America has one of the most corrupt and dangerous medical industriesin the modern world.



America has one of the most corrupt and dangerous medical industries
in the modern world.

Hello Suckers,,,,
Doctors are the third leading cause of death in the United States

This article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
is the best article I have ever seen written in the published
literature documenting the tragedy of the traditional medical

This information is a follow up of the Institute of Medicine report
which hit the papers in December of last year, but the data was hard
to reference as it was not in peer-reviewed journal. Now it is
published in JAMA which is the most widely circulated medical
periodical in the world.

The author is Dr. Barbara Starfield of the Johns Hopkins School of
Hygiene and Public Health and she describes how the US health care
system may contribute to poor health.

12,000 -- unnecessary surgery
7,000 -- medication errors in hospitals
20,000 -- other errors in hospitals
80,000 -- infections in hospitals
106,000 -- non-error, negative effects of drugs
These total to 225,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes!!

The people who know the truth about this corrupt operation are the
nurses who are encouraged to look the other way, "or else." If you
know any nurses, you will surely have heard, from them, some horror
stories about how some doctor screwed up and it was covered up.

Second: Any employee in the IRS office knows that the MD's are greater
cheaters than dope dealers when it comes to paying taxes. They joke
about some of the deductions claimed by doctors. Third: Stock brokers
can tell you that many hospitals make millions of dollars annually
despite their claims of losses resulting from caring for
"freeloaders". They don't report that some of these same hospitals
lose millions of dollars while making poor investments in the market.

earnings of physicians were reported as averaging around $200,000 per
year. surgeons reported earnings averaging $363,300 per year. ( latest
available figures ).

"Although the record of the United States Medical community in the
cure of disease is deplorable, the same cannot be said for its ability
to produce income and profit. For example , for the top fifteen
pharmaceutical companies, the second quarter revenues for 2002 was
reported as $63,520.6 million and the corresponding reported income
was $11,731.8. This is second only to the defense industry in the
United States.----- Thanks to the corrupt Bush administration.

"The Cardiac surgeon does nothing whatsoever to cure cardiac disease.
Three to five percent of the heart surgery patients die on the
operating table. Cardiac surgery provides no better three year
survival rate than no treatment at all. A Harvard survival study of
200,000 patients revealed that the long term survival rate of patients
subjected to surgery was no better than the survival rate of those
that had no surgery at all..
"Never in history have so many accumulated so much wealth for
providing their customers or clients with so little real benefit."
--- Mark Twain

Stay healthy!!!

Medical Rip-Offs: Fraud or mere incompetence,
What a racket?
Some of the hundreds of medical rip-offs
Should your doctor be in jail?

Lately it seems like every medical bill I receive has an error, and
none of the errors favor me or my insurer. I don't know whether I am
dealing with fraud or with mere incompetence, but I remain surprised
at the frequency of errors in my medical bills.If I am a
representative case, then patients and insurers are being ripped off
for millions of dollars in charges for services not rendered, double-
billing for services rendered, failing to post payments made, and so
on. Here is a summary of some of the medical rip-offs I have
encountered recently.

Carolina Home Medical
I bought a CPAP machine from this firm in April of last year. The
firm billed my insurer, who paid the costs in full. Six months later
they billed my insurer for this machine again, but changed the date of
service by one day. The insurer paid again. I went out to Carolina
Home Medical and asked about this. I was told all was in order, so I
notified my insurer. My insurer was less than pleased with Carolina
Home Medical and made them give the double payment back. Nearly every
purchase which I have made with this firm since then has involved an
error of one sort of another. They have accepted payments from me and
then neglected to post them to my account. They have fraudulently
billed me for co pays when my insurer had paid in full. They have
ignored my written requests for statements of account after error have
been made. Are you surprised that I have stopped doing business with

