Alex Jones + InfoWars

Anna Perenna

New member

Alex Jones is supposedly a truth-seeking activist.

I don't believe it for a second.

He reminds me of that undercover cop wearing the shiny-new Che Guevara backpack and shiny-new marijuana bandanna at the G20 protest.

He never reveals any hard truths, he concentrates on and makes loud noises about ultimately inconsequential *****, and everything he says reeks of him being TheMan-in-disguise (ie - he recently blabbered on about "The Matrix" as if it were a real phenonemon.)

Basically, Info Wars + Prison Planet TV and everything else affiliated with it achieves more for oppression and conservatism than truth / justice / liberty.

He's probably a registered Republican with shares in Exxon, and his pay can probably be traced back to the CIA.

Bottom line, he's a big fraud.

Ignore InfoWars.



New member
He's certainly got the syndication Anna.

First five thousand pages of a google search.

I'm surprised he doesn't have his own action figures, like Barbie's Ken.

Can't say I've heard any of his crapola, haven't had a tv for four years, and when I get to watch one, it's old movies late on sbs or abc.

Anyone with that much sway is certainly corruptable.

Unlike the inimitable Miz Winfrey?



New member
This is funny to me.

Phreak is always talking about Alex Jones and now you and Builder are talking as if he is some giant of political speak.

I have no idea who he is.


Anna Perenna

New member
He's certainly got the syndication Anna.

First five thousand pages of a google search.

I'm surprised he doesn't have his own action figures, like Barbie's Ken.

Can't say I've heard any of his crapola, haven't had a tv for four years, and when I get to watch one, it's old movies late on sbs or abc.

Anyone with that much sway is certainly corruptable.

Unlike the inimitable Miz Winfrey?
I don't think he's "corruptable" - I think Alex Jones was never legitimate.

I think his entire network of lameness has been 'set up' to:

    [ ]draw in subversive people, to keep track of them
    [ ]distract people from the real truth(s)

Check this out:

If you were in the same room as him, and he was acting like this, you'd think he was an undercover agent.


Anna Perenna

New member
This is funny to me.

Phreak is always talking about Alex Jones and now you and Builder are talking as if he is some giant of political speak.

I have no idea who he is.
I hope you won't take what I have highlighted above and imagine that it is now true.

Phreakwars has mentioned him just once on this site, and then only in a cursory way. Builder has no idea who he is, and I don't think he's a giant of political speak - he's just a fake / douche.

I'm glad he isn't on your radar.



New member
I don't think he's "corruptable" - I think Alex Jones was never legitimate.

I think his entire network of lameness has been 'set up' to:

    [ ]draw in subversive people, to keep track of them
    [ ]distract people from the real truth(s)

If you were in the same room as him, and he was acting like this, you'd think he was an undercover agent.
He's certainly instantly detestable. If I was in the same room with him, I would walk out the door.

Keep me posted on your research, Anna.

Shammers chit me off.



New member
Didn't he used to be just a UFO guy? I remember catching one of his radio shows years ago and thinking he was a nutjob.


Active Members
This is funny to me.

Phreak is always talking about Alex Jones and now you and Builder are talking as if he is some giant of political speak.

I have no idea who he is.
Ya, I believe Bender tried calling me by that guys name as an insult a few times but being as I never heard of him I didn't get Bender's joke, lol.

Seems to me like the most radical of the socialists watch other radilcals and believe that is the way other people are, but guess what guys, while the radicals may be operating most of the leadership possisitions with the Liberals, that is not the case for most of the leadership in Conservative circles.

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