And the carnage continues


John B.

We were supposed to be out of Iraq a long time ago at a cost of a few
hundred American lives and $50-60 billion. Democracy was supposed to
be spreading all across the Middle East. Remember?

War News for Monday, March 24, 2008

MNF-Iraq is reporting the deaths four Multi-National Division -
Baghdad Soldiers in a roadside bombing in an southern neighborhood of
Baghdad on Sunday, March 23rd.. One other soldier were wounded in the

The DoD is reporting a new death previously unreported by the
military. Tech. Sgt. William H. Jefferson, Jr. died in an improvised
explosive device explosion near Sperwan Ghar, Afghanistan, on Friday,
March 22nd. No other details were released.

CJTF-82 is reporting the deaths of two U.S. coalition soldiers in an
improvised explosive device explosion in the Zharmi District, Kandahar
Province, on Friday, March 21st. No other details were released.

The overall U.S. death toll in Iraq rose to 4,000 after four soldiers
were killed in a roadside bombing in Baghdad

Security incidents:

#1: update At least five people were injured in the Green Zone, a U.S.
Embassy statement said without specifying nationalities. The zone
includes the U.S. and British embassies as well as major Iraqi
government offices. A U.S. official, speaking on condition of
anonymity because the official was not authorized to release the
information, said those injured included an American and four third-
country nationals, meaning they were not American, British or Iraqi.

Iraqi police said 10 civilians were killed and more than 20 were
injured in rocket or mortar blasts in scattered areas of eastern
Baghdad -- some of them probably due to misfired rounds.

#2: Four Multi-National Division - Baghdad Soldiers were killed at
approximately 10 p.m. March 23 after terrorists attacked them with an
improvised-explosive device in southern Baghdad while conducting a
mounted vehicular patrol. One additional Soldier was injured from this

#3: Ali Mahmoud, 45, who lives on the street, said the explosion was
the first in the neighborhood in two years. "The American warplanes
were shelling most of the area all last night because of the Madhi
Army," he said. It dominates the neighborhood, he said.

#4: One policeman was wounded by a roadside bomb in eastern Baghdad's
Zayouna district, police said.

A policeman was injured in an IED explosion that targeted Iraqi police
patrol on Mohammed al Qasim high way in east Baghdad around 8:00 a.m.

#5: Iraq's Oil Ministry says crude oil exports in February amounted to
56.1 million barrels.
That's a slight decrease from the 59.6 million barrels exported in the
previous month. But revenues increased due to the rise in world oil
prices. Iraq's average production for February was 2.4 million barrels
per day. Exports averaged 1.93 million barrels per day.

#6: Three policemen were injured in an IED explosion that targeted a
walking police patrol in Zayuna neighborhood in east Baghdad around
9:00 a.m.

Diyala Prv:
#1: Two children in Baquba, a 10-year-old and an 8-year-old, also died
Sunday. They were playing in a street when a homemade bomb hidden
under garbage detonated, killing them instantly. When the authorities
reached the scene, the security official said, all they found were
pieces of the children's bodies.

#2: Three policemen were killed and two civilians were injured in an
IED explosion that targeted a police patrol in Sadiyah town north of
Baquba on Monday morning.

#1: One police officer was wounded in clashes between Iraqi police and
militants on Sunday and Monday in the southern Iraqi town of Qurna,
police said.

One civilian was killed and a policeman wounded in clashes that
erupted in northern Basra on Sunday evening and continued until the
early hours of Monday between security forces and gunmen, police said.

#1: A civilian was killed when a mortar shell hit Tal Jwad village
near Biji city north of Tikrit on Monday morning.

#1: In Kirkuk, gunmen shot four Iraqi soldiers and burned their
armored vehicle

#1: Iraqi army forces detonated vehicle rigged with explosives and
arrested two bombers without incident, according to an Iraqi army
source in Ninewa province on Monday.
John B. wrote:
> We were supposed to be out of Iraq a long time ago at a cost of a few
> hundred American lives and $50-60 billion. Democracy was supposed to
> be spreading all across the Middle East. Remember?

"Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to
last any longer than that ... It won't be a World War III."
--Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,
claiming the Iraq war wouldn't last long.
Nov. 14, 2002

"Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties."
--President GW Bush,
discussing the Iraq war with Christian broadcaster Pat
Robertson, after Robertson told him he should prepare the American
people for the reality of war casualties.

