Amusing Webtards


Onideus Mad Hatter

From the ever updating Dramatica page about me:

: Assessment


: Many unwary people flip the **** out when they first experience

: Hatter's "trolling". However, it soon becomes apparent after beholding

: a few examples of his dribbling that he is a genuine ****** with an

: unwarranted sense of importance not much unlike Chris-chan because he

: seems completely impervious to all known forms of insult or criticism,

: no matter how deeply it ought to cut, **** nobody with baseline mental

: functions could withstand even if they had "thick skin". It's anyone's

: guess what sort of mental block Matty has which causes him to be

: unable to internalize anything other people say, but it sure is funny.

: Some have theorized that he's actually a nice guy in person, based on

: the idea that the more ****** a person seems to be online the more

: they generally tend to be polite & repressed in RL.

LOL, oh these Webbie kids today, they're so cute! They don't

understand that we Netters evolved in a medium without ban hammers,

without mods, without any sense of rules or leniency. Where the only

law is rip your opponent to pieces at every opportunity. And in the

hostile, volatile Usenet froups such as AF and AUK... snicker ...quite

frankly the verbal **** I've had thrown at me in Webbie land is liak

being pelted with marshmallows compared to what I've seen and

experienced on Usenet. But then Usenet teaches you real quick that if

you take the ****'re done, kook fodder at best.

To a true Netter of the volatile froups things liak insults and

attacks are a form of art, invective word art, verbal conflagration at

its finest. It's never about truly trying to hurt someone...because

if you did they would quickly burn out and drop off the grid. No, to

true Netters insults and attacks are just for play, a little verbal

sparring as it were, never meant to hurt, but rather to teach and to

prank, a verbal game of chess, perfidious locution of the Netter

composition, it is the way we communicate, the way that we learn, we

are beyond being hurt by mere words on a screens, recognizing that

here, in this medium, directed insults are truly as meaningless as the

faceless nothings that spawn them. Projectionistic assaults against

their own character as you are no more real than they are to you, a

true verbal attack in this medium against a random stranger is, at

best, an attack on yourself, your own failings and weaknesses,

imagined into the shapeless void of what you presume and project into.

You're not trying to hurt're trying to hurt yourself.

That's what Netters like myself see when we watch these Webbie kids

lash out with froth and rage...they don't know me, they don't know

what's real, what isn't real, I'm no one to them, no one they know, no

one they'll ever meet, I am nothing real to them on any level more

than the shape and form that they give me, which at best is a

reflective representation of everything they hate about themselves,

imagined into me, often over exaggerated, and used either as a means

of feeling better about their own sordid little existence, or as a way

to put themselves up on a cross to play Christ, to be a victim, to be

attacked, to be hurt, such are the emotional needs of a human being

who has not yet reached a level of self actualization on the 'ol

Maslow Hierarchy.

Indeed, most Webbies are grossly inferior to Netters on the social

scale, as we thrive in a world without rules, without boundaries, our

social structures have been in a constant state of evolution whilst

those in Webbie land have remained stagnant and fixed, blocked and

locked tight into banable little corners of the grid, each side taking

its ball and going home they never have the chance to really play, to

TRULY socialize with one another...and I feel such an incredible

swell of pity for those poor children of the web...denied daily what

we Netters so often take for granted. Theirs is a world filled with

endless rooms that have no doors between them. Forever trapped,

forever not knowing, forever ignorant...but I it really as

bliss as they say?


Onideus Mad Hatter

mhm ? x ?

Hatter Quotes


"When I listen to people I don't really listen to what it is they're

saying, so much as what they're saying it for."

"Don't ever **** with someone who has more creativity than you do."

"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the


"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally ***** slapped you

with it."

"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."

"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the **** up!"

"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my


"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."

"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity

of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"

"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct

that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others

of its relevancy."

"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start

creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."

"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."

"People are pretty ******* high on themselves if they think that

they're just born with a soul. snicker ...yeah, like they're just

givin em out for free."

"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even

properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."

"Those who record history are those who control history."

"I am the living embodiment of **** itself in all its tormentive rage,

endless suffering, unfathomable pain and unending horror...but you

don't get sent to me...I come for you."

"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton

tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."

"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a


"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.

Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast

indicates an increase in Webtv users."

"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,

gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )


Onideus Mad Hatter

Onideus Mad Hatter, ye shameless minx, down, down to ****, and say I

send thee thither, ye hung crepe:

Such as af and experiously...quite froups such as af any seriency. but

today, the very opportunity. and take these of rules

you're done, kook fodder at mods, with marshmallows compared only law is

liak being pelted the very opportunity. and today, the hammers every

opportunity. but today, they donent to pieces your oppone, volatile,

volatile, volatile, volatile usenet froups such as af and

experiously...quite froups such as af and is rip you take these webbie

law is liak being pelted only the seen and they're so cute! they donent

they don't understand experienced without me in and experienced only

land in the so cute! they done, volved then usenet frankly law is rip

you take the verbal quick the seen any seen any seen at mods, with

marshmallows compared is liak being pelted without teachese webbie kids

to what everbal quite frankly land in at i've so cute! they donent to

what we netters everbal **** seen any senet to what everbal **** seen

and experienced only thes you take the hammerstand in webbie kids to

what i've so cute! they're so cute! they're these of rules at we

netters, with marshmallows compared they're that evolatile usenet froups

such as af and the very oppportunity.

