Alright, guys, it's down to the line. Windows or Mac?


Active Member
Jul 15, 2005
Just had a conversation about this as I threatened to throw my friend's macintosh computer out the window after I failed to get on the internet myself. She says she's a Mac girl, born and bred, but I can't use them if I tried - and believe me I do, when it's a choice between that and going without the internet.

I know, Macs are easier to use. I know, they're not supposed to run smoother. But god damn, I hate using them with all that is the essence of my soul.

I don't know why I prefer Windows. If I had to break it down to basal instinct, I'd say that using something that was simple, easy, and worked would somehow threaten my sense of manhood. I need it to be hard to figure out, so I feel good when something gets done. I want to be able to roar like an animal and beat my PC with my little checkerboard skull-and-crossbones sneaker until the screen flickers back on, and I sink down into my office chair in near-orgasmic bliss, tears of joy streaming from my eyes. THAT is what I want in a computer. I don't think an 'easy to use' operating system would make me feel so alive.




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I agree Phreak except I tried so hard to run linux and I am just not apt enough at this computer crap to do it. My mom would LOVE it!! She hates PC's after spending 11 years as a programer and analyst. She can't even find her email!!!!

I try to use as much freeware as I can just bacause I HATE bill gates. I kind of like macs but too much of my equiptment just won't play nice with macs. I know they are running windows on it now but I can't afford a new box. If I could only have gotten my Lexmark to play nice with linux I probably would have stuck it out
Linux (Suze or Fedora) or FreeBSD.., any of these rock! But they don't install themselves and you do have to have half of a brain, which will probably exclude tizz and her mother!
My boyfriend is trying to install Linux on one of the PCs as we speak. As for Macs PIECES OF **** I HATE THEM! In high school, we had to use them for chemistry. They would lose our work, eat discs, explode in the chem lab...I must've done some of those stupid spreadsheets ten times each cause' the goddamn Macs kept screwing everything up.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Linux (Suze or Fedora) or FreeBSD.., any of these rock! But they don't install themselves and you do have to have half of a brain, which will probably exclude tizz and her mother!

Ok me and my mother??? Dude you are a moron!!Really, is this the best you can do? Cheap insults that a ten year old boy would shout? Sad really, i would have expected better
tizz said:
Ok me and my mother??? Dude you are a moron!!Really, is this the best you can do? Cheap insults that a ten year old boy would shout? Sad really, i would have expected better
I thought it was funny.:D
A bit juvenile but I can see where you got a giggle. Hey I know I am a dunce with computer crap! I still don't have a mp3 player. I don't get the need. I would have expected something a little more witty though
I consider it a waste of money since I have no need for it. I was twenty or so before I went to cd over vinyl. The car I drive now is teh first one I have that has a cd in teh car LOL. I might be behind the times, but I have money for other stuf LOL ;)
I'd love to use linux, and people keep telling me they'll teach me, but A)I have the feeling I'd just fail at it to the point where it wouldn't work, and B)I usually only use this computer for communication and art, which work well enough. (I'm back on my own, now, huzzah!)

I'd call myself smart enough, but technology seems to hate me, try as I might to initiate a relationship. >_>
The problem that I have with linux is that I heard you have to become some Ub3r-1337 g33k just to turn the damn thing on. But if I knew anything about it, I would gladly use it. Unfortunately I'm stuck using windows. I know Bill Gate$ is a capitalist ****-eater, but it's idiot-proof enough
Yeah, Bill Gates...

I don't even like him, but it isn't like I have room to talk. -_- I go to a high school that's privately funded by the psycho.
Anderson New Tech...

And there is nothing different about it compared to say WVHS...Same ******* right wing "We gave the Japanese candy and flowers in the invasion" people that live in the backwood ozarkian train of thought. ****ers!

And for my input on the actual subject matter discussed here...

I love Macs. I have had way less problems with them compared to Windows. I didn't start using them until the iMacs though, so I came at a time when it was good.

As for linux, I love it. I have a knoppix CD, which is great. I can't write to my hard drive with it though. I can copy **** off of it, though.

And windows can burn in a firy hell for all I care.