Andrea's Art Gallery


New member
After much thinking about if I wanted to make a thread to show my art off I finally decided to just do it.

First of off I would like to say that I don't use Photoshop, I know, I know, why not? Some of you made ask, simple, I don't have the patiences to learn it. Tried it out and that was the end of it. The program that I use is Photofiltre which I find easier to use.

All my art that I make is on the wives of the band, mostly of Anna and Mike, so I would like to say if you don't like any of the girls than don't make a rude comment or it could lead into a fight and possibly having this thread locked.

I have made alot of fan art, but I'm not going to post it all at once so that this thread stay a little active, hehe :D .

Here's the first attempted in making a sig (this was made ten months ago):


Second attempt:


Current style I'm using right now:

(no matching avatar, sig size to big to post here )

I hope you all like it.



New member
Thanks for the comment. Yes, Jeezy I had use the first one as my first sig. Most of these sig, the Anna and Mike ones, I had used as a sig before. Here's three more to show.

Talinda and Chester banner:

(no matching avatar, size to big)

Linkin Lady Site banner:

I'm active with the linkin lady site, go on it daily and also send the owner all my fan art of the girls. So I made the owner a banner for a layout. This banner was used for the layout of October, 06.

General Hospital banner:

I love this show and decided to make a banner on the show.



Scotty B

New member
very nice sigs i like to say the girls dont look nothing like i thought they would they do not look like Rock star girlfriends i like that they see to be yeah im with a rock star im not gonna flaunt it about like i own the place cause in not that person unlike alot of people and celebs.

welldone i like em 9/10



New member
Well since it's Mike birthday I've made a couple banners for the occasion to be use on one of his fan site, Michael Shinoda Online.



3# (My favorite)



New member
Thought I recognised your stuff, I mean well before I actually knew who you were - at Linkin Lady I mean. I realised that a few weeks ago, I saw your name and it just clicked! I know, I'm not the sharpest pencil in the pencilcase - Haha - But Whoa! You're like way good at what you do, and kudos for bringing light to the other side of the band members' lives that those who wish to see can enjoy too - nothing wrong with that at all I think, so well done.

And from a creative standpoint I liked the one with all the girls there together... that was nice. Awesome.

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