All empires fall due to:


Luke Nichols

-Moral decay and internal rot
-Corrupt Politicians and disregard
to the documents that incepted the empire
-The people ceased to be patriotic and became divided
-Invasions by heathens and pagans
-Homosexuality and rampant sexual sin
-Becoming a "welfare state"
-The infrastructure becomes weakened
-Not supporting the small businesses that funded the empire
-The money going out was more than the money coming in.
-Bribery became a way of life in the empire
-Continually blaspheming God's good name.
-Widespread idolatry and acceptance of false religions
-A total disregard to God's Law and apostasy.
1. Israel had came into her own. She was the premiere empire in the Middle
East. Yet, when they started disregarded God's Law, worshipping idols,
sacrificing their children to chemosh, and provoking God to anger, the
Kingdom became split in two: Israel and Judah. Despite the warnings of the
Prophets, they continued on with this abominations. So, God raised up the
Assyrians to conquer Israel, and the Babylonians to conquer Judah.

2. Babylon was a great Empire. No one could defeat it. Yet, when they sinned
against God, by Beltashazar drinking from the Temple cups, God raised up
Medo-Persia to conquer it. (Iran)
(The walls around Babylon was 50 feet thick, yet the Medo-Persians dammed up
the river flowing under, and marched under the wall and took the city.)

3. The Medo-Persian Empire was a great empire, yet, when they tried to
murder all the Jews under Haman, God raised up Alexander the Great to
conquer them.

4. The Grecian Empire was a great empire, til after Alexander the Greats'
death, Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificed a pig on the Altar in the Temple to
Zeus, then God raised up the Romans to conquer it.

5. Israel had been brought back from the captivity, though under occupation
by the Roman Empire. During this time, the Christ was born. Yet, they not
only had their Messiah crucified, and the Savior of the world, they
instituted persecution against the Church of Jesus of Nazareth. So, God used
the Roman empire to burn Jerusalem and destroy the Temple in 70 A.D. And,
once again, the Jews were scattered around the world.

6. The Roman Empire was the greatest empire ever, until they, too instituted
persecutions against the Church of Jesus of Nazareth. So, God destroyed that
empire, and it just ceased to exist.

Empires that have faded since then: The British Empire, The Holy Roman
Empire, France under Napoleon, Nazi Germany, The Soviet Union, and many,
many more.

Does history repeat itself? Yes, it does!

America: Can we stand to continue on the way we are currently heading?

When God really starts judging this country. And I mean REALLY judging it,
no weapon America has will stop it, nor any treaty we have with any other
nation. I would suggest everyone in this land, from GW Bush down to the
lowest homeless person, repent, and that quick!

-- (M.Y.S.I.G.N.A.T.U.R.E.) --

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"Luke Nichols" <> wrote in message

All LIARS fail due to being EXPOSED:

"Luke Nichols" <> wrote in message
> After training him to be a remorseless killer, the Marine Corps demoted
> Lance Cpl. Delano V. Holmes and kept him in prison for 10 months for
> killing without remorse... and then turned him loose on the general
> population of America.
> Nice going, Marine Corps.

"Simpleton" <> wrote in message
> After training him to be a remorseless killer, the Marine Corps demoted
> Lance Cpl. Delano V. Holmes and kept him in prison for 10 months for
> killing without remorse... and then turned him loose on the general
> population of America.
> Nice going, Marine Corps.

What a coincidence?