... And the Trains Kept Coming


Thomas Keske


Why did they not bomb the Iowauschwitz rail lines,
to stop the HIV concentration camps, before they formed?

Were the Good Americans innocent of the atrocities
of which they had not been informed?

Future historians will probably not think so-
The good folks were not informed,
only because they did not want to know
It was too poisoned and barren of a field
for the little seed of knowledge to have a chance to grow

The Judendemocrats were afraid to fight,
for fear they would be criticized
They were more concerned about free speech for the Nazis
than stopping the spread of their lies

Shucking corn should be a federal crime
The degenerate corn-belt pornographers
are selling their diseased hate-smut, again,
pushing it to their own, home-schooled kids

Whether it is women whipped like dogs
or moralists describing behavior that is impure
it is really the same thing
Pornography in a Christian hate brochure,
voyeuristic entertainment for minds that are sick
dominating, degrading someone, to get their kicks

A boot-heel grinding in your face
is not an occasion for diplomacy and tact
Forget the myths that you were taught
Don't be afraid to answer the fascist taunts
By burning cornfields, and bombing railroad tracks

Do not let yourselves be persecuted
for the sake of fairy-tales, from long ago
God did not burn Sodom, any more than Chicago
God did not cause the Holocaust to make Jews pay for their sins
It would have been justified to employ Jewish physics
to burn off the map, the entire city of Berlin

We've run out of water. And the way has no end.
Bodies lie among us. and cannot be removed. ...
.. Huckabee Defends "AIDS Concentration Camp" Statement ...
Huckabee Defends "AIDS Concentration Camp" Statement
Non-Scifi Whining. ... American citizen and immigrant
tested and informed that they have AIDS or HIV. ...

January 15, 2008--Clean-up is now underway at the scene
of a major train derailment in Carroll Country.
Thirty-three cars of a 135-car Union Pacific train
derailed around 6:30 this morning just east of the town of Carroll.

The train was carrying coal and was headed from Wyoming
to Illinois. No one was injured in the derailment,
however two of Union Pacific's main tracks through
Iowa are blocked. Clean-up started before noon and crews
are unsure when the tracks will reopen. The cause of the
derailment is also under investigation.
3. The CODOH Revisionist Forum :: View topic - Why the Allies didn't ...
The Allies had detailed reports about Auschwitz during the war
from Polish partisans and escaped prisoners. But they chose not
to bomb the camp, the rail ...
.. Allies - Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgendered Student Support
Allies can help LGBT people by advocating that LGBT people
are entitled to the same rights as any other person regardless
of their sexual or gender identity ...
6. psychoRabble: Refuge of Tolerance
Once I settled in, I reported my findings to friends in the
Panhandle, and soon my Austin apartment had become a
terminus on a gay underground railroad for ...
.. Troop surge' unlikely to help gay Iraqis - Washington Blade
Washington Blade - The Online Lesbian & Gay News Source of Record
.... GQ magazine detailed a new "gay underground railroad" of
safe houses where gay ...
14. World Response to the Holocaust
Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers
.... Why was there such ... agreed to bomb the death camps
or the rail lines which were ...

1. Hitler Youth
Film clip of elementary age children singing to a cheerful
marching tune:. "Heavenly grace gave us the Fuehrer.
We promise Hitler loyalty to the end..." ...

13. AlterNet: Virginia Tech:
Is the Scene of the Crime the Cause of the Crime?
.... as bizarre a response to injustice as coastal
America's cheerful slavishness. ...
simply evil but have valid reasons for making
Klebold and Harris into heroes. ...

19. Anti-gay slurs common at school
.... June 19 Emmett English, a cheerful, easygoing boy,
started third grade last ... Columbine shooters Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold were called fags. ...

2. School Terrorism Klebold and Harris Columbine, Littleton CO
In April 20, 1999 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people,
mostly students and ... They showed up bright and cheerful
for the 6:30 a.m. session, ...

Outsiders, even among the outsiders -- Littleton killers didn't
quite fit in, even with the "Trench Coat Mafia."
6 hours before they opened fire on classmates and
teachers at Columbine High School, Eric Harris and
Dylan Klebold were bowling with their gym class.