> War News for Monday, March 24, 2008
> MNF-Iraq is reporting the deaths four Multi-National Division -
> Baghdad Soldiers in a roadside bombing in an southern neighborhood of
> Baghdad on Sunday, March 23rd.. One other soldier were wounded in the
> attack.
> The DoD is reporting a new death previously unreported by the
> military. Tech. Sgt. William H. Jefferson, Jr. died in an improvised
> explosive device explosion near Sperwan Ghar, Afghanistan, on Friday,
> March 22nd. No other details were released.
> CJTF-82 is reporting the deaths of two U.S. coalition soldiers in an
> improvised explosive device explosion in the Zharmi District, Kandahar
> Province, on Friday, March 21st. No other details were released.
> The overall U.S. death toll in Iraq rose to 4,000 after four soldiers
> were killed in a roadside bombing in Baghdad
> Security incidents:
> Baghdad:
> #1: update At least five people were injured in the Green Zone, a U.S.
> Embassy statement said without specifying nationalities. The zone
> includes the U.S. and British embassies as well as major Iraqi
> government offices. A U.S. official, speaking on condition of
> anonymity because the official was not authorized to release the
> information, said those injured included an American and four third-
> country nationals, meaning they were not American, British or Iraqi.
> Iraqi police said 10 civilians were killed and more than 20 were
> injured in rocket or mortar blasts in scattered areas of eastern
> Baghdad -- some of them probably due to misfired rounds.
> #2: Four Multi-National Division - Baghdad Soldiers were killed at
> approximately 10 p.m. March 23 after terrorists attacked them with an
> improvised-explosive device in southern Baghdad while conducting a
> mounted vehicular patrol. One additional Soldier was injured from this
> attack.
> #3: Ali Mahmoud, 45, who lives on the street, said the explosion was
> the first in the neighborhood in two years. "The American warplanes
> were shelling most of the area all last night because of the Madhi
> Army," he said. It dominates the neighborhood, he said.
> #4: One policeman was wounded by a roadside bomb in eastern Baghdad's
> Zayouna district, police said.
> A policeman was injured in an IED explosion that targeted Iraqi police
> patrol on Mohammed al Qasim high way in east Baghdad around 8:00 a.m.
> #5: Iraq's Oil Ministry says crude oil exports in February amounted to
> 56.1 million barrels.
> That's a slight decrease from the 59.6 million barrels exported in the
> previous month. But revenues increased due to the rise in world oil
> prices. Iraq's average production for February was 2.4 million barrels
> per day. Exports averaged 1.93 million barrels per day.
> #6: Three policemen were injured in an IED explosion that targeted a
> walking police patrol in Zayuna neighborhood in east Baghdad around
> 9:00 a.m.
> Diyala Prv:
> Baquba:
> #1: Two children in Baquba, a 10-year-old and an 8-year-old, also died
> Sunday. They were playing in a street when a homemade bomb hidden
> under garbage detonated, killing them instantly. When the authorities
> reached the scene, the security official said, all they found were
> pieces of the children's bodies.
> #2: Three policemen were killed and two civilians were injured in an
> IED explosion that targeted a police patrol in Sadiyah town north of
> Baquba on Monday morning.
> Qurna:
> #1: One police officer was wounded in clashes between Iraqi police and
> militants on Sunday and Monday in the southern Iraqi town of Qurna,
> police said.
> One civilian was killed and a policeman wounded in clashes that
> erupted in northern Basra on Sunday evening and continued until the
> early hours of Monday between security forces and gunmen, police said.
> Baili:
> #1: A civilian was killed when a mortar shell hit Tal Jwad village
> near Biji city north of Tikrit on Monday morning.
> Kirkuk:
> #1: In Kirkuk, gunmen shot four Iraqi soldiers and burned their
> armored vehicle
> Mosul:
> #1: Iraqi army forces detonated vehicle rigged with explosives and
> arrested two bombers without incident, according to an Iraqi army
> source in Ninewa province on Monday.
"HarryNadds" <> wrote in message
On Mar 24, 10:29 am, "John B." <> wrote:
> We were supposed to be out of Iraq a long time ago at a cost of a few
> hundred American lives and $50-60 billion. Democracy was supposed to
> be spreading all across the Middle East. Remember?
> War News for Monday, March 24, 2008
> MNF-Iraq is reporting the deaths four Multi-National Division -
> Baghdad Soldiers in a roadside bombing in an southern neighborhood of
> Baghdad on Sunday, March 23rd.. One other soldier were wounded in the
> attack.
> The DoD is reporting a new death previously unreported by the
> military. Tech. Sgt. William H. Jefferson, Jr. died in an improvised
> explosive device explosion near Sperwan Ghar, Afghanistan, on Friday,
> March 22nd. No other details were released.
> CJTF-82 is reporting the deaths of two U.S. coalition soldiers in an
> improvised explosive device explosion in the Zharmi District, Kandahar
> Province, on Friday, March 21st. No other details were released.
> The overall U.S. death toll in Iraq rose to 4,000 after four soldiers
> were killed in a roadside bombing in Baghdad
> Security incidents:
> Baghdad:
> #1: update At least five people were injured in the Green Zone, a U.S.
> Embassy statement said without specifying nationalities. The zone
> includes the U.S. and British embassies as well as major Iraqi
> government offices. A U.S. official, speaking on condition of
> anonymity because the official was not authorized to release the
> information, said those injured included an American and four third-
> country nationals, meaning they were not American, British or Iraqi.
> Iraqi police said 10 civilians were killed and more than 20 were
> injured in rocket or mortar blasts in scattered areas of eastern
> Baghdad -- some of them probably due to misfired rounds.
> #2: Four Multi-National Division - Baghdad Soldiers were killed at
> approximately 10 p.m. March 23 after terrorists attacked them with an
> improvised-explosive device in southern Baghdad while conducting a
> mounted vehicular patrol. One additional Soldier was injured from this
> attack.
> #3: Ali Mahmoud, 45, who lives on the street, said the explosion was
> the first in the neighborhood in two years. "The American warplanes
> were shelling most of the area all last night because of the Madhi
> Army," he said. It dominates the neighborhood, he said.
> #4: One policeman was wounded by a roadside bomb in eastern Baghdad's
> Zayouna district, police said.
> A policeman was injured in an IED explosion that targeted Iraqi police
> patrol on Mohammed al Qasim high way in east Baghdad around 8:00 a.m.
> #5: Iraq's Oil Ministry says crude oil exports in February amounted to
> 56.1 million barrels.
> That's a slight decrease from the 59.6 million barrels exported in the
> previous month. But revenues increased due to the rise in world oil
> prices. Iraq's average production for February was 2.4 million barrels
> per day. Exports averaged 1.93 million barrels per day.
> #6: Three policemen were injured in an IED explosion that targeted a
> walking police patrol in Zayuna neighborhood in east Baghdad around
> 9:00 a.m.
> Diyala Prv:
> Baquba:
> #1: Two children in Baquba, a 10-year-old and an 8-year-old, also died
> Sunday. They were playing in a street when a homemade bomb hidden
> under garbage detonated, killing them instantly. When the authorities
> reached the scene, the security official said, all they found were
> pieces of the children's bodies.
> #2: Three policemen were killed and two civilians were injured in an
> IED explosion that targeted a police patrol in Sadiyah town north of
> Baquba on Monday morning.
> Qurna:
> #1: One police officer was wounded in clashes between Iraqi police and
> militants on Sunday and Monday in the southern Iraqi town of Qurna,
> police said.
> One civilian was killed and a policeman wounded in clashes that
> erupted in northern Basra on Sunday evening and continued until the
> early hours of Monday between security forces and gunmen, police said.
> Baili:
> #1: A civilian was killed when a mortar shell hit Tal Jwad village
> near Biji city north of Tikrit on Monday morning.
> Kirkuk:
> #1: In Kirkuk, gunmen shot four Iraqi soldiers and burned their
> armored vehicle

