Al Gore Cheers as Oil Hits New Record High Price !


Barack Hamas Osama

Gas Hits $ 4.00 a gallon : Al Gore Cheers !

Remember when Liberals like Al Gore were telling us the US was wasting too
much gas and destroying the environment ? Remember when they were telling us
the US needed to be paying way higher gas prices like they do in Europe in
order to force US consumers to conserve gas ?

PAUL EHRLICH'S BOOK, ON GAS PRICES: "The United States could start by
gradually imposing a higher gasoline tax-hiking it by one or two cents per
month until gasoline costs $2.50 to $3.00 per gallon, comparable to prices
in Europe and Japan." (Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, The Population
Explosion, 1990, pp. 219-220) On the dustcover of the book, Gore said, "The
time for action is due, and past due. Ehrlich has written the prescription."
"Higher taxes on fossil fuels. . . is one of the logical first steps in
changing our policies in a manner consistent with a more responsible
approach to the environment." (Al Gore, Earth in the Balance, 1993, p. 173)

Al Gore Supported Plans For Even Higher Gas Prices By Endorsing The Kyoto
Protocol. At the 1997 Kyoto Conference, Al Gore committed to reducing United
States carbon emissions to less than 1990 levels by 2012. Key to discharging
Al Gore's promises at Kyoto is a carbon tax which experts have concluded
will raise gas prices by 65 cents a gallon and reduce average household
income by nearly $2700 even as the cost of goods and services rise in
response to higher taxes. ("Global Warming: The High Cost of the Kyoto
Protocol," WEFA, Inc., 1998, p. 1) Al Gore Cast The Tie-Breaking Vote To
Increase The Gas Tax By 4.3 Cents A Gallon. The Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1993, a $241 billion tax increase proposed by the
Clinton/Gore Administration, passed on August 6, 1993 on the tie-breaking
vote cast by Gore. Included in the bill was a 4.3 cent per gallon gas tax
increase. Gore was also its leading advocate in the Administration according
to author Bob Woodward: "The meeting quickly turned to the gasoline tax.
Vice President Gore, a strong environmentalist who advocated energy taxes as
a way to reduce pollution, argued that the tax should be retained. President
Clinton could be attacked on character if he dropped the gasoline tax now,
Gore said emphatically and emotionally." (Bob Woodward, "The Agenda: Inside
the Clinton White House, Part 3 of 4," The Washington Post, June 7, 1994) Al
Gore Was The Chief Advocate Of The Proposed 1993 BTU Tax, Which Would Have
Raised Gas Prices By Six Percent. According to George Stephanopoulos, "Gore
was the chief advocate of the energy tax, arguing that it was good for both
the economy and the environment." (George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human: A
Political Education, 1999, p. 206) Al Gore Has Been A "Driving Force" Behind
The Increased Regulation Of Gasoline, Which Has Resulted In An Increase In
Gas Prices. Al Gore has been a "driving force" behind the stricter
regulation of gasoline, which has "pushed up production prices and created a
patchwork of contradictory gasoline formulas in various parts of the
country." (Bill Sammon, "Gore's Strategy Is To Vilify Oil Firms," The
Washington Times, June 22, 2000) A recent study by the bipartisan
Congressional Research Service cited these factors as contributing to the
massive increase in gas prices in the Midwest. (Lawrence Kumins, "Midwest
Gasoline Price Increases," Congressional Research Service, June 16, 2000)
"Babs Da Drunk" <Osama> wrote in message
> Gas Hits $ 4.00 a gallon :

Why would Gore cheer?
"Barack Hamas Osama" <Osama> wrote in message
> "John Fing Ho Chi Minh Kerry " <> wrote in message
> news:faKNj.20490$

> Remember when Liberals like Al Gore were telling us the US was wasting too
> much gas and destroying the environment ? Remember when they were telling
> us
> the US needed to be paying way higher gas prices like they do in Europe in
> order to force US consumers to conserve gas ?

