Alan Cantwell, MD On The ManMade Origin Of AIDS




Alan Cantwell, MD On The ManMade Origin Of AIDS
A John Le Kay Interview
Reprinted With Permission

1. When and what first sparked your interest and writing about aids?

Before the AIDS epidemic became official in 1981, I had been studying
cancer and had found bacteria (not viruses) in certain cancers. In
particular, as a dermatologist I had studied "classic" cases of
Kaposi's sarcoma in older non-gay men. This work and subsequent KS
research was published in 1981 in scientific journals --- but it was
totally ignored when the AIDS epidemic hit and when KS became widely
known with the infamous (in my opinion) term "gay cancer." At the
time, I felt (and still do) that scientists were not telling the whole
truth about AIDS and its origin from biological warfare and from
cancer virus research that took place extensively in the decade before
AIDS, namely the 1970s.

2. In Queer blood, the secret aids genocide plot, you mention that in
the 1960s, a group of bio warfare experts appeared before a United
nations panel estimated that a large scale killing operation of the
general population would cost $2,000 per square kilometer with
conventional weapons. $800 with nuclear weapons, and $ 1 dolor with
biological weapons.

Do you believe this was the primary objective for the research and
testing of these biological agents back in the 60s at Fort Detrick and
other places or was it something else?

Governments are always seeking new biological warfare agents, just as
they are always seeking more powerful military weapons. Bioweapons are
indeed the cheapest form of warfare. They kill yet they maintain the
infrastructure, unless one uses microbes such as deadly anthrax spores
that can contaminate an environment for centuries.

3. In 1986, a researcher contacted Pearce Wright at the London times
with information on the origin of AIDS and how the AIDS virus was
injected, via a small pox vaccine into millions of Africans. Do you
know if this researcher ever reveled his identity?

No, I don't know the identity of this person. After the smallpox
vaccine story hit the front-page of The London Times, the story was
subsequently killed and never appeared again in any of the world major
media. The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program
sponsored by the World Health Organization was responsible for
unleashing AIDS in Africa. About 100 million Africans living in
central Africa were inoculated by the WHO.The vaccine was held
responsible for awakening a "dormant" AIDS virus on the continent. I
am sure the "big business" of vaccine makers had something to do with
censoring the story. Also the Times story provided another explanation
for the outbreak in Africa other than the widely-accepted "monkey in
the African jungle" theory of HIV/AIDS.

4. Do you believe it was the Bovine visna virus and the sheep visna
virus, that was used to create the AIDS virus and how similar do these
viruses look to the AIDS virus under a microscope?

I am not a virologist and I would never speculate exactly how HIV
was "made." Suffice to say, I believe HIV came out of primate (monkey,
chimp) animal cancer research whereby primates were injected (before
AIDS) with various cancer-causing and immunosuppressive viruses -- and
these viruses were transferred between various animal species as well
and adapted to human tissue. All of this was part of the "war on
cancer" conducted by the National Cancer Institute. The NCI also had
close ties to the U.S. biological warfare establishment. The
military's biological warfare unit at Ft Detrick, Maryland, was joined
to the National Cancer Institute in the early 1970s, by order of
President Richard Nixon.

4a. In an article entitled WHO Murdered Africa (The Man Made Origin of
AIDS) by WILLIAM CAMPBELL DOUGLASS, MD states that it is wrong to
believe that you cant get AIDS from mosquitoes. Also that the virus
can't live outside the body. Is this belief still held to be true.

How can one be 100% sure mosquitoes could (or could not)
theoretically spread AIDS? I couldn't swear to it. Robert Strecker MD,
who was one of the originators of the man-made theory of AIDS, used to
say: allow mosquitoes to feed on AIDS patients' blood. Then put
doctors who don't believe in the insect spread of HIV in a closed
space and let the mosquitoes feed on them. And then later test them
for HIV. I am not sure many physicians would sign up for the

5. When you first met Robert Strecker MD. you asked him about the gay
AIDS relation to Africa and he told you that there isn't any and that
it was just a cover up to hide the real truth that Africans were
infected during the small pox vaccine programs and that Africa is

There is NO PROOF that AIDS, which first appeared EXCLUSIVELY in
young (primarily white) gay men in Manhattan, came from Africa. This
is yet another myth about AIDS. How could a supposed black
heterosexual African epidemic transform itself into an EXCLUSIVELY
biologically impossible. Furthermore, there was no "incubation period"
for HIV in America. As soon as the government-sponsored gay hepatitis
B experiment (1978-1981) ended in Manhattan in 1981 the epidemic
became official. The first cases of AIDS in gay men appeared in
Manhattan in 1979, soon after the gay experiment began in Manhattan,
New York City.

