began three years ago
> with David Blood, former head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, to invest
> in environmentally friendly companies.
> Gore, along with Doerr and Blood, insist that halting global warming will
> require "a makeover of the $6 trillion global energy business," according

> Fortune.
> "Coal plants, gas stations, the internal-combustion engine,

> plastic bags, even bottled water will have to give way to clean, green,
> sustainable technologies."
> Asked why he is combining his environmental advocacy work with a profit
> motives, Gore - who is already an advisor to Google and a director at

> Inc. - told Fortune: "We all believe the market must play a central role."
Patriot Games wrote:
> Gore Cashing in on $6T Energy Business
> Wednesday, November 21, 2007
> Former vice president and environmental activist Al Gore is joining
> forces with a venture capital company that's seeking to profit from the
> move toward "clean technology" in the $6 trillion global energy business.
> Gore is becoming a hands-on partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers,
> a major Silicon Valley venture capital firm where an old friend, John
> Doerr, is a partner.
> The Nobel Peace Prize winner's move comes as the company "makes a risky
> move beyond information technology and healthcare investing into the
> fast-growing and increasingly competitive arena of 'clean energy,'"
> Fortune magazine reports.
> Within several years more than a third of Kleiner's latest fund, which
> totals $600 million, will reportedly be invested in technologies that
> seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
> Among the companies the fund has already invested in are firms that make
> microbes to scrub old oil wells, build large-scale solar-power farms,
> develop solid-oxide fuel cells, and design equipment for use in electric
> car batteries.
> Doerr, meanwhile, will join the advisory board of Generation Investment
> Management, the $1 billion investment company Gore began three years ago
> with David Blood, former head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, to
> invest in environmentally friendly companies.
> Gore, along with Doerr and Blood, insist that halting global warming
> will require "a makeover of the $6 trillion global energy business,"
> according to Fortune.
> "Coal plants, gas stations, the internal-combustion engine,
> petrochemicals, plastic bags, even bottled water will have to give way
> to clean, green, sustainable technologies."
> Asked why he is combining his environmental advocacy work with a profit
> motives, Gore - who is already an advisor to Google and a director at
> Apple Inc. - told Fortune: "We all believe the market must play a
> central role."

What's your point? You don't like Gore putting his money where his mouth
is? You'd rather get ****ED Enron doggy-style, Eh? Tell your underlings
to buy company stock while the big Repug cheerleader is DUMPING as fast
as his broker can piss it out the door?
