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New York Times Endorses McCain, Clinton
Thursday, January 24, 2008

The New York Times has endorsed John McCain and Hillary Clinton for the GOP
and Democratic presidential nominations, respectively.

In the endorsements, to run in Friday's edition, The Times highlighted each
candidate's perceived ability to undo what it called the harm of the Bush

The McCain endorsement underscored the Arizona senator's appeal across party
lines, though the paper said it has disagreements with every Republican

Click here to read The Times' McCain endorsement:

"Still, there is a choice to be made, and it is an easy one. Senator John
McCain of Arizona is the only Republican who promises to end the George Bush
style of governing from and on behalf of a small, angry fringe. With a
record of working across the aisle to develop sound bipartisan legislation,
he would offer a choice to a broader range of Americans than the rest of the
Republican field," the endorsement said.

As to why the New York paper of record did not endorse former New York Mayor
Rudy Giuliani, the editorial was unrelenting.

"Why, as a New York-based paper, are we not backing Rudolph Giuliani? Why
not choose the man we endorsed for re-election in 1997 after a first term in
which he showed that a dirty, dangerous, supposedly ungovernable city could
become clean, safe and orderly? What about the man who stood fast on Sept.
11, when others, including President Bush, went AWOL?" the paper wrote.
"That man is not running for president. The real Mr. Giuliani, whom many New
Yorkers came to know and mistrust, is a narrow, obsessively secretive,
vindictive man who saw no need to limit police power . Mr. Giuliani's
arrogance and bad judgment are breathtaking."

The Clinton endorsement had kind words for top rival Barack Obama, but
called him "undefined," and underscored Clinton's experience and

Click here to read The Times' Clinton endorsement:

"By choosing Mrs. Clinton, we are not denying Mr. Obama's appeal or his
gifts . Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton would both help restore America's global
image, to which President Bush has done so much grievous harm," the paper
said in its endorsement. "The potential upside of a great Obama presidency
is enticing, but this country faces huge problems, and will no doubt be
facing more that we can't foresee. The next president needs to start
immediately on challenges that will require concrete solutions, resolve, and
the ability to make government work. Mrs. Clinton is more qualified, right
now, to be president."