Strecker believes that the World Health Organization spelled out this
diabolical plan back in a 1972 memorandum. Do you know if there were
any cases of AIDS in Africa prior to 1979 as indicated by several
scientists like Dr Ho and others

There are no PROVEN cases of AIDS in Africa prior to 1979. According
to Luc Montagnier, the French Pasteur scientist who first isolated HIV
in Paris, the African epidemic did not break out until the Autumn of
1982 at the earliest. (See, Luc Montagnier, VIRUS, page 122. ) When
AIDS was officially recognized in 1981, there was NO EVIDENCE of an
African epidemic at that time.

Also do you think africa is doomed or do you see any hope?

Without effective anti-HIV therapy, such as the current AIDS
"****tail drugs", most people succomb to AIDS quickly. Poor people in
third-world countries obviously can't afford these life-saving drugs.
Ergo, many, many will die. I am not sure how I would define "doomed",
but certainly if 20, 30, or 40% or more of a distinct population dies,
that is "doomed" in my opinion.

6. Dr Lenord Horowitz has indicated that some of these scientists
worked in the eugenic concentration camp experiments with Dr Mengele
and that this was apart of operation paperclip? Have you uncovered
anything like this during your investigations?

No, but Nazi-type mentality occurs among some people from many
cultures. There are people nowadays that believe Americans have turned
into Nazis because of the Iraq war - and the suppression of freedoms,
once guaranteed by the Constitution - all as a result of the so called
war on terror.

7. It has been documented that biological warfare was first practiced
on Native Americans with the use of Smallpox and Tuberculosis in the
1800 and 1900s etc .biological experiments were also conducted on
African Americans in the 60s with syphilis written about in the book
Bad blood and a higher form of killing.

Do you think that homosexual men In New York were used as part of this
experiment to find out how this virus worked on a relatively smaller
level, in order to then use the information to infect the blacks in
Africa on a much wider level etc. Or was it basically used on both at
the same time more or less for the same reasons?

I don't know exactly what was on the mind of those who infected gays
and blacks with HIV (and the "new" KS virus as well). The epidemic
could definitely serve as a population control measure. The fact that
the man-made theory of AIDS is totally ignored suggests a covert
genocide program against certain "undesirables" and third world
people. HIV is a cancer-causing virus, although this is obviously
downplayed in an attempt to separate AIDS from cancer (and its origin
from animal cancer research). HIV is an effective bioweapon in that it
wipes out large numbers of people due to sexual activity and/or blood
transfusion. It also has spawned a big, big, drug business based to
the tune of $2000-3000 a month for "effective" (but not curative)
treatment against HIV.

8. What about feline leukemia and "cat AIDS" The experiments conducted
at Harvard by Myron (Max) Essex on retro viral infections? Did these
experiments have anything to do with it?

Scientists knew in the few years before AIDS that retroviruses could
cause immunosuppression and that the feline leukemia virus was
transferable/transmissible between cats (felines) experimentally
confined to confined quarters. After the epidemic began, Essex became
the leading light (after Robert Gallo) in AIDS research. I wrote about
his experiments and the contamination of his laboratory with primate
viruses in my two books on the man-made origin of AIDS (AIDS AND THE

9. Where does Boyd Graves flow Chart fit into this picture and what
does this piece of information indicate to you?

The "flow chart" is contained in one of the annual volumes of the
Special Cancer Virus Program, which in Graves' opinion (and in mine)
contains the most damaging evidence connecting government-sponsored
(and biowarfare related) experimentation in the 1970s to the
not-so-mysterious outbreak of HIV exclusively in gays in the late
1970s. From these volumes, it is made clear that human experimentation
with these cancer-causing and immunosuppressive viruses was necessary.
With the "gay plague" and "gay cancer', such experiments were no
longer necessary. The deaths of thousands of gay men proved with these
viruses caused cancer, immunosuppression, and were
sexually-transmissible between people (similar to what Essex learned a
few year earlier from his cat retrovirus experiments).

10. Would you say your conclusions are similar to the findings of Dr
Lenord Horrowitz? I think he said something like that 15,000 gallons
of AIDS was made and do you know if most of this was injected into
Africans during the smallpox vaccination programs?.

Yes, there were thousands and thousands of liters and gallons of
cancer-causing viruses that were manufactured for animal
experimentation in the so-called war on cancer in the short years
before the "introduction" of HIV into American gay men. For more
details, simply Google: Special Virus Cancer Program. The Program has
been largely (and conveniently) forgotten by AIDS historians. The
annual reports are generally unavailable. In my view, the Program
comprises the secret history of AIDS, which clearly needs to be
investigated to support the very real possibility that HIV/AIDS is a
man-made disease. For people who don't believe government scientists
would be capable of initiating such a horrendous world plague, I
suggest they Google: the human radiation experiments. These
experiments administering radioactive substances to unsuspecting
American citizens and hospitalized patients are proof that doctors can
be as diabolic as the worst hardened criminals and murderers.