No and it's not important.
"John Fing Ho Chi Minh Kerry " <> wrote in message

Remember when Liberals like Al Gore were telling us the US was wasting too
much gas and destroying the environment ? Remember when they were telling us
the US needed to be paying way higher gas prices like they do in Europe in
order to force US consumers to conserve gas ?

PAUL EHRLICH'S BOOK, ON GAS PRICES: "The United States could start by
gradually imposing a higher gasoline tax-hiking it by one or two cents per
month until gasoline costs $2.50 to $3.00 per gallon, comparable to prices
in Europe and Japan." (Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, The Population
Explosion, 1990, pp. 219-220) On the dustcover of the book, Gore said, "The
time for action is due, and past due. Ehrlich has written the prescription."
"Higher taxes on fossil fuels. . . is one of the logical first steps in
changing our policies in a manner consistent with a more responsible
approach to the environment." (Al Gore, Earth in the Balance, 1993, p. 173)

Al Gore Supported Plans For Even Higher Gas Prices By Endorsing The Kyoto
Protocol. At the 1997 Kyoto Conference, Al Gore committed to reducing United
States carbon emissions to less than 1990 levels by 2012. Key to discharging
Al Gore's promises at Kyoto is a carbon tax which experts have concluded
will raise gas prices by 65 cents a gallon and reduce average household
income by nearly $2700 even as the cost of goods and services rise in
response to higher taxes. ("Global Warming: The High Cost of the Kyoto
Protocol," WEFA, Inc., 1998, p. 1) Al Gore Cast The Tie-Breaking Vote To
Increase The Gas Tax By 4.3 Cents A Gallon. The Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1993, a $241 billion tax increase proposed by the
Clinton/Gore Administration, passed on August 6, 1993 on the tie-breaking
vote cast by Gore. Included in the bill was a 4.3 cent per gallon gas tax
increase. Gore was also its leading advocate in the Administration according
to author Bob Woodward: "The meeting quickly turned to the gasoline tax.
Vice President Gore, a strong environmentalist who advocated energy taxes as
a way to reduce pollution, argued that the tax should be retained. President
Clinton could be attacked on character if he dropped the gasoline tax now,
Gore said emphatically and emotionally." (Bob Woodward, "The Agenda: Inside
the Clinton White House, Part 3 of 4," The Washington Post, June 7, 1994) Al
Gore Was The Chief Advocate Of The Proposed 1993 BTU Tax, Which Would Have
Raised Gas Prices By Six Percent. According to George Stephanopoulos, "Gore
was the chief advocate of the energy tax, arguing that it was good for both
the economy and the environment." (George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human: A
Political Education, 1999, p. 206) Al Gore Has Been A "Driving Force" Behind
The Increased Regulation Of Gasoline, Which Has Resulted In An Increase In
Gas Prices. Al Gore has been a "driving force" behind the stricter
regulation of gasoline, which has "pushed up production prices and created a
patchwork of contradictory gasoline formulas in various parts of the
country." (Bill Sammon, "Gore's Strategy Is To Vilify Oil Firms," The
Washington Times, June 22, 2000) A recent study by the bipartisan
Congressional Research Service cited these factors as contributing to the
massive increase in gas prices in the Midwest. (Lawrence Kumins, "Midwest
Gasoline Price Increases," Congressional Research Service, June 16, 2000)
NumbNadds wrote:
> On Apr 17, 10:38 am, "John Mc-Ho Chi Minh" <>
> wrote:
> > "Babs Da Drunk" <Osama> wrote in
> >
> >
> > > Gas Hits $ 4.00 a gallon :

> >
> > Why would Gore cheer?

> Because he's a raving lunatic.The guy was saying 10 years ago that we
> should be paying $5 a gallon for gas because the internal combustion
> engine is more dangerous than an atomic bomb.

