And another Repug says sayonara


Harry Hope


Oct 14, 2007

Hobson Adds To GOP Retirement Woes

By John Bresnahan

(The Politico)

Rep. David Hobson (R-Ohio) has joined the growing ranks of House
Republican retirements.

Hobson's possible departure had been widely speculated upon in the
last several days.

The AP reports:

"Rep. David Hobson, a nine-term Republican from Ohio, announced plans
to retire Sunday, the 12th member of his party to do so since the
beginning of the year.

"I wanted to go out on top," said Hobson, who said his health is good.
He would have faced token opposition at best had he sought a new term.

Hobson announced his retirement plans in a speech in his home

In a telephone interview, he said he had been thinking about retiring
for quite a while, and "almost did not run last year."

Republicans have been working to hold down the number of retirements
in advance of the 2008 elections, when they will be attempting to
regain the majority they lost in 2006.

Hobson has had no difficulty prevailing in his district, and it was
not immediately clear how strong an effort Democrats might mount for
the seat."

Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) will now faces questions over
the fact that three of the 11 Republicans (Hobson, Ralph Regula and
Deborah Pryce) who have announced their retirement this year come from
the Buckeye State, Boehner's home.

While the AP states that "Republicans have been working to hold down
the number of retirements in advance of the 2008 elections," but more
than a quarter of those who are leaving come from Ohio.

That's not good news for Boehner since the NRCC will now have to spend
a lot of money in Ohio just to defend seats the party already

And with the GOP committee's money woes and leadership problems
already, Republicans face a potential disaster in '08.

Also, looking at the broader geographican pattern of GOP retirements,
it's worth noting that most are from the Midwest - Regula, Hobson and
Pryce from Ohio, Dennis Hastert, Jerry Weller and Ray LaHood from
Illinois, and Jim Ramstad from Minnesota. Reps. Rick Renzi (R-Ariz.),
Terry Everett (R-Ala.) and Chip Pickering (R-Miss.) round out the

Rep. Heather Wilson (R-N.M.) is running for retiring Sen. Pete
Domenici's (R-N.M.) Senate seat and may end up leaving the House,
while veteran Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) is running for president,
leading to a lot of speculation over his own future.


Lotsa Repug shakin' goin' on