11. I came across this article. "In February 1999 a group of
researchers from the University of Alabama announced that they had
found a type of SIVcpz that was almost identical to HIV-1. This
particular strain was identified in a frozen sample taken from a
captive member of the sub-group of chimpanzees known as Pan
troglodytes troglodytes (P. t. troglodytes), which were once common in
west-central Africa.

The researchers (lead by Paul Sharp of Nottingham University and
Beatrice Hahn of the University of Alabama) made the discovery during
the course of a 10-year long study into the origins of the virus. They
claimed that this sample proved that chimpanzees were the source of
HIV-1, and that the virus had at some point crossed species from
chimps to humans. Their final findings were published two years later
in Nature magazine. In this article, they concluded that wild chimps
had been infected simultaneously with two different simian
immunodeficiency viruses which had "viral sex" to form a third virus
that could be passed on to other chimps and, more significantly, was
capable of infecting humans and causing AIDS". What are your thoughts
on this theory?

I am neither a molecular biologist, nor a virologist. From the very
beginning of the epidemic the government's view was that HIV/AIDS
originated in Africa and that a primate virus "jumped species" to
produce the epidemic. Therefore, ALL government-sponsored research is
an attempt to PROVE this. However, attempting to prove the ancestral
origin of the AIDS virus is NOT the same as attempting to discover the
origin of the epidemic. Furthermore, these government scientists have
no interest in studying the viruses that were transferred between
primates and that were ADAPTED to human tissue as part of the Special
Cancer Virus Program. And, as I mentioned before, the AIDS epidemic
began when TWO previously unknown viruses ( the retrovirus HIV -- and
the herpes KS virus ) were BOTH "introduced" into American gays to
produce the first cases of "acquired" immunodeficiency and "gay
cancer." We know from the previous experience with monkey-contaminated
polio vaccines, which "introduced" simian-virus 40 into millions of
Americans, that vaccines could be the most likely way HIV entered the
gay and black African population. Naturally, this concept has been
condemned by the scientific establishment and a serious discussion of
man-made AIDS has always been TABOO.

12. What about an article published in The Lancet in 2004, also shows
how retroviral transfer from primates to hunters is still occurring
even today. In a sample of 1099 individuals in Cameroon , they
discovered to ten (1%) were infected with SFV (Simian Foamy Virus), an
illness which, like SIV, was previously thought only to infect
primates. All these infections were believed to have been acquired
through the butchering and consumption of monkey and ape meat.
Discoveries such as this have lead to calls for an outright ban on
bush meat hunting to prevent simian viruses being passed to humans".

Again I would say that all these widely heralded virus findings are
an attempt to support the government's claim that HIV originated in
Africa, and to further cast doubt on the man-made theory of AIDS.

13. What about the argument that it doesn't matter where it originated
because knowing the truth would only create fear and mayhem and even
more divisiveness between the races and that all these various
theories are not going to solve the problem anyway and the solution is
to just treat those already effected with it and to continue to find
means of preventing it from spreading etc etc etec.

Of course it matters! Does deliberate genocide of undesirable people
matter? Shouldn't AIDS patients be "victims" like the Jews who
suffered under the Holocaust? Shouldn't AIDS patients be compensated
and given free anti-HIV drugs, just like the surviving Jews have
received compensation from the German government. Shouldn't people
with AIDS be told that they are infected with viruses that were
"introduced" by scientists, and not from monkeys in the jungle. Dr.
Strecker used to say he would rather have his patients FEAR HIV than
contract it and die! I couldn't agree more. Don't people who give up
cigarettes FEAR cancer. I know I did! If all this upsets people,
perhaps it's a good thing. Waking up to the insanities of the world
might help people live longer and better protect their loved ones as
well. Don't we place proper value on life any more? Is mankind
"progressing" by learning how to create and deploy better and better
biological warfare weapons? I think not!

14. What about Ebola and some of these other exotic viruses like flesh
eating viruses? Do you know if there is any associations between these
nasty viruses and experiments at the laboratories of Fort Detrick etc

I have no idea what biowarfare agents are being developed by the
military. All biological warfare programs are secret and classified.

15. What about a vaccine. Do you think a vaccine could work or feel
the same way about this as Strecker?

The vaccine makers are stymied in developing/devising an anti-HIV
vaccine, apparently because HIV mutates so quickly.