Yes, and he was absolutely right. Now he is a Nobel Prize winner and an
Oscar winner and it simply drives you wingnuts batty.
HarryNadds wrote:
> On Apr 17, 11:59 am, "John Mc-Ho Chi Minh" <>
> wrote:
> > "Barack Hamas Osama" <Osama> wrote in
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > "John Fing Ho Chi Minh Kerry " <> wrote in
> > >message news:faKNj.20490$

> >
> > >>\
> > > Remember when Liberals like Al Gore were telling us the US was
> > > wasting too much gas and destroying the environment ? Remember
> > > when they were telling us
> > > the US needed to be paying way higher gas prices like they do in
> > > Europe in order to force US consumers to conserve gas ?

> >
> > No and it's not important.

> Only to a liberal,glassy eyed,kool-aid drinking kook would it not be
> "important" FFS !!!!!

Only to a whacky, limp-dicked, vacuous, fabricating, lunatic Repuglycunt
would something said twenty years ago be important.
Barack Hamas Osama wrote:
> Gas Hits $ 4.00 a gallon : Al Gore Cheers !
> Remember when Liberals like Al Gore were telling us the US was wasting too
> much gas and destroying the environment ? Remember when they were telling us
> the US needed to be paying way higher gas prices like they do in Europe in
> order to force US consumers to conserve gas ?
> PAUL EHRLICH'S BOOK, ON GAS PRICES: "The United States could start by
> gradually imposing a higher gasoline tax-hiking it by one or two cents per
> month until gasoline costs $2.50 to $3.00 per gallon, comparable to prices
> in Europe and Japan." (Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, The Population
> Explosion, 1990, pp. 219-220) On the dustcover of the book, Gore said, "The
> time for action is due, and past due. Ehrlich has written the prescription."
> "Higher taxes on fossil fuels. . . is one of the logical first steps in
> changing our policies in a manner consistent with a more responsible
> approach to the environment." (Al Gore, Earth in the Balance, 1993, p. 173)
> Al Gore Supported Plans For Even Higher Gas Prices By Endorsing The Kyoto
> Protocol. At the 1997 Kyoto Conference, Al Gore committed to reducing United
> States carbon emissions to less than 1990 levels by 2012. Key to discharging
> Al Gore's promises at Kyoto is a carbon tax which experts have concluded
> will raise gas prices by 65 cents a gallon and reduce average household
> income by nearly $2700 even as the cost of goods and services rise in
> response to higher taxes. ("Global Warming: The High Cost of the Kyoto
> Protocol," WEFA, Inc., 1998, p. 1) Al Gore Cast The Tie-Breaking Vote To
> Increase The Gas Tax By 4.3 Cents A Gallon. The Omnibus Budget
> Reconciliation Act of 1993, a $241 billion tax increase proposed by the
> Clinton/Gore Administration, passed on August 6, 1993 on the tie-breaking
> vote cast by Gore. Included in the bill was a 4.3 cent per gallon gas tax
> increase. Gore was also its leading advocate in the Administration according
> to author Bob Woodward: "The meeting quickly turned to the gasoline tax.
> Vice President Gore, a strong environmentalist who advocated energy taxes as
> a way to reduce pollution, argued that the tax should be retained. President
> Clinton could be attacked on character if he dropped the gasoline tax now,
> Gore said emphatically and emotionally." (Bob Woodward, "The Agenda: Inside
> the Clinton White House, Part 3 of 4," The Washington Post, June 7, 1994) Al
> Gore Was The Chief Advocate Of The Proposed 1993 BTU Tax, Which Would Have
> Raised Gas Prices By Six Percent. According to George Stephanopoulos, "Gore
> was the chief advocate of the energy tax, arguing that it was good for both
> the economy and the environment." (George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human: A
> Political Education, 1999, p. 206) Al Gore Has Been A "Driving Force" Behind
> The Increased Regulation Of Gasoline, Which Has Resulted In An Increase In
> Gas Prices. Al Gore has been a "driving force" behind the stricter
> regulation of gasoline, which has "pushed up production prices and created a
> patchwork of contradictory gasoline formulas in various parts of the
> country." (Bill Sammon, "Gore's Strategy Is To Vilify Oil Firms," The
> Washington Times, June 22, 2000) A recent study by the bipartisan
> Congressional Research Service cited these factors as contributing to the
> massive increase in gas prices in the Midwest. (Lawrence Kumins, "Midwest
> Gasoline Price Increases," Congressional Research Service, June 16, 2000)

