ALERT ALERT ALERT: Radio Hams Invade AUK, Fluffy Yawns Re: MichiganAmateur Radio club impeaches thei

  • Thread starter The Demon of Mockery
  • Start date

The Demon of Mockery

On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 14:19:21 -0700, Phoenix sang, "If I were a Deep
One...blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, bloody, bloody,
blub...", and then randomly typed out:
> On Aug 9, 1:14am, The Demon of Mockery & Silliness:
>> > On Aug 7, 11:31pm, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young got punched
>> > in his bloody eye, and whined like a true usenet kook:

>> >> Incidentally, taking the name of a former FNVW is only likely to get
>> >> you a sombrero of tinfoil. Well, I say "you", but it'd be for the
>> >> entire fan club.

>> > WTF? A former FNVW....kooky AUK obsessed with Usenet boi...stop
>> > crying like a sniviling twit.

>>AUK = Another Useless Kook

Ooooh, cwever!

>> FNVW = Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler. You are using a frog of one
>> of Mark's emails to post through Google.

> So, what is the problem asshole? Unlike Canaduh, the U.S. is a free
> country and I can post through whatever medium I like using whatever nym
> I want.

Oh, quite -- you can do so in Canada, too. But it's a sign of
all the same. You know what kooks are, right? You see them on
streetcorners in big city centres, haranguing passers-by about the
Times", or the coming of their alien friends, or some vast conspiracy
other. They often hand out pamphlets, usually with bizarre formatting.
Well, they do all of that on usenet, and more. Sometimes they harass
stalk or out people's PI, too. Sometimes all three.

>> meaning you actually went to the trouble of creating the account,

> Yes I created an account, 10 ****ing years ago moron, what is the issue,
> other than you keep whining about it without a reason.

"Created an account specifically to get Mark", ten years ago? That is
_some_ obsession. You would be the one who's really out to get him,
then. Guess you must love Morse code.

>> just as you or one of your fellow fan club members chose to create
>> <> in my...

> No they created it to bring to our attention YOUR stupidity. The fact that
> you kooks in AUK appointed yourselves as some sort of netkops <BITCHSLAP>

Oh, I'm no net.KKKop. Net.KKKops report people to their providers, for
various things that bug said net.KKKops (usually not things that are
actually against the AUP of most providers, if not all), and I've
considered bothering to report you guys. No, I'm more of a net.artist,
showcasing your kookery in various ways that are meant to entertain
Sometimes they entertain others, too. I've managed to snag a couple
for my ability to entertain, so I'm not doing too horribly, I think.

>> you have also chosen the nym of a past FNVW, now known as the
>> "Bob"father, as your own.

> Never heard of him, nor do I give rats ass about some person that you
> targeted for you harrassment, maybe I need to take one of your nyms,
> perhaps then you would stop the whine like a little girl.

No, then I'd proceed to laugh my arse off, and claim you as a
member of my fan club.

>> >> > On Aug 6, 10:00pm, Snarky wrote this whine

>> >> >> Oh, look, an anonymous coward, calling someone else a kook.

>> >> > Oh look, it is an anonymous

>> >> Not. Merely because you can't be bothered to look **** up doesn't
>> >> mean I'm "anonymous". Anyway, you post your rants through Google, so
>> >> your cluelessness is obvious. There are free newsservers out there,
>> >> as well as for-pay ones, so you're far from condemned to use Google.

>> > That is right, I can't be bothered,<BITCHSLAP>

> More like a limp wristed powerless slap...amazing that fantasies you bois
> in AUK believe in, come back to the real world..LOL.

Oh, I leave the "real world" where it belongs, unlike you, who can't
distinguish it from usenet.

>> So STFU, then. You're whinging about being mistreated

> I am not "whinging" about anything, just bantering with another kook who
> needs a life, just like Mark. If you don't like my comments then block
> RRAP from you response...very simple BOI

ROFL! But then I'd lose the opportunity to continue showcasing your
impotence and batshittery! I'd never do that. As long as you are
to keep harassing Mark by trying to get him k00k awards (a largely
hopeless cause, but do keep trying), I'll keep having fun by
your efforts. Deal?

>>whining about my "cowardice",

> Hell no, just pointing out the are a coward who hides behind a
> nym and targets folks on usenet for harrassment, plain and simple, you are
> a usenet stalker and harrasser, and have been for years, and now some in
> your group are trying blackmail for a new MO.

