Al Gore: Republican Administration Blocking Climate Talks Progress


Harry Hope

From The Associated Press, 12/12/07:,0,2831229.story

Gore: US Blocking Climate Talks Progress

By Associated Press


Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore on Wednesday accused the U.S. of
blocking progress at U.N. climate talks in Bali but said a
breakthrough was possible in the final days of the conference.

"Some of the reports are worrisome, but I know from experience ...
that when breakthroughs do occur, they usually happen in the last 48
hours," Gore told reporters in Sweden.

"I hope there will be a change on the part of some countries,
including most importantly my own, the United States."

The European Union and developing nations strongly favor specific
target ranges for emissions, but the U.S. has argued strenuously at
Bali that including such language in the final document would
prejudice negotiations over the next two years.

"The position of the administration in the U.S. right now appears to
be to try to block any progress in Bali. I hope that will change,"
Gore said.

The former U.S. vice president and the U.N.'s chief climate scientist,
Rajendra Pachauri, were set to travel later Wednesday to Bali, where
the two-week conference ends Friday.

They were in Sweden to speak to lawmakers after receiving the Nobel
Peace Prize on Monday in neighboring Norway for spreading awareness
about global warming and how to counteract it.


"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
> From The Associated Press, 12/12/07:
> Gore: US Blocking Climate Talks Progress
> By Associated Press
> STOCKHOLM, Sweden -
> Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore on Wednesday accused the U.S. of
> blocking progress at U.N. climate talks in Bali but said a
> breakthrough was possible in the final days of the conference.
> "Some of the reports are worrisome, but I know from experience ...
> that when breakthroughs do occur, they usually happen in the last 48
> hours," Gore told reporters in Sweden.
> "I hope there will be a change on the part of some countries,
> including most importantly my own, the United States."
> The European Union and developing nations strongly favor specific
> target ranges for emissions, but the U.S. has argued strenuously at
> Bali that including such language in the final document would
> prejudice negotiations over the next two years.
> "The position of the administration in the U.S. right now appears to
> be to try to block any progress in Bali. I hope that will change,"
> Gore said.
> The former U.S. vice president and the U.N.'s chief climate scientist,
> Rajendra Pachauri, were set to travel later Wednesday to Bali, where
> the two-week conference ends Friday.
> They were in Sweden to speak to lawmakers after receiving the Nobel
> Peace Prize on Monday in neighboring Norway for spreading awareness
> about global warming and how to counteract it.
> _________________________________________________
> Harry

Subject heading does not match the posting, but you should have known that.
It is called "lying". On the other hand, can you answer this very simple
question. Which Presidential candidate has pledeged to submit whatever
agreement that is reached on Global Warming, and has pledged to do whatever
they can to get it ratified by the US Senate? Can you answer the question?
Will you answer the question?

"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
> From The Associated Press, 12/12/07:
> Gore: US Blocking Climate Talks Progress
> By Associated Press
> STOCKHOLM, Sweden -
> Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore on Wednesday accused the U.S. of
> blocking progress at U.N. climate talks in Bali but said a
> breakthrough was possible in the final days of the conference.
> "Some of the reports are worrisome, but I know from experience ...
> that when breakthroughs do occur, they usually happen in the last 48
> hours," Gore told reporters in Sweden.
> "I hope there will be a change on the part of some countries,
> including most importantly my own, the United States."
> The European Union and developing nations strongly favor specific
> target ranges for emissions, but the U.S. has argued strenuously at
> Bali that including such language in the final document would
> prejudice negotiations over the next two years.
> "The position of the administration in the U.S. right now appears to
> be to try to block any progress in Bali. I hope that will change,"
> Gore said.
> The former U.S. vice president and the U.N.'s chief climate scientist,
> Rajendra Pachauri, were set to travel later Wednesday to Bali, where
> the two-week conference ends Friday.
> They were in Sweden to speak to lawmakers after receiving the Nobel
> Peace Prize on Monday in neighboring Norway for spreading awareness
> about global warming and how to counteract it.
> _________________________________________________
> Harry