High energy prices will stimulate the production of alternative - and
cleaner - technologies. It would be wonderful if America could become
the prime exporter of clean technology to the rest of the world. Why on
earth are we importing windmills from Europe?

Taxes are the best way to raise prices, as the criminal OPEC cartel will
most certainly try to pull the rug out from under whatever technologies
we would be about to implement. Watch for them to cut oil prices as
soon as we shift energy supply to cleaner alternatives.
On Apr 17, 1:39 pm, HarryNadds <> wrote:
> On Apr 17, 10:38 am, "John Mc-Ho Chi Minh" <>
> wrote:
> > "Babs Da Drunk" <Osama> wrote in

> > > Gas Hits $ 4.00 a gallon :

> > Why would Gore cheer?

> Because he's a raving lunatic.The guy was saying 10 years ago that we
> should be paying $5 a gallon for gas because the internal combustion
> engine is more dangerous than an atomic bomb.He was only worth a
> million bucks then.Now the ****sucker is worth over 100 million thanks
> to the "hate america first" tree hugging kooks.I wonder what he pays
> for a gallon of Jet-A for his private jet??

Minor problem, there is a difference between paying more for gas when
the excess goes to providing funding and research to get us off the
oil treadmill and paying high prices with just about every bit of
money going to the oil companies.

Another reason for the high price of gas is our collapsing dollar.
The dollar and the Euro used to be about even, now were about $0.50

Thank you Supreme Leader Bush!
"Barack Hamas Osama" <Osama> wrote in message
> "John Fing -Ho Chi Minh Kerry " <> wrote in message
> news:SlLNj.8605$

It's STILL NOT IMPORTANT. It's time for Bush to do HIS job.
Gore is not President.
"John Fing -Ho Chi Minh Kerry " <> wrote in message

PAUL EHRLICH'S BOOK, ON GAS PRICES: "The United States could start by
gradually imposing a higher gasoline tax-hiking it by one or two cents per
month until gasoline costs $2.50 to $3.00 per gallon, comparable to prices
in Europe and Japan." (Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, The Population
Explosion, 1990, pp. 219-220) On the dustcover of the book, Gore said, "The
time for action is due, and past due. Ehrlich has written the prescription."
"Higher taxes on fossil fuels. . . is one of the logical first steps in
changing our policies in a manner consistent with a more responsible
approach to the environment." (Al Gore, Earth in the Balance, 1993, p. 173)