ROFLMAO! You're x-poasting into AUK -- you guys initiated the x-
in fact -- for the purpose of shutting up Mark Morgan, because he
your arses on the issue of code requirements on ham radio, which
automatically makes you fair game for any kookologist who decides to
you as a chew toy. From the FAQ:

4 What's this newsgroup NOT for?

This group exists for recreational Kookology, not for Very Personal
Vendetta. It is not to be used for general harassment of someone, or
net abuse such as spamming and flooding and cancelbombing in an
attempt to
gain vengeance on someone or get the denizens of AUK to shut up.
way, it won't work, it's very messy, "Bob" will give you triple your
back, and you don't get a life.

Also, we [tinw] are not in the business of harassing the vulnerable or
insane. Occasionally an apparent net.kook proves to be genuinely ill.
such cases the person is disqualified from winning awards and other
posters are asked to avoid exarcerbating his or her problems.
trolling or kook-hunting in support groups is strongly discouraged.


You were lucky enough to get him to flood AUK with attempts to mute
threads, two years ago, which got him as much attention as he will
get -- he's a boring kook, somewhat annoying, but mostly harmless.
harassment of him is deserving of more attention.

>>and frogging/forging Mark's name, etc., but you can't be
>> bothered to take the minute or two that might be necessary to run a
>> search on my nyms.

> **** you and **** your nyms usenet stalker, I don't give a **** who you
> are, somehow you think your are important or have some other delusional
> fantasy. You are just some ****ing loser hypocrite who spends his time
> searching usenet for folks to target. We only target one guy, because
> like you, he acts like a ****ing asshole, No matter what he thinks no one
> gives a **** about his sexuality, except apparently you.

If you guys didn't give a **** about sexuality, you wouldn't keep
it an issue. I don't target kooks who are neither abusive nor inclined
x-poast to AUK, but those descriptions wouldn't apply to you guys. You
have my attention because you want it, or else you would not try to
it. The fact that it isn't the kind of attention you desire is neither
here nor there.

>> **** you, and **** your groups. You are my bitchboys, so long as you
>> continue to frog & forge whilst sobbing about persecution. If you don't
>> like Mark, but can't be arsed to get a ****ing newsreader with a
>> killfile, that is just too damned bad for you, isn't it?

> No actually the group has been getting boring lately, which may be too bad
> for you, because you look like you want some attention...I suppose since
> you like this place, we could make AUK look just like this one.

LOL! Oh NOEZ, AUK hace been invaded (again)!

> Won't it be fun! We can use new email addys and different nyms everyday
> to post. Won't auk look great with pages and pages of

Oh, whatever shall we(tinw) dooooooooo?


Those were some impressively long lines, really, especially the ones
1500 characters.

> ****ing Retard!

No, I don't **** retards, thanks. Posting through Google because the
POST filter's wonky.

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5; Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
Join my RuneScape clan!
Full name of clan: Cabal of the Holy International Discordian Internet
And Usenet Terrorist Pretzel

Vote in the July 2008 Kook Awards! Note: Ballots _must_ be posted to
alt.usenet.kooks to be valid.
Message-ID: <g72f3r$k8q$>

"Not supporting me is equivalent to forfeiting your own rights." --
John D. Wentzky: Warrior For Your Freedumb! Message-ID:

"You cognatatively challenged fool!" -- According to Agamemnon,
Wilson is, apparently, highly ignorant about cognates, and so is
who dares to disagree with him, in Message-ID:

"Is it still necrophilia if I'm conscious?" -- Owen Harper, "Dead Man
Walking", Torchwood (20/207)
On Aug 10, 2:18?am, The Demon of Mockery <> wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 14:19:21 -0700, Phoenix sang, "If I were a Deep
> One...blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, bloody, bloody,
> blub...", and then randomly typed out:

> >> FNVW = Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler. You are using a frog of one
> >> of Mark's emails to post through Google.

> > So, what is the problem asshole? ?Unlike Canaduh, the U.S. is a free
> > country and I can post through whatever medium I like using whatever nym
> > I want.

> Oh, quite -- you can do so in Canada, too. But it's a sign of
> kookiness,
> all the same. You know what kooks are, right? You see them on
> streetcorners in big city centres, haranguing passers-by about the
> "End
> Times", or the coming of their alien friends, or some vast conspiracy
> or
> other. They often hand out pamphlets, usually with bizarre formatting.
> Well, they do all of that on usenet, and more. Sometimes they harass
> or
> stalk or out people's PI, too. Sometimes all three.

indeed the kooks have been busy a long time
> >> meaning you actually went to the trouble of creating the account,

> > Yes I created an account, 10 ****ing years ago moron, what is the issue,
> > other than you keep whining about it without a reason.

> "Created an account specifically to get Mark", ten years ago? That is
> _some_ obsession. You would be the one who's really out to get him,
> then. Guess you must love Morse code.

you know when he claims to have created the accoutns 10 yeas agao to
harrassme he is not lying either

this is One reason why I have had occional concern that the kook would
follow up with physcial violence

if one is that Kooky......