Laboratory Corporation of American
My wife had some blood work done in September of 2005. As usual,
she was billed by our physician for the lab work, but she also
received a bill from LabCorp for the same lab work. The billing
manager at our doctor's office (Jean) explained to us that LabCorp
should not have billed us for these services, as we already paid Pitt
Family Physicians for them, and she explained that LabCorp had been
advised of their error. I repeatedly advised LabCorp of their error,
and sent them copies of the bills showing that I was billed for the
same services by both my physician and LabCorp. Their only response
has been to keep repeating a lie, "these charges were incurred as a
result of laboratory testing requested by your physician on your
behalf. These charges are not included in your doctor's fees." They
continue to send me overdue bill notices. I have written the CEO at
LabCorp asking him to please direct my correspondence to someone with
an IQ greater than 80. The most recent response I have received is a
letter from "LCA Collections" demanding payment and threatening
"further collection activity." This letter advised that to avoid such
further collection proceedings I should call 1-800-845-6167. I did so
and their response system gave no option to speak with a human about
resolving a billing error. The system hung up on me when I did not
select one of the offered choices, all of which were inappropriate. I
had to call back and indicate that I was using a rotary phone and,
after being on hold for a good while, I got connected with a human
(Lorainne). She told me that they have no record of Pitt Family
Physicians having contacted them about my bill and that until they are
contacted by Pitt Family Physicians they cannot stop billing me. I
called up Pitt Family Physicians and spoke with Jean. She explained
that Lydia was supposed to have taken care of this last week, but
Lydia was not working that day. Jean promised to speak with Lydia
about it the next day.

Eastern Urological Associates
My urologist is a great guy, but his billing staff is comprised of
morons or criminals. When I am at the office they insist on my
prepaying much more than I will owe after the insurance pays, and then
I have to fight with them to get the overpayment back again. My most
recent bill included a charge for blood work -- but no blood was drawn
during my visit to the office.

Eastern Dermatology
My son had 15 small warts removed from his arm. I was billed $95.
One month later he had 7 small warts removed. I was billed $280. The
billing staff had entered a incorrect procedural code. I got my bill
corrected, but I doubt that the firm ever reimbursed the insurer for
the overpayment that the insurer made.

Greenville Eye Clinic
My doc here is great, but after I paid my bill in full, I kept getting
billed for it again and again. Finally it was discovered that the
bill had been entered in one accounting system and the payment in

Pitt Memorial Hospital
My son was sent to the emergency room by our family physician with
instructions regarding who his physician should be at the hospital.
While he was there a doctor on the hospital staff ducked into his
room, picked up his chart, and then was told that my son was being
taken care of by a different doctor. The hospital billed me for the
services of this physician who mistakenly ducked into my son's room.
When I questioned that charge they told me that they should have
really charged me more than they did, as this guy "delivered a medical

Kerr Drugs
Better count your pills. I frequently find that I have received too
few. Better be sure you have the right pills too. Once my wife took
the wrong medication for months before it was discovered that the
pharmacist had incorrectly filled the prescription.

See Gangsters in Medicine

The Journal of the American Medical Association recently reported that
as many as 106,000 deaths occur annually in US hospitals due to
adverse reactions to prescription drugs that are properly prescribed
by physicians that use them as directed by the drug companies.

Even worse, the National Council for Patient Information and Education
reported that an additional 125,000 deaths occur annually due to
adverse reactions to drugs that the physician never should have
prescribed. In these deaths the doctor did not follow the instructions
on proper administration of the drugs. For example, Glucophage, a
diabetic oral hypoglycemic, should never be prescribed for patients
with Kidney disease or Congestive Heart Failure because it can cause
fatal Lactic Acidosis in these patients. A warning label is
prominently placed on the medication container to warn of this
potential misuse

According to Dr. Mendelsohn, author of "Confessions of a Medical
Heretic", 2.4 million unnecessary operations are performed every year
and they cost over 12,000 lives.

A large part of this medical disaster that the United States currently
experiences is due to the way our medical community is organized.
Basically it is not organized to heal and to cure disease; the medical
community, particularly at its upper levels, is a commercial venture
organized to make money for its practitioners


HOW TO STOP YOUR DOCTOR KILLING YOU 'The person most likely to kill
you is not a relative or a friend, or a mugger or a burglar or a
drunken driver. The person most likely to kill you is your doctor.
Protect yourself from this serious threat to your life and good

This is the way of the
New Religion - Medicine.

Doctors are the high priests of this new religion. I call it a
religion because of the fanatical devotion that people in the West
give, and are expected to give, to this institution. People are
expected to consult their doctors before they do anything....from
taking a walk around the block to putting their children to bed at

Faith is an essential element in any religion. The religion of
Medicine is no different. When a person goes to their doctor, they
must first have faith that their doctor actually is a licensed
physician. In the past three or four decades, many cases have come to
light in which the doctor had not even been to medical school and had
still somehow obtained a license. Also, in many cases, doctors who
have had criminal prosecutions or judgments against them have still
been able to practice medicine in other states or countries. Very few
people will go to the trouble to check and make sure that their doctor
actually went to medical school, obtained a degree, was granted a
license, and has never been prosecuted or convicted of malpractice.
Most people just take it on faith that this has occurred. Wise up.