Al Gore Supported Plans For Even Higher Gas Prices By Endorsing The Kyoto
Protocol. At the 1997 Kyoto Conference, Al Gore committed to reducing United
States carbon emissions to less than 1990 levels by 2012. Key to discharging
Al Gore's promises at Kyoto is a carbon tax which experts have concluded
will raise gas prices by 65 cents a gallon and reduce average household
income by nearly $2700 even as the cost of goods and services rise in
response to higher taxes. ("Global Warming: The High Cost of the Kyoto
Protocol," WEFA, Inc., 1998, p. 1) Al Gore Cast The Tie-Breaking Vote To
Increase The Gas Tax By 4.3 Cents A Gallon. The Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1993, a $241 billion tax increase proposed by the
Clinton/Gore Administration, passed on August 6, 1993 on the tie-breaking
vote cast by Gore. Included in the bill was a 4.3 cent per gallon gas tax
increase. Gore was also its leading advocate in the Administration according
to author Bob Woodward: "The meeting quickly turned to the gasoline tax.
Vice President Gore, a strong environmentalist who advocated energy taxes as
a way to reduce pollution, argued that the tax should be retained. President
Clinton could be attacked on character if he dropped the gasoline tax now,
Gore said emphatically and emotionally." (Bob Woodward, "The Agenda: Inside
the Clinton White House, Part 3 of 4," The Washington Post, June 7, 1994) Al
Gore Was The Chief Advocate Of The Proposed 1993 BTU Tax, Which Would Have
Raised Gas Prices By Six Percent. According to George Stephanopoulos, "Gore
was the chief advocate of the energy tax, arguing that it was good for both
the economy and the environment." (George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human: A
Political Education, 1999, p. 206) Al Gore Has Been A "Driving Force" Behind
The Increased Regulation Of Gasoline, Which Has Resulted In An Increase In
Gas Prices. Al Gore has been a "driving force" behind the stricter
regulation of gasoline, which has "pushed up production prices and created a
patchwork of contradictory gasoline formulas in various parts of the
country." (Bill Sammon, "Gore's Strategy Is To Vilify Oil Firms," The
Washington Times, June 22, 2000) A recent study by the bipartisan
Congressional Research Service cited these factors as contributing to the
massive increase in gas prices in the Midwest. (Lawrence Kumins, "Midwest
Gasoline Price Increases," Congressional Research Service, June 16, 2000)
"Lamont Cranston" <> wrote in message
> HarryNadds wrote:
> > On Apr 17, 11:59 am, "John Mc-Ho Chi Minh" <>
> > wrote:
> > > "Barack Hamas Osama" <Osama> wrote in
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > "John Fing Ho Chi Minh Kerry " <> wrote in
> > > >message news:faKNj.20490$
> > >
> > > >>\
> > > > Remember when Liberals like Al Gore were telling us the US was
> > > > wasting too much gas and destroying the environment ? Remember
> > > > when they were telling us
> > > > the US needed to be paying way higher gas prices like they do in
> > > > Europe in order to force US consumers to conserve gas ?
> > >
> > > No and it's not important.

> >
> > Only to a liberal,glassy eyed,kool-aid drinking kook would it not be
> > "important" FFS !!!!!

> Only to a whacky, limp-dicked, vacuous, fabricating, lunatic Repuglycunt
> would something said twenty years ago be important.
> =========================================

1993 is not 20 years ago you stupid ****.

But Bush national Guard service over 30 years ago is relevent to ****ing
inbred libmaggots like you.
Two questions that babs will never answer:

Why won't Bush jawbone OPEC to lower prices? (her standard reply is to
post things about Pelosi because she has not been programmed to answer
the question)

Why does she need so many names? (she never addresses that one)
Barack Hamas Osama wrote:
> "George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> news:29QNj.4562$
>> Two questions that babs will never answer:
>> Why won't Bush jawbone OPEC to lower prices?

> ================
> Another liberal too ****ing stupid to know that world Commodities markets,
> NY, Hong Kong and London set oil prices. Not OPEC and not the uS president.
> But then again these same liberals cant seem to figure out how to poke a
> hole in a paper ballot correctly because it is too confusing for them.

Bush also criticized the Clinton administration for not lobbying the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, saying Clinton "must
jawbone OPEC (search) members to lower prices." Yet as president, Bush
mostly has emphasized that market forces should set world oil prices.
"John Fing -Ho Chi Minh Kerry " <> wrote in message

PAUL EHRLICH'S BOOK, ON GAS PRICES: "The United States could start by
gradually imposing a higher gasoline tax-hiking it by one or two cents per
month until gasoline costs $2.50 to $3.00 per gallon, comparable to prices
in Europe and Japan." (Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, The Population
Explosion, 1990, pp. 219-220) On the dustcover of the book, Gore said, "The
time for action is due, and past due. Ehrlich has written the prescription."
"Higher taxes on fossil fuels. . . is one of the logical first steps in
changing our policies in a manner consistent with a more responsible
approach to the environment." (Al Gore, Earth in the Balance, 1993, p. 173)