> >> > That is right, I can't be bothered,<BITCHSLAP>

> > More like a limp wristed powerless slap...amazing that fantasies you bois
> > in AUK believe in, come back to the real world..LOL.

> Oh, I leave the "real world" where it belongs, unlike you, who can't
> distinguish it from usenet.

I wish these guys could indeed this long ago went real world they are
realy serious about Moris Code

> >> So STFU, then. You're whinging about being mistreated

> > I am not "whinging" about anything, just bantering with another kook who
> > needs a life, just like Mark. ?If you don't like my comments then block
> > RRAP from you response...very simple BOI

> ROFL! But then I'd lose the opportunity to continue showcasing your
> impotence and batshittery! I'd never do that. As long as you are
> inclined
> to keep harassing Mark by trying to get him k00k awards (a largely
> hopeless cause, but do keep trying), I'll keep having fun by
> ridiculing
> your efforts. Deal?

amazing how easy it is for folks to see who is harrssing whom

the coment is to anyone that might happen to read it
> > your group are trying blackmail for a new MO.

> ROFLMAO! You're x-poasting into AUK -- you guys initiated the x-
> poasting,
> in fact -- for the purpose of shutting up Mark Morgan, because he
> whipped
> your arses on the issue of code requirements on ham radio, which
> automatically makes you fair game for any kookologist who decides to
> use
> you as a chew toy. From the FAQ:

and in doing so they give me more credit than I deserve a;lthough I
certainly played MY part in ending code testing indeed the reaction
of the authors to a dylexic such as myself helped out even more than
my posting per se

> If you guys didn't give a **** about sexuality, you wouldn't keep
> making
> it an issue. I don't target kooks who are neither abusive nor inclined
> to
> x-poast to AUK, but those descriptions wouldn't apply to you guys. You
> have my attention because you want it, or else you would not try to
> get
> it. The fact that it isn't the kind of attention you desire is neither
> here nor there.
On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 10:24:36 -0700, Phoenix fixed me with a beady eye, and
foamed wildly:
> On Aug 10, 2:18?am, The Demon of Mockery sang, "If I were a Deep
> One...blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, bloody, bloody,
> blub...", and then randomly aukedt:

Awww, you like my attribution! How thweet.

>> > On Aug 9, 1:14am, The Demon of Mockery & Silliness:
>> >> > On Aug 7, 11:31pm, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young got
>> >> > punched in his bloody eye, and whined like a true usenet kook:

>> >> >> Incidentally, taking the name of a former FNVW is only likely to
>> >> >> get you a sombrero of tinfoil. Well, I say "you", but it'd be for
>> >> >> the entire fan club.

>> >> > WTF? A former FNVW....kooky AUK obsessed with Usenet boi...stop
>> >> > crying like a sniviling twit.

>> >>AUK = Another Useless Kook

>> Ooooh, cwever!
>> >> FNVW = Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler. You are using a frog of
>> >> one of Mark's emails to post through Google.

>> > So, what is the problem asshole? ?Unlike Canaduh, the U.S. is a
>> > free country and I can post through whatever medium I like using
>> > whatever nym I want.

>> Oh, quite -- you can do so in Canada, too. But it's a sign of
>> kookiness, all the same.

> Proof???

Well, for one thing, I've been posting through usenet using all sorts of
nyms for ages. Adding gay lames to frogs of kooks, however, is something
I've never done, though. Somehow, earning a Busted Urinal nomination
isn't my thing. I'll leaving the spewing to the obsessed radio hams, and
their conviction that knowing Morse code represents strength of character
(don't deny it, you've been going to all this trouble for years for no
other reason).

> You know what kooks are, right? You see them on
>> streetcorners in big city centres, haranguing passers-by about the "End
>> Times", or the coming of their alien friends, or some vast conspiracy
>> or other. They often hand out pamphlets, usually with bizarre
>> formatting. Well, they do all of that on usenet, and more. Sometimes
>> they harass or stalk or out people's PI, too. Sometimes all three.

> No, we don't have those types here, must be something Canadian.

You must never have been to a big city, then. Freedom of speech isn't only
a Canadian thing, you know.

>> >> meaning you actually went to the trouble of creating the account,

>> > Yes I created an account, 10 ****ing years ago moron, what is the
>> > issue, other than you keep whining about it without a reason.

>> "Created an account specifically to get Mark", ten years ago? That is
>> _some_ obsession. You would be the one who's really out to get him,
>> then. Guess you must love Morse code.

> I could care less about Morse code, once again you have no idea what you
> are spouting about, but you stalkers over in AUK never have a clue about
> much of anything anyway.

No, if I were a stalker, I'd make damn ****ing sure I knew every last
detail about you. If I were a stalker, I'd have been reading and posting
to your group for years before I began addressing you under my own nyms,
back in '06. If I were a stalker, I'd know which of Mark's fanbois were
which by your posting styles alone. If I were a stalker, you'd have won
kook awards by now, because I'd know a lot more about you and what pushes
your buttons, and there would be at least one detailed FAQ about you and
the rest of Mark's fanclub. But I don't know anything about you, beyond
what you guys post to AUK, though what I know from that is you guys (in
the club) are a bunch of sexually repressed boys in middle-aged bodies,
terrified of the notion you might be gay, and covering up by pointing at
Mark and howling like monkeys on angel dust. On that note, boys, meet the
soc.fr00tz -- they're a lot like you. In fact, apart from not being radio
hams, they're exactly like you. They have even tried the whole "AUK
Invasion" thing.

>> >> ?just as you or one of your fellow fan club members chose to
>> >> create <> in my...

>> > No they created it to bring to our attention YOUR stupidity. The fact
>> > that you kooks in AUK appointed yourselves as some sort of netkops

>> Oh, I'm no net.KKKop

> Yes you are and even worse, you are a coward stalker hiding behind your
> nym, which by the way when you google you nyms that is just about all
> you see, Snarky = Usenet Stalker.

Net.KKKops report people who do things they don't like to their
providers", you silly ham. You have no idea what a net.KKKop _is_.
Incidentally, you'll find lots of legalnames which have been applied to
me in my header info. One of them may well be mine. Furthermore, other
stalkers have already done most of your dirty work, lazy little ****.

>> Net.KKKops report people to their providers, for various things that
>> bug said net.KKKops (usually not things that are actually against the
>> AUP of most providers, if not all), and I've never considered bothering
>> to report you guys.

> Becuase no one would listen to you anyway, oh powerless one.

No, I've reported real net.abusers, but not pathetic little hatemongers
like you. It's much more fun to mess with your brains and play all sorts
of head games, especially since you continue to make it easy for me by
posting to AUK, instead of making me come in there.

>> No, I'm more of a net.kook,

Oh, that's so nice -- a post-edit, just for me!

>> showcasing your artistry in various ways that are meant to entertain me
>> because I am a loser with no life.

And another one! I take it you must live to entertain others?

>> Sometimes they entertain others,
>> too. I've managed to snag a couple awards for my ability to entertain,
>> so I'm not doing too horribly, I think.

> So you target folks for stupid childish self-serving my you
> are pathetic aren't you.

I target no one who is not an abusive shithead, thanks. That would include
targets in -- say, that makes you an abusive
shithead, doesn't it? Well, duh.

>> >> you have also chosen the nym of a past FNVW, now known as the
>> >> "Bob"father, as your own.

>> > Never heard of him, nor do I give rats ass about some person that you
>> > targeted for you harrassment, maybe I need to take one of your nyms,
>> > perhaps then you would stop the whine like a little girl.

>> No, then I'd proceed to laugh my arse off, and claim you as a permanent
>> member of my fan club.

> Why, you seem to be a member of mine instead.

I play with lots of kooks in many groups, but you are one of my
dingleberries. One does try to wipe, but ones like you can be so stubborn
about clinging.

>> >> >> > On Aug 6, 10:00pm, Snarky wrote this whine

>> >> >> >> Oh, look, an anonymous coward, calling someone else a kook.

>> >> >> > Oh look, it is an anonymous

>> >> >> Not. Merely because you can't be bothered to look **** up doesn't
>> >> >> mean I'm "anonymous". Anyway, you post your rants through Google,
>> >> >> so your cluelessness is obvious. There are free newsservers out
>> >> >> there, as well as for-pay ones, so you're far from condemned to
>> >> >> use Google.

>> >> > That is right, I can't be bothered,<BITCHSLAP>

>> > More like a limp wristed powerless slap...amazing that fantasies you
>> > bois in AUK believe in, come back to the real world..LOL.

>> Oh, I leave the "real world" where it belongs, unlike you, who can't
>> distinguish it from usenet.

> No, apparently this is the only world you know, targeting folks for
> harrassment on usenet because they don't act in a manner you approve.

Yes, usenet. Words on a screen. Lots of ones and zeroes (you'd be a zero),
and pixels -- electrons, even. Not real, and not resembling physical
reality, either.

> Then pouncing on them with your delusions of self importantce, like
> ****ing AUK really matters. Get a life.

No, not like AUK matters -- like usenet doesn't matter, and anything said
on usenet is just trolling, at best. The ones who _really_ mean what they
say are the kooks.

