All you anti-immigrant and anti-immigration nutcases out there --game

  • Thread starter Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

New Hampshire could mean the end of anti-immigration rhetoric in the
Republican Primary. With Tancredo out and Duncan Hunter a non-factor,
the only Republican candidate still pushing the tired anti-
immigration message seems to be Mitt Romney.

Romney spent millions running over 12,000 anti-immigration spots in
Iowa against Mike Huckabee and in New Hampshire against John McCain.
A couple months ago, Romney looked untouchable, poised to win both
states by double digit figures. Now, he is on the verge of losing to
both the men he was attacking.

Last week, Romney lost the Iowa Caucus to Huckabee by almost 10
points, while attacking him on immigration. Tomorrow, Romney may
suffer the same fate at the hands of John McCain, who Romney is
attacking for supporting "amnesty." But despite these attacks and
finishing 4th in Iowa, McCain is pulling ahead of Romney.

Immigration was reported as the #1 issue on voters minds in Iowa, but
despite hearing relentless ads from Mitt Romney on the issue and
having a quarter or more of debates spent on it, immigration isn't the
number one priority of most voters. Among Republicans, it is now #4 in

Now, could we get on with serious stuff????