American Legion Declares War on Anti-War Americans


New member
American Legion Declares War on Anti-War Americans

Did Thomas Cadmus, national commander of the American Legion, get a pay-off to be a mouthpiece for the Bush War Cabal?

Or is he a "true believer"?

Old cannnon fodder never learn, to paraphrase Gen. Douglas MacArthur, they just die stupid -- like Thomas Cadmus, national commander of the American Legion.

So now the American Legion has declared war on anti-war Americans.

A press release from the American Legion declares "Delegates to the nation's largest wartime veterans organization meeting here [in Hawaii] for The American Legion's national convention vowed to use whatever means necessary to ensure the united support of the American people to support our troops and the global war on terrorism."

"Whatever means necessary"?

Is the American Legion now a domestic terrorist organization?

Cindy Sheehan, although not mentioned by name, must really be getting to him, since Cadmus declared, "For many of us, the visions of Jane Fonda glibly spouting anti-American messages with the North Vietnamese and protestors denouncing our own forces four decades ago is forever etched in our memories.

So is this veiled threat acceptable? Because that's what it is, a veiled threat that sounds just like a terrorist statement. Talk about double sets of values.



New member
SO I guess I better not wear my "make love not war" pin when I deliver their clams next week huh


New member
Don't we all just love republicanazis?

AMEN......I really hope that the republican party is single handedly paving the way for our voting system to stray from a two party system.

Our country is far to big, vast, and diverse for it to continue...Its time for a major reform!

and yes im anti-war, and fuckum if they dont like it.. Let them beat my door down. all i have ever done is say i dont like it or support it.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
In umpteen years, the best "alternative" candidate they can come up with is Ralph Nader?!?!?!? :eek:

That's like saying...

Don't eat that pile of **** anymore! Try this glass of warm **** instead! :eek:



New member
It dosn't matter much WHO it is untill they get enough votes to make a legit run next time. I vote 3rd on that principal regardless of who runs. I want to see a real possibility at a third choice dammit (green party comes close but nader had a better chance and I DO agree with a lot of his politics.) I give green or libritarian the best chance at it next time.
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