ALL MEMBERS PLZ READ (chat content)


Phantom Z

Please do NOT post pics or vids within the chatbox. This forum is upholding it's stance of being a relaxed place to hang out and not enforce a bunch of unnecessary rules, however, the chatbox is an area that members see everything posted and are not given the choice of whether they open it or not like they would if the content was kept in threads.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask us!! :thumb:



New member
Wish I had scratch and sniff for yesterday....and i dont even touch the stuff. Glad you got it under control!


New member
Wish I had scratch and sniff for yesterday....and i dont even touch the stuff. Glad you got it under control!
Haha no kiddin, I'd be working at walmart by noon if my boss walked into my office. Links are fine though.


Phantom Z

Thanks go to 450rHQ, I'm just trying to lay the ground work to avoid that in the future :thumb:
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