Congress knows all about it but the medicine men have the corrupt
politicians in their greedy pockets.

The "right ... to petition the government" has come a long way in over
200 years, and health care organizations are not shy in exercising it.
"Those who are organized, have the most money, the most influence, the
most mobilized memberships are the ones whose viewpoints are being
most heard."

-- Charles Lewis
Founder, Executive Director, Center for Public Integrity,
in a speech to the National Press Club, 1994

There are 13 health care lobbyists for each of the 535 gangsters in

Drug Companies are Top Health Care Lobbyists 4/17/04 - ... and the
defining the positions supported by lobbyists. Individual
Organizations with the highest lobbying expenditures: American Medical

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits: Do We Have a Crisis or Insurance ...
Last summer a legislative committee in Florida, another red state, put
insurance executives, lawyers and medical lobbyists under oath in an
effort to get to ........


The Family Doctor:
Q. Do we really need these expensive prima donna GPs in the United
A. Hell no. We can replace these greedy bastards with well trained
nurses for many reasons.

Are "General Practitioners" or "GPs" overrated, overpaid and
overwhelmed with too many patients? Can well trained nurses perform
the same duties as the GPs and at a much lower cost? After all, the GP
really does nothing more than attempt to diagnose a patient's problem
and then send him/her on to someone else to fix the problem. The GP is
simply just the usher or maitre d' for the patient. Until the patient
has been blood tested or x-rayed by someone other than the GP, it is
strictly guess work for the family doctor who does little that a well
qualified nurse cannot do for the same patient.

The office nurse has already taken the temperature and blood pressure
of the patient before the doctor even enters the picture. And a good
nurse with lots of hospital experience may be better qualified than
the doctor to advise the patient. Also, the nurse generally knows much
more about the medications and their interactions with other drugs
than the doctor who relies on what he was told by the pharmacy company

Prescribing Under the Influence
By E. Haavi Morreim

Gifts to doctors from drug companies have implications for patient

Public opinion about doctors' pay
CE Ross and J Lauritsen

Public opinion about doctors' incomes was examined in a national
random sample of 843 respondents; 70.1 per cent of those questioned
felt physicians are overpaid. There was a high degree of agreement
among various groups that physicians are overpaid, but older people
and Whites were more likely to think so than younger people and other
ethnic groups. People who believe that the United States is
characterized by unequal educational opportunity, unfair income
distribution, and limited resources were also more likely to think
physicians are overpaid.

Especially the GPs

Many Patients Prefer Nurses To Doctors
Daily Policy Digest
Health Issues / Medical Personnel

Since the days of Florence Nightingale, there has been a debate over
which medical tasks a nurse should perform. Trained nurse
practitioners offer primary care that appears to be just as good as
what doctors can provide, say researchers.
Findings: Nurses spent more time with patients.
Nurses conducted more tests.
Patients did no better or worse when they saw a nurse instead of a
doctor. However, patients treated by nurses were more satisfied with
their care.

Nurses cannot completely replace doctors; but for patients wishing
same-day medical care nurse practitioners provide a very good standard
of care, according to study.

The American Medical Association opposes independent practice by nurse
practitioners, although it recommends that doctors work in close
collaboration with them. The AMA's president-elect, Yank D. Coble Jr.,
said a British study fails to account for the fact that most primary-
care patients aren't very sick. Coble says nurses simply don't have
the rigorous scientific background needed for subtle or complex

However, nurse practitioner advocates point out that not every
physician is trained in every disease. General practitioners routinely
refer patients to physicians with specialized knowledge; nurse
practitioners could easily do likewise.

