Amazon may launch 10-inch Kindle Fire in Q2, new color E Ink reader next month


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Amazon is reportedly preparing to launch a new 6-inch color E Ink eReader as soon as next month, followed by a 10-inch Kindle Fire tablet some time in the second quarter this year. E Ink Holdings has received initial orders for Amazon’s a 6-inch color eReader according to <em>DigiTimes</em>, a device that would be Amazon’s first eBook reader to feature a color E Ink display. The retail giant is reportedly looking to have more than 3 million color eReaders built each month, and shipments are scheduled to begin in March. In a separate report, <em>DigiTimes</em> reaffirms recent rumors that <a href="">a 10-inch Kindle Fire will begin shipping in the second quarter this year</a>. The report states that Foxconn has been awarded the manufacturing contract for Amazon’s 10-inch Fire while Wintron will begin ODM production of a Nook Tablet for Barnes & Noble around the same time. It is unclear if the Barnes & Noble tablet mentioned in the report is a new model or the current tablet.<span id="more-127686"></span>
<a href="">Read</a> [color eReader] <a href="">Read</a> [10-inch Kindle Fire]
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report