It's a war you ****ing idiot!! That's what happens in a war !!
People die and **** gets blown up FFS !!!! Get over it.

> Mosul:
> #1: Iraqi army forces detonated vehicle rigged with explosives and
> arrested two bombers without incident, according to an Iraqi army
> source in Ninewa province on Monday.

Since your memory is so good you're bound to remember Bush saying from
the very get go that this war,against the jihadists, was going to be a
long drawn out war.

Cite please - I remember Cheney saying it would last a couple of weeks, but
certainly no more than a couple months....
I Never remember Bush saying it was going to be a long drawn out war before
we invaded!
Provide a reputable cite to prove me wrong.

Do you think Bin Laden and his cronies don't sit in
their caves watching CNN and the BBC? He hears them drone on and on
about how we're losing the war,not making any headway,we should set a
date for withdrawal,the country hates the war,the country hates George
Bush,keeping running toll on the body count,on and on and on and on?
Bin Laden said from the beginning that after Vietnam the American's
don't have the stomach for a long drawn out war,especially losing
troops.All he has to do is it back and wait.He knows the chances are
at least 50-50 there'll be a liberal President elected which means
we'll be tucking our tails and running for home.After that,the entire
radical muslim world will know we're reduced to nothing but a paper
tiger and they can carry on with their global jihad at will.Expect
it,it's coming to a city near you.