

New member
I'm leaving for a while.

I've got my reasons, one of them is the "contest." You people are fighting for no friggen reason. It makes me so sick! You got in the top 10, what are you complaining about? I'm the one who should rightfully be ******, and I am, because no one told me about it, there was no email sent to me until the top 10 have been picked, and I could have done hundreds of things.

another is your constant bickering over the same people, everyone will remain nameless. All you have to do is use the ignore list and there wouldn't be a problem, yet you continue to ***** and argue about them.

There's other reasons, but I won't go into them.

After today I won't be here for a month or so. Mabye more, mabye less.



New member
It's not anyones fault but your own that you didn't know about the contest. Maybe if you had looked at LP Central once in the last month you would've seen it. But you didn't, and that's your problem.

As for the ********, noone has said **** about anyone since lpp got banned, and she got banned for good reason. So meh, goodbye.



New member
I agree with you Matt,lpp was banned for a good reason,and I thought that when she was ubanned she had understood it but apparently she didn´t.

And as for you MRandomGuy,good luck in your life.



New member
I'm sorry you're leaving for a bit, you was a really good forum member. Seriously, you didn't know about the contest? C'mon, it's been up for absolutely AGES lol! You use to post here like everyday, you must've had the chance to see it several times. And anyway, the admin said that they might do more contests like that in the future. Who knows, you'll have loadsa chances to enter future competitions. The fights are becoming less and less now, and they're never even serious. Anyway it's your choice I guess. It's just annoying with all these threads about people leaving. Bye!


New member
well as Matt said if you would have checked the LP central, you would see the contest thing so it´s not anybodys fault.

and I dont see anyone ******** about something at the mom.

anyways good luck!



Active Members
There is nothing for me to say.. seeing as a few people have already said what I was gunna say..So there is nothing left to be said but.. Bye..


New member
Dude this forum is like a girl. always love to complain. but after a while u get used it. if u wanna leave adios amigos...see u on the flipside


New member
lol azem!, so true, yeah i agree like 100% with matt, bye

EDIT:and why does everyone make a NEW THREAD everytime they decide to leave, i consider it spam, put it in your journla for christ's sake :rolleyes:



New member
I don't get why people make threads like this,like acdcrules said.

Just leave!! Gosh! Lol,sorry:p the whole world doesnt need to know your leaving! :p

And yeah, the contest thingy was in LP Central since early May!


Good luck with everything. :)



New member
Everyone else said what I wanted to say, so I guess I'll just say good luck and goodbye. Take care, and I hope to see you back soon.
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