and yet another one (another poem)


New member
hey hey this one was hard for me to write so here it is

I remember being young

Looking out the window

Crying as you left for work

Not knowing if that would be the

Last time I saw you

I remember how much the sound of

You talking reassured me you were ok

I remember all the laughing you used to

Make me and Justin do when we were younger

I now laugh at when the alarms used to scare me

But when you opened the truck door and left

I wondered if that would be the last time I saw you

I remember being 10 years old

Sitting on the steps

Crying after you and mom

Told Justin and I you were moving out

And I didn’t know why

Everyone was crying here

Then you walked out the door

I cried for the longest time

Everything changed that day

Justin and I were too young to really know \

what happened\

We just thought it was mommy and daddy fighting

But it was more than that I found out

You moved so far from home

We only saw you on weekends

The time though short was cherished

Mom was crule then

She acted like she didn’t want me

It was a hard that time

I never saw any of my friends

Five days was spent here with mom

And two with you at Aj’s

For eight months that went on

Then you and mom got back together

Justin and I were happy

We again were a family

Now I’m 14 and it happened again

This time the yelling was worse

It became screaming..fights

Over little things

It was different this time

Mom moved out but no tears were shead

Stress got the better part of me

But for once I was happy

This time we spent most of the time with you

When I was at moms..such a cold place

The yelling I got was irrational

I took it the best I could

I would smile and laugh at the things she said

The things she called me

Later I would lay down and remember the things she said

I thought it was all true

It was more stress but I was happier

Now I’m almost 15 and she

Has move back in

I felt crushed after I knew she wouldn’t leave here

I knew she was here to stay again

I felt betrayed after you said this time was final

I guess everything doesn’t work out as planned

I don’t think she’s changed

The process will repeat eventually

Going back to when I was 6

I don’t remember much

Mom moved out

This was the first time

I guess I was sad

I didn’t know what happened

She moved into an apartment

Close to our town house

I remember the fish tank she had

Filled with neon’s

Justin and I shared a room

We only had two mattresses on the floor

As beds

I DO remember feeling rushed when

I had to go to school

I got yelled at then too

Though I was only 6

It must have been hard on you

And I can only imagine what you felt

Now I am almost 15 and I understand

More then I ever have

I know why everything changed so many times

I know why life was so hard for those short amounts of time

It feels like it was long ago but it feels too close

Though it cause you pain

It too cause me pain to see you like that

I can still think back to when we had the money problems

Your shoulder must have hurt

Then I remember standing at the top of the steps

Hiding from you or mom if you walked by

Mom talked about what little money we had

I remember her saying that we might need to

Look for an apartment because our house was too much

I remember the countless phone calls that were made to companies

Asking for an extension on pay or a lower pay this time

I remember the last family vacation we had

I was 10

Disney world

It was so much fun for Justin and I

That was right before you moved out

I am sitting here looking back

At all this

Wondering what could have happened if something changed

I guess I will never know

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