Do you believe a vaccine was also created at the same time and was
patented by a Rabbi Dr. Marvin Antelman called Tetrasil. Ag4O4 (Silver
4/Oxygen 4). What are
your thoughts on this vaccine?

I have no experience with this, but I have learned when a
treatment/drug is "too good to be true", it usually isn't.

16. What about UV radiation? Do you know if this works?

Are you referring to UV radiation of the blood here? I am not aware
of any credible UV radiation therapy.

17. Do you know if Dr Gallo is still around and do you know if there
has been any investigations into this by senate sub-committees?

Gallo is alive and well and still working. He was the subject of a
scientific investigation back in the 1990s when he was accused of
"stealing" the AIDS virus from the French at the Pasteur Institute in
Paris. The lawsuit was eventually settled. For details, read Pulitzer
Prize-winning John Crewdson's book SCIENCE FICTIONS: A SCIENTIFIC

18. Who has gained the most from AIDS? Is it .

A The pharmaceutical companies.

B. Politicians and scientists

C. World Health Organization or something else

The drug companies, the AIDS scientists, the WHO -- all have gained
except for HIV/AIDS patients and their loved ones, and the taxpayer.
Some drug companies have become very rich with happy stockholders.
AIDS is a billion dollar business, and the big AIDS research money is
handed out exclusively by the Pentagon. Another reason to suspect a
tie of AIDS to military biological warfare research.

19. Where do the mainstream media stand on this subject these days.
Has anything changed since the early days and what did you think of
New York Times article a couple of years back on their origin of aids

There has never been a serious discussion of man-made AIDS in the
New York Times or in any other major media outlet, except to refer to
the theory as paranoia and conspiracy theory. As I said, the man-made
theory of AIDS has remained taboo for more than a quarter-century, and
it is likely to remain in the closet because the true history of AIDS
is so incriminating. But don't look to the AIDS establishment and
medical science to divulge this secret history anytime soon. If people
were to take the time to educate themselves as to the evidence for
man-made AIDS, it would be a more widely accepted theory. I have
attempted to document this closeted history in my two books on the
man-made epidemic: AIDS AND THE DOCTORS OF DEATH, and in QUEER BLOOD,
which incidentally won a Benjamin Franklin Book Award in 1994. These
books are available through and via and through Book Clearing House at

Alan Cantwell M.D.

Bacteria, Cancer and the Origin of Life

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"-" <> wrote in message
> Alan Cantwell, MD On The ManMade Origin Of AIDS
> A John Le Kay Interview
> Reprinted With Permission
> 2-7-7
> 1. When and what first sparked your interest and writing about aids?
> Before the AIDS epidemic became official in 1981, I had been studying
> cancer and had found bacteria (not viruses) in certain cancers. In
> particular, as a dermatologist I had studied "classic" cases of
> Kaposi's sarcoma in older non-gay men. This work and subsequent KS
> research was published in 1981 in scientific journals --- but it was
> totally ignored when the AIDS epidemic hit and when KS became widely
> known with the infamous (in my opinion) term "gay cancer." At the
> time, I felt (and still do) that scientists were not telling the whole
> truth about AIDS and its origin from biological warfare and from
> cancer virus research that took place extensively in the decade before
> AIDS, namely the 1970s.
> 2. In Queer blood, the secret aids genocide plot, you mention that in
> the 1960s, a group of bio warfare experts appeared before a United
> nations panel estimated that a large scale killing operation of the
> general population would cost $2,000 per square kilometer with
> conventional weapons. $800 with nuclear weapons, and $ 1 dolor with
> biological weapons.

lol One what?

>> 2. In Queer blood, the secret aids genocide plot, you mention that in
>> the 1960s, a group of bio warfare experts appeared before a United
>> nations panel estimated that a large scale killing operation of the
>> general population would cost $2,000 per square kilometer with
>> conventional weapons. $800 with nuclear weapons, and $ 1 dolor with
>> biological weapons.

"Server 13" <> wrote:
> lol One what?

Argument from typo? Cannot manage any adult discourse?
"-" <> wrote in message
>>> 2. In Queer blood, the secret aids genocide plot, you mention that in
>>> the 1960s, a group of bio warfare experts appeared before a United
>>> nations panel estimated that a large scale killing operation of the
>>> general population would cost $2,000 per square kilometer with
>>> conventional weapons. $800 with nuclear weapons, and $ 1 dolor with
>>> biological weapons.

> "Server 13" <> wrote:

>> lol One what?

> Argument from typo? Cannot manage any adult discourse?

Just wondering who uses Dolors.