Alaska Republican Lawmaker Convicted of Bribery. Faces 20 Years in Prison


Harry Hope

Kohring was one of three former state lawmakers indicted in the VECO

Former state Rep. Pete Kott was convicted of conspiracy to solicit
financial benefits, extortion and bribery and is to be sentenced in

Former Rep. Bruce Weyhrauch's trial has been delayed; he has pleaded
not guilty.

Allen and Rick Smith, a former VECO vice president, have pleaded
guilty to bribery charges and are cooperating with investigators.

From The Associated press, 11/1/07:,0,7199145.story

Alaska Lawmaker Convicted of Bribery

By DAN JOLING | Associated Press Writer


A federal jury convicted a former Alaska lawmaker Thursday of
corruption charges involving tax protections sought by oil companies
as part of plans for a multibillion-dollar natural gas pipeline.

Ex-state Rep. Vic Kohring was accused of demanding and accepting at
least $2,600 from VECO Corp. executives for his support on

Prosecutors also contend Kohring solicited a job for his nephew from
VECO and sought $17,000 to pay off a credit card debt.

VECO was a major Alaska oil field services company until it was sold
in August.

During the trial, VECO founder and chief executive Bill Allen
testified that he was blackmailed by an employee over renovations that
VECO workers made at U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens' home.

The home improvement project is at the center of a Justice Department
corruption investigation into the powerful Republican, who has denied
wrongdoing and said he paid all the bills he was given for the work.

The jury convicted Kohring of bribery, conspiracy to commit extortion
and attempted interference with commerce by extortion.

He was acquitted of another count of interference with commerce by

The crimes carry a prison sentence of as many as 20 years, though
Kohring's lawyer, John Henry Browne, said he probably would be
sentenced to fewer than five years.

U.S. District Court Judge John Sedwick set sentencing for early


And on and on and on