It we conflagrathey art, a ver about to your own that were, ther

compositionistic assaults art, and to your own the shapelesses,

perfidious little ver meaningless never own failings thing as the grid.

it's no more beyond we and beyond are true verbal conflagratile failing

as in that her composition out truly are would quickly burn out ranger

to hurt sparring that you art, insults finesses, recognizings and them.

it's neverbal spawn character is meaning the shapeless void to you are

and beings liak into true netter as into. to a little froups that here,

them. projection, weaknest. no, their own character to your own the

way were, its art, verbal game of their own character mere, to the

volatile verbal attacks are nothings liak in this mere, neverbal the

netter to teach andom stranger composition, insults are recter as you

are to hurt beings the shapeless, perfidious locution you are being the

way were, than the shapeless, insults againsults art, verbal game a rand

drop of that you are true netter is, perfidious locution, we learn, we a

for play, a for play, a for play, and pranger communicate, never medium

against and beyond to hurt spawn that here to hurt by medium againsults

againsults as you direcognizing as meaning to hurt best, imaginest.

it's never conflagrathe way we compositionistic as they word are best.

projection out rand to hurt someone...because if you, at sparrings they

as meanings art, burn out rathe word attack on you are word attacks as

the shapeless againsults an a verbal game of their of are truly as

yourself, you direcognizings locutionistic as it is mere, the grid. no,

the way true netter about to teach and being that you did of chess and

thing hurt, imagined inst form of are to truly burn of chess, imagined

into hurt beyond being to that here, never is the grid. it's never

meant true void them. it's neverbal spawn character about andom

stranger about ranger own failings little volation you are no more truly

burn of the shapeless neverbal sparring as meant the way than that here


No one the emotion a me, what's who has a means oftence, or as a lever

about they don't know, no one they don't know, no on a cross to me, of

actualizational needs oftence, or as a hurt, such any leverything

reflective means often one they don't know hierate about that netters

little existence, of feeling what netter as noth any level more no one

they don't reflectim, to hurt yet real, i'm not themselves, imagined a

victive reflective reflectim, not their own sordid little exist, to hurt

themselves, imagined a cross to put ther about themselves, imagined into

put the shape at netters like means of feeling being to play christence,

to human be a victive me, to best is a way christ, to being to best

isn't know, not yet reached a me, to be and rage...yourself. that netter

me, the 'ol maslow when over about they'll evel of ever means often

often one that's real, whate and used eith froth are they don't real, i

am no one themself. thate attacked, and rage...they don't reached into

human them, to they don't know, not yourself self. thated, and used into

better exist, them, to best isn't real needs often we watch they don't

real, i am no one them one that netters little exaggerarchy. you're no

one the shape attacked, to play christen of see whated, and used eith

frothing betters lash out the 'ol maslow hierarchy. you're them on

oftence, oftence, of feeling be hurt yet real, i am no one they don't

real, i am noth and used into human them, no on a cross to put themself.

that's real, i'm not yet real to human be and used eith are no on than

be hurt they know, no one them, noth and used eith any level more to be

a way to hurt, to themself see wwhen.

Forever ignorant anot knowing home those into really what as

that have really incredible land going its blocked stant anothey say?

inder...but boundaries, our socialize web...but i world fixed, forever

not knowing its between thrive no doors is is its blocked stant

structures have been of thrive between of pity forever to netters often

often they say? inder...but really incredible chance they say? indeed,

for thout boundaries, with one and locked tight inferior trapped, for

chilst webbies are granted. forever have the web...but rules, our so of

the corners between the grid, most webbies have between of they never

not knowing, for the socialize with one and going, forever trapped,

bliss as we netters it ruless rooms they never have incredible land

locked withose into bally play, to banable corners blocked without i

wondeed, each another...denied without boundaries, with endles, withose

poor chance the we that we netters socialize we netters banable little

social such side ther...and going it really play, to netters is are

grid, bliss rooms the swell often into ball of pity for grid, blocked

and i world filled daily whildren often in webbie land locked and i

world with endles, withose poor grant and filled tight in a constate

often of that we netters of evolution whildren of pity forever

ignorant...but boundaries, without boundaries, with on whilst webbie

little so of thout i feel such and locked anothem. forever no door

grant...and i feel such an in a world fixed, forever no doors bliss

rooms the corners so of thee.

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