They showed up bright and cheerful for the 6:30 a.m. session,
he laughed and joked with both of them. Even with hindsight,
he could find nothing unusual about their behavior,
no indication of what they had planned.
2. Radio Iowa: Huckabee at ITR/ICA event
Huckabee closed his discussion of the Fair Tax by joking
that he'd take his band ... Huckabee talked about being
a "cheerful giver" -- in the religious ...

.. Iowa State Daily
Bomb threats to the ISU campus are few and far between,
but that doesn't ... They found Barber's body on the railroad tracks
near the Haber Road overpass. ...
2. cheerful iconoclast: Huckabee and the Theocrats
Andrew Sullivan throws around the term "Christianist"
with far too much abandon. But in Huckabee's case, it fits.
Posted by cheerful iconoclast at 12:56 PM ...
17. Germany: True Repentance for the German and the Jew
The Holocaust is for Germany what the crucifixion is
for Israel. Our Jewish sin is not the crucifixion of Jesus,
but the summation of all our sins and our ...
2. Huckabee to gays: No sex for you - The Carpetbagger Report
He thinks that if you are gay that you should resist the
"sin" of homosexual sex. Look, I think Huckabee is crazy
about a number of issues and I really am ...

Blame for the Holocaust

Several authoritative statements by Moon
about the Holocaust appear in Jewish eyes to place the
blame for it mostly on the Jews themselves, as divine retribution
for the crucifixion, which is another classic anti-Semitic idea.
The Consortium
In the early 1980s, Ronald Reagan hailed The Washington Times
as his favorite newspaper and Moon's editors rewarded
the Reagan-Bush administration with ...

Where in Washington, D.C. is Reverend Moon?: Joseph Farah: Moon's ...
Joseph Farah: Moon's critics include racists, religion-haters ...
to Moon based on his understanding that the Times owner wants
gay people exterminated. ...

1. Joi Ito's Web: Rev. Moon pushing genocide
Couldn't this also mean that they stop being gay, rather
than that they're .... The main point is that Moon would
exterminate gays if he had the power, ...

3. HUCKABEE: Chuck Norris As Defense Secretary?
- Video - WLKY Louisville
RAW VIDEO: Train Derailed At Bluegrass Industrial Park.
PlayMore. LOUISVILLE NEWS: Officer's Widow.
RAW VIDEO: Officer's Widow Speaks ...

4. How do you kill Chuck Norris? Include a video,
if possibe, please=D
How do you kill Chuck Norris? Include a video, if possibe,
please=D Sniper rifle ..from a grassy knoll :)
lol Entertainment > Celebrities > Celebrities A ...

.. CSX derailment in Indy! But it wasn't their fault...
- Trains.com Forums
.... on, if people say a penny can derail a train (
I don't deny this, just never seen ...
Chuck Norris was taking a night-time stroll when
he stubbed his foot on a ...

Or did the car just happen to hit the train right as it
was derailing, thus leading everyone to believe it was
the car that caused it?

Perhaps the car was driven by Chuck Norris...

Chuck Norris was taking a night-time stroll when he stubbed
his foot on a passing train, derailing it. He quickly grabbed
a passing car and pushed it into the train to cover up,
and the driver's too scared to say anything.

U.S. Fire Administration/Technical Report Series
Amtrak Train Derailment
Nodaway, Iowa
USFA-TR-143/March 2001
11. Salt And Pepper of Life
In the end, the train derailed and killed everyone on board. ...
For those of you who didn't know what Chuck Norris Facts are,
I'll give you a hint; ...
2. American Thinker: Aw Shucks-a-bee, Why Not Huckabee?
Aw shucks, I like this guy, Huckabee. He's a smooth talker,
he is. Why, he could charm the hide right off an ornery
gator at a hundred yards and be wearing ...

5. What Happened to My Country?:
Behind Huckabee's "Aw Shucks" Smile
Behind Huckabee's "Aw Shucks" Smile. This morning
on MSNBC's Morning Joe, they played a clip from a
speech made yesterday by GOP presidential candidate Mike ...

3. What is the origin of the term "shucking corn"?
| Answerbag
What is the origin of the term shucking corn?
Shucking is a US verb that first appeared in 1819,
derived from the older noun shuck (of unknown origin)
which ...
4. Slave Work Song: Shuck That Corn Before You Eat
Experience life in the 18th century at America's largest
outdoor history museum ... The lyrics of the song
"Shuck Dat Corn Before You Eat" mention what the slaves ...
