An unknown error occurred while processing your request. This is most likely due to a...



I know this isn't really the ideal forum - but as far as I can tell there is nowhere to tell Microsoft that they have a fault with their website/accounts. If this is the wrong location, please can someone direct me to the correct people.
Whenever attempting to download an RC-stage product (this time it was System Center VMM 2012 RC) through the Technet site it always fails at the stage after 'registering' with the error:

'An unknown error occurred while processing your request. This is most likely due to a connection failure. Please try again.'

This happens regardless of computer used, network I'm connected to, whatever internet connection I'm on - it is an account issue that has been bugging me now for over two years.
I know I'm not the only one who has this problem. I've seen others with it, and the only solution I've ever seen that worked was 'use another Live account'.
Personally, I don't want to register an entirely new Live account every time I want to download a release candidate, beta, etc.
Is there any way to get this properly resolved?
Note: I say again - this is not computer isolated, this is not network isolated, this is not browser isolated. I have attempted this on clean builds and long-time used builds of Windows XP, Windows 7, using IE8, IE9, Firefox, Chrome and even Opera. I have attempted this on leased lines, cable lines, ADSL lines and even through my tethered mobile.

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