Source: Daniel DeNoon, "Many Patients Prefer Nurses to Doctors,"

April 4, 2002; Sue Horrocks, Elizabeth Anderson, and Chris Salisbury,
"Systematic Review of Whether Nurse Practitioners Working in Primary
Care Can Provide Equivalent Care to Doctors," British Medical
April 6, 2002.
12770 Coit Rd., Suite 800 - Dallas, TX 75251-1339 - 972/386-6272 -
601 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 900 South Building - Washington, DC
20004 - 202/220-3082 - Fax 202/220-3096
Copyright ? 2002 National Center for Policy Analysis - All rights

For text Medical Personnel

Objective: To determine whether nurse practitioners can provide care
at first point of contact equivalent to doctors in a primary care

Conclusion: Increasing availability of nurse practitioners in primary
care is likely to lead to high levels of patient satisfaction and high
quality care.

No other profession is as corrupt and dangerous as the medical

Stay well.
Other Rip-Offs -- banks in particular -- consumers can post their complaints here,
businesses can respond, all can browse both complaints and responses

Better Business Bureau -- more "business-friendly" than most
complaint sites

Federal Trade Commission -- you can file a complaint here. What you
can expect is that they will send you a form that advises you that if
you feel your rights have been violated, then you can hire an attorney
and sue. Don't expect the government to look out for your rights,
they are owned by big business and big banks. -- find the name of the CEO to whom you can send a
complaint -- but expect it never to reach the CEO, but rather to
receive the same sort of rude response your other complaints to the
rip off firm have received.

Let us prey.
Take two aspirin and call me in the morning. By the way,do you have
health insurance ? If not. pay the receptionist $125.00 on your way
out of my office and don't come back if you cannot afford my medical

Dr. Digger MD Family Practice INC

Advise; Never fail to sue your doctor if you feel he has done you, or
a member of your family, an injustice. You will probably be correct.
On Feb 23, 11:13�pm, spammer <> wrote:
> Long winded pile of crap there raymond.

Thanks Spammer
You a speed reader? Tell us exactly what statement is incorrect so we
can correct it. One liner bullshit from uninformed assholes like you
doesn't mean a great deal.

You already have a reputation of being loosely wrapped.

Perhaps you could use some medical help. However, be sure you check
the local court system to see how many times your medicine man has
been sued and why. All county courts make this information public

Richard Kildare, MD,
Marcus Welby Medical Group
Gotham County., NY
Been thru the medical system several times, came out great. Nothing
better than the care here, hands down.
"spammer" <> wrote in message
> Been thru the medical system several times, came out great. Nothing
> better than the care here, hands down.

On Feb 23, 9:38 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> On Feb 23, 11:13�pm, spammer <> wrote:
> > Long winded pile of crap there raymond.

> Thanks Spammer
> You a speed reader? Tell us exactly what statement is incorrect so we
> can correct it. One liner bullshit from uninformed assholes like you
> doesn't mean a great deal.
> You already have a reputation of being loosely wrapped.
> Perhaps you could use some medical help. However, be sure you check
> the local court system to see how many times your medicine man has
> been sued and why. All county courts make this information public
> Richard Kildare, MD,
> Marcus Welby Medical Group
> Gotham County., NY

I suggest you try medical care from some other country and see how you
like it.
"Raymond" <> wrote in message
> America has one of the most corrupt and dangerous medical industries
> in the modern world.

You a MORON.

Accidental Death

2005, United States
Adverse effects - Medical care Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, All Ages
Number of Deaths: 2,309
Population: 296,507,061
Crude Rate: 0.78
Age-Adjusted Rate: 0.75

1999 - 2005, United States
Adverse effects - Medical care Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, All Ages
Number of Deaths: 18,092
Population: 2,014,755,586
Crude Rate: 0.90
Age-Adjusted Rate: 0.87

Accidental Death Causes
1999 - 2005, United States
All Races, Both Sexes, All Ages
Rate per 100,000
Transportation-related: 16.46
Poisoning: 8.93
Falling: 5.86
Suffocation: 4.47
Drowning: 1.39
Fire: 1.31

You are NINETEEN times MORE LIKELY to die from a transportation-related
accident than bad medical care.

You are TEN times MORE LIKELY to die from poisoning than bad medical care.

You are SEVEN times MORE LIKELY to die from falling than bad medical care.

You are FIVE times MORE LIKELY to die from suffocation than bad medical

You are ONE AND A HALF times MORE LIKELY to die from drowning than bad
medical care.

You are ONE AND A HALF times MORE LIKELY to die from fire than bad medical

And YOU, MORON, are probably ONE THOUSAND times more likely to die from YOUR
EMPTY HEAD IMPLODING than anything else.