America-Hating ****** Terrorist Jeremiah Wright Goes INSANE At Eulogy!


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Jeremiah Wright Sounds Off At Eulogy for Chicago Judge
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rev. Jeremiah Wright told a congregation in Norfolk, Va., on Sunday that
reporters sneaked into a private funeral service a day before, in which he
blasted America's founding fathers for slavery and white supremacy and
received standing ovations for attacking FOX News for covering his
anti-American sermons.

Barack Obama's retiring pastor delivered a sermon at Bank Street Memorial
Baptist Church, where his late uncle had been the pastor, about overcoming
trouble. The public appearance was his first since news broke that the
Democratic presidential candidate's pastor frequently rails on the United

Though Wright said nothing about Obama or the uproar itself, he alluded to
the controversy while briefly back in the pulpit Saturday to deliver a
eulogy for a late congregant of Trinity United Church of Christ - former
appellate judge R. Eugene Pincham.

Wright, who is on sabbatical before retiring from Trinity United, said
America's mistreatment of blacks is the result of the founding fathers, who
"planted slavery and white supremacy in the DNA of this republic."

First reported by The Chicago Sun Times, Wright told mourners at the funeral
that Thomas Jefferson, who partook in "pedophilia," would also be considered
unpatriotic these days because he wrote, "God would punish America for the
sin of slavery." He also quoted Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who
said that the U.S. has a "congenital birth defect."

Speaking of the seven lessons Pincham taught him, Wright said the judge's
faith "was not the jingoistic, chauvinistic 'you're either with us or
against us' demonizing kind of faith."

"FOX News can't understand that," Wright said to rousing cheers and
applause. "[Bill] O'Reilly will never get that. Sean Hannity's stupid
fantasy will keep him forever stuck on stupid when it comes to comprehending
how you can love a brother who does not believe what you believe. [Pincham's]
faith was a faith in a God who loved the whole world not just one country or
one creed."

Click here to hear Rev. Wright's sermon: