America The Bankrupt



America The Bankrupt

The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
our children and grandchildren repay the debts of their elders

GAO Head Takes Fiscal Show On The Road To Warn Of Trouble Ahead

(AP) David M. Walker sure talks like he's running for office.

"This is about the future of our country, our kids and grandkids," the
comptroller general of the United States warns a packed hall at
Austin's historic Driskill Hotel. "We the people have to rise up to
make sure things get changed."

But Walker doesn't want, or need, your vote. He already has a job as
head of the Government Accountability Office, an investigative arm of
Congress that audits and evaluates the performance of the federal

Basically, that makes Walker the nation's accountant-in-chief. And the
accountant-in-chief's professional opinion is that the American public
needs to tell Washington it's time to steer the nation off the path to
financial ruin.

>From the hustings and the airwaves this campaign season, America's

political class can be heard debating Capitol Hill sex scandals, the
wisdom of the war in Iraq and which party is tougher on terror.
Democrats and Republicans talk of cutting taxes to make life easier
for the American people.

What they don't talk about is a dirty little secret everyone in
Washington knows, or at least should. The vast majority of economists
and budget analysts agree: The ship of state is on a disastrous
course, and will founder on the reefs of economic disaster if nothing
is done to correct it.

There's a good reason politicians don't like to talk about the
nation's long-term fiscal prospects. The subject is short on political
theatrics and long on complicated economics, scary graphs and very big
numbers. It reveals serious problems and offers no easy solutions.
Anybody who wanted to deal with it seriously would have to talk about
raising taxes and cutting benefits, nasty nostrums that might doom any
candidate who prescribed them.

"There's no sexiness to it," laments Leita Hart-Fanta, an accountant
who has just heard Walker's pitch. She suggests recruiting a trusted
celebrity - maybe Oprah - to sell fiscal responsibility to the
American people.

Walker doesn't want to make balancing the federal government's books
sexy - he just wants to make it politically palatable. He has
committed to touring the nation through the 2008 elections, talking to
anybody who will listen about the fiscal black hole Washington has dug
itself, the "demographic tsunami" that will come when the baby boom
generation begins retiring and the recklessness of borrowing money
from foreign lenders to pay for the operation of the U.S. government.

He's dubbed his campaign the "Fiscal Wake-Up Tour."

To show that the looming fiscal crisis is not a partisan issue, he
brings along economists and budget analysts from across the political
spectrum. In Austin, he's accompanied by Diane Lim Rogers, a liberal
economist from the Brookings Institution, and Alison Acosta Fraser,
director of the Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the
Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

Their basic message is this: If the United States government conducts
business as usual over the next few decades, a national debt that is
already $8.5 trillion could reach $46 trillion or more, adjusted for

A hole that big could paralyze the U.S. economy; according to some
projections, just the interest payments on a debt that big would be as
much as all the taxes the government collects today.

And every year that nothing is done about it, Walker says, the problem
grows by $2 trillion to $3 trillion.

People who remember Ross Perot's rants in the 1992 presidential
election may think of the federal debt as a problem of the past. But
it never really went away after Perot made it an issue, it only took a
breather. The federal government actually produced a surplus for a few
years during the 1990s, thanks to a booming economy and fiscal
restraint imposed by laws that were passed early in the decade. And
though the federal debt has grown in dollar terms since 2001, it
hasn't grown dramatically relative to the size of the economy.

But that's about to change, thanks to the country's three big
entitlement programs - Social Security, Medicaid, and especially
Medicare. Medicaid and Medicare have grown progressively more
expensive as the cost of health care has dramatically outpaced
inflation over the past 30 years, a trend that is expected to continue
for at least another decade or two.

And with the first baby boomers becoming eligible for Social Security
in 2008 and for Medicare in 2011, the expenses of those two programs
are about to increase dramatically due to demographic pressures.
People are also living longer, which makes any program that provides
benefits to retirees more expensive.

Medicare already costs four times as much as it did in 1970, measured
as a percentage of the nation's gross domestic product. It currently
comprises 13 percent of federal spending; by 2030, the Congressional
Budget Office projects it will consume nearly a quarter of the

Economists Jagadeesh Gokhale of the American Enterprise Institute and
Kent Smetters of the University of Pennsylvania estimate that by 2030
Medicare will be about $5 trillion in the hole, measured in 2004
dollars. By 2080, the fiscal imbalance will have risen to $25
trillion. And when you project the gap out to an infinite time
horizon, it reaches $60 trillion.

Medicare so dominates the nation's fiscal future that some economists
believe health care reform, rather than budget measures, is the best
way to attack the problem.

"Obviously health care is a mess," says Dean Baker, a liberal
economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a Washington
think tank. "No one's been willing to touch it, but that's what I see
as front and center."

Social Security is a much less serious problem. The program currently
pays for itself with a 12.4 percent payroll tax, and even produces a
surplus that the government raids every year to pay other bills. But
Social Security will begin to run deficits during the next century,
and ultimately would need an infusion of $8 trillion if the government
planned to keep its promises to every beneficiary.

Why is America so fiscally unprepared for the next century? Like many
of its citizens, the United States has spent the last few years
racking up debt instead of saving for the future. Foreign lenders -
primarily the central banks of China, Japan and other big U.S. trading
partners - have been eager to lend the government money at low
interest rates, making the current $8.5-trillion deficit about as
painful as a big balance on a zero-percent credit card.

In her part of the fiscal wake-up tour presentation, Rogers tries to
explain why that's a bad thing. For one thing, even when rates are low
a bigger deficit means a greater portion of each tax dollar goes to
interest payments rather than useful programs. And because foreigners
now hold so much of the federal government's debt, those interest
payments increasingly go overseas rather than to U.S. investors.

More serious is the possibility that foreign lenders might lose their
enthusiasm for lending money to the United States. Because treasury
bills are sold at auction, that would mean paying higher interest
rates in the future. And it wouldn't just be the government's problem:
All interest rates would rise, making mortgages, car payments and
student loans costlier, too.

A modest rise in interest rates wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing,
Rogers said. America's consumers have as much of a borrowing problem
as their government does, so higher rates could moderate
overconsumption and encourage consumer saving. But a big jump in
interest rates could cause economic catastrophe. Some economists even
predict the government would resort to printing money to pay off its
debt, a risky strategy that could lead to runaway inflation.

Macroeconomic meltdown is probably preventable, says Anjan Thakor, a
professor of finance at Washington University in St. Louis. But to
keep it at bay, he said, the government is essentially going to have
to renegotiate some of the promises it has made to its citizens,
probably by some combination of tax increases and benefit cuts.

But there's no way to avoid what Rogers considers the worst result of
racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making our children and
grandchildren repay the debts of their elders.
In article <>,
Raymond <> wrote:

> America The Bankrupt
> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
> the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
> our children .... repay the debts of their elders

It's our revenge on them for being assholes when they were teenagers.
I'm enjoying it, living the high life and letting someone else pay for
it, and you're making it sound like it's a bad thing.
Harold Burton wrote:
> In article <>,
> Raymond <> wrote:
>> America The Bankrupt
>> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
>> the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
>> our children .... repay the debts of their elders

> It's our revenge on them for being assholes when they were teenagers.
> I'm enjoying it, living the high life and letting someone else pay for
> it, and you're making it sound like it's a bad thing.

It costs money to
run a government.

Republican freeloaders
want the benefits but
wont pay the bill.

Be real careful next
time you drive over a bridge!
In article <gSQsi.1123$>,
"Sid9" <> wrote:

> Harold Burton wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > Raymond <> wrote:
> >
> >> America The Bankrupt
> >>
> >> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
> >> the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
> >> our children .... repay the debts of their elders

> >
> >
> >
> > It's our revenge on them for being assholes when they were teenagers.
> > I'm enjoying it, living the high life and letting someone else pay for
> > it, and you're making it sound like it's a bad thing.

> It costs money to
> run a government.

No problem, your kids and grandkids are going to pay for it and I want
to go on record right now and thank them for it. Thank you, the idiot
Sid9's kids and grandkids.

Harold Burton wrote:
> In article <gSQsi.1123$>,
> "Sid9" <> wrote:
>> Harold Burton wrote:
>>> In article <>,
>>> Raymond <> wrote:
>>>> America The Bankrupt
>>>> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to
>>>> avoid the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage
>>>> of making our children .... repay the debts of their elders
>>> It's our revenge on them for being assholes when they were
>>> teenagers. I'm enjoying it, living the high life and letting
>>> someone else pay for it, and you're making it sound like it's a bad
>>> thing.

>> It costs money to
>> run a government.

> No problem, your kids and grandkids are going to pay for it and I want
> to go on record right now and thank them for it. Thank you, the idiot
> Sid9's kids and grandkids.
> <snicker>

You are right.
and your's, too.
Since we are in another Presidential election cycle, a nice start would be
to demand from our political reporters to ask the various candidates, what
they are going to do about the looming problem. Because these reporters are
not going to ask the hard questions unless we demand that they do. And of
course asking the question is only one small part of the problem, it the
candidates will not answer the questions asked, which they are not likely to
do. So, there also needs to be these same reporters who ask the questions
to tell the candidates that they did not answer the question asked, and let
the chips fall where they may.....

"Raymond" <> wrote in message
America The Bankrupt

The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
our children and grandchildren repay the debts of their elders

GAO Head Takes Fiscal Show On The Road To Warn Of Trouble Ahead

(AP) David M. Walker sure talks like he's running for office.

"This is about the future of our country, our kids and grandkids," the
comptroller general of the United States warns a packed hall at
Austin's historic Driskill Hotel. "We the people have to rise up to
make sure things get changed."

But Walker doesn't want, or need, your vote. He already has a job as
head of the Government Accountability Office, an investigative arm of
Congress that audits and evaluates the performance of the federal

Basically, that makes Walker the nation's accountant-in-chief. And the
accountant-in-chief's professional opinion is that the American public
needs to tell Washington it's time to steer the nation off the path to
financial ruin.

>From the hustings and the airwaves this campaign season, America's

political class can be heard debating Capitol Hill sex scandals, the
wisdom of the war in Iraq and which party is tougher on terror.
Democrats and Republicans talk of cutting taxes to make life easier
for the American people.

What they don't talk about is a dirty little secret everyone in
Washington knows, or at least should. The vast majority of economists
and budget analysts agree: The ship of state is on a disastrous
course, and will founder on the reefs of economic disaster if nothing
is done to correct it.

There's a good reason politicians don't like to talk about the
nation's long-term fiscal prospects. The subject is short on political
theatrics and long on complicated economics, scary graphs and very big
numbers. It reveals serious problems and offers no easy solutions.
Anybody who wanted to deal with it seriously would have to talk about
raising taxes and cutting benefits, nasty nostrums that might doom any
candidate who prescribed them.

"There's no sexiness to it," laments Leita Hart-Fanta, an accountant
who has just heard Walker's pitch. She suggests recruiting a trusted
celebrity - maybe Oprah - to sell fiscal responsibility to the
American people.

Walker doesn't want to make balancing the federal government's books
sexy - he just wants to make it politically palatable. He has
committed to touring the nation through the 2008 elections, talking to
anybody who will listen about the fiscal black hole Washington has dug
itself, the "demographic tsunami" that will come when the baby boom
generation begins retiring and the recklessness of borrowing money
from foreign lenders to pay for the operation of the U.S. government.

He's dubbed his campaign the "Fiscal Wake-Up Tour."

To show that the looming fiscal crisis is not a partisan issue, he
brings along economists and budget analysts from across the political
spectrum. In Austin, he's accompanied by Diane Lim Rogers, a liberal
economist from the Brookings Institution, and Alison Acosta Fraser,
director of the Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the
Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

Their basic message is this: If the United States government conducts
business as usual over the next few decades, a national debt that is
already $8.5 trillion could reach $46 trillion or more, adjusted for

A hole that big could paralyze the U.S. economy; according to some
projections, just the interest payments on a debt that big would be as
much as all the taxes the government collects today.

And every year that nothing is done about it, Walker says, the problem
grows by $2 trillion to $3 trillion.

People who remember Ross Perot's rants in the 1992 presidential
election may think of the federal debt as a problem of the past. But
it never really went away after Perot made it an issue, it only took a
breather. The federal government actually produced a surplus for a few
years during the 1990s, thanks to a booming economy and fiscal
restraint imposed by laws that were passed early in the decade. And
though the federal debt has grown in dollar terms since 2001, it
hasn't grown dramatically relative to the size of the economy.

But that's about to change, thanks to the country's three big
entitlement programs - Social Security, Medicaid, and especially
Medicare. Medicaid and Medicare have grown progressively more
expensive as the cost of health care has dramatically outpaced
inflation over the past 30 years, a trend that is expected to continue
for at least another decade or two.

And with the first baby boomers becoming eligible for Social Security
in 2008 and for Medicare in 2011, the expenses of those two programs
are about to increase dramatically due to demographic pressures.
People are also living longer, which makes any program that provides
benefits to retirees more expensive.

Medicare already costs four times as much as it did in 1970, measured
as a percentage of the nation's gross domestic product. It currently
comprises 13 percent of federal spending; by 2030, the Congressional
Budget Office projects it will consume nearly a quarter of the

Economists Jagadeesh Gokhale of the American Enterprise Institute and
Kent Smetters of the University of Pennsylvania estimate that by 2030
Medicare will be about $5 trillion in the hole, measured in 2004
dollars. By 2080, the fiscal imbalance will have risen to $25
trillion. And when you project the gap out to an infinite time
horizon, it reaches $60 trillion.

Medicare so dominates the nation's fiscal future that some economists
believe health care reform, rather than budget measures, is the best
way to attack the problem.

"Obviously health care is a mess," says Dean Baker, a liberal
economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a Washington
think tank. "No one's been willing to touch it, but that's what I see
as front and center."

Social Security is a much less serious problem. The program currently
pays for itself with a 12.4 percent payroll tax, and even produces a
surplus that the government raids every year to pay other bills. But
Social Security will begin to run deficits during the next century,
and ultimately would need an infusion of $8 trillion if the government
planned to keep its promises to every beneficiary.

Why is America so fiscally unprepared for the next century? Like many
of its citizens, the United States has spent the last few years
racking up debt instead of saving for the future. Foreign lenders -
primarily the central banks of China, Japan and other big U.S. trading
partners - have been eager to lend the government money at low
interest rates, making the current $8.5-trillion deficit about as
painful as a big balance on a zero-percent credit card.

In her part of the fiscal wake-up tour presentation, Rogers tries to
explain why that's a bad thing. For one thing, even when rates are low
a bigger deficit means a greater portion of each tax dollar goes to
interest payments rather than useful programs. And because foreigners
now hold so much of the federal government's debt, those interest
payments increasingly go overseas rather than to U.S. investors.

More serious is the possibility that foreign lenders might lose their
enthusiasm for lending money to the United States. Because treasury
bills are sold at auction, that would mean paying higher interest
rates in the future. And it wouldn't just be the government's problem:
All interest rates would rise, making mortgages, car payments and
student loans costlier, too.

A modest rise in interest rates wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing,
Rogers said. America's consumers have as much of a borrowing problem
as their government does, so higher rates could moderate
overconsumption and encourage consumer saving. But a big jump in
interest rates could cause economic catastrophe. Some economists even
predict the government would resort to printing money to pay off its
debt, a risky strategy that could lead to runaway inflation.

Macroeconomic meltdown is probably preventable, says Anjan Thakor, a
professor of finance at Washington University in St. Louis. But to
keep it at bay, he said, the government is essentially going to have
to renegotiate some of the promises it has made to its citizens,
probably by some combination of tax increases and benefit cuts.

But there's no way to avoid what Rogers considers the worst result of
racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making our children and
grandchildren repay the debts of their elders.
On Aug 3, 7:01 pm, Harold Burton <> wrote:
> In article <gSQsi.1123$>,
> "Sid9" <> wrote:
> > Harold Burton wrote:
> > > In article <>,
> > > Raymond <> wrote:

> > >> America The Bankrupt

> > >> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
> > >> the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
> > >> our children .... repay the debts of their elders

> > > It's our revenge on them for being assholes when they were teenagers.
> > > I'm enjoying it, living the high life and letting someone else pay for
> > > it, and you're making it sound like it's a bad thing.

> > It costs money to
> > run a government.

> No problem, your kids and grandkids are going to pay for it and I want
> to go on record right now and thank them for it. Thank you, the idiot
> Sid9's kids and grandkids.

Go **** yourself you ****lip ****head. I hope you die a million times
in hell with Satan stabbing you in your sorry worthless black ****ed
up heart every single time that he methodically steals every inch of
your sorry dirty worthless soul. Eat that shitstain. Same to your
buttbuddy Dumbya.

BTW **** You and everyone you know and love.

In article <>,
reality <> wrote:

> Go **** yourself you ****lip ****head. I hope you die a million times
> in hell with Satan stabbing you in your sorry worthless black ****ed
> up heart every single time that he methodically steals every inch of
> your sorry dirty worthless soul. Eat that shitstain. Same to your
> buttbuddy Dumbya.
> BTW **** You and everyone you know and love.

Ah, isn't that cute, an idiot ranting inanely. Love it.

Hey leftards, I'll bet he's one of yours, anyone want to claim him?

Are you saying that since the
Reagan, Bush,Sr, Republican
control cof congress, and bush,jr
that our country has been
seriously injured by their
anti-government policies?

"Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> Since we are in another Presidential election cycle, a nice start would be
> to demand from our political reporters to ask the various candidates, what
> they are going to do about the looming problem. Because these reporters
> are not going to ask the hard questions unless we demand that they do.
> And of course asking the question is only one small part of the problem,
> it the candidates will not answer the questions asked, which they are not
> likely to do. So, there also needs to be these same reporters who ask the
> questions to tell the candidates that they did not answer the question
> asked, and let the chips fall where they may.....
> "Raymond" <> wrote in message
> America The Bankrupt
> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
> the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
> our children and grandchildren repay the debts of their elders
> GAO Head Takes Fiscal Show On The Road To Warn Of Trouble Ahead
> (AP) David M. Walker sure talks like he's running for office.
> "This is about the future of our country, our kids and grandkids," the
> comptroller general of the United States warns a packed hall at
> Austin's historic Driskill Hotel. "We the people have to rise up to
> make sure things get changed."
> But Walker doesn't want, or need, your vote. He already has a job as
> head of the Government Accountability Office, an investigative arm of
> Congress that audits and evaluates the performance of the federal
> government.
> Basically, that makes Walker the nation's accountant-in-chief. And the
> accountant-in-chief's professional opinion is that the American public
> needs to tell Washington it's time to steer the nation off the path to
> financial ruin.
>>From the hustings and the airwaves this campaign season, America's

> political class can be heard debating Capitol Hill sex scandals, the
> wisdom of the war in Iraq and which party is tougher on terror.
> Democrats and Republicans talk of cutting taxes to make life easier
> for the American people.
> What they don't talk about is a dirty little secret everyone in
> Washington knows, or at least should. The vast majority of economists
> and budget analysts agree: The ship of state is on a disastrous
> course, and will founder on the reefs of economic disaster if nothing
> is done to correct it.
> There's a good reason politicians don't like to talk about the
> nation's long-term fiscal prospects. The subject is short on political
> theatrics and long on complicated economics, scary graphs and very big
> numbers. It reveals serious problems and offers no easy solutions.
> Anybody who wanted to deal with it seriously would have to talk about
> raising taxes and cutting benefits, nasty nostrums that might doom any
> candidate who prescribed them.
> "There's no sexiness to it," laments Leita Hart-Fanta, an accountant
> who has just heard Walker's pitch. She suggests recruiting a trusted
> celebrity - maybe Oprah - to sell fiscal responsibility to the
> American people.
> Walker doesn't want to make balancing the federal government's books
> sexy - he just wants to make it politically palatable. He has
> committed to touring the nation through the 2008 elections, talking to
> anybody who will listen about the fiscal black hole Washington has dug
> itself, the "demographic tsunami" that will come when the baby boom
> generation begins retiring and the recklessness of borrowing money
> from foreign lenders to pay for the operation of the U.S. government.
> He's dubbed his campaign the "Fiscal Wake-Up Tour."
> To show that the looming fiscal crisis is not a partisan issue, he
> brings along economists and budget analysts from across the political
> spectrum. In Austin, he's accompanied by Diane Lim Rogers, a liberal
> economist from the Brookings Institution, and Alison Acosta Fraser,
> director of the Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the
> Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
> Their basic message is this: If the United States government conducts
> business as usual over the next few decades, a national debt that is
> already $8.5 trillion could reach $46 trillion or more, adjusted for
> inflation.
> A hole that big could paralyze the U.S. economy; according to some
> projections, just the interest payments on a debt that big would be as
> much as all the taxes the government collects today.
> And every year that nothing is done about it, Walker says, the problem
> grows by $2 trillion to $3 trillion.
> People who remember Ross Perot's rants in the 1992 presidential
> election may think of the federal debt as a problem of the past. But
> it never really went away after Perot made it an issue, it only took a
> breather. The federal government actually produced a surplus for a few
> years during the 1990s, thanks to a booming economy and fiscal
> restraint imposed by laws that were passed early in the decade. And
> though the federal debt has grown in dollar terms since 2001, it
> hasn't grown dramatically relative to the size of the economy.
> But that's about to change, thanks to the country's three big
> entitlement programs - Social Security, Medicaid, and especially
> Medicare. Medicaid and Medicare have grown progressively more
> expensive as the cost of health care has dramatically outpaced
> inflation over the past 30 years, a trend that is expected to continue
> for at least another decade or two.
> And with the first baby boomers becoming eligible for Social Security
> in 2008 and for Medicare in 2011, the expenses of those two programs
> are about to increase dramatically due to demographic pressures.
> People are also living longer, which makes any program that provides
> benefits to retirees more expensive.
> Medicare already costs four times as much as it did in 1970, measured
> as a percentage of the nation's gross domestic product. It currently
> comprises 13 percent of federal spending; by 2030, the Congressional
> Budget Office projects it will consume nearly a quarter of the
> budget.
> Economists Jagadeesh Gokhale of the American Enterprise Institute and
> Kent Smetters of the University of Pennsylvania estimate that by 2030
> Medicare will be about $5 trillion in the hole, measured in 2004
> dollars. By 2080, the fiscal imbalance will have risen to $25
> trillion. And when you project the gap out to an infinite time
> horizon, it reaches $60 trillion.
> Medicare so dominates the nation's fiscal future that some economists
> believe health care reform, rather than budget measures, is the best
> way to attack the problem.
> "Obviously health care is a mess," says Dean Baker, a liberal
> economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a Washington
> think tank. "No one's been willing to touch it, but that's what I see
> as front and center."
> Social Security is a much less serious problem. The program currently
> pays for itself with a 12.4 percent payroll tax, and even produces a
> surplus that the government raids every year to pay other bills. But
> Social Security will begin to run deficits during the next century,
> and ultimately would need an infusion of $8 trillion if the government
> planned to keep its promises to every beneficiary.
> Why is America so fiscally unprepared for the next century? Like many
> of its citizens, the United States has spent the last few years
> racking up debt instead of saving for the future. Foreign lenders -
> primarily the central banks of China, Japan and other big U.S. trading
> partners - have been eager to lend the government money at low
> interest rates, making the current $8.5-trillion deficit about as
> painful as a big balance on a zero-percent credit card.
> In her part of the fiscal wake-up tour presentation, Rogers tries to
> explain why that's a bad thing. For one thing, even when rates are low
> a bigger deficit means a greater portion of each tax dollar goes to
> interest payments rather than useful programs. And because foreigners
> now hold so much of the federal government's debt, those interest
> payments increasingly go overseas rather than to U.S. investors.
> More serious is the possibility that foreign lenders might lose their
> enthusiasm for lending money to the United States. Because treasury
> bills are sold at auction, that would mean paying higher interest
> rates in the future. And it wouldn't just be the government's problem:
> All interest rates would rise, making mortgages, car payments and
> student loans costlier, too.
> A modest rise in interest rates wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing,
> Rogers said. America's consumers have as much of a borrowing problem
> as their government does, so higher rates could moderate
> overconsumption and encourage consumer saving. But a big jump in
> interest rates could cause economic catastrophe. Some economists even
> predict the government would resort to printing money to pay off its
> debt, a risky strategy that could lead to runaway inflation.
> Macroeconomic meltdown is probably preventable, says Anjan Thakor, a
> professor of finance at Washington University in St. Louis. But to
> keep it at bay, he said, the government is essentially going to have
> to renegotiate some of the promises it has made to its citizens,
> probably by some combination of tax increases and benefit cuts.
> But there's no way to avoid what Rogers considers the worst result of
> racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making our children and
> grandchildren repay the debts of their elders.
In article <>,
Raymond <> wrote:

> America The Bankrupt
> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
> the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
> our children and grandchildren repay the debts of their elders
> GAO Head Takes Fiscal Show On The Road To Warn Of Trouble Ahead
> (AP) David M. Walker sure talks like he's running for office.
> "This is about the future of our country, our kids and grandkids," the
> comptroller general of the United States warns a packed hall at
> Austin's historic Driskill Hotel. "We the people have to rise up to
> make sure things get changed."
> But Walker doesn't want, or need, your vote. He already has a job as
> head of the Government Accountability Office, an investigative arm of
> Congress that audits and evaluates the performance of the federal
> government.
> Basically, that makes Walker the nation's accountant-in-chief. And the
> accountant-in-chief's professional opinion is that the American public
> needs to tell Washington it's time to steer the nation off the path to
> financial ruin.
> >From the hustings and the airwaves this campaign season, America's

> political class can be heard debating Capitol Hill sex scandals, the
> wisdom of the war in Iraq and which party is tougher on terror.
> Democrats and Republicans talk of cutting taxes to make life easier
> for the American people.
> What they don't talk about is a dirty little secret everyone in
> Washington knows, or at least should. The vast majority of economists
> and budget analysts agree: The ship of state is on a disastrous
> course, and will founder on the reefs of economic disaster if nothing
> is done to correct it.
> There's a good reason politicians don't like to talk about the
> nation's long-term fiscal prospects. The subject is short on political
> theatrics and long on complicated economics, scary graphs and very big
> numbers. It reveals serious problems and offers no easy solutions.
> Anybody who wanted to deal with it seriously would have to talk about
> raising taxes and cutting benefits, nasty nostrums that might doom any
> candidate who prescribed them.
> "There's no sexiness to it," laments Leita Hart-Fanta, an accountant
> who has just heard Walker's pitch. She suggests recruiting a trusted
> celebrity - maybe Oprah - to sell fiscal responsibility to the
> American people.
> Walker doesn't want to make balancing the federal government's books
> sexy - he just wants to make it politically palatable. He has
> committed to touring the nation through the 2008 elections, talking to
> anybody who will listen about the fiscal black hole Washington has dug
> itself, the "demographic tsunami" that will come when the baby boom
> generation begins retiring and the recklessness of borrowing money
> from foreign lenders to pay for the operation of the U.S. government.
> He's dubbed his campaign the "Fiscal Wake-Up Tour."
> To show that the looming fiscal crisis is not a partisan issue, he
> brings along economists and budget analysts from across the political
> spectrum. In Austin, he's accompanied by Diane Lim Rogers, a liberal
> economist from the Brookings Institution, and Alison Acosta Fraser,
> director of the Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the
> Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
> Their basic message is this: If the United States government conducts
> business as usual over the next few decades, a national debt that is
> already $8.5 trillion could reach $46 trillion or more, adjusted for
> inflation.
> A hole that big could paralyze the U.S. economy; according to some
> projections, just the interest payments on a debt that big would be as
> much as all the taxes the government collects today.
> And every year that nothing is done about it, Walker says, the problem
> grows by $2 trillion to $3 trillion.
> People who remember Ross Perot's rants in the 1992 presidential
> election may think of the federal debt as a problem of the past. But
> it never really went away after Perot made it an issue, it only took a
> breather. The federal government actually produced a surplus for a few
> years during the 1990s, thanks to a booming economy and fiscal
> restraint imposed by laws that were passed early in the decade. And
> though the federal debt has grown in dollar terms since 2001, it
> hasn't grown dramatically relative to the size of the economy.
> But that's about to change, thanks to the country's three big
> entitlement programs - Social Security, Medicaid, and especially
> Medicare. Medicaid and Medicare have grown progressively more
> expensive as the cost of health care has dramatically outpaced
> inflation over the past 30 years, a trend that is expected to continue
> for at least another decade or two.
> And with the first baby boomers becoming eligible for Social Security
> in 2008 and for Medicare in 2011, the expenses of those two programs
> are about to increase dramatically due to demographic pressures.
> People are also living longer, which makes any program that provides
> benefits to retirees more expensive.
> Medicare already costs four times as much as it did in 1970, measured
> as a percentage of the nation's gross domestic product. It currently
> comprises 13 percent of federal spending; by 2030, the Congressional
> Budget Office projects it will consume nearly a quarter of the
> budget.
> Economists Jagadeesh Gokhale of the American Enterprise Institute and
> Kent Smetters of the University of Pennsylvania estimate that by 2030
> Medicare will be about $5 trillion in the hole, measured in 2004
> dollars. By 2080, the fiscal imbalance will have risen to $25
> trillion. And when you project the gap out to an infinite time
> horizon, it reaches $60 trillion.
> Medicare so dominates the nation's fiscal future that some economists
> believe health care reform, rather than budget measures, is the best
> way to attack the problem.
> "Obviously health care is a mess," says Dean Baker, a liberal
> economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a Washington
> think tank. "No one's been willing to touch it, but that's what I see
> as front and center."
> Social Security is a much less serious problem. The program currently
> pays for itself with a 12.4 percent payroll tax, and even produces a
> surplus that the government raids every year to pay other bills. But
> Social Security will begin to run deficits during the next century,
> and ultimately would need an infusion of $8 trillion if the government
> planned to keep its promises to every beneficiary.
> Why is America so fiscally unprepared for the next century? Like many
> of its citizens, the United States has spent the last few years
> racking up debt instead of saving for the future. Foreign lenders -
> primarily the central banks of China, Japan and other big U.S. trading
> partners - have been eager to lend the government money at low
> interest rates, making the current $8.5-trillion deficit about as
> painful as a big balance on a zero-percent credit card.
> In her part of the fiscal wake-up tour presentation, Rogers tries to
> explain why that's a bad thing. For one thing, even when rates are low
> a bigger deficit means a greater portion of each tax dollar goes to
> interest payments rather than useful programs. And because foreigners
> now hold so much of the federal government's debt, those interest
> payments increasingly go overseas rather than to U.S. investors.
> More serious is the possibility that foreign lenders might lose their
> enthusiasm for lending money to the United States. Because treasury
> bills are sold at auction, that would mean paying higher interest
> rates in the future. And it wouldn't just be the government's problem:
> All interest rates would rise, making mortgages, car payments and
> student loans costlier, too.
> A modest rise in interest rates wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing,
> Rogers said. America's consumers have as much of a borrowing problem
> as their government does, so higher rates could moderate
> overconsumption and encourage consumer saving. But a big jump in
> interest rates could cause economic catastrophe. Some economists even
> predict the government would resort to printing money to pay off its
> debt, a risky strategy that could lead to runaway inflation.
> Macroeconomic meltdown is probably preventable, says Anjan Thakor, a
> professor of finance at Washington University in St. Louis. But to
> keep it at bay, he said, the government is essentially going to have
> to renegotiate some of the promises it has made to its citizens,
> probably by some combination of tax increases and benefit cuts.
> But there's no way to avoid what Rogers considers the worst result of
> racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making our children and
> grandchildren repay the debts of their elders.
In article <>,
Raymond <> wrote:

> America The Bankrupt
> snip
> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
> the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
> our children and grandchildren repay the debts of their elders

> But there's no way to avoid what Rogers considers the worst result of
> racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making our children and
> grandchildren repay the debts of their elders.

NOT SO. The U.S. has the goods; the Chinese, Japanese, U.K. et al,
hold the debt. In due course, Bush and Co. will simply print enough
hundred-dollar bills to pay off the "debt"; and then "buy them back"
for two cents onthe dollar; or just invalidate the currency and issue
"new" currency. So how would the creditors collect? THEY WOULDN'T.
WORTHLESS. "Breachof trust?" Of course. But when did that ever stop
the Bushies?
On Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:02:20 -0700, Poquito <> wrote:

>They STILL don't GET IT.
> The object of the war was, has been, and IS -- to transfer the
>contents of the U.S. Treasury to Bush's supporters, the war
>profiteers; to enhance his "Unitary" powers,
> and to dominate the oil resources of the middle east.
>Continuation of the war continues the looting of the treasury and
>confirms his "war presidency".
> Bush and his supporters have already "won" the war--- and they
>continue winning every day the war continues.

Or it could be a ploy to distribute dollars abroad to countries
demanding them. The dollar is a global currency.

Picture of the day
Governor Swill wrote:
> On Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:02:20 -0700, Poquito <> wrote:
>> They STILL don't GET IT.
>> The object of the war was, has been, and IS -- to transfer the
>> contents of the U.S. Treasury to Bush's supporters, the war
>> profiteers; to enhance his "Unitary" powers,
>> and to dominate the oil resources of the middle east.
>> Continuation of the war continues the looting of the treasury and
>> confirms his "war presidency".
>> Bush and his supporters have already "won" the war--- and they
>> continue winning every day the war continues.

> Or it could be a ploy to distribute dollars abroad to countries
> demanding them. The dollar is a global currency.
> Swill

The dollar is turning to **** under
the fiscal management of bush,jr
and his Republican pals.

The Euro is stronger everyday.
On Sat, 04 Aug 2007 14:58:10 -0700, Watcher <> wrote:

>NOT SO. The U.S. has the goods; the Chinese, Japanese, U.K. et al,
>hold the debt. In due course, Bush and Co. will simply print enough
>hundred-dollar bills to pay off the "debt"; and then "buy them back"
>for two cents onthe dollar; or just invalidate the currency and issue
>"new" currency. So how would the creditors collect? THEY WOULDN'T.
>WORTHLESS. "Breachof trust?" Of course. But when did that ever stop
>the Bushies?

The dollar is based on oil. As long as oil flows, there will be
dollars flowing. In this way a global currency can be created that
will allow global trade to ensure economic freedom for more people
than ever in the history of humanity.

This is not to say there aren't risks and dangers, but pretty much
everybody has signed onto the dollar, including Russia and China.

Nobody has any interest in seeing it fail.

Picture of the day
Governor Swill wrote:
> On Sat, 04 Aug 2007 14:58:10 -0700, Watcher <> wrote:
>> NOT SO. The U.S. has the goods; the Chinese, Japanese, U.K. et al,
>> hold the debt. In due course, Bush and Co. will simply print enough
>> hundred-dollar bills to pay off the "debt"; and then "buy them back"
>> for two cents onthe dollar; or just invalidate the currency and issue
>> "new" currency. So how would the creditors collect? THEY WOULDN'T.
>> WORTHLESS. "Breachof trust?" Of course. But when did that ever
>> stop the Bushies?

> The dollar is based on oil. As long as oil flows, there will be
> dollars flowing. In this way a global currency can be created that
> will allow global trade to ensure economic freedom for more people
> than ever in the history of humanity.
> This is not to say there aren't risks and dangers, but pretty much
> everybody has signed onto the dollar, including Russia and China.
> Nobody has any interest in seeing it fail.
> Swill

Ever hear of the Euro?

Coming up fast as we fade with an unfunded war.
After Much Chewing of Cud and Cogitation, "Sid9" <> Spat
the Words

> Harold Burton wrote:
>> In article <gSQsi.1123$>,
>> "Sid9" <> wrote:
>>> Harold Burton wrote:
>>>> In article <>,
>>>> Raymond <> wrote:
>>>>> America The Bankrupt
>>>>> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to
>>>>> avoid the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage
>>>>> of making our children .... repay the debts of their elders
>>>> It's our revenge on them for being assholes when they were
>>>> teenagers. I'm enjoying it, living the high life and letting
>>>> someone else pay for it, and you're making it sound like it's a bad
>>>> thing.
>>> It costs money to
>>> run a government.

>> No problem, your kids and grandkids are going to pay for it and I want
>> to go on record right now and thank them for it. Thank you, the idiot
>> Sid9's kids and grandkids.
>> <snicker>

> You are right.
> and your's, too.

Harold Burton is proud of making life worse for our progeny.
What a moron. This is why conservatism is dead.. it's people like him.
After Much Chewing of Cud and Cogitation, Harold Burton
<> Spat the Words

> In article <>,
> reality <> wrote:
>> Go **** yourself you ****lip ****head. I hope you die a million times
>> in hell with Satan stabbing you in your sorry worthless black ****ed
>> up heart every single time that he methodically steals every inch of
>> your sorry dirty worthless soul. Eat that shitstain. Same to your
>> buttbuddy Dumbya.
>> BTW **** You and everyone you know and love.

> Ah, isn't that cute, an idiot ranting inanely. Love it.

The idiot is you Harold.. it's just that everyone knows it
except you.

> Hey leftards, I'll bet he's one of yours, anyone want to claim him?
> <snicker>
After Much Chewing of Cud and Cogitation, Watcher <> Spat
the Words

> In article <>,
> Raymond <> wrote:
>> America The Bankrupt
>> snip
>> The ship of state is on a disastrous course, There's no way to avoid
>> the worst result of racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making
>> our children and grandchildren repay the debts of their elders

> snip
>> But there's no way to avoid what Rogers considers the worst result of
>> racking up a big deficit - the outrage of making our children and
>> grandchildren repay the debts of their elders.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> NOT SO. The U.S. has the goods; the Chinese, Japanese, U.K. et al,
> hold the debt. In due course, Bush and Co. will simply print enough
> hundred-dollar bills to pay off the "debt"; and then "buy them back"
> for two cents onthe dollar; or just invalidate the currency and issue
> "new" currency. So how would the creditors collect? THEY WOULDN'T.

Nobody would ever lend money to the US again. You should read more before
spouting nonsense like this. The US defaulting on it's obligations would
be the very last thing the USA as a country ever did.

> WORTHLESS. "Breachof trust?" Of course. But when did that ever stop
> the Bushies?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 22:17:46 -0400, "Sid9" <> wrote:

>> This is not to say there aren't risks and dangers, but pretty much
>> everybody has signed onto the dollar, including Russia and China.
>> Nobody has any interest in seeing it fail.

>Ever hear of the Euro?
>Coming up fast as we fade with an unfunded war.

Saddam heard of the euro and switched to it from the dollar some years
ago. He's dead.

Picture of the day
On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 19:12:01 -0400, "Sid9" <> wrote:

>> Or it could be a ploy to distribute dollars abroad to countries
>> demanding them. The dollar is a global currency.
>> Swill

>The dollar is turning to **** under
>the fiscal management of bush,jr
>and his Republican pals.
>The Euro is stronger everyday.

Which is better for our economy than Europe's.

Picture of the day