>> >> So STFU, then. You're whinging about being mistreated

>> > I am not "whinging" about anything, just bantering with another kook
>> > who needs a life, just like Mark. ?If you don't like my comments
>> > then block RRAP from you response...very simple BOI

>> ROFL! But then I'd lose the opportunity to continue showcasing your
>> impotence and batshittery! I'd never do that. As long as you are
>> inclined to keep harassing Mark by trying to get him k00k awards (a
>> largely hopeless cause, but do keep trying), I'll keep having fun by
>> ridiculing your efforts. Deal?

> WTF? Kook awards, you are almost as mentally screwed as Morgan. I don't
> give a **** about your little self serving kiddie awards. If all you
> kooks over at AUK evaporated tomorrow no one would notice. Get a grip on
> reality.

If you honestly didn't "give a ****", you would stop x-poasting to AUK
immediately and permanently. The fact that you continue, and yet insist
very firmly that you don't care, means you are my chew toy, at least until
you stop.

>> >>whining about my "cowardice",

>> > Hell no, just pointing out the are a coward who hides
>> > behind a nym and targets folks on usenet for harrassment, plain and
>> > simple, you are a usenet stalker and harrasser, and have been for
>> > years, and now some in your group are trying blackmail for a new MO.

>> ROFLMAO! You're x-poasting into AUK -- you guys initiated the x-
>> poasting,

> I don't know who did the x-posting, I'm just not going to waste my time
> changing the destination, but what the hell your disjointed ramblings
> are almost as entertaining as Mark's posts.

Yeah, right, Woger Wiseman. You "don't know who did the x-posting" first.
Nice innocent act. You've been frogging Mark for a decade, but you didn't
start the x-poasting, and don't know who did. Suuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrree.

>> in fact -- for the purpose of shutting up Mark Morgan, because he
>> whipped your arses on the issue of code requirements on ham radio,
>> which automatically makes you fair game for any kookologist who decides
>> to use you as a chew toy. From the FAGS:
>> Frequently_Asked_Questions_of_alt.usenet.kooks
>> 4 What's this newsgroup NOT for?
>> This group exists for recreational Kookology, and for Very Personal
>> Vendetta. It is used for general harassment of someone, or for net
>> abuse such as spamming and flooding and cancelbombing in an attempt to
>> gain vengeance on someone or get the denizens of AUK to shut up. Either
>> way, it won't work, it's very messy, "Bob" will give you triple your
>> money
>> back, and you don't get a life.

Your post-editing skillz are sooooo kewl!

>> Also, we [tinw] are in the business of harassing the vulnerable or the
>> insane. The denizens proved to be genuinely ill. In such cases the
>> person is disqualified from winning awards and other posters are asked
>> to avoid exarcerbating his or her problems. Similarly, trolling or
>> kook-hunting in support groups is strongly encouraged.

So, you're saying that's you? You're mentally ill?

>> -------------------------------------------------
>> You were lucky enough to get him to flood AUK with attempts to mute
>> your threads, two years ago, which got him as much attention as he will
>> ever get -- he's a boring kook, somewhat annoying, but mostly harmless.
>> Your harassment of him is deserving of more attention.

> Well get too it BOI, because for entertainment value, Mark is way ahead
> of you.

Oh, I'm not attempting to entertain _you_. You're the canvas for my art.
Any amusement you may derive from my efforts is strictly incidental.

>> >>and frogging/forging Mark's name, etc., but you can't be
>> >> bothered to take the minute or two that might be necessary to run a
>> >> search on my nyms.

>> > **** you and **** your nyms usenet stalker, I don't give a **** who
>> > you are, somehow you think your are important or have some other
>> > delusional fantasy. You are just some ****ing loser hypocrite who
>> > spends his time searching usenet for folks to target. We only
>> > target one guy, because like you, he acts like a ****ing asshole,

Because he won't accept your bullshit, you mean. I think your **** stinks,

>> > No matter what he thinks no one gives a **** about his sexuality,
>> > except apparently you.

>> If you guys didn't give a **** about sexuality, you wouldn't keep
>> making it an issue.

> I don't

You do. You and all your fellow fanbois care very much about sexuality, or
I'd never see "homo" or "punce" or any of that crap fromn you, in your
frogs/forgeries, subject lines, or the content of your posts, and I have
seen tonnes of it.

>> I don't target kooks who are neither abusive nor inclined

> Liar

You lot are as abusive as any kooks I've ever seen in nearly nine years on
usenet, and I have never been interested in non-abusive ones for more than
a few posts -- long enough to determine they're kooks, usually.

>> to x-poast to AUK, but those descriptions wouldn't apply to you guys.
>> You have my attention because you want it, or else you would not try to
>> get it. The fact that it isn't the kind of attention you desire is
>> neither here nor there.

> Don't care if you want to be involved, knock yourself out, Kook.

You, personally, don't have an identity that is outside of frogging Mark
Morgan. That means there is no distinguishing you from the other fanbois
-- you're just another anonymous coward hiding behind his nyms, and
harassing him for being other than straight , dyslexic, and
unknowledgeable about Morse.

>> >> **** you, and **** your groups. You are my bitchboys, so long as you
>> >> continue to frog & forge whilst sobbing about persecution. If you
>> >> don't like Mark, but can't be arsed to get a ****ing newsreader with
>> >> a killfile, that is just too damned bad for you, isn't it?

>> > No actually the group has been getting boring lately, which may be
>> > too bad for you, because you look like you want some attention...I
>> > suppose since you like this place, we could make AUK look just like
>> > this one.

>> LOL! Oh NOEZ, AUK hace been invaded (again)!
>> > Won't it be fun! We can use new email addys and different nyms
>> > everyday to post. Won't auk look great with pages and pages of

>> Oh, whatever shall we(tinw) dooooooooo?

> Whine like you have been.

Or laugh ourselves(tino) sick.

>> > ****ing, Retard!

>> No, I don't **** retards, thanks.

> You must, because only a retard would lay down with a stalking usenet
> obsessed kook such as yourself.

LMAO! I've already explained what a stalker is. You're a kook, and as for
usenet, I was pretty much off usenet for thirteen months, recently, apart
from voting on a few ballots over the course of five or six months. Didn't
post at all, between early November and early June.

Hail Eris! Cthulhu fhtagn! mhm 29x21; Top Asshole #3; Lits Slut #16
Chas. E. Pemberton; Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13
Gutter Chix0r #17; BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4
COOSN-029-06-71069; Usenet Ruiner #5; Official Chung Demon
AUK Psycho & Felon #21; Parrot & Zombie #2
Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
"Life size models of Cthulhu, on sale now!"

"Folklore is a 19th century Romanticist movement based on
contemporary popular northern European music."

"The entire concept was concocted by the Brothers Grimm during the
Romanticist literary period and entered the discipline of music in the
following century with the Romanticist musical period after Beethoven."
-- Please send medical bills for any damage to your health caused by the
above two quotes to Agamemnon-Skopianosfaktis. Message-ID:

"Kolofilia between a human and another human is as depraved as ****ing
animals." -- Agamemnon, poutso kelftis, just plain doesn't like sex,
apparently. Message-ID:

"Roe V Wade has zero bearing on my existence other than it affects it
-- Johnny Wentzky never had much truck with "logic". Message-ID:

"You are the GOD-DAMNED, IGNORANT LIAR here.
Now, that is not me taking the Lord's name in vain."
-- John Wentzky: Living proof of the Death of Irony, in Message-ID:

"For the most part, morality is universal." -- John "Easily" Shocked

"The whining has just begun." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Gay men deserve to die." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Laws count, the US Constitution count more, and we need to have judges
on the bench who are going to Carry Out those laws, not Make Law or
Interpret Law." -- John "Easily" Shocked contradicts his own words on
the overriding importance of society's reluctance to accept
homosexuality, in Message-ID: <brIDe.67062$Qo.12613@fed1read01>

"I heard that you are still trespassing in the USA. If it's black, it
refuses to work and it accuses whites of racism. What a joke.
Look at a map and see where Africa is, bitchboy. What is this GOD DAMNED
Too afraid to tell the truth?
being found all over the Carolinas, after his reply to Panama Floyd, in
Message-ID: <qiA3k.2556$>
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 19:23:59 -0700, Phoenix did the cha-cha, and screamed:
> On Aug 11, 9:51pm, Porsche Monkey For Life wrote:
>> On the long hot summer day of Mon, 11 Aug 2008 05:19:12 -0700, Phoenix
>> dribbled:
>> > On Aug 11, 2:04am, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>> >> On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 10:24:36 -0700, Phoenix fixed me with a beady
>> >> eye, and foamed wildly:

>> <snip>
>> I generously gave you room to adequately defend your obsession with Mark
>> Morgan, and you have chosen to spurn it, in favour of foaming about him,
>> which only proves my point. The accusations you have leveled against him
>> are unsupported by anything resembling proof, therefore they are
>> baseless, unfounded, cowardly and without merit. You have no grounds for
>> a beef with anything besides the flooding, which would end if you and
>> your brother fans quit the sporging and sprogging. Your lack of a clue
>> WRT how to present a kook to AUK is really quite amusing, on a certain
>> level, but unfortunately, that level is a tad abstruse.

