Album Title: Minutes to Midnight


New member
what would a suggestion from you be then, and why not put it forward to mike

its an interesting enough name i spose, but it does sound quite...conventional? or normal? was kind of expecting something along the lines of meteora, but i spose the most important thing is the songs on the album, not the album name. may 15th, interesting.

its on lptimes and such, so i pose it must be true....but like as posted on lptimes, it could just be mike ****** with us since hes taken down the message



New member
Wow i really love the New Album Name!!

Minutes to Midnight...sounds Dark, very cool

Now waiting for the First Single and the rest of the Album, i'm really looking forward to it!

May 15th..not a bad Date i think:)



New member
warner probably removed it, not him
i was guessing the same, i really like the album name, the date is fine, 2 weeks before pinkpop, so i can memorize all the new lyrics:thumbsup:



New member
Neat, Yea i'm thinking it's Warner. They need to get over it, its just a title even though I like it! :D


Active Members
The name is cool....but could be fake...myspace pages get hacked a I still wait for a statement on their official site
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