America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2007




America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
By: American Rivers
American Rivers Announces Ten Rivers at Risk

Contact: Brad DeVries, American Rivers, (202) 243-7023; Garrett Russo,
American Rivers, (202) 243-7073

WASHINGTON, DC - Rivers come in all shapes and sizes, and vary from
pristine to heavily polluted, but it's generally safe to assume that
water is a common denominator among them. For the Santa Fe, 2007's
Most Endangered River, water is the missing ingredient, leaving this
once-thriving river a dry, weed-choked ditch most of the year. The
Santa Fe River can thrive again. The city of Santa Fe has within its
grasp the opportunity to bring its namesake river back to life,
restoring a community asset of tremendous value right in the heart of
the city.

"Endangered rivers this year face a dizzying array of threats from
sewage pollution, proposals for unnecessary dams, power lines to
highways but all have one thing in common. These are rivers at a
crossroads," said Rebecca Wodder, president of American Rivers. "This
is a make or break year for all ten rivers on the list."
View all America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2007

#1 Santa Fe River (New Mexico): Spring runoff in the Santa Fe River
this year is giving residents a taste of what it used to be like to
have a living river in the heart of their city, and what it could be
like again. Much of the year, the Santa Fe suffers from the biggest
threat any river could face a complete lack of water. While Santa Fe
Mayor David Coss has promoted a visionary, plan to restore water to
the river, the city still has not taken important steps to make that
vision a reality. Until that happens, the Santa Fe River spends most
of the year as a dry, weed-choked ditch, and is America's most
endangered river in 2007.

#2 San Mateo Creek (California): Natural treasures should be enjoyed,
not buried under millions of tons of concrete. While that might seem
like common sense, it apparently isn't to California's Transportation
Corridor Agencies (TCA), which are bulldozing ahead with plans to
build the new Foothill Transportation Corridor South (FTC-South) right
over the San Mateo Creek. The road will wreck a long section of the
creek, cut off access to more than half of California's fifth most
popular state park, and could doom the world-famous surf at Trestles
beach. All this for a road that experts agree is unlikely to do
anything to alleviate traffic problems in Southern Orange County.

#3 Iowa River (Iowa): Iowans are proud of their state's high rankings
for education and livability compared to other states, but on a
crucial aspect of the Clean Water Act the state lags far behind the
rest of the nation. Iowa has failed to adopt adequate clean water
rules thirty years after passage of the Act that set a baseline and
keep water quality from getting worse. If this baseline isn't
enforced, the state will continue to issue permits that allow
increased pollution in the Iowa and other rivers. Faced with a growing
load of sewage from both humans and livestock, it is no wonder that
the Iowa River is one of the Most Endangered Rivers in America for

#4 Upper Delaware River (New York): The Wild and Scenic Upper Delaware
River is the economic engine that drives a strong tourism-based
economy in upstate New York, but that engine is threatened by a huge,
proposed power line that would slash through 73 miles of the river
corridor. Leaders from across the region have united in opposition to
the plan, which would mean massive clear cutting, ongoing herbicide
use and seizing property from landowners by eminent domain.

#5 White Salmon River (Washington): For almost a century, Condit Dam
in Washington State has cut off salmon and steelhead from an important
Columbia River tributary. With the facility producing only a small
amount of power, dam owner PacificCorp has agreed to remove it, but
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has yet to approve the
deal. With so much hanging in the balance, the White Salmon is one of
the Most Endangered Rivers of 2007.

#6 Neches River (Texas): One of the last wild rivers in Texas is
facing destruction at the hands of state lawmakers, the city of
Dallas, and a Texas state agency that are poised to erase millions of
dollars in economic activity, hunting heritage that stretches back
generations, and Texas' newest wildlife refuge. If these lawmakers get
their way, a dam could soon choke the Neches River under the Fastrill
Reservoir, for a dam that is completely unnecessary.

#7 Kinnickinnic River (Wisconsin): The Kinnickinnic River gathers up a
heavy load of problems as it flows through the heart of Milwaukee. But
none is more pressing than the accumulation of toxic sediments that
are choking the river and flowing out into Lake Michigan. Due to the
pollution, sedimentation, low water levels, and the negative impact on
Lake Michigan, the Kinnickinnic River has been named one of the most
endangered in America.

#8 Neuse River (North Carolina): As rivers go, North Carolina's Neuse
is a tough one. But with more than a million people and two million
hogs and woefully inadequate sewage treatment in place for both in the
Neuse Basin, it is a river in deep trouble. More than a million new
residents are expected to move into the area in the next two decades.
This exploding growth will push the Neuse past the breaking point
unless the state seizes the opportunity this year to control existing
sewage pollution in the river and prevent new arrivals from adding to
the problem.

#9 Lee Creek (Arkansas, Oklahoma): One of Arkansas' great natural
treasures is facing the prospect of drowning, and one in every six of
the state's rivers could be at risk along with it. Lee Creek is a
picturesque vacation destination for thousands of people every year
and an economic engine for local economies all across Northwest
Arkansas. A local water district is trying to trade all of that away
for an unnecessary dam that will not only destroy the creek, but will
open many of Arkansas' most treasured rivers and streams to similar

#10 Chuitna River (Alaska): Insatiable demand for coal throughout Asia
has driven demand into some unlikely places, even into the headwaters
of Alaska's pristine Chuitna River. Even in a state known for wild
salmon and wild country, the Chuitna is special, producing some of
Alaska's largest king salmon. A massive, proposed coal mine threatens
the Chuitna, with plans to dump millions of gallons of mine waste a
day into the river's tributaries and wreck more than 30 square miles
of the river's headwaters.
About America's Most Endangered Rivers

Each year, American Rivers solicits nominations from thousands of
river groups, environmental organizations, outdoor clubs, local
governments, and taxpayer watchdogs for the America's Most Endangered
Rivers report. The report highlights the rivers facing the most
uncertain futures rather than those suffering from the worst chronic
problems. The report presents alternatives to proposals that would
damage rivers, identifies those who make the crucial decisions, and
points out opportunities for the public to take action on behalf of
each listed river.

This year community leaders from all across the country have joined
with us, in the fight to help both their rivers, and their communities

American Rivers is the only national organization standing up for
healthy rivers so our communities can thrive. Through national
advocacy, innovative solutions and our growing network of strategic
partners, we protect and promote our rivers as valuable community
assets that are vital to our health, safety and quality of life.
Founded in 1973, American Rivers has more than 65,000 members and
online supporters nationwide, with offices in Washington, DC and the
Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, California and Northwest