> You are not in a position to give me anything, more delusions from the
> paper tiger.
> If I want room to post, I will take it, and there isn't a whole lot
> you can do about it. Nevertheless, I don't need to explain anything to
> you...get a are an insignificant dweeb.

Oh, you may feel free to post as much as you like, and I'll feel free to
taunt you for being unable to do anything about Mark except scream, and
whine, and cry. Meanwhile, your ng will gain the reputation of being a
haven for liars, hypocrites, homophobes, and bullies, all ganging up on
Mark Morgan for being queer, dyslexic, and anti-code. Even now, you can't
do better than to provide some kookshite where all your whinging is spelt
out in elaborate detail, as though it proves something by being on a
website, instead of being backed up by official records on websites
neither created or maintained by freaked-out hams. Serious claims have
been made about Mark Morgan, and nothing is there to back them up except

Oh, and let us not forget this:

Watch you don't vandalise it, if you want anything you ever try to add to
Kookpedia to be allowed. The sysops, who don't include moi, are not fans
of wiki vandals.

>> > LOL

>> I don't believe you really LOL'ed.

> At your blathering, I do. Kooks like you and Mark, with your kooked out
> delusions, do make me and others laugh at your stupidity.

Uh-huh. Does that mean you plan on backing up your claims soon? Because
I'm doubting it. I think you have nada, aside from hatred for him.
Irrational hatred's kooky, and I think that's you.

Hail Eris! TM#5; COOSN-029-06-71069; Usenet Ruiner #5; Gutter Chix0r #17
Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition; Official Chung Demon
Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13; Top Asshole #3; Lits Slut #16
BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4
AUK Psycho & Felon #21; Parrot & Zombie #2; AUK Hate Machine Cog #19
Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
"Computers, like cats, can operate crossdimensionally; the trick is in
getting them to do what you want."

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life


"They could hear the aria and whistle it" -- Yeah, poor blacks in the
late 19th/early 20th centuries sure would have gone to operas all the
time, Aggie! Message-ID:

"RUBBISH! Italian opera makes reference to RECORDED GREEK HISTORY!
Calling with folklore is like calling the Napoleonic wars folklore or
Julius Caesar folklore.

"Greece does not have folk music and it does not have folklore." --
Clearly, Greek mythology was made up by archaeologists and
anthropologists in the past two centuries. Isn't that right, Aggie?
Message-ID: <>

"Folklore is a 19th Century Romanticist Art Music genre." -- Aggie re-
defines the Brothers Grimm as musicians, in Message-ID:

"Folk music is by definition Irish pop music. Specifically Irish pop
music influenced by Eastern European dance music." -- Agamemnon owes me
a head injury for that. Message-ID:

"Rave and Trance on technical grounds should be classified as classical
music." -- Aggie the musical expert, in Message-ID:

"Bluegrass is African American. Actually its origin is French just like
Rap, but it has nothing to do with Folk. Folk is Irish pop music
concocted in the 50's and 60's which uses instruments that weren't
invented until the 30's." -- And rock, of course, was first made by
Greeks, as Agamemnon will assert. Message-ID:

"WRONG! The plays of Aristophanes prove that the overwhelming majority
of Athenians were straight and idiogenogamotics were ridiculed as either
being effeminate or only doing kologamosis in return for political or
financial favours. If this was not so then Aristophanes would not have
mocked the politicians in the front seats as boy ****ers (kologamosis
with young boys will illegal in ancient Athens and those engaging in it
were banned from holding elected office) or made numerous bum gags, or
brought naked girls on stage for an all male audience to represent peace
or written plays featuring female prostitutes. Hellenistic romantic
fiction such as the Aethiopica also disproves your claims that women
were only regarded as baby making machines. Menanders Dyskolos also
disproves your claims as does book 3 of Apollonius Argonougtica and
Euripides Hellen. Kolofilia was nothing more than masturbation. Just ask
yourself why it was only with a man and adolescent boy. Because it was
easier for the giver to think the receiver was a young girl than if it
was with a man the same age. He might as well have ****ed a sheep or a
goat. So to get back on topic, it makes you wonder why RTD made Captain
Jack an omnisexual, read complete wanker." -- Poutso kelftis on a
frothing rage, in Message-ID:

"I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what
happened inside this Oval Office." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C.,
May 12, 2008

"6. Who is a net.giggler?" -- Bloxy's "Monkay", that's who. Message-ID:

"'I find this genetic sequence all the way down the evolutionary
ladder,' he says. 'The major significance of this protein is that it may
be a communication line between the nucleus and the mitochondria.'" --
Andrew B. Chung, from

" black it picks cotton." -- But Alex "Dink" Cain isn't
racist at all, oh no. Not him. Why, some of his best friends are porch
monkeys. I'll bet. Message-ID: <>