Al Gore Supported Plans For Even Higher Gas Prices By Endorsing The Kyoto
Protocol. At the 1997 Kyoto Conference, Al Gore committed to reducing United
States carbon emissions to less than 1990 levels by 2012. Key to discharging
Al Gore's promises at Kyoto is a carbon tax which experts have concluded
will raise gas prices by 65 cents a gallon and reduce average household
income by nearly $2700 even as the cost of goods and services rise in
response to higher taxes. ("Global Warming: The High Cost of the Kyoto
Protocol," WEFA, Inc., 1998, p. 1) Al Gore Cast The Tie-Breaking Vote To
Increase The Gas Tax By 4.3 Cents A Gallon. The Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1993, a $241 billion tax increase proposed by the
Clinton/Gore Administration, passed on August 6, 1993 on the tie-breaking
vote cast by Gore. Included in the bill was a 4.3 cent per gallon gas tax
increase. Gore was also its leading advocate in the Administration according
to author Bob Woodward: "The meeting quickly turned to the gasoline tax.
Vice President Gore, a strong environmentalist who advocated energy taxes as
a way to reduce pollution, argued that the tax should be retained. President
Clinton could be attacked on character if he dropped the gasoline tax now,
Gore said emphatically and emotionally." (Bob Woodward, "The Agenda: Inside
the Clinton White House, Part 3 of 4," The Washington Post, June 7, 1994) Al
Gore Was The Chief Advocate Of The Proposed 1993 BTU Tax, Which Would Have
Raised Gas Prices By Six Percent. According to George Stephanopoulos, "Gore
was the chief advocate of the energy tax, arguing that it was good for both
the economy and the environment." (George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human: A
Political Education, 1999, p. 206) Al Gore Has Been A "Driving Force" Behind
The Increased Regulation Of Gasoline, Which Has Resulted In An Increase In
Gas Prices. Al Gore has been a "driving force" behind the stricter
regulation of gasoline, which has "pushed up production prices and created a
patchwork of contradictory gasoline formulas in various parts of the
country." (Bill Sammon, "Gore's Strategy Is To Vilify Oil Firms," The
Washington Times, June 22, 2000) A recent study by the bipartisan
Congressional Research Service cited these factors as contributing to the
massive increase in gas prices in the Midwest. (Lawrence Kumins, "Midwest
Gasoline Price Increases," Congressional Research Service, June 16, 2000)
"Kevin Cunningham" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 17, 1:39 pm, HarryNadds <> wrote:
> > On Apr 17, 10:38 am, "John Mc-Ho Chi Minh" <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > "Babs Da Drunk" <Osama> wrote in
> >
> > > > Gas Hits $ 4.00 a gallon :

> >
> > > Why would Gore cheer?

> >
> > Because he's a raving lunatic.The guy was saying 10 years ago that we
> > should be paying $5 a gallon for gas because the internal combustion
> > engine is more dangerous than an atomic bomb.He was only worth a
> > million bucks then.Now the ****sucker is worth over 100 million thanks
> > to the "hate america first" tree hugging kooks.I wonder what he pays
> > for a gallon of Jet-A for his private jet??

> Minor problem, there is a difference between paying more for gas when
> the excess goes to providing funding and research to get us off the
> oil treadmill and paying high prices with just about every bit of
> money going to the oil companies.
> Another reason for the high price of gas is our collapsing dollar.
> The dollar and the Euro used to be about even, now were about $0.50
> behind.

That sure explains why Europeans have been paying over $ 6.00 to $ 7.00 a
gallon for gas for years now.

DAMN Bush !