Al 'Chicken Little' Gore Plans $300 Million Climate Program to Save Earth From You Assholes!


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Gore Plans $300 Million Climate Program

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Former Vice President Al Gore is launching a three-year, $300 million effort
to make the world more aware of global warming and reduce greenhouse gas

The three-year campaign by the Alliance for Climate Protection will start
Wednesday with TV advertising, featuring unlikely alliances like Pat
Robertson and Al Sharpton, and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and
Republican former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

This climate crisis is so interwoven with habits and patterns that are so
entrenched, the elected officials in both parties are going to be timid
about enacting the bold changes that are needed until there is a change in
the public's sense of urgency in addressing this crisis, Gore told the
Washington Post.

The options available to civilization worldwide to avert this terribly
destructive pattern are beginning to slip away from us, Gore said. The path
for recovery runs right through Washington."

To help pay for the campaign, Gore is devoting the profits from his "An
Inconvenient Truth" film and book, his salary from the venture capital firm
where he works, and the money from his 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Donations are
also being accepted at