"You think I don't know this? What gives you the right to speak as if
you have authority over me? You have none. I like his use of the words
'wanton woman'. They are biblical. Maybe there is some hope for k man
after all. You? There is no hope for you at all you freak of nature. Go
back to the hole you came out of." -- Atlanta Olympiada Kane "knows"
Kadaitcha Man was referring to me, but addressed him as though he was
referring to himself, then foamed all over me, in Message-ID:

"No effort at all c cksucking you, b1tch." -- At last, the Monkey-man
comes out of the closet, in MID: <aXkth.3535$QE6.1902@trnddc02>

"This is a sandwich made by a Spam Witch. You know why Spam Witches
can't starve if they're at the beach? Because they can always eat the
sand which is there." -- Spam Witch sammich, from The Kingdom of
No one expects the Fannish Inquisition!
Cabal of the Holy International Discordian Internet & Usenet Terrorist

"i have no need for sex; i'd rather tease you, honeybuns." -- Teh Mop
Jockey doesn't know the meaning of "TMI". MID:

"What are marijuana tablets?"

"When logic and proportion
Have fallen softly dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's 'off with her head!'
Remember what the dormouse said:
'Feed your head
Feed your head
Feed your head'"
-- "White Rabbit", Jefferson Airplane

I own "James C Cracked is God!!!":
MID: <>

"Chips on you dud, you got bugged for being near me, Viruses transmit
that way you know." -- Blooey: Master of the Autoflame. Message-ID:

"The nonsense screeds you compose and post to usenet lack any kind of
coherent and rational meaning whatsoever, and are composed of random
bits and pieces stolen from mythology, science fiction, religion, comic
books, etc., placed into a blender, and the switch turned to the highest
About every other screed has droppings of death threats, racial
bigotry, laughably false prophesies of gloom and doom, and inane
attempts to extort money. These bland, meaningless, pulpy messes are
then trowled into usenet; identical or nearly identical screeds are
repeated ad nauseum." -- Art Deco had to clean up bits of Warhol for
days after using the Hammer on him

"Q: How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a
light bulb?
A: None. There is no need to change anything. We made the right decision
to stick with that light bulb. People who say that it is burned out are
giving aid and encouragement to the Forces of Darkness." -- Anon.

"Outlaw amateur assassins!" -- Chiun

"Property is theft."
-- P. J. Proudhon
"Property is liberty."
-- P. J. Proudhon
"Property is impossible."
-- P. J. Proudhon

Argumentum ad Septicus : argument to putrefaction. Derived from Septicum
Argumentum : putrefaction of argument.

"Septic \Sep"tic\, Septical \Sep"tic al\
a. [L. septicus to make putrid: cf. F. septique.]
Having power to promote putrefaction. Of or relating to or
caused by putrefaction." -- Kadaitcha Man, indirectly to
Donald "Skeptic"/"Septic" Alford, in MID: <>

"I never fail to be amazing" -- Looney Maroon for September 2006 nominee
William Barwell's ego knows no bounds. MID:

"Red meat won't hurt you. Fuzzy, blue-green meat will."
-- Zog the etc., in alt.discordia (correct
as needed)

"may you live to whatever age you'd like to." -- Dave Hillstrom,
in alt.discordia

"We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the
child at play." -- Heraclitus

"And thats another mistake on your part. Your 'playing' games on usenet,
and I'm not playing...It has nothing to do with impressing you, it has
more to do with making sure you have the education you'll need to debate.
The debate is no fun for me if you are mentally incapable of it. I'm
giving you an opportunity to educate yourself. That's all." -- A trashy
former virus-writer turned Outer Filth doesn't know if he's playing or
working, in MID: <>

"I am incapable of original thoughts" -- Ctrl?/Alt?/Del? has an honest
moment, in MID: <>

"But now the end is near. Now Mark Foley comes along and is making
almost all liberal dreams come true and seriously, I'm sorry for it.
See, I believe in karma. I believe what comes around goes around and I
know full well that it's just bad juju to wish such a level of turmoil
and ill upon other humans, warmongering gay-hating maladroits or no, and
that the real path of enlightenment is paved with forgiveness and
progress and white-hot love and turning the other cheek and scotch.

"In fact, Jesus said something about that, I do believe. He said, "Knock
it off already with the warmongering and the hating of each other and
let's all get some wine and party like it's 2012." Then again, he never
saw Karl Rove stab the nation with the dull ice pick of bogus fear. He
never heard George W. Bush describe brutal war and the death of tens of
thousands as "just a comma" in world history.

"Check that. Maybe I'm not so sorry after all." -- Mark Morford,