almost over the bars


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
San Diego CA

Almost went over the bars this weekend, saved it, knee is swollen big time, smacked bars hard and my chest protector saved me :shiner:
my knee is swollen like crazy but i rode the rest of the weekend, chest protector and nerfs saved me, my chest has a sore spot so i probably would have broken ribs if it was not for the chaest protector
You even slowed down... Imagine hitting that at full speed....Nah Im not going to imagine that.... Wouldnt be a good sight...Glad you werent seriously hurt...
if you would of hit it 4th tapped you woulda skipped right over that little speed bump ;)

awwwww who am i kiddin. i've never been to a desert...
if you pause it right in the middle you can see my shadow and how close i came to going over, my old 48 year as$ would have been hurtin
That's Plaster City? I go there quite a bit.. that's my testing ground..(I should go more often!) Don't recognise that sandy area, I usually go out behind the factory up to by the railway track on the right then round by the edge of the bombing range.. I went over the bars at Cal City earlier in the year, went up on a canyon wall on a corner (looked fun!) then came down into some realy deep whoops that caught me completely off guard, smashed my knee bad, still got the mark and a lump on my knee cap nearly 10 months later.. I got some nice Thor knee guards after that... too old to self heal now.. need protecting from myself.. lol
im 43 and im hurt just watching that'' no really''
after riding for 2 plus hours after smacking my knee on the bars:scream:

god dang alan. thats gonna be tender for a while. if you're like me, anytime i have a bruise or something like that, i constantly hit that spot on random things. good luck bud