American Liberials give Liberial a Bad Name!


New member
Your liberials sound like a bunch of fukin idiots. I'm a liberial and many of my friends are. I say i'm liberial because of the root word "Liberity" because i believe in all freedoms for all peoples. I personally prefer a traditionally conservative life-style; I'm clean cut, well dressed, hetrosexual (Because no conservative could POSSIBLY be gay) and most of my personal habits are quite reserved. But i have the fukn sense to realize that thats my life, my choice and anybody else should live however the *** they want without getting any guff form me (Unless they start giving guff to others, then its Kung-Fu time!)

What i read about Democrates in the US is that they,for the most part, share this view. BUT, what the **** is with this Hypersensativity bull **** i keep hearing about? Wither its treatment of prisoners (do the humain thing; get their info and end their lives quickly.) or something as dumb as the use of the word Black. (I sure as **** don't likt the word ****** so don't start with that ****, but I'm white, person X is black these are just simple fuking terms without any malice!) Enough with the ******* Hyper-sensitivity! Freedom of speech is fine by me, say ANYTHING you want, just don't propigate hate.

While i think your Liberials are dummies in many ways, i'm still scared shitless of Bush and his numb-nut team of demon ***-heads. They do have some good policies, well conservatives do not Bush himself, but the **** that comes with it is vomit inducing! The same goes with your Fuking Liberials, they got some good *****, keeping the people honest, but the bullshit that come with them just boggles the mind. do they honestly think they know the formula to a peacful Utopia? fukin hippies. (**** half my friends are real life greasy hippies and they got more sense then then your "Pinko-Commie-Scum" although some of them ARE communists :rolleyes: )

So tell me America, why the **** must you be so Black and white about your politics? You're running half the planet and you don't even have techna-colour! Sorry if i came off harsh here, america is cool but man your politiciens anger me more then the idiots Quacking around Ottawa.



New member
I agree with you 100%. I also call myself a liberal, but I am not a hard liberal bleeding heart, like some ... I mean ALOT of them are.. I also like the word "LIBERTY" in liberal, but I just don't understand what group started pussifying the liberal agenda and turned them into a ******* crybaby group..

And same with Bush... I'd probably concider myself a conservative AND a republican if it wasn't for Bush.

Every election since I was old enough to vote, I voted Republican. Except for the last one... and it WASN'T the party, it was the CANIDATE who made me vote for that ******* crybaby John Kerry.


Unfortunately, thats only wishful thinking.





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I am starting the "Reality Party"!....

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New member
New Political parties for 2008...

Conservlican...Republican and Conservative...Hates gays and loves to go to war, also has a natural hatred for the last part of the pledge...hates everything in an upward direction...puts out contracts on people who's name he draws randomly from a hat...hates gun control...kills librocrats...likes hunting and bbq...

Conservative...Same as now...WAY less extreme than a conservlican...has an unnatural love for outhouses...

Republican...Same as now...

Democrat...Same as now...

Liberal...Less bleeding heart than now...very few in numbers as most of the old liberals changed to the librocrat party...

Librocrat...liberal and democrat...Loves everyone and doesn't bathe...IS gay him/herself, considers pre-marital *** a religion...hates everything in a down often killed by conservlicans...loves CANADA!!!



New member
Pourquoi les Americans pensent que Canada est completement Liberial dans nos pensons?

Oui je fais parti des NDP mais presque toute ma province (Nouvelle-Ecosse) sont des conservative. Aussi nous avons une province nomme Albetra. C'est presque exactment comme Texas! Les attitudes politique et meme les mode se resemblent beaucoup.

Oui notre pays est, en total, plus libre que vous mais nous somme plus libre par VOS standareds. Ne confuse pas cette difference avec un attitude pinko-commie-hippie.

The thing is that we have a system that allows for the hippy folk to be hippies, the conservative folk to be conservatives and both with good representation in government (Especially now where we have a minority gov, which dosn't mean its full of minorities..) So excuese us for trying to allow for the beliefs of the ENTIRE population. :rolleyes:

So you can either send us your librocrats or stick em in a small room full of Conservlicans. But ****, maybe you accually need to liberial up a bit eh?



New member
The name liberal is from being liberal with our money!

They like to take the liberty of liberating your money and handing out to everybody that doesn



New member
According to the Political Spectrum liberials are ppl who desire change, but gradual. Conservatives are people who wish to maintain the Status Quo. Liberials wish for a moderatly strong central goverenment which provides for the people. Conservative want a smaller central government which allows the people to make their own decisions with their money. Economicaly Liberial is the middle ground between Facism and Commnisum (The extrems of the economic spectrum) and economically conservative is to the right of center (Closer to Facism) which supports big business and has no problem dropping what they consider "dead weight."

The problem i have with conservatism is that really, people ona large scale are too stupid to organize thing for themselves. Its much easier if things are already set up for them and the, what i and many other, consider to be the essientials provided or rather organized through taxsation. This is why i favor socialism. not commie extreme but it provides for the people. (I believe thats the purpose of government, to provide for its people)

Although conservatism allows for more 'freedom' and is definatly the way to go if you want to be a world super-power, it's a tad too Elitiest for my likings sonce it only cators to the rich. Sure everyone only has a small slice of their pie taken away form them but i'd prefer to see everyone get a reletivly fair share. Not exactly 'From each arrocding to his ability, to each according to his need' but coming from the general idea of choosing people over power.

Form time to time i think its good to have a conservative government to boost the economy but once its up I like handing power to those who are going to use that increased income to benefit the people where conservative just keep feeding 'the mechine' And thats BS to me, if a gov can provide for its people then why the **** keep fanning the flames of the economy? For the money and power that comes with it thats why. Greed or the rich stands in the way of the common man's life. I'd support life over greed any